USD $80,000
USD $10,705
Campaign funds will be received by Sara Sherbert
This dear family is in need of our help. Mark has been battling cancer for about 3 years, and they are currently stepping out in Faith by going to the clinic in Germany where I was treated. The costs are staggering to them. Please donate or share this as you feel led. Even $5 helps!
Sara shared the following with us:
"We’ve had multiple ups and down on this cancer journey and we couldn’t have gotten through any of it without help. We have come to a fork in the road. We have three possible avenues. Continue on the path we have been on, hoping that the treatments we have tried will finally obliterate this cancer. Give up on our balanced approach and lean into the conventional treatment of radiation and chemo, possibly sacrificing quality of life for longevity of life. Or, take a balanced approach between quality of life and longevity of life. This “soul searching” has led us to a doctor in Germany. For the first time this year we have hope, hope in what we have been searching for this whole time. But the price is steep.
To those who have continued to help us with prayer and support, we can’t thank you enough. We are thankful for reminders to keep our eyes on Christ. We are thankful for each day, each hour, each minute, each kiss, each hug, each touch, and every breath. We couldn’t survive this rollercoaster without those who have surrounded us. We knew from the beginning that going this route would mean a long road of “what ifs”. But we take each step with prayer and petition to the ONE true and perfect physician. He directs our path. Please consider supporting us on this path. Thank you, and God Bless!"
Mrs. Sherbet your class was always a safe space where I could learn but also be cheerful during highschool. It really meant a lot to me. I hope the best for you and your family.
God Bless. Praying for you
My Prayers are with you all! God Bless You!
Praying for you guys :)
I love you & you are always in my prayers🙏🏻💕
We love you and will continue praying for you!!
Sending your family love in this very difficult time.
March 19th, 2024
I'm so sorry. This update is taking a while to get out. Every time (at least three times now, this is the forth) something has happened and I lose what I wrote. I'm going to keep trying though. Let me update you monthly since the last post and then I'll try posting another one with more details and direction.
December - Mark struggled most of this month with an infection. He had a round of antibiotics but it didn't help for too long. He had his first blood transfusion on Christmas Eve. We were hopeful that it would help but it really didn't do that much. We were faced with a decision on which direction we were going to go. Our options included: 1. Full Dose, hard-hitting, chemo; 2. Go back to Germany and add Photodynamic Therapy; 3. Seek out other possible integrative approaches in the U.S. By the end of December we eliminated option #1 because he was too weak and we knew he most likely wouldn't survive the treatment. So I simultaneously started making plans to go back to Germany while also searching or other alternative integrative approaches here in the US.
January - Forsythe Cancer Center came back into the picture. We had originally looked at going to this facility when Mark was first diagnosed but got swept up in the possibility of Immunotherapy and went that route instead. I hadn't "pulled the trigger" on Germany yet because the plane flights were way more expensive than we expected and I was hoping that the prices would go down. I also needed more clarity on what the total cost was going to be for treatment and the schedule of treatment so that we knew how long to stay and what sort of funding we would need to have. The more information I was getting from Germany, the more it seemed like it was becoming less and less of a possibility. Our decision was becoming much less of a decision and more of a process of elimination. We found out that the photodynamic therapy was best used one week on and 3 weeks off for a series of therapies (this would mean that we would need to be out there 2 months or longer...that wasn't an option). Due to this process, we landed on Forsythe and started all the paperwork and processes through them. We traveled to Forsythe's for blood work and toxic metal screening on January 22nd. It would take 2 weeks for us to get the results back from that blood test and find out what our course of treatment would be like. We still didn't know how much all of this was going to cost because it highly depended on the kind of medications he would be given. We were told that the process consists of 3 full weeks of M-F treatment, then 3 months of at-home supplements with 2 days of in-clinic treatment each month, and then after the 3 months we would get another big blood test and start the treatment they are most well known for...the SOT vaccine therapy. This is an IV that is specifically designed just to target Mark's cells and is given once every 4 months.
