Help Family of J6 Prisoner Isaac Sturgeon

Campaign created by Mary Sturgeon

Campaign funds will be received by Mary Sturgeon

Help Family of J6 Prisoner Isaac Sturgeon

Our son, Isaac Sturgeon, went alone to the Trump rally on January 6.  Traveling from our town in Montana, he was excited to attend this rally at the U.S. Capitol.  Isaac was walking by the Capitol with the crowd and stopped when he came to a police barricade.  He expressed his appreciation to the police who were there.  Standing quietly with his hands in his pockets, commotion began around him.  The barricade was pushed, causing the crowd to fall down the stairs.  He had to put his hands out to protect himself from injury, thereby touching the barricade.  He was charged because of this incident.   As a result, his life, his business, and our lives are terribly changed.

My name is Mary Sturgeon, my husband is Steve, and our hearts are broken because of what this corrupt government is doing to our beloved son.  Our two daughters and their husbands are crushed.   After being offered a plea deal that he could not with integrity accept, Isaac was found guilty (of being a conservative) on all counts.  He stood firm, and he is being punished for standing for truth.

He is my hero.

Now, I must add new words to my vocabulary:   Felon.  Prison.   When I saw the judge at the sham trial taking catnaps, I knew the outcome was already determined.   The charges are bogus and the evidence was twisted during the trial.

*He has no criminal record.

*He did not hurt anyone.

*He did not bring a weapon or wear riot gear.

*He did not break or vandalize anything.

Isaac never entered, nor attempted to enter the Capitol building.

He is a calm, steady young man whose life is about to be horribly changed.   On Tuesday, September 27, 2023 he was sentenced to 72 months of incarceration in a federal penitentiary.   SIX years.   *He will enter the Elkton Federal Correction Institution in Ohio on January 4, 2024.*   We are heartbroken.  We want this nightmare to be over.  In a very few weeks, our lives will be altered in a staggering manner.  Please pray for Isaac, our family, our devastated friends, and our beloved country.

Isaac has worked hard for years to build a successful landscaping business, which he operates by himself.   He financially supports his young daughter who lives overseas with her mother.  Because the government seized his passport three years ago, he has never held his daughter.   She sees and talks with her "Poppa" via video calls, but that will suddenly stop. 

 He will soon be "unemployed".   We will struggle to cover Isaac's monthly bills, prison commissary expenses,  financial support for his daughter, and travel expenses to visit our son across the country in prison.  Financial contributions of any size are greatly appreciated.  We are grateful for your kindness. 

More importantly, I ask for your prayers.   We want the Lord to use us for His glory.  We, and Isaac, need strength to go through this valley, but my prayer is that God will bring us through to the other side having grown closer to Him.   

We have been chosen for such a time as this.  This political persecution is much bigger than our family.    I am a soft-spoken person, but now I am speaking out on behalf of all the January 6 defendants, and all citizens...before they come for the rest of us.   When my son must enter prison, I will remind him of this verse: “For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not: I will help thee.” Isaiah 41:13.


Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
3 days ago

I read about you in the What You Can Do for Liberty substack. I'm sorry you have been treated so unfairly. Know that people are thinking about you, respect you, and wish you well. I hope this donation helps.

Diana Hawkins
11 days ago

I didn't come across your info on TS until last night. I know it will arrive late but mailing birthday card in the morning. I've been praying and will keep praying for political prisoners. GOD bless you and keep you.

11 days ago

Happy birthday, Isaac! What they have done to you is egregious and wrongful! Stay strong, and trust in God. You are in my prayers.

15 days ago

Sending Isaac a belated birthday card Monday. I hope enjoys it and it lifts his spirit. Him and his family are on my prayers. Blessings from Canada.

Mark Bodiford
16 days ago

Mr Bradford sent me. We are thinking of you fren.

17 days ago

Praying for Isaac, for all of your family, and for the freeing of all of these political prisoners. And I am praying for God to help us to lawfully take back our country in November.

Anonymous Giver
17 days ago

I never thought I would see our country drop to such a low. My mother saw what was happening to our country 50 years ago. Back then, virtually no one was paying attention. I miss my family members that passed on, but I am glad that they were spared having to witness what has happened to the country they loved. I pray that Trump wins and you will be reunited with your son very soon. God bless you.

Anonymous Giver
18 days ago

Anonymous Giver
18 days ago

My family and I are so sorry for what Isaac, the Sturgeon family, and many J6 families have had to endure! We pray for strength, perseverance, and God's continued help through this situation in Jesus' name.

Anonymous Giver
18 days ago

Praying. Praying. Praying. I'm mailing your son a birthday card. Thank you for the steps on how to do it. May God hold his hand and carry him through this. May all of this end soon.

Jean Fowler
18 days ago

American Patriot Mom
18 days ago

Praying for justice and the truth to be revealed! So sorry your family has to go through this. Find the blessings in small things, if the big things are hard to see right now. Love to you all.

