Cancer treatment for Desiree in Venezuela


 USD $15,329


 USD $15,179

Campaign created by Thomas D Evans

Campaign funds will be received by Thomas Evans

Cancer treatment for Desiree in Venezuela

We come to you with an urgent prayer and financial request for a dear friend in Venezuela. Please take the time to read this! Many of you know Rosmary Godoy, who was one of my Young Life leaders in Venezuela. Her sister-in-law, Desiree, is a brave 39-year-old mother of 2 and wife of Gabriel. They have two beautiful daughters: Erised Shalom, 9, and Génesis Gabriela, 7. However, she has been diagnosed with very serious Stage III breast cancer! Treatment and surgery will cost at least $11,460, an impossible amount for them. Please pray for healing and what the Lord would lay on your heart to assist Desiree and family pay for this vital treatment. Below are more details:

On April 15th a mastologist found a large tumor in her left breast and told her, "Desiree, you need to act quickly." Devastated by the news she left the office, filled with fear, thoughts of death and worrying about her daughters, husband, parents, and family. How could they cope with the extreme economic situation in Venezuela and scarcity of medicine, more than any country on the continent?? She cried and prayed to God for strength, help, and provision.

Chemotherapy, radical surgery, and radiation therapy are required. Desiree has completed 6 of 8 chemo treatments, mostly with borrowed money. The golf ball sized tumor, by the grace of God, has been significantly reduced! An enlarged lymph node has also decreased. Praise you Jesus! 

The last chemotherapy session is scheduled for October 19th. After that, the Oncologist Surgeon said the maximum wait before surgery to remove the breast is TWO (2) months, so no later than December 19th. After surgery, it will be determined the number of radiation treatments needed.

Gabriel has been working in Bogota, Colombia, 12 hours away, as a taxi driver. It is a REAL struggle for Desiree and Gabriel to put food on the table let alone pay for cancer treatment. Already, over 7.1 million people have fled the country in recent years because the socialist government has plunged it into the worst economic crisis in its history. Everything is scarce, especially medicine. Sometimes Desiree's family has had to buy it in neighboring Colombia or just go without.

Here’s the financial need and timeline:

  • Medical costs so far: $3,125 ($1,700 borrowed and $1,425 from gifts & fundraising from selling food) 
  • Chemo and doctor appointments needed before surgery: $1,760 (needed now!)
  • Surgery estimate: $4,000 to $6,000 (needed by 11/9/23)
  • Estimate for Radiation therapy post surgery: $4,000 to $6,000 
  • Total needed: $11,460 but could easily be $15,460+ (includes $1,700 they borrowed)

Please pray for healing and about helping Desiree financially with her cancer treatment! Share this with other believers you know who will pray for healing and help financially as Jesus leads them. I will send donations to them through Western Union. Please click on the FOLLOW button below and Rosmary and I will keep you updated on her progress.

Desiree knows there’s still a long journey ahead and is so very grateful for your support and for each day of life that He gives her with her family. Please pray that Gabriel can return from Colombia soon so they are together. And pray with her that the Lord Jesus Christ gives her the strength, hope, faith, and medical treatment needed. She is holding on to Jesus! Be sure to see this video with Desiree and her girls. Thank you!

P.S. Rosmary Is now Godoy de Sierra :)

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
8 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
9 months ago


David F Ortega
$ 50.00 USD
9 months ago

Keep your mind set on the One who is perfect peace, Jesus Christ.

Charles Maguire
$ 100.00 USD
9 months ago

Ryan Connolly
$ 500.00 USD
9 months ago

GSG Charities
$ 2629.00 USD
1 year ago

An anonymous donor donated this gift through the GiveSendGo Charities "Direct Funding" program! May God bless you as you walk through your recovery.

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for Desiree. God bless you for doing this fundraiser for her!

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 300.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 161.00 USD
1 year ago

Lord have mercy!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Praising God for Desiree's progress and we continue to pray for her complete healing.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

David Ortega
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Bruce Ross
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Continued prayers of God's healing.

