USD $40,000
USD $320
My Name is Amber Merrett. My parent's, Catherine (58 years) and David (59 years) Merrett are in need of a new roof. The damage started years ago after a hurricane but, they were denied by FEMA and their insurance company to fix the damage. Over time more storms have caused damage. This past week their kitchen ceiling caved in and was leaking water in the house. My Dad was able to patch up the area and temporarily fix the immediate issue.
My parent's are financially stretched. Though they are both full time hard working people. Catherine is a SPED paraprofessional at an elementary school. She has been teaching for 22 years. David is a wood floor installer. He has been in construction and installation for 20 years. His body is at a point where he knows he will not be able to do the strenuous work he so very loves and enjoys doing for much longer.
Recently, they unexpectedly had to replace all the plumbing in their home. That caused them to get a loan for thousands of dollars they were not wanting to get but, it had to be done. Their insurance is not going to cover the roof expenses and is canceling their policy mid October due to the amount of time they have gone without fixing the roof.
I am asking for help for them because I know how much they need it. Catherine has always been one to go above and beyond for her family and friends especially when they are in need. David has always been such a loving, hard working husband and father to provide for his family.
We give all our thanks and praise to The Lord for this platform to reach out to others in our time of need.
Best wishes y'all.
Thank you for being so good to Wesley.
Best of luck!
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