February - We got the call on the 5th that we would have an appointment over the phone with Dr. Forsythe to go over the blood work and our course of treatment. From there it was a whirlwind. We were scheduled to begin the 3-week treatment starting on February 12th and ending on March 1st. The Lord (and those who answered the call to help) got us through this process and we were able to find a place to stay (saving us $2000), use what we saved on the housing to pay for the required PICC line Mark had to get (an unexpected cost), and we had just enough saved up to pay for the three weeks of treatment. Mark had a few bumps in the road regarding treatment. We had a visit to the ER in Reno and they gave him his third blood transfusion, this time giving him 2 units instead of the 1 unit he got the two times previously. That made some marked improvements in his blood his hemoglobin is now at a steady 9. We were feeling hopeful for the first time in at least 4 months. We ended our time ready to take on the next phase of treatment. With our savings completely dried up and the cost of the supplements being around $1000/month we started to feel a bit anxious for the ability to see this whole process through to the end. The hope we had so much of in the beginning began to dwindle as we wondered if we would even be able to see this whole thing through. But we continue to take it one step at a time.
March - We came home and started on the next phase of treatment. Managing supplements where you take no less than 10 pills more than 4 times a day can be daunting. Mark feels things have inflamed a lot and he's worried it has grown. I'm trying to stay positive and choose to think that it is inflammation that happens before a massive die-off. It's hard to lift his spirits and keep mine up at that same time (Sara). Because of the inflammation though it's hard for Mark to swallow. For the first time since the beginning swallowing is the issue. When he couldn't eat before it was because of chewing, now he can't because he chokes on the food. The supplements he takes, we now have to open up and put in his G-tube food so he can take them. He's doing well with feeding himself at least 4-5 times a day though so that is a positive. He hates not being able to eat but we also pray that this is just a short season and we will soon start seeing some improvement. He had a phone call with Dr. Maged from the Forsythe clinic and I pray that Mark's phone call with him lifted his spirits and shifted his perspective a bit. Dr. Maged has been a great spiritual guide through this and we are grateful he is there at the clinic.
Okay...I'll end this update here so that I can upload it before I lose the information again. I'll update shortly with more details on how we are doing mentally, spiritually, and financially. There's a lot to unfold here and I am so grateful that you are all here to share this journey with us.
November 28th, 2023
We were home a week and a half and then had to pack for a trip that was planned before we even considered going off to Germany.
It was a family time that we had all been waiting for. It included seeing some family we hadn’t seen in a while and a college visit for our daughter. As soon as we landed we went out to eat with family and Mark was, the the first time in over 4 months, able to eat a whole meal. It was such a welcoming site to experience. He continued to eat all throughout the week, so much so that the gtube food we packed didn’t even get touched.
The IV situation has been tricky. He is supposed to get an IV infusion M-F but we haven’t been able to get the IV catheter to work more than 2 times before it has to be removed. The week we were away he didn’t receive any IV infusions.
Now back at home Mark has digressed. He’s fighting an infection that is throwing him for a loop. He isn’t eating much so we’ll have to start back on the gtube food as a supplement.
Latest Update: Mark had a PET scan on 11/26. We received his printed results today, 11/27. We are not sure what to make of it. It appears the tumor has grown and his left lymph nodes are getting back into the game. It also confirmed that he is fighting (or experiencing) an infection that is in his lungs. We are a bit baffled by this news and will take it one step at a time.
Prayer requests - That the Lord will guide our footstep and that we will seek His wisdom above all else. That we find an effective way to treat this infection. While we were in Germany he was receiving Doxycycline IV (double dose) every day M-F. Since we’ve been home he had doxycycline pills that he took once a day for 20 days (that is now over).
Needs - Dr. Renz has the photodynamic machine and is working on fine tuning the IV solution that accompanies it. He suggests that we do this treatment for a minimum of 2 weeks. We think that January will be the best time to do this treatment and we’d like to stay for three weeks. The cost of treatment will remain the same at 750EU (Approx. $800) per day. Additionally we have the cost of the apartment for that time and the flight cost. We have around $7000 left after our October trip. That means we can cover the flight, the apartment, and maybe 3 days of treatment. This means we are in need of around $10,000 more to make this happen. Dr. Renz is confident that this treatment will make a marked difference in the size of the tumor. We are hopeful of the same.
So here we are again, asking God to show up and point us in the right direction.
Thanksgiving - we are thankful for all of you still following along. If you are reading this, our words of gratitude are insufficient to truly express our hearts. Your dedication to praying for us and supporting us through this process is unparalleled! We could use your help in spreading the word and sharing this GSG profile. Tomorrow is Giving Tuesday and a great time to share a need. We’ll continue to update as we make doctor’s appointments and figure out God’s direction with all this. In the meantime, we abide in His sovereignty and take joy in the little things.
November 26th, 2023
Apologies!! Its been a while since I have updated and I am so sorry. With packing to leave Germany and coming back and straight into the holiday season it has been quiet a journey indeed.
It appears I haven’t updated this since Week 2. Okay…here goes.
