USD $25,000
USD $5,460
Campaign funds will be received by Janell Deguzman
Hey friends and fam,
as a way to centralize giving towards our adoption we have started a Give Send Go.
Cameron and I are at the very beginning of a journey we feel deeply called to… and that is….. ADOPTION! Honestly it feels a little frightening even sharing this with you as we know the adoption journey is so unique and can be full of twists and turns. Not to mention the financial aspect can be very daunting.
I (Janell) have always felt from a young age that adoption would be apart of my story. Throughout my many travels something became very evident to me- the importance of family. I grew up feeling safe, knowing I was loved and knowing my family would always be by my side for encouragement.
I also knew I wanted a big family. Bringing Remiah into the world was by far one of the hardest seasons I have walked through as it was full of physical and emotional pain. Hyperemisis Gravidarum was my diagnosis around week 10. I ended up loosing 29 lbs and was in and out of hospital to receive proper care. This lasted my entire pregnancy. I thankfully had an amazing support system in my mom and husband who were essentially my caretakers for the 8 months I walked through my pregnancy. I could go into much more detail, but that is not the focus of this post.
As Remiah entered the world I felt deep grief at the thought of not being able to have the big family I had always envisioned. Then the Lord began to remind me of adoption once again.
I know a handful of people who have adopted, all with different stories, backgrounds and journeys.
Each unique and beautiful.
Now there is restoration and redemption in Christ- He makes all things new and beautiful. He heals our deepest wounds and fills our hearts with joy. I don’t have a GRAND reason as to why Cameron and I feel the calling to adopt, other than the fact that we feel The Lord has placed it in our hearts.
I (Cameron) grew up with just my mom and little brother. My dad was never apart of my life, so mom essentially played both roles. I always dreamed of having a large family of my own. A safe space for children to be raised and know they are loved unconditionally by both a mom and dad. As I stepped into the roll of being a father, raising children to know who God is and understand His love for them has become a personal calling on my life. As Janell shared her dream of adoption with me I quickly grabbed hold of her dream and it soon became our dream. Adoption to me means love. We don’t know what this journey of adoption looks like, but we are open to however the Lord leads. As Janell said in the start of this post we’re in the very beginning process.
We are stepping into this decision, full of faith and excitement as to how God is going to move! We're not sure of timing, but believe God is in the middle of it all.
XoXooo The Deguzmans
Love you both! Thank you for the fun photo session!!
Thank you for blessing us! Praying for this journey for you!
We love you guys! Thank you for always capturing our family so beautifully!
Thank you! Loveeee
Thanks again for a wonderful and fun photo session!!! So happy for your future family!
Proud to help support this amazing adventure in your lives! ❤️❤️❤️
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