USD $30,000
USD $120
Campaign funds will be received by FIP
You might have heard about the horrible war between Hamas terrorists in Gaza Strip (funded by Iran) and Israel. Children and women murdered. Other children hunkered down, sheltering in place. Orphans crying. Men using their own bodies to shield those of their families. Have you heard about it?
Now, the current war outbreak is barely two months old. Meanwhile, in Myanmar (formerly Burma), there continues to be military rule of the population, since the coup d'état of February 1, 2021. That was a full year before Russia started a war by invading Ukraine, which continues to this day. Here in the USA, we were still hearing about COVID-19 infections, and preventive measures in our daily news cycles. Aren’t we glad that has largely stopped dominating our newsfeeds?
I do not wish to add to the already weary emotions surrounding “wars and rumors of wars”. However, if we believe every human being is indeed created in the image of God and for His purpose, we Christians have even more attention to pay to the suffering of others. The people of Myanmar are experiencing more hardship than I want to imagine, and I do not wish to compare or impugn the pain and suffering of anyone. However, how can one care about another’s suffering, if they are not even made aware of it? Faith International Partners, Inc [501c3 IRS Approved as a non-profit, tax exempt entity] supports native church planters (i.e. Christian missionaries) in Myanmar among other countries in southeast Asia.
Our National Director of Myanmar, Brother Go Lian Pau is mostly how we manage to keep up with the volatile situation. He sent us a recent e-mail message for urgent prayers due to increased bombings in the city of Kalaymyo which has a population of about 30,000:
“Also, these days, the Junta drops bombs inside the city inhumanly and yesterday, one little girl student and her mother while her mother dropped her child the school were hit and killed immediately. Also, in the downtown on the main road, one man unfortunately was hit by a landmine and his body was torn apart in pieces. Another three people who were near him were seriously injured. These all are Christians and they are so heartbreaking.Even just after the mid-night, the jet fighters were flying over us and dropping bombs and we heard the huge sounds. But the Lord has kept us safe till now.
Continue to pray for good health and safety in our lives.”
These regular bombings have created a food crisis in many of these smaller cities and rural villages, where subsistence farming is THE way of life. Take note of this prayer request sent in from merely one of the 63 missionaries Faith International Partners supports in Myanmar:
“The Lord blessed my ministry (Mandalay Area) and we grow in the Lord. The lord enlarged my ministry and I have come to touch more and more people with the pure Gospel of Jesus Christ. On the other hand, the people were so poor physically since they don’t have a proper income for their families. Many of them requested food from me and I have given them what I have. But the need is so great and I couldn’t do it by myself. Through their hardships, I had a chance to share the Gospel with them and they are willing to learn the Word of God and the salvation message in their lives. As I see their physical needs, my heart goes with them. So, I wanted to ask you to pray for these people so I can help at least 52 families, so that I can share the Gospel with them. They are interested to learn more about the love of God in their lives. I pray about this project, so that the Lord will provide to meet this need for my people here. Thank you so much for your prayers.”
If you are willing to add the civil war generally, and these 63 native missionaries and their evangelistic efforts in Myanmar specifically, to your prayer list, it would be most helpful! The needs are great!
If appropriate for you to also become a financial supporter in these efforts:
the cost for a bag of rice (50 kg/105 lbs.) is more than 100,000 MMK (@ 2810 Currency Exchange Rate = $35.68 [constantly rising]) right now. NOTE: They need about 5 bottles of "Cooking Oil" at $3.00 each to prepare the rice and one bag of rice will last a family of 4 about 1 month.
***100% of your contributions goes overseas to its designated purpose and NOTHING is retained for administrative purposes***
“And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” (Matthew 25:40 KJV)
Anything Ben bounds has something to do with I will always donate
June 11th, 2024
AMID the horrible war and attacks on their villages, we have received another WONDERFUL report about the work of native Christian missionaries that we support! 52 professions of faith on Jesus Christ as Savior!! 39 of them have already demonstrated that statement of faith through public Baptism! The following is an excerpt from a recent report from a food distribution:"The recipients came from 14 different villages and we had great opportunity to share the love of God and they were so happy to receive the food from us and they learned the good news of Jesus from us. We distributed a half bag of rice (25 kg) to the families and by the grace of God, 210 families have received help from us. I saw a joy of tears in their eyes and also I saw a heart of their willingness to learn the love of God from us. The people shared with us the hardships that they faced and most of the people lost their properties and their houses were burned down. They have no place to live and no food to eat. Some of them shared with us that they have lost their family members by the airstrikes in their village and we were so disappointed by hearing what they shared with us. But still we saw their smiling faces as the Word of God is so powerful to change their thoughts and circumstances."
Please continue to PRAY for the Believers generally and the 63 native Christian missionaries in Myanmar that we support specifically!
May 21st, 2024
We received this dire message from our National Director in Myanmar this past week:"We had a wonderful service at our Church yesterday with good attendance in the middle of noise and troubles. Especially, the Kalay surrounding villages are burned after another including many church buildings. Now, more and more people are homeless and become hopeless. No food to eat, no place to stay… At present, the military is targeting and attacking among the Christian communities. They passed and didn’t burn the Burmese villages and they aim to destroy the relationship of the tribal people and Burmese people. They are trying to create misunderstanding among us and they want us to attack each other/tribes. They are using any possible way for the people to be in more trouble so that the people may not stand against them.
The tribal and the Burmese are the same side but they created some misunderstandings and they have influenced some of them so far. They started using the ethnic as a weapon to trouble us. Now, more and more people are coming to Kalaymyo to find shelters since they can’t live in their homes/villages.Please continue to pray for these people and for peace in our country."
Not much more to add is there? PRAYERS ARE NEEDED!! These starving people are in a war-torn country where so many people are dying, while receiving quite a bit less media coverage.