Anonymous Giver
25 days ago


Chuck and Barbara
27 days ago


Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

I Peter 1:3-4, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, to an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and that does not fade away, reserved in heaven for you."

God is one of us
1 month ago

Jesus wins in the end.

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

Isaac, "be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." “Do not be afraid. Stand firm and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”

Robert Snyder
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
1 month ago

God be with you.


Update #14

October 20th, 2024

  Thank you to so many who sent birthday cards to Isaac. So far, ten days later, he has received almost 40 cards (from many of you!) with more trickling in.  
   Isaac said, "It was a good birthday. Once (a couple of) my friends found out, they cooked for me and gave me drinks and company. It was very kind! Enough leftovers for the next day as well."
   That is a joy to my "mama heart."
(This picture is of our oldest daughter, her husband, and me visiting Isaac.)
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Update #13

September 21st, 2024

***Isaac's BIRTHDAY is October 11th.    He is doing well, despite many lockdowns which keep them inside.
***If anyone would like to send him a BIRTHDAY CARD, it would be a blessing!*
         Here are the address and instructions:
Isaac Steve Sturgeon
Federal Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 10
Lisbon, OH 44432
•Put his prisoner number, #83885-053, in the card.
•Pictures/photos are allowed.
•His birthdate is Oct 11, 1988.
•Cards are acceptable, but no homemade ones, no glitter, no stickers, etc. In White envelopes only.
•No colored envelopes. (If needed, I swap with the white envelopes that are with other cards at the store.)
•If you include a letter, write on white paper only, on one side only, with his number on each page.
Thank you so much!
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Update #12

August 25th, 2024

The picture here is of Isaac several years ago at Arlington National Cemetery.  His Grandpa Sturgeon was a Marine who served in WW II and again in the Korean War under Chesty, at The Chosin Reservoir.   I was touched by Isaac's deep contemplation and respect for our military men and women.     

I am deeply moved by the generosity of so many patriots. You are helping to ease my burden and all of this encourages me to fight harder for everyone. Thank you.   

(This link of my interview should be easier to access: )

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Update #11

August 25th, 2024

I'd like to share with you what the Gateway Pundit news outlet did today on Isaac's behalf. I appreciate their kindness:

Please feel free to share with others.

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Update #10

August 18th, 2024

While at Freedom Corner, I met Brandon Fellows. He is a J6er who is out of prison and living in DC.  You may have seen him online sitting behind Fauci during the Covid hearings.   He is quite a character!  I was happy to meet him and others who attended each night.  

And yet...Isaac has been in prison 227 days, with 4,153 more to go.   I miss him extra this week.   But the Lord will carry him, and our family, through for God's glory.   God is always good to me.

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Update #9

August 12th, 2024

UPDATE #1 from my DC trip:

  •I was privileged to stay with these two ladies! The one in the red is Micki Whitthoeft, mother of unarmed Ashli Babbitt, who was shot to death in the Capitol on Jan 6. The one in blue is Nicole Refitt, whose husband they claimed had a gun on Jan 6. He did not have one, and they never proved it, but they sentenced him to 7 years anyway. It was an honor to be with them and spend so much time with them.

  •These two ladies regularly attend trials of January 6 defendants to encourage them and show support. I was able to attend a trial with them one morning. It did bring back some strong emotions, but I was so glad to be a comfort to other frightened J6 family members.

  •Micki and Nicole rent a home in DC, and they hold the vigil at the DC Federal Prison for the prisoners every night of the week. That's where they sing with the DC prisoners, and they read the names of each of J6 prisoner, Isaac included, in the country. After we sang with the prisoners, we watched for them to flicker their lights off and on and the prison building. I attended the vigil at Freedom Corner on four evenings.

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Update #8

July 22nd, 2024

I sent this to my prayer groups:

 • Prayer is appreciated as I fly to DC this coming week. Several J6 families have been invited to attend a press conference with lawmakers in front of the Supreme Court on Mon, July 29. The organizers will give us a place to stay, but the flights and car rental will be at my own expense. This, along with household and personal expenses, is why I continue to work at the middle school. If anyone desires to help, please let them know they can go to this page: .   I see the sacrifices of our political prisoners, and I see the examples of other Jan 6 family members who fight for the entire J6 community. They inspire me to do this, not just for my son but for all the January 6 defendants and prisoners. I will remain for a few days in DC and advocate for them in the offices of many senators and congressmen.

  • I will also speak with the public defenders in the appeals department in DC. Isaac's new appeal attorney will be out of town, but I will visit with her supervisor. The Supreme Court decision was good. However, the DOJ is trying to do a work-around to make the charges stick. Our appeals attorney says she wants to wait and see what happens to other defendants. We would like to get things rolling, so please pray for me to have wisdom.

  •Also, I will drive to see Isaac one morning since I will be so close! 

