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Rare Synucleinopathy Treatment


 USD $150,000

Campaign created by Kate

Campaign funds will be received by Razi Berry

Rare Synucleinopathy Treatment

After being misdiagnosed for over two years, and undergoing intensive diagnosis and treatments out of pocket for a mysterious debilitating neurological condition Razi’s condition worsened. What started with muscle twitching dizziness and vision disturbances grew to convulsions,fasciculations, heart rate changes and weakness. Then swallowing and digestion issues. Various clinics and hospital stays did not yield definitive answers. One treatment resulted in blood clot from her neck down her right arm. Treatments weren’t working…then she underwent a biopsy for a rare condition. 

 Bedridden for nearly three years since symptoms appeared her muscles, nerves, vision, mobility, swallowing and limb weakness are affected, she was finally diagnosed with a rare synucleinopathy- via biopsy.

Prior to this she was an active mother homeschooler entrepreneur, publisher, speaker and activist. To know Razi is to know her soft spoken manner, her steadfast stance for freedom and liberty, and her love of making people laugh and feel seen.  First and foremost motherhood was her proudest calling. 

 Razi had to close her business of 18 years due to decline in nervous system function, leaving her unable to perform daily tasks. Although confined to the bed due to weakness, autonomic and mobility issues, we are grateful that her voice is strong as is her will to fight! This uncertainty has been devastating for her and her girls. 
A single mother of two daughters, they have a lot to fight for. With this rare diagnosis the doctor recommends stem cell and neuro immune treatments. There are no guarantees of healing with the treatment but if you feel led to give, you will join in our hope that miracles can happen. 
Funds will go toward a nurse advocate, transport and treatment to inpatient center for an initial two week inpatient stay for treatment when goals are met, and to ease the financial burden the illness has brought to her and her daughters. 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
3 days ago

I'll just go donate to your cause.

3 days ago

3 days ago

Just a contribution. Sorry I came in late to the space. :)

3 days ago

You got this!

Carrie Harris
3 days ago

Try Everything even if it sounds wild

3 days ago

Thank you for hosting the X spaces today. Keep going! 💚

Anonymous Giver
3 days ago

Cool idea for a fundraising raffle! Lets reach this goal!

Anonymous Giver
3 days ago

God Bless You!

Anonymous Giver
7 days ago

Get Well and Keep Going !

Anonymous Giver
7 days ago

God bless you!

Anonymous Giver
7 days ago

I like her

10 days ago

Sending love and prayers.

Anonymous Giver
10 days ago

Matthew Eve
11 days ago


Anonymous Giver
11 days ago

A Texan Egg
11 days ago

Paula matching 10

Anonymous Giver
11 days ago

11 days ago

Love You!

11 days ago

Giving per Paula’s challenge

Anonymous Giver
11 days ago


Update #9

March 22nd, 2024


Patrick Byrne, former CEO of Overstock .com has announced he will match $5000 in donations made through this weekend to help meet our goal. This is an amazing blessing! And a sign of hope! Let’s make this happen! 

Thank you for your kindness, prayers and. generosity. 

If you do not wish to use give send go you may donate securely through this link$RaziBerry

Donate through give send go or this CashApp link

Update #8

February 28th, 2024

Razi is 1/3 of the way to the goal to get treatment. Synucleinopathies affect the central and autonomic nervous system and every organ and body system is affected- vision digestion movement etc. Please share this fund in a hopeful push to get her and her girls the opportunity for relief through this treatment. 

The prior update has a beautiful article written about her that you can share as well  

We are God’s hands  

Update #7

February 26th, 2024

Important Update #6

February 18th, 2024

Synucleinopathies are rare, cruel, hard to diagnose slow killers. They attack your central and autonomic nervous systems affecting every single body system in cruel and painful fashion. They are theives.   

We are not close to our goal.  Pray for victory against this. Share our hope. Here is a beautiful article written by attorney Paul Ingrassia to enjoy and share. God bless you

Update #5

February 18th, 2024

Synucleinopathy syndromes are rare hard to diagnose slow killers that attack both the central and autonomic nervous systems, affecting every body system. 

Please share this opportunity to help Razi and thank you for the support you’ve given so generously. *We are not close to our goal.* Please pray  

Please read this beautiful article by Attorney Paul Ingrassia to learn more

Update #4

January 19th, 2024

Many have asked how to support with CashApp instead of this platform. You can go to$RaziBerry

Please continue to pray and share this link so that we reach the next milestone of $20,000 more to get started with treatment. 

Update #3

December 1st, 2023

We are almost 20% toward the 100k goal needed to get Razi two weeks inpatient care, transport to the clinic in Mexico, and the nurse companion/ advocate the clinic requires plus follow up care. She has had an increase in seizures and a new symptom of throat/ esophageal cramping so we keep our hearts set on the goal. Thank you to those who have so generously given! Keep Razi and her girls in your prayers! 
Update #2

November 11th, 2023

Thank you to everyone who has helped so generously so far. We are almost at 10% of our goal which if met will go towards a nurse advocate, transport to facility and first two week ( 12 day) stay and treatment. It will also ease the financial burden for her and her daughters. Thank you for your prayers! The most difficult part right now aside from weakness is the constant dizziness and painful convulsions that she experiences mostly throughout the night. 

Update #1

November 5th, 2023

Thank you for those that have donated so generously! We have long way to go to get Razi scheduled for treatment and to make transport arrangements as well as a nurse companion/ nurse advocate. Keep sharing the link and sending up your prayers. 

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