USD $14,000
USD $14,005
Campaign funds will be received by Julie Class
#GivingTuesday2024 #GivingTuesday
My name is Julie and I have been a believer of Jesus Christ since I can remember. Throughout my life I have had some doubts in him and myself, due to ugly situations in my life that I didn't fully understand why they were happening.
As I grew older, my faith grew stronger. I no longer question God's plan, and I am learning to give all of my fears, concerns and prayers to him. It has helped me through my worst times.
Unfortunately, I have fallen on another difficult time, and I am having some health issues that are keeping me from working. I have worked 1-2 jobs all of my life, and always had enough to make ends meet, but not enough to have a substantial savings. This is only temporary, so I know that I will get through, but I know it doesn't hurt to ask for some help when needed. I just don't want to fall behind on my mortgage and utilities so I can pick right up without a struggle when I'm back to work. Any little bit you can find in your heart to give, I appreciate more than you know. And all prayers are welcomed! Thank you.
#GivingTuesday #GivingTuesday2024
We are all forgiven, when we confess our faults and appeal to the Lord, who died on the cross to redeem us with his own blood. (1 John 1:9) I hope this last gift encourages you, Julie, to keep the faith. Remember to ask for help daily from our Father in heaven, who is able to help us with all our spiritual and earthly needs.
It was said that previous requests would be the last, but new requests continue to be made. We should keep our word.... or only make promises we can keep.... right? As Jesus said, let your "yes" be "yes" and your "no" be "no". Anything more than that is sin. (Matthew 5:37) This donation is to help buy heating oil.
"The last thing I want anyone to say, is that I have been evil. Thank you, for being so blessed that you could bless me. I will ask for forgiveness. " By Julie Class
Do not trust in your own understanding, but in all of your ordeals acknowledge Him and he will direct your paths. He can make a way where there appears to be no way. There is no danger He cannot thwart and no need He cannot meet. Trust the Lord.
"I do trust him. At least I really try. But when so much goes wrong, you look at it as a punishment. Is he punishing me? I need words of encouragement." By Julie Class
While we wait, we can do the work of God. Read John 6:28-40 to know what that work is so we may receive our daily bread.
"Thank you. I read that and I see what you mean. I wish I knew verses that are helpful when needed the way you do. I'm exhausted. I just need peace. " By Julie Class
God looks at the heart. Those he finds that are meek and repentant he values more than rubies. Many of the best dressed in the world have no idea they are naked. In the spirit realm they are poor because they value only temporary things and not the eternal things of God. This gift is supplied by none other than God through a servant of Jesus Christ. Promises made should be kept.
God allows suffering to purify us, to make us perfect. We must through much tribulation enter the kingdom of God. Read Luke 22:31-32, Act 14:22
"I read them both. Wow. You are correct. I'm still trying hard to understand what I read. This has definitely helped." By Julie Class
It looks like you have had a challenge getting your car back. I pray this helps you.
"I sure did. It's just everything lately. It's been tough! Thank you, again. I don't know how I'd get through without your grace and blessings." By Julie Class
Even though your car was taken, do not repay with evil to anyone, but overcome what could appear as evil with good. Pray without ceasing. Give thanks in all things. God sees all your needs.... He is your Provider.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was beginning to lose faith, and you have restored it. I'm blessed, and so forever grateful." By Julie Class
Sometimes family is not able or willing to help. There is a Friend that sticks closer than a brother. He is the Lord Jesus Christ.
This gift can be given to you.... because he blessed me, I can share a portion with you. May this gift be for your good and bring you some peace.
"It is so for my good. And I will, for the first time in 2 months, sleep good tonight. The feeling of peace right now, that i feel, is overwhelming. " By Julie Class
And do not worry about tomorrow. You see how he provides for the birds. They do not need money to live.... and not one sparrow falls to the ground without him knowing. You are of more value than many sparrows.
"Oh, you have done so much. Now, because of My Lord and Savior, and your generosity, I will not have to worry about tomorrow. One more month! Thank you" By Julie Class
Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers them out of them all.
