USD $10,000
USD $165
Campaign funds will be received by Loren Bebee
As most of us are realizing, the state of the economy is getting progressively worse. Prices are increasing for everyday needs, and availability of help to make ends meet are becoming more scarce and more difficult to be eligible for. This is the situation that has brought us to creating this campaign. Dad has been receiving a monthly social security check to pay for needs. However, with the cost of medical insurance and necessary medications increasing, the amount has proven insufficient for basic survival. Our main goal is to get the apartment over the shop completed so that Dad can finally move in. It is so close to completion but the money just isn't here to bring it over the finish line and make it livable. Once he is able to move in, he will be eligible for help from Medicaid. The current situation of Dad, Sean, and Pam all living in the same residence prevents him from being eligible for the much needed assistance. Additionally, it creates a financial and emotional strain on everyone involved.
Family has been helping with materials and labor whenever its been possible to do so. Due to Dad's health, his hip replacement surgery and the quadruple bypass open heart surgery, he has been much more limited in what he is able to work on himself. The majority of this project has been completed with surplus building supplies, donated time, and finding great deals on marketplace or craigslist. The estimated costs of the remaining needs are based off of this thrifty building ability. Here are a few of the specifics needed and their estimated cost:
-1000sq ft of flooring $3000-$4000
-Dishwasher and stove $500-$1000
-Electric motor for elevator lift $300-$400
-Other parts for lift $250-$350
There are other needs that we have not yet found deals on, such as: insulation for the floor, window blinds for 8 windows, and a few fixtures.
As you can see, there really isn't too much more that needs to be done in order to completely change the reality that Dad is currently finding himself in. To be able to have a space of his own, to be eligible for the financial assistance he needs, and to have the security of home would be absolutely life changing.
Thank you.
December 4th, 2024
Greetings to all who see this!
As the cold Montana winter begins to set in I want to update everyone on the status of Dad’s housing and health. The past months have been full of both challenges and victories. As progress has been made on Dad’s apartment, there have also been setbacks due to health problems and the funds needed to cover both areas.
The recent diagnosis of stage 4 kidney failure and subsequent bouts of sickness have slowed Dad down a bit. His doctors are saying that what they are doing is trying to manage the symptoms as best as they can to keep him out of the hospital. Even through all of this, he keeps pushing along to work on his apartment to make it ready to live in. It’s getting so close! The floors are nearly complete but there is an about $1000 stilled owed on the materials. Once that is taken care of we need to find window coverings to help maintain the heat, and also get the backup heating installed, along with the floor/ceiling insulation. Heat isn’t something mess around with when the winters can get so bitterly cold. Along with the aforementioned projects, there’s also the downstairs entry area and the elevator to keep in consideration. It would be such a huge blessing to be able to knock out the entire list so Dad can live comfortably and focus more on his health.
I know it sounds like a lot that needs to be accomplished, but it truly is so close! The biggest obstacle we’re facing now is being able to complete the space without incurring any more debt. With Dad’s health the way it is and the challenges he’s facing daily, the stress of financial burdens in regard to his dwelling needs to be avoided as much as possible. We really just want to see him moved in and comfortable.
Please consider in this time of thankfulness and giving to be a part of the blessing that will make such a huge difference in Dad’s life. We all appreciate the help so much!
-Liberty Ann
November 20th, 2023
Hello Everyone! Since we first started this campaign for Dad quite a bit has transpired. Just a few days after publishing the site Dad found himself admitted to the hospital with acute pneumonia. It was a pretty serious case and he stayed multiple nights to receive IV antibiotics, oxygen, and to be monitored both day and night. Needless to say, he didn't get much rest the entire time he was there. The hospital staff was great however, and did their best to keep him as comfortable as possible and even learned how he liked his coffee (it's the little things that make a difference sometimes!)
Since the health scare, Dad has made a pretty amazing recovery, especially considering how bad it looked going into the situation. He's back in his own bed, doesn't need to be attached to an oxygen tank, and has begun working on the apartment again. Another amazing blessing is that he now has the appliances needed for his kitchen! Now we just need to focus on getting the insulation and such done so he can get the flooring down.
We appreciate so much the continued prayers for Dad's health as well as a release of finances so that he can get into his own space as soon as possible.
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