Week 3 - we settled on the fact that our expectations didn’t line up with God’s plan and we relinquished our expectations and settled into the given treatment. Not much changed. He got double doxy and chemo with the IPT therapy each day of the week and received hyperthermia 2-3 times each week. Other that that and the brown’s gas they didn’t change course. We found out that the machine was in house finally but that they needed to train and dial in dosage before using it to treat Mark. We appreciated them not using Mark as a Guinea pig. Marks birthday came and went without much celebration, in fact, it was a really hard day for Mark. We did get a gift from the clinic of some German beers that were tasty (see picture). Mark was feeling enough better on Sunday though to attend church and then participate in the churches fellowship potluck in private homes. We went to a lovely families home that consisted of a native Baselian husband and a native Mexican wife. They have lived in and around Basel for over 20 years now but it was such a comforting Mexican cultured home and the food was delicious. Mark was able to have a few lovely espressos and a few sips of soup.
Week 4 - We started preparing for our trip back home and how it should all go while we considered coming back to Germany in January. Doc gave us 9 weeks of a weekly “vaccine” called Imminomax that was gotten directly from Russia. He also ordered 40 days (8 weeks) of Vitamin C (25g daily M-F via IV), Selenase, and IV Sodium Bicarbonate. We contacted a Modesto nurse friend who agreed to help us secure IV equipment and also insert a line every 3 days. Mark started suffering from constipation so we tried several ways to relieve that. We think it was because we ran out of the gtube food we brought with us and had to sun it out for a VERY expensive German alternative that was full of stuff that clogged him up and made him sick. The last few days of our time in Germany I was able to get something called Flomax that Mark took to help relieve his constipation and by the time we got on the flight home he was doing much better. The Saturday before we left we had a friend from church offer to take us around downtown Basel so we could get a little site seeing in finally. It was a lovely day and we are so grateful for the time. We visited an old castle in Rhinefelden Switzerland that was turned into a brewery and tasted some of their selection of beers. We then went to downtown Basel and I finally got my Bretzel with butter and we sat in a lovely old coffee house (upstairs) and drank a wonderful cup of coffee. By the end of that day Mark was terribly tired and slept the rest of the day and into the following day. We didn’t go to church that day because he has such a bad night. I was able to zoom in for it though and they had a lovely prayer for our return home. Such lovely people and the prime example of an Acts church, lifting up strangers in prayer, helping where they can, welcoming as family. Beautiful.
Departure - Mark had treatment the Monday and Tuesday before leaving on Wednesday, November 1st. His last day of treatment didn’t go so well. His blood sugar refused to drop. We think it was the gtube food be consumed that morning. Stupid substitutes! Anyway, our lovely friend Molly offered to pick us up and take us to the airport. We found out that it was a bank holiday that day so we had traveling mercies to the airport. So much so that we got there super early and didn’t even have a gate assigned to us yet. We had a lot of time to . I pushed his wheelchair around as we saw what was offered in way of stores, we got some yummy coffee, and then sat down at our gate (once it was assigned). Later we discovered our gate changed and our boarding would be 30 min later than scheduled. It all worked out nicely. We boarded quickly and actually made good time flying. Mark ate some food for the first time while on the plane. That was so nice to see! My parents picked us up from the airport and since it was high commuter traffic time, we stopped for some dinner at Black Bear. Mark ordered something that didn’t come out well so he didn’t eat much, but it was something.
Home - Over the course of the next few weeks Mark continues to try and eat here and there. He was looking so much better than when we traveled to Germany and we both took great comfort in that. He was down from 4 bags of gtube food to 2 bags a day and eating by mouth when he could. He wasn’t able to return back to work right away because they wanted a doctors note and that took a little while to get. That was actually a blessing because he wasn’t ready to go back. He was still extremely fatigued from the treatment and detoxing. We were also navigating the whole IV at home situation. It is tricky.
To be continued…. (I have been interrupted) Keep those prayers coming!!
October 15th, 2023
Week 2
Monday - Mark had a hyperthermia treatment and was NOT happy throughout the whole process. He hates being hot! We were shocked to find out they ONLY scheduled him for the hyperthermia treatment that day and that he didn't receive any IV. That was a bit disappointing but they made up for it through the rest of the week.
Tuesday - IV treatment & Brown's Gas. Nothing special. I actually wasn't feeling good that day and Mark finished out the treatment and came home. Blood sugar didn't get that low.