"Thank you isn't enough. You have no idea what you have done for me. God Bless You!!!!!! " By Julie Class
Jules. You have always been such a believer in God!!!! Keep the faith, this bump in the road is a test to see how you will overcome it. Always believe. Never give up
February 13th, 2025
I'm slightly sad, because last night when I prayed for forgiveness for my wrongdoings, I had lowered my campaign amount to ONLY be what I needed for oil...and as showed proof of the current prices. Apparent my goal amount did not reflect the change. I have now made sure it does. The last thing I want to do, is request more than I need. Please, help me meet my goal. And , because I WILL stick to my word, it's the last thing I need. Thank you, and God Bless You. 🙌
February 11th, 2025
I publicly ask for forgiveness for saying that my last request, was my last request. I will talk to God later this evening when I always talk to him, to ask him for forgiveness. I NEVER intended for this last 2 years to be the way it has. It's truly embarrassing to not be able to support yourself. I appreciate the phone calls I received from GiveSendGo when we prayed together. It did more for me than I ever expected.
My donors...thank you. My yes, is going to mean yes...and the heating oil is my last request. I'm attaching the amount currently from my oil company, since I don't get a first paycheck until 3/14 and the majority of that goes to my mortgage. I will let my campaign here until then, or until I hit my final goal, and I will no longer need help. I thank you, and I hope you will forgive me. God bless you.
February 10th, 2025
Lord, thank you...but continue to hear my prayer. I had an amazing friend that knew the horrible predicament I was in. They have their own barrel to bring some fuel oil home. Before I ran out, I got 15 gallons. We still have heat!! Tomorrow evening, however, they are calling for 3" of snow, which again will be chilling degrees. Even a little will help...please...until I start work later this month...help me! 😫😫 I am going to be fine, middle of next month...but at this moment...I'm desperate. Pray for me, please.
February 6th, 2025
No longer am I looking for assistance of a lawyer. After speaking with some knowledgeable people, it isn't worth the money. I will wait patiently until the other attorney is back in the country and we get another hearing date.
And I wake up this morning feeling slightly optimistic, but knowing 3/14 is a long time away when you have no income. My first check will be going to my mortgage payment, and I'll have some extra for food. But that's ok, the food banks have helped me tremendously. I'm just so happy to have a steady income again after all of this time!
However, it has been so cold here, and I only keep my thermostat at 68, and I'm just about out of oil. I called the oil company and they said I won't make it with my tank where it is much longer. The picture of my guage is attached. I've never gone through oil that fast the whole time I've lived here, but it has been bitterly cold. Having some help with heating oil and a few things I need before my first paycheck, would ease my mind tremendously. Please pray for my peace, health, and patience during this time. Thank you, and God Bless You.
January 30th, 2025
Amen! After months, and months of waiting, I finally received my hearing date for unemployment. And, it's the week before I go back to work. I cried and cried tears of joy today. Please pray that it goes in my favor, which the attorney said she feels it will. I had to AGAIN increase my campaign amount, because I thought for sure this would be resolved this month. It won't. I won't hear an answer until I'm working, but again, the attorney said it looks great that I got other employment. No matter what I've gone through...the pain, the sadness, the hopelessness, I somehow found my faith through GiveSendGo. Their prayers are some of the best prayers I've prayed, and the support by my faithful donors have been more than I ever could have imagined. Thank you, and if you're able, please donate because it has brought so much light into the darkness I've been going through. But if you can't, please, please just pray for this next journey for me. God bless you.
January 19th, 2025
I've gotten much better since my last update. I fell into a hole, but bible verses...God's word, got me out of that hole. I feel confident that my last need will be answered, and as of tomorrow, when I unpublish my campaign, I know that even without GiveSendGo i can make it. Please continue to pray for me. This mortgage company has really hurt me when I'm finally getting on my feet. I'm so thankful though, for everyone that has reached out their neck for me. Thank you! And God Bless you.
January 18th, 2025
I'm done. This is it. I just want to sell my house and live wherever. I'm so frustrated and think I'm being taken advantage of. They need even more. Carrington Mortgage is a joke. I can only be happy and positive for so long. Is this a test? I'm not sure, but I really can't take it anymore. I updated my goal and then I'm going to be off the grid. I need to focus on my family and the new job I'm so excited to start. What I will say is, taking care of your mental health is a priority. It's ok to not be ok. And right now I'm not. Please pray for me. I know this is temporary, but still so very hard to get through. 🙏🙏🙏
January 15th, 2025
I lied. I'm back! But, this is to say that God is so, so, so good. I have been gifted everything I have needed to get my life back in order. Never, ever did I think that was possible. But through God, ALL things are possible. The love and generosity that has been shown through GiveSendGo has honestly been the hope I needed to get through. There were plenty of days that I didn't think I deserved to be here. But I know that before these terrible situations I was a very giving human, but unfortunately to the wrong people. I was taken advantage of most of my adult life. But I've learned!