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Update #7

June 22nd, 2024

Steve and I flew to Ohio to finally visit Isaac! It was a two day visit on Sat/Sun, June 1-2, 2024. Our visit was wonderful! Isaac is in good spirits. He is healthy. He takes tablespoons of olive oil to help maintain his health. His skin looks healthy to my husband and to me. Isaac said he's been trying to get outside as much as possible. He walks the track daily, and they are playing a lot of softball right now. He has taken a couple of different classes and said that when the rotation comes around for certain classes, he will sign up for something again. He was teaching a strength and conditioning class for a while. He was able to help an older inmate in a wheelchair to gently stretch his injured knees. It gave the gentleman good relief for quite a while. Isaac was happy that he could help someone in that way.

He had lots of stories to tell. I enjoyed just listening to him talk. As many of you know, he is a good listener, not overly talkative, but he had plenty to say during our visits, and I loved it! I basked in the sound of his voice and the hugs we received.

Isaac talked about various inmate personalities that he deals with daily. Isaac is good with people. He hesitantly and humbly told me that he felt like he was made for this. I know God prepared him for this. He mentioned that many inmates don't look each other in the eyes or smile. However, he said that he does smile at people on purpose to help himself and the others remember that they are still human. Thankfully, this is a low security prison, so some of them don't see a smile as a threat like they would in a medium or high security.

I told him that I had read about someone who had been in prison saying, "It is better to never quite fit in." They said that it's good to remain the person you are and to be human. Of course, he adapts in certain ways to the culture and the economy in a prison, but he is still very much our Isaac!

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Update #6

May 25th, 2024

Please write our son.  He greatly appreciates the letters:

Isaac Steve Sturgeon 



Federal Correctional Institution

P.O. Box 10

Lisbon OH 44432

•Write on white paper only, on one side only.

•Put his prisoner number, #83885-053, on each page. 

•Cards are acceptable, but no glitter, no stickers, etc. In White envelopes only. 

•No colored envelopes.

•Pictures are allowed. 

•No packages. However, we can send him books directly from Amazon or a publisher, as well as magazine subscriptions. 

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Update #5

May 14th, 2024

Isaac called me Sunday morning from prison to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. ❤️💔❤️ He read me quotes from Sophie Scholl. Made me cry good tears for my hero. He thanked me and all of you for fighting for them. Here is what he read to me:

   "The real damage is done by those millions who want to 'survive.' The honest men who just want to be left in peace. Those who don’t want their little lives disturbed by anything bigger than themselves. Those with no sides and no causes. Those who won’t take measure of their own strength, for fear of antagonizing their own weakness. Those who don’t like to make waves—or enemies. Those for whom freedom, honour, truth, and principles are only literature.  Those who live small...if you keep it small, you’ll keep it under control.  If you don’t make any noise, the bogeyman won’t find you. But it’s all an illusion, because they die too, those people who roll up their spirits into tiny little balls so as to be safe. Safe?! From what? Life is always on the edge of death; narrow streets lead to the same place as wide avenues, and a little candle burns itself out just like a flaming torch does. I choose my own way to burn." ~Sophie Scholl

    She also said, "I will cling to the rope God has thrown me in Jesus Christ, even when my numb hands can no longer feel it."

   After hearing her sentence of execution by guillotine, she walked out to the courtyard and said, "The sun still shines."

     I say of her...courageous. Read her story. She was a 21 year old university student in Germany during during the Holocaust.

    For I the Lord thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. Isa. 41:13.

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Update #4

March 11th, 2024

   Isaac is doing pretty well.  His attitude is amazing to me.  He has a job in facilities. I emailed him the other day and commented that I felt bad that his prison has been on lockdown for awhile.  This means they cannot go outside.   His response was, "We always win.  No one takes our happiness here!"

   Thank you so much for your support. I am very grateful for each of you who pray for us and for those who donate. 

   **I received an amazing opportunity to attend CPAC in DC last month.  There was much support there for J6ers.   I ended up being interviewed on Frank Speech (Lindell TV).   You may enjoy watching it:


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Update #3

January 5th, 2024

   He's in.  Today is Jan. 4, 2023.  The door is shut behind him.   But we will have him back again. Isaac's dear aunt lodged him at her house and then drove him to the prison today.    He walked in as a brave, calm, and honorable man. 

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Update #2

January 5th, 2024

  We saw our son off at the airport yesterday, January 3, 2023. It was a sweet time together, and tears were shed. Please read the words to the song, "God Be With You Til We Meet Again." After we left Isaac, he sent this verse to our family:


   God gifted us with a visit from our dear retired family doctor at the airport. He loves Isaac. He delivered him as a baby!   

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Update #1

November 23rd, 2023

We now know when Isaac has to report to prison.    He must turn himself in on Thursday, January 4, 2024.    We are thankful for a few more weeks to have him with us and of freedom for him.   He will report to the Elkton Federal Correction Institution in Lisbon, Ohio.   It is a very long way from his residence in Montana and from us also here in Montana.  If you would like to write him, I will include his address below.  I have also edited our campaign description to include his surrender date and location.  We thank you all for your care, your generosity, and your prayers.

Isaac Steve Sturgeon



Federal Correctional Institution

P.O. Box 10

Lisbon OH 44432

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