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Free Dr Reiner Fuellmich


 EUR €100,000


 EUR €27,330

Campaign created by Gisela Pelzer

Campaign funds will be received by Gisela Pelzer

Free Dr Reiner Fuellmich

**English** is urgently seeking donations for Dr. Reiner Fuellmich following his unwarranted extradition from Mexico to Germany and forced detention in Göttingen, in order to support him in all necessary matters. Funds will be used to alleviate the overall situation that is affecting Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and his family who are in a extremely precarious financial situation and will provide adequate resources for Dr. Reiner Fuellmich to be able to defend himself and expedite his release.

In the event of Dr. Reiner Fuellmichs' release, any unused proceeds will be made available to to continue's work in accordance with its mission statement and objectives.

On behalf of ICIC and Dr Reiner Fuellmich, we thank you for your support and donations !

Gisela Pelzer |

**German** bittet dringend um Spenden, um Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, nach seiner ungerechtfertigten Ausweisung von Mexiko nach Deutschland und seiner erzwungenen Inhaftierung in Göttingen, in allen erforderliche Dingen zu unterstützen. Die Gelder werden verwendet, um die Gesamtsituation von Dr. Reiner Fuellmich und seiner Familie zu erleichtern, die sich in einer äußerst prekären finanzielle Lage befinden, und um Dr. Reiner Fuellmich ausreichende Mittel zur Verfügung zu stellen, damit er sich verteidigen und seine Freilassung beschleunigen kann.

Im Falle der Freilassung von Dr. Reiner Fuellmich werden alle nicht verbrauchten Erlöse zur Verfügung gestellt, um die Arbeit von gemäß seiner Aufgabenstellung und Ziele fortzusetzen.

Im Namen von ICIC und Dr. Reiner Fuellmich danken wir Ihnen für Ihre Unterstützung und Spenden!

Gisela Pelzer |

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
€ 100.00 EUR
1 day ago

Silvio Bernhardt
€ 10.00 EUR
4 days ago

Fuer Gerechtigkeit und Freiheit !

John Williams
€ 10.00 EUR
5 days ago

Anonymous Giver
€ 20.00 EUR
9 days ago

Blessings, support, protection, freedom for Dr. Reiner Fuellmich.

Mary Tillberg
€ 5.00 EUR
10 days ago

Anonymous Giver
€ 20.00 EUR
13 days ago

Anonymous Giver
€ 200.00 EUR
15 days ago

God bless.

Anonymous Giver
€ 500.00 EUR
15 days ago

Danke sehr
€ 50.00 EUR
20 days ago

God bless you.

Anonymous Giver
€ 10.00 EUR
22 days ago

Anonymous Giver
€ 100.00 EUR
23 days ago

Anonymous Giver
€ 10.00 EUR
23 days ago

€ 95.00 EUR
24 days ago

Thankyou Reiner. This world might not apreciate your efforts but we do

Anonymous Giver
€ 50.00 EUR
25 days ago

Continuing to keep Reiner and his family in my prayers every day until he is released. May God protect and comfort them knowing others care. Dr. Fuellmich is one heroic angel!

€ 100.00 EUR
26 days ago

Dont worry Reinner. We are all being tested and watched. This is a great opportunity for your soul growth.

Anonymous Giver
€ 200.00 EUR
1 month ago

Charles-Louis LAMING
€ 55.00 EUR
1 month ago

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free".

John Williams
€ 10.00 EUR
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
€ 100.00 EUR
1 month ago

Stay strong Reiner! We are waiting for you! Love, Seba

€ 100.00 EUR
1 month ago

Merci pour ce que vous faites.


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