Wednesday - They hit him with a double dose of Doxycycline (antibiotic) and Cystplatin (chemo). They also tried dropping his blood sugar a little lower this time. 9E of insulin got down to the 60s. We're getting there.
Thursday- Same of everything except today they hit him with 11E of insulin bolus (instead of through the drip). They were successful in reaching the 40's with his blood sugar. Mark being Mark though had to react differently than we expected. At his lowest he was fine, maybe just a bit sleepy. But the weird reaction happened when he was going back up into the normal range. He basically passed out on us on the table, no response. His vitals were perfect, but he was out like a light and not responding to any outside stimulus (rubbing his chest hard, squeezing, etc.) It finally passed and he snapped out of it as he inched back into the 100's. I walked him home in the wheelchair today.
He's going straight to bed after each treatment so far and sleeping 3 hours straight.
Friday - They were a bit cautious today because of what happened yesterday. He got down to the low 60's but we want it in the 40's really. Mark wasn't happy but we understand their cautiousness. He started experiencing some pain too and Doc gave him some happy medicine that really seemed to help.
We were supposed to get another treatment of Hyperthermia this week but most of the staff were out sick and the person who normally does the hyperthermia was out too. So, we'll get that again next week.
Friday is also the day we pay for the week. So far our expenses are less than we expected.
Some things to pray for:
1. The Photogram machine will arrive on Monday so we can get two full weeks of treatment with that before having to leave Germany.
2. This tumor will start dying off and "de-bulking". We made reservations for Mark's birthday on Saturday, October 21st, at a restaurant, but he still isn't eating (in fact he has lost taste for pretty much everything right now, INCLUDING COFFEE!...if you know Mark, that's a big deal).
3. Because Mark is still not eating, we are still reliant on the feeding tube and the food we put in it. Unfortunately, I could only pack enough for 13 days. We have been able to spread that out a bit by using 4 bags a day instead of the recommended 5 but we are running out and need more. Doc says he will try and check with the pharmacy but it's hard to find the kind we use because it is No Soy, No Sugar, No GMO, etc. Most g-tube food has tons of sugar to try and up the caloric intake...we need more protein and no added sugars. Please pray that we can find a suitable alternative OR that Mark's tumor starts dying off so he can eat. One of those things needs to happen and happen within the next few days. We prefer the tumor to shrink so that we can keep our reservation, otherwise, I will need to cancel it and we won't experience our authentic German meal.
4. Our hearts have grown heavy as our expectations are clashing with God's plans. We know without a doubt that the Lord has placed us here for a reason and we are grateful to be here and to experience all that we have experienced so far. We just pray that we follow His lead every step of the way. That we receive whatever outcome with Grace and gratefulness and that we make a difference while we are here. This next week will literally be the determining factor in what we do next.
5. The Lord would show us what we need to do next. We petition Him daily for guidance. No matter what, we are being taken care of and feel like they really care about us. Doc has even helped us a bit with finding a brown's gas machine we can maybe take home with us (which would be awesome, it's been a great help in allowing Mark to breathe out of both nostrils).
The Lord IS ministering to us while we are here. We have been going to a small church called Basel Christian Fellowship in Basel, Switzerland. We've been blessed by someone coming to get us and bring us back home each Sunday we have been here and we have been so blessed by the hearts of these fellow brothers and sisters. They barely even know us and are faithfully praying for us every day and letting us know that they are. We have even received a monetary gift from one of them. I've teared up more times than I can count because of the joy in my heart for these people.
Thank you all for being here with us in mind and spirit. We think about each one of you often and I pray that you all are blessed through our experiences too. Please reach out to us via WhatsApp if you have any questions or would like to be added to the prayer warrior group I started there. I post updates there in closer real time, especially if we have an immediate prayer need. If you need my number you can email us at sherbertjourney@gmail.com or respond on here with a prayer message or comment.
October 7th, 2023
Someone doesn’t want me to post this update! I’ve tried two times already, this is the third, what’s the saying? “Third time is…”?
Week 1 - Complete
Monday- arrived late, safe.
Tuesday - National holiday, laid low.
Wednesday - They are hitting him with as much as they can throw at him. This includes:
1. 31E (not sure the measurement) of insulin
2. Cisplatin
2. Artemisia (don’t know how much)
3. ATP - Adenosine triphosphate
4. High Dose Vit-C (2500 to start with)
5. Glucose
1-5 we’re done through IV
6. Brown’s Gas Machine (look it up, very interesting)
7. HyPERthermia treatment
There was a chance that the cisplatin would cause nausea so we were supposed to get some medicine for that and forgot on our way out. Thank you Lord, we didn’t need it.