David F Ortega
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 7.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
1 year ago

John Doe
$ 7.00 USD
1 year ago

Michael Abraham
$ 162.00 USD
1 year ago

Praise God for all that he’s done and all that he will do 🙌🏽

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
1 year ago


Update #7 – Eight Months After Radiation Therapy

November 24th, 2024

Dear Faith Warriors,

It has been 8 months since Desireé completed her radiation therapy treatment. We have wonderful news to share with you—reasons to continue giving thanks and praise to God. Additionally, we would like to share some prayer requests as we seek the Lord’s favor and grace. This will be our final update to you.

Desireé has had two rounds of medical consultations and exams. Her primary oncologist, the surgical mastologist, and the radiologist have all found Desireé in very good condition. According to the exam results, everything in her body is clear—there is no presence of cancerous cells or lesions. Glory to God!

The remaining prayer requests for Desireé’s health include: persistent pain from intercostal neuritis on the left side where the surgery was performed, dermatitis and skin redness (which Desireé may have to manage for at least 10 years due to the radiation), and the strengthening of her body through good nutrition, vitamins, minerals, and medical treatment. Additionally, she has been diagnosed with uterine fibromatosis by her gynecologist, which will need to be addressed in December of this year.

Following the recommendations of her medical specialists, Desireé will undergo a third round of exams and consultations between December and January. God has been so good and faithful, and we will continue to trust Desireé’s health and well-being into the hands of our Heavenly Father.

Desireé and our family—Godoy, Thomas, and Angélica Evans—are profoundly grateful to the Lord and to all of you for walking alongside us throughout this journey of faith. Your prayers, words of encouragement and faith, support, contributions, generosity, compassion, and fellowship have been invaluable in helping us reach this goal together. Although there are still some medical checkups and evaluations ahead, we believe the funds raised have been sufficient to cover all of Desireé’s medical needs, including those yet to come.

With deep gratitude to God and all of you, we pray the Lord blesses your lives and families. May you also have a wonderful time together during the upcoming holidays.

With love,

Desireé, Gabriel, Shalom, and Gabriela, Rosmary Godoy Sierra – Thomas and Angelica Evans

Update Update #7 – Eight Months After Radiation Therapy Image
Update #6 - Desiree Post Radiation

April 24th, 2024

Dear Praying friends,

Desiree finished radiation treatment March 4! Praise the Lord!! A lot has happened since our last update besides this milestone. At the time, we were short $2,711 but $4,040 was given. Wow, thank you Jesus! There have been more expenses so the Lord knew it would be needed. Here is where we’re at and how you can pray.

Recovery: Desiree is healing well but has been battling Intercostal neuritis from the mastectomy surgery which has required treatment. Headaches, fainting, nausea, and fatigue have also been a problem.

Medical expenses: Additional exams, post-radiation medication, and doctor appointments that were not known about or not anticipated will require an estimated $1,585 more than the $13,329 raised. I would like to round it to $2,000 more needed. (This is a total of $15,329, still under the original estimate of $15,460.)

Returning to work: Desiree is a school teacher and had to go back to work even though she doesn’t feel well or strong enough. However, her sick time ran out. She is left-handed and this is the arm affected by the surgery making it painful to write. Furthermore, she has to walk to work and returns home exhausted. Please pray for healing and energy.

Finances: Gabriel, Desiree’s husband, is a taxi driver and earns $8/day. They can’t live on this. Please pray he finds better work. Desiree makes a little more than $4/day. Remember, 7.7 million people have left Venezuela since 2014 because of unprecedented scarcity of food, work, and medicine. This is one of the largest exoduses of people in the world, outside of a war.

Dengue: Both their girls, Shalom and Gabriela, got dengue, a dangerous mosquito borne viral disease that can lead to death. I’ve had it and know! They’ve recovered, praise the Lord, but this gave them a real scare.

Conditions: Electricity is on only 6 - 7 hours/day or sometimes not at all making life, work, and keeping food from going bad very difficult. Propane for cooking is very scarce so people use wood to cook causing respiratory problems.

It is hard for Desiree and Gabriel to not let stress and worry overcome their little family. Please pray that the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard their hearts and their minds in Christ Jesus. If you are able, please give here to raise the $2,000 still needed for her treatment.