April 21st, 2024
The following are excerpts from a recent report sent by one of our native Christian missionaries in Myanmar:
"The Lord blessed us with 32 new souls for His kingdom and there are about 15 new seekers and after believing in Jesus Christ, 28 people were immediately baptized at three different villages...Pray with us that we will have more opportunities to share the good news of Jesus Christ with many other people through our Bible camping in the future. There is much work to be done, and we are grateful that God is allowing us to be a part of His goals for our country. Your love for the mission is our strength to march forward with the beacon of the Gospel in our nation. Once again thank you so much for prayers and financial help without which all these things may not be possible. Because of your help and prayers, many people have been saved from their sins and claim to the sons and daughters of our God. Many people are searching for their eternity after they heard the good news from us. My team and I have been busy to follow up these new seekers and pray that the Lord open their heart to see the living God in their lives."Also, one of the testimonies he shared from a new Believer:
"I was born and grew up in a Buddhist family. My parents were rich and since I am the only son in my family, whatever I asked before I knew God, I lied and I stole things and I lived as I liked. I fought with my friends and disobeyed my parents. I’d feel good at first after doing these things, but then began to feel hopeless and I feel like my heart is empty. When I heard about Jesus from the preacher in the Bible training, I began to understand who I am and how I should live. As I began to learn that God has a plan for my life. When I knew God loves me so much and He gave His only begotten son to die for me, I began to understand what God wants me to do. I changed my thoughts and I prayed to God to open my heart to see Jesus in my life. Really, it was such a joy when I met with Jesus as the preacher led me to Christ. That day was the happiest day in my life."Please continue to PRAY for the Believers generally and the 63 native Christian missionaries in Myanmar that we support specifically!
April 8th, 2024
"Humanitarian aid given by the US, EU, and UN goes directly to the junta. These donations end up funding the war, displacing and killing the very civilians the outside world mistakenly believed they were helping."
THIS is an example of how our support of 63 native Christian missionaries is truly the LORD's provision for his people!! Our missionaries are witnessing new professions of faith on Jesus Christ and baptisms of all ages, genders, ethnicities, and religious backgrounds, amidst a civil war and food crisis!! Praise GOD from whom ALL blessings flow!!
February 9th, 2024
We received this EXCELLENT REPORT and numerous pictures of the "Food Crisis" distribution to more than 127 families. 54 individuals were saved by faith on Jesus Christ and 36 of them have already been baptized!! Furthermore, another 4 people received Christ as Savior as a result of the missionaries' continued "follow up" visitations and decided to be baptized this coming week!! These following words of gratitude are from our national director:
Your help came in a very right time and the Lord blessed our relief ministry beyond our thoughts. Once again, thank you so much for prayers and financial support, so that many people came to know the living God in their lives and many people were provided food for their families. Words are not enough to say thank you to you and the donors.Please continue to PRAY for the Lord's Provision, Grace and Mercy to cover His people in Myanmar!
January 3rd, 2024
"After 28 days, my family and I returned to our home today along with our villagers. We were so sad to see the damages. By the grace of God, my house is safe but all my properties are gone. More than 30 houses were totally damaged and all the properties were taken away by the Junta. So, I ask you to pray for us as many of us don't have food to eat and everyone is full of tears.So, I am planning to help at least 127 families who are poorest and neediest in our city during this time. We are in a great need of help since the Junta prohibited aid from foreign or local NGOs. I can’t imagine how terrible my people’s lives are. So, please join us in prayer to help 127 families with one bag of rice which costs 150,000 per bag (50 kg/105 lbs). [NOTE: With the current Currency Exchange averaging 3,165 MMK to $1.00 USD, a 50 kg (105 lbs.) bag of rice costs $47.39, so round that up to $50 and they can add a bottle of "Cooking Oil" to go with it. With 127 families needing this, it multiples up to astronomical amount of $6,350 USD. With what ever total amount comes in, we have our Missionaries break it down to 10 kg - 25 kg bags of rice per family so that as many as possible get "SOMEHTING",I know that you have helped me and provided me food for my people in the past. But I have to ask you again for help for my people as the need is so great and urgent. Thank you so much."The preceding message was received within the last week by one of the eight Christian missionaries in two different provincial areas in Myanmar that had previously had to flee their homes because of the threatening Junta forces! Now, they have returned to merely rubble in many cases! Please continue to PRAY for the Lord's Provision, Grace, and Mercy to cover His people in Myanmar!
December 5th, 2023
We are so EXCITED to report that there were 31 professions of faith in Jesus Christ as Savior during the distribution of the food!! Many more people crossed over into what our indigenous church-planters classify as "Seekers", meaning they are VERY INTERESTED in learning more about the Bible and God's free salvation through the finished work of Christ on the Cross, risen, ascended and now seated at the right hand of the Father and "Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them." Heb. 7:25
100% of the requested need was designated by a faithful sponsor and was sent early as soon as it arrived to help provide a half bag (52.5 lbs) of rice, 1 kg of cooking oil and another bag of meal for 186 families in two villages that were bombed. 6 people were killed by the bombing in the second village just 4 miles away.
Please continue to pray for the people of Myanmar!
August 28th, 2023
Situation is only worsening in Myanmar (see attached picture) :All gas stations (like petrol, diesel) in Kalaymyo have been shut down by today afternoon as they are running out. Just 2 days ago, we used to get 1 liter per person and the cost was Ks. 30,000 MMK per gallon (about $10 per gallon) but from todays' afternoon, all stations have been closed.
Also, the cost for the basic foods are also higher everyday and now the cost for 1 bag of rice is Ks. 145,000 MMK (about $47).
We need more of your prayers for our future!
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.