Directly from the treatment we were able to stop by the apartment and change our shoes and then we walked to Aldi to get some items we needed for the fridge. Side note, we found some sugar free caramel protein pudding that was ooooh so yummy. Once we got home from that trip the exhaustion hit hard but that was all he experienced. The Brown’s Gas opened up his airways well and allowed him to sleep better last night and start getting some junk out of his nose. It’s helping a lot.
Doc encouraged us to take one step at a time. We need to first resolve pain, then we’ll move on to increase the ability to chew. We have a short term goal of eating a German meal with a German heiffeweisen (specific type of beer) for Mark’s birthday on October 21st and our 18th marriage anniversary.
Thursday - It took a bit longer than Wednesday because we started the day with a 2 hour hyperthermia session. This is in 2 - 1hour parts (what I am affectionately calling the sear and steam sessions). It’s a process that resets your immune system to kick start it into working right (basically a simulated fever…if you didn’t know, fevers are good for you…don’t reduce them unless they are super high). Pretty interesting for sure. Mark was very uncomfortable but it did give him a bit of energy for most of the rest of the treatment and through a short walk about we did across the bridge into a cute village on the Switzerland side of Rheinfelden.
He then received 25g of Cisplatin (No insulin on hyperthermia days), some extra fluids, and high dose vitamin C again. While he was in the hot box he also got some antibiotics for his sinus infection. The doctor said he would put him back on the brown’s gas again today but that didn’t happen. Mark was disappointed with that, especially right now. After our walk he took a steep dive in his feeling okay. The tumor is becoming angry so he’s in some pain and then chemo kicks in and he becomes exhausted.
Friday- We didn’t have treatment scheduled till later in the day but we texted them to let them know about Mark’s pain and they wrote wrote script for some tramadol. We will be getting a new prescription for methadone on Monday (because this has been shown in some studies to help off cancer cells). I don’t prefer having the treatment that late. It makes for an even longer evening. But we aren’t picky and we are so so grateful to be here. The team is taking great care of us. There is a learning curve to how things run on the clinic and communication styles but we’ll get the hang of it. Mark’s pain actually increased significantly Friday night. So much so that he took too much tramadol and made himself simultaneously sick and extremely drugged up.
Saturday - The day started like the night began. Except I got a text from my mom saying that we got a $5000 check in the mail! Oh Lord! How majestic is your name in all the Earth! I was feeling exhausted from the day before. In our rush to get to the pharmacy before it closed with the pain meds. I tripped UP the stairs and landed pretty hard and my body got rattled a bit. I’m feeling it for sure. Mark was so drugged up he was in and out of sleep all day and is still going to sleep well tonight. I joined him however. I think the stress, time zone changed and the fall came together to make me pretty weary and tired. I’m hoping I’ll feel better tomorrow.
Sunday - We have been hooked up by the mighty Heidi with a lovely couple that will come pick us up for an international church service. I’m excited to experience that. This couple will also bring us home. So nice of them!
Funding Update - We think our expenses might not be as extensive as we anticipated. With the new $5000 check, we have a full 3 weeks covered! Praise be to Jehovah Jireh!
We are also gratefully covered in your prayers and we feel them so much. Such peace. I’m a bit timid with communication and feel a bit out of place but it has been painless for the most part. Keep the prayers coming!! We need them.
October 4th, 2023
We are here!
We had a slight upset at TSA trying to get through with his gtube and bags of liquid food. It really wasn’t that bad but Mark was tired and anxious and thought 1 hour was not enough time to get through and settle at the gate. It worked out okay, we had our paperwork and they let us through without much trouble.
Having a wheelchair attendant was the key for sure. However, after we checked in it took close to 30 minutes for the person to come get us. But he zoomed us up to the front and it was okay. That goodness I ordered that service.
We were able to snag two seats in the very back so that we didn’t have to worry about people behind us or next to us if Mark needed to use his feeding tube. It was actually a great peace of mind for me. I didn’t realize how much mental stress it takes on me to worry about the person behind me on a plane. I was able to freely recline my seat when needed. The flight was super long though and we didn’t get much sleep.
We had a wheelchair waiting for us when we got there and our cab person was waiting for us too. He was Turkish so it was a bit difficult to communicate with him. But we arrived where we were supposed to be and the right through Switzerland to the Rhine River boarder was interesting. Such landscape! They sure do like their tunnels!