Here is a video of Desiree finishing radiation. Thank you for all your prayers and financial gifts that have made this possible! God bless you!

Thomas & Angelica Evans and Rosmary Godoy de Sierra (sister-in-law)

Desiree Update #5: Last step---radiation treatment

January 23rd, 2024

Dear fighters of faith. It has been six weeks since Desiree’s surgery and her recovery has been very successful. Thank God and all of you for your prayers and gifts! 

We are short $2,711 to cover the last step in her treatment---radiation. This is $540 over what we had originally estimated so we raised the goal accordingly to $12,000. Desiree needs 19 doses of radiotherapy, Monday to Friday, for four weeks. If she is well enough she could start Monday January 29. 

Please continue to pray for Desiree and, if you are able, please give here to help cover the $2,711 still needed to pay for the radiation. It is time sensitive and can't be put off.

Here is a video from Desiree. Thank you and God bless you!

Thomas & Angelica Evans and Rosmary Godoy de Sierra

Update #4: Desiree - Successful surgery!

December 24th, 2023

Dear warriors in faith,

This is Rosmary, Desiree's sister-in-law, writing to tell you the 4 hour surgery, a total mastectomy, went very well. Thank you Jesus! Also, the biopsy results were wonderful news, a Pathologic Complete Response, (the absence of residual invasive cancer... following completion of neoadjuvant systemic therapy). PRAISE THE LORD JESUS CHRIST!

After the April diagnosis of breast cancer stage III triple negative with a rapid growth, both her doctor and surgeon are very pleased. They still want her to get radiation treatment and we will update you about that. 

See and hear her in this video with her husband and my precious little nieces on Dec 7 before and after surgery as she tells about it. We are all so very grateful for your prayers and gifts that made this possible! This is going to be the best Christmas EVER for us! Que Dios les bendiga inmensamente!

Merry Christmas!

Rosmary Godoy Sierra and Thomas Evans

Update #3: Surgery December 7

December 4th, 2023

Dear brothers and sisters, 

Desiree is scheduled for the surgery this Thursday, December 7. She is much better after being sick which canceled her surgery planned for November. Please, join us in lifting up Desiree's life to our Heavenly Father and pray for Jesus' hands and His Presence to bring complete healing to her body. 

We also want to thank the Lord for restoring Gabriel's health after his accident and that he is home to support Desiree. Their girls, Shalom and Gabriela, are praying a lot for their mommy's healing and so glad their daddy is home. PRAISE JESUS! 

As of now, $9,244 out of the estimated $11,460 has come in which is enough for the surgery. Thank you Jesus! Radiation treatment will be required after the surgery. 

Desiree, Gabriel and the whole Godoy family are deeply thankful for the ways you all have been walking with them through this process. In Jesus is our trust and hope!

With gratitude and love,

Rosmary Godoy and Thomas Evans  

Update #2 - 8th final chemo before surgery

November 5th, 2023

Dear prayer warriors,

Desiree had her 8th and final chemo on Oct 18th and it made her the sickest of all of them. However, the doctors are encouraged and say the tumor is too small to detect. Praise the Lord! Here is a video she made with her husband. Surgery is next although we don't have a date yet but it needs to be in November. Radiation will follow. We have raised $7,173 but $4,287 more is still needed!! Please pray that this need will reach and touch the hearts of people that can help with this amount in the next week. Also, pray for the surgery date and that Desiree won't get sick. Thank you!

Thomas Evans and Rosmary Godoy

Update #1 : Desiree's 7th chemotherapy

October 7th, 2023

Dear Prayer Warriors,

Desiree had her 7th chemotherapy on 9-27-23. Here is a 30 sec video from her. She's struggling with intense itching, especially in her hands and feet, a side effect of the chemo. Fatigue and memory issues are also challenging her. She requests prayer for these. The last chemo before her surgery is on 10-18-23. They are deeply grateful for your prayers and financial support. Praise the Lord we've raised $7,173 and only $4,287 more is needed!!


Thomas Evans and Rosmary Godoy

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.