Chis, our assistant from the clinic showed us up to the apartment and we as so very helpful. The apartment is great! So many lovely goodies were left from other patients that it made our first day and a half easy. Chris also informed us that the next day (Tuesday) was a national holiday and we would not be able to shop all day or see the doctor. So we were quickly forced to go to the small nearest market for a few items for me to nibble on today.
We had some issues sleeping here and there but we finally got a nice longer nap and woke early to be able to talk to our kiddos. Man it was so hard leaving them. I cried at the airport, I don’t often do that. Mark has been very generous with hugs to make up for those I’m not getting from home (physical touch is my love language). We chatted with them for a bit and they went off to bed. Mark and I enjoyed our first sunrise in Germany with some coffee. That’s pictured here, our view from our balcony as the sun rises and peeks through the Swiss mountains and over the German architecture along the Rhine River.
It’s all surreal really. I am in denial that we are so far from home and in a foreign land that we we traveled to and are putting so much faith in the treatments. We are hopeful though. Mark has such a lighter step to his countenance and I think that it’s just hope that he’s allowing himself to feel for the first time in a long while. It’s so nice to see him in good spirits. Does my caretaking heart so real good.
Even though the streets were pretty quiet and nothing open, we took the opportunity to explore our area a bit. We didn’t get too far but we found the two biggest and closest grocery stores, a bakery, and a few foreign (Asian mostly) restaurants. We wanted to get back out and explore the opposite direction around the Rhine River but it got a bit stormy and we ended up falling asleep for several hours again.
We made soup for dinner and enjoyed the stormy scene for dinner on our balcony.
Thank you ALL so much for praying during our journey here. I feel it was blessed for sure. However, we are experiencing some unexpected expenses we didn’t anticipate. Chris ordered us a wheelchair for Mark to use while we are here (he assures us it’s not much, a flat fee, but didn’t tell us how much). The taxi cost was around $50 more than expected and we found out that we really needed to add our phones to an international plan so we could navigate with ease while here (that’s another $200 for the month). We still haven’t covered the full expenses for our 3rd week and still habe the 4th week left to cover.
Please share and share with a testimonial of how you know us. Make sure that your posts are shareable so others can share too. We want to reach as far as we can reach. We know that whatever happens will be what happens and we are grateful for the chance to follow God’s lead in this adventure.
We meet the Dr. at 11am (Wednesday) for the first time. I’m anxious to hear the plan and get a feel for how our schedule will be for the remainder of our time here. Blessings to you all! Stay with us, the Lord is doing great things!
September 29th, 2023
Overwhelming gratefulness!!
In the midst of planning to pack and packing itself, so many things, I (Sara) had my last week in-person class today before leaving for a month. I’ll be conducting classes over zoom while in Germany but I love my students so much and will miss their hugs and the way they make me laugh (although I hope I’ll still get a bit of that over zoom). The ASL Honors Society students were sneaky and decorated my classroom while I was out on a rouse errand. It was so sweet and caring. They got me a few of my favorite things to snack on and each wrote sweet letters of prayer and encouragement. One student wrote directly to Mr. Sherbert and took the time to write out several verses to combat fear. It made him ugly cry. Along with the hugs, love and notes came an additional $500 in donations. The Lord is so good to us!
Yesterday I received a surprise check from work for another $500 for a total of $1000 this week. I’m blown away. It warms are hearts so much. We cry several times a day with joy (a welcomed change from tears of despair).
We had to add a checked luggage to our flight so that we could make sure to bring enough liquid food for Mark and his new friend Mr. Gtube. We still won’t be able to bring a full months supply but I think with everything else he will be doing there we will make it work. That, along with the kitchen sink of supplements and toiletries is enough to make me crazy. I’ve got a few more items on my list to complete before I can focus completely on packing all the luggage and praying I remember everything.
Please continue to pray and share. The word is getting out and the love and support we are receiving from everyone is so inspiring. It’s so fun to share will you all what the Lord is doing in our lives. Celebrate with us in the provisions of the Lord.
Financially, we have about 2.5 weeks completely covered. That’s including day to day expenses for living. That over halfway! We are only following and trusting completely in the Lord’s Will to be fruitful. We also pray for the medical staff while we are there, that we would be a shining light of salvation for them.
Until our next update, as a friend of mine always says, “enjoy the journey”.
September 25th, 2023
It’s very fitting that this is update number 7. On the Lord’s day.
We received a most beautiful blessing today. I posted on Facebook that we would be having a prayer and anointing over Mark and the family tonight and invited anyone who wanted to join to come. My heart just overflows with joy to see who showed up for us. Beyond words!
I attached a photo of us praying, taken by a dear sweet sister in Christ and sent to me as another blessing. A testimony of God’s unfailing love and how he works in and through each of His people who prayed for us tonight (both in person and at home). Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
We received another in person donation today and expect another one tomorrow once the bank opens. That means that we now have 2 FULL WEEKS of treatment covered completely by donations (including chemo, the biggest expense).
Oh taste and see that the Lord is good!! His mercies endure forever!!
Keep praying and sharing. We know that God is moving mountains, at least moving us to the mountains (lol, the alps). He is going to do something mighty and I can’t wait, CAN’T WAIT, to get together again with all these people and celebrate the works of the Lord. Maranatha!!
September 21st, 2023
Good Afternoon Everyone!
What a joyous day we had yesterday. The enemy tried to steal our joy but our Lord overcame and we stand victorious.
We received a two generous donations yesterday, one of which blew us away. I can’t imagine how God could top that but I can’t wait to see Him do it again! We were prayed over 4 difference times and the Lord gave encouraging words to two others to share with us. It was The most beautiful love letter from God and we are in such awe of His works.
Let’s see…
$1841 for 2 nonstop flights tfrom Zurich (covered)
$2400 Apartment Rental for the month (covered)
$4200 1 week alternate treatment (covered)
$450 Taxi from airport (covered)
$7300 (estimated cost) 1st Chemo Session (in progress)
Keep sharing and praying!! He is faithful to hear us.
The Lord is good and mighty and much bigger than any of our fears/worries. We want to rejoice with you all in the work of God’s hands. The Lord is mighty and faithful and sovereign. We shall not fear, though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, the Lord is with us. The Lord goes before us. We truly believe we are on the path God has placed before us and are trusting in the process, the track record of this doctor, and the healing hand of God (who’s in control of it all). No matter what happens we give God the glory, there is nothing that we (apart from God) can do that will add to the days of Mark‘s life nor subtract from them and we take comfort in that.
Pressing Forward with hope and adoration,
Mark & Sara
September 20th, 2023
Psalm 46 - The Lord of Hosts is with us. God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Selah
We have enough credit to pay for the 1/2 months rent for the apartment. We plan to use what is gathered here for the first week of treatment. Roughly, that is $4200 that is needed, that leaves us $1200 left to go before September 21st. Then we’ll need to figure out how to pay for the chemo which will cost another $6000-$7000 per week. I’m currently looking into a line of credit or loan from our bank for this. Please pray for us that they will be generous in what they offer.
Trusting the Lord of Hosts every step of the way. Thank you for staying with us, sharing our need and most of all praying.
I’ll leave you with this song Joseph shared with me. He’s one of the people who has used Dr. Renz to help heal his Lyme Disease. This was a sweet song that reminded me we are not alone. Thank you for sharing Joseph. It’s always nice to know we truly are on other’s hearts and in their prayers. https://youtu.be/UT4yV9ssCqw?si=DrMU8KxrKFygWhPz
September 18th, 2023
So many blessing in so little time. We are overcome by the generous outpouring of concern and desire to help in all sorts of different ways. The Lord speaks mightily through the works of his saints, bless you all.
Many have reached out to ask if we have other avenues that they can give directly to us. Yes we do, we have Venmo, PayPal, or Zelle (through Mocse Credit Union). Please feel free to reach out to us personally if one of those are your preferred way of giving.
We are currently seeking assistance from our place of worship and are asking the elders to please set up a time where we can be anointed and prayed over before our trip. We want nothing more than to give God the honor and glory through this process.
We are a little over half way to our next goal of paying for the first week of treatment and 1/2 the month’s rent for the apartment we will be staying in. Thank you all for sharing, following and praying.
On another note: Mark is tolerating his gtube okay. It’s a learning curve but we are managing. Luckily we have a small amount of HSA money to pay for some of the supplies Kaiser seems to think they don’t need to cover. Things like tape, a belly band to keep the tube secure, reusable skin protectors, and clamps. I’m praying Mark will start gaining energy from these nutritional supplements soon. For now the feedings actually make him sleepy because it takes energy to digest (even if it’s liquid). Step by step, moment by moment…moving in the right direction though.
Until our next update, May the Lord grant you peace and clarity in your prayers. Please let us know how we might lift YOU up in prayer too. It’s nice to approach the throne to lift others up so that we might bask in what we have through Him alone. Blessings abound on this journey, thanks for riding along with us!
September 17th, 2023
Mark: Y’all, our God is greater than you can imagine. In fact, you CANT imagine big enough. This has been a journey like a roller coaster. The last couple months, I’ve been more depressed than I have since the beginning.
My prayer from the start was to see little blessings. These blessings were often in your generous prayers. Your prayers have kept me going for almost three years. Unfortunately, my body got in the way and decided to create some major issues.
For all intents and purposes, I have NOT had any treatment since end of March ‘22. Yep, it has grown. I has taken away my ability to chew food - a quality of life issue that has a large effect on me. Many pounds have been lost (too many for sure). No, I cannot recommend this diet. But your prayers by way of the will of the Lord, has kept the tumor in one spot. Praise be to God.
Recently, we spoke with a doctor who uses all forms to attack cancer. He gave Sara and I some hope. We both have missed that.
To all who have donated so far- “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace” (Numbers 6:24-26). You are a blessing! Keep passing His gifts unto others.
If you can’t donate, please pray with us. More importantly, will you please share this on as many platforms as you can? Please ask your friends to keep passing it on. Maybe I am able to encourage someone else on this difficult journey.
Thank you all again for your generosity.
Sara: We are almost half way to our next goal. We need the full amount by September 21st. They say that every share averages $35 in contributions. So, please continue to share. Don’t share just once but keep sharing (once a day, once every 3 days, once a week…whatever you are comfortable with).
The Lord is faithful to remind us of His love for us. The kids and I volunteered for the Modesto Gospel Mission Gala (fundraiser) last night. Mark was supposed to join us but work caused pain and extreme fatigue with the gtube, so he didn’t make it. Part of the Gala is a concert. The concert this year was Shane and Shane. Wow! Such beautiful voices. I couldn’t help but just sit there and worship. Their songs are songs directly from the Bible and it was a balm to my soul. I felt a bit like Peter at the last supper when Jesus asks to wash his feet. I’m not worthy Lord, but you must? Then wash my whole body, no only the parts that need it? Let it be so Lord, thank you.
Lots of new learning curves trying to figure out how to use this new fangled contraption hanging from Mark’s gut. We got his formula in yesterday and fed him the formula for the first time last night. That was an adventure. I don’t know how people do this without help. He clamped, I attached, he held while I poured/plunged. It was a delicate dance. He’s experiencing stomach cramps though and I think it’s because he over did it yesterday at work. I don’t want him to get a hernia or worse get septic. We want him healthy enough to travel on October 1st.
Off to complete some paperwork for the doctor in Germany. The 9 hour time difference makes it an interesting dance of communication. Blessings to you all! Keep sharing & praying!
September 16th, 2023
Oh my heart is overflowing with anticipation, love and just pure awe of God in using you all to love on us. We have enough to buy the tickets. We were able to snag nonstop flights on Swiss Air for $1842 total! God is so good. They are non refundable so we are taking this trip one way or the other. We do have the flexibility to change dates if we need to. That’s great! Mark might need to stay longer than one month so we need that flexibility (of course there will most likely be a charge, but we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it).
Step 2: Pay the deposit for the apartment ($1140, half of the month’s rent) and the first week of treatment, not including chemo ($4000). I’m working on a personal line of credit but it’s taking a while to process. This payment is due before September 21st.
Heidi has already connected me with a beautiful lady they met while in Germany and we will be checking out their church while we are there. Oh, I just love worshiping with other believers around the world! What a wonderful treat!
Here’s our flight information so you can pray over it. Blessing multiplied back to you all!
September 16th, 2023
Our first step is to purchase our plane tickets. We found a phenomenal non stop flight from SFO to Zurich on Swiss Air that will cost us around $3000 (at this time, prices fluctuate daily). We can’t take the leap yet because we only have 1500 in available credit.
It is scheduled to leave SFO around 2pm on Sunday, October 1st and arrive in Zurich around 11am. This will allow Mark to receive his first treatment on Monday, October 2nd. The initial plan is to stay 4 whole weeks with 5x week treatments. However, we have been told by the Cooks that we should plan to be there 2 months. If this is needed, Mark will stay there while I travel back home to accompany our daughter on her first college visit to her first choice (and already accepted) Palm Beach Atlantic. This trip was already planned and paid for (Mark was supposed to be with us) but we are taking all this one step at a time.
We are so blessed by everyone who is sharing this campaign, contributing to it, following along and praying with us and for those who are on the front lines with us behind the scenes. God is so good to send us love letters through all of you. Our hearts are full.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.