So, my update is, that even though I was supposed to start my job 1/21 they pushed me back to a start date of 2/24. However, because of my inconvenience...which only gets me paid on 3/14, they moved my pay rate up .50 per hour! I'm looking at the bright side! But, I NEVER would have spent the money I was gifted to purchase all clothing, even though I desperately needed it for this position. Maybe i should return most of it when i receive it. I dont know. Now, again, my February mortgage can't be paid. I have some of it, but they now have me on a program where I CANNOT be late. I still need 650 for that. Other than that, everything is great, and my 1st paycheck in march will be able to pay March's mortgage payment within the grace period. I am so, so, so grateful for everything GiveSendGo has given me, due to my amazing donors and I understand if I can't get the financial assistance, but please continue to pray. This is the final stretch!!! Thank you, for my blessings. And thank you, GiveSendGo and my donors. The love you've shown means the world to me.
January 11th, 2025
Last, last, last update...for sure. My start date got pushed back one more time from 1/21 to 2/3 but I'm ok with that. I understand why, and I was actually there today filling out final paperwork. Praise God! I'm so excited for this new journey.
I have increased my goal, due to needing new clothes. After being at my new place of employment a few times now, I realize what the women in the office are wearing. I can't compete with that at this time. I have looked at Salvation Army and Goodwill and literally only found 2 pairs of pants. The pickings are slim. I built some carts between Amazon and Kohls, which had the cheapest prices, and it came to $900 between dress pants, professional tops, and dress shoes/boots. I almost cried. Why? Why are things that people need to work, to improve their lives, have to cost so much? It's sad. But, as of 2/3 I will be making my own income, and I couldn't be more proud. GiveSendGo did this for me. And I can't wait, to make my life better, and eventually someone else's. Even a little, praying for me means so much. Please, help me with this last request, and I'm set! Thank you, GiveSendGo! God bless you all...for everything you've done.
January 10th, 2025
This is a praise, and a request for advice.
My praise is, thank you to GiveSendGo for the amazing prayers we have prayed together, and the amazing donors that have gotten me through this last year of having no income...by the way, unemployment has yet to schedule my hearing since my appeal was accepted on 11/17, but that's ok. I had God on my side.
The request for advice is, I'm finally starting my job, after what seems like forever, but I'm slightly panicking about my dress code. I have worn jeans and just casual tops and sneakers to work for the last 10 years. My new job is requiring a more upscale dress code. I need dress pants the most, then shoes for sure, and then finally some more professional tops. Does anyone know of any organizations that give allowances for clothing, or any other type of assistance? I basically need an entire wardrobe, sadly, and I don't have much time. And obviously hardly any money, since I've been out of work for so long. One pair of pants is between 35-50 dollars!! What is happening?!? I guess I haven't bought clothing in such a long time, so I'm not knowledgeable. Any suggestions, donations, and of course prayers, are all welcomed.
I've never been more blessed in my life from GiveSendGo...I just wish my family and "friends" could have helped more...being that I used to be everyone's help and rock during my more stable days. It makes me cry...a lot. But, I'm so, very excited for this new journey that has come my way. Thank you, isn't enough. I'm so grateful.
January 5th, 2025
I was able to pick up my car yesterday...thank you God and friends of GiveSendGo. We got there, handed over the money, and my car wouldn't start. No problem, because we were able to jump it. Guess what...that did nothing. I'm not sure what I have done wrong in my life, to get all of this sorrow prior to receiving the amazing things...like a job I'm starting on 1/21.
So after the attempt to jump the car, I called a tow company because I had a few bucks left, and luckily, they were able to tow it to a garage I'm familiar with. Well, guess what, due to the car sitting so long, I needed a new battery. Once they put that in, they realized I needed some kind of negative cable thing that goes to the battery. I don't understand all of it...but he is definitely keeping the car until, after labor, the battery and all the other stuff comes to 1100. This is a joke. But, again, I have no car. Please, God, tell me what I've done wrong. I have tried to live the correct path for quite awhile now, and I don't feel like it's gotten me anywhere, other than 1 person, who I swear is an angel on earth, who has helped me so much. But I'm ready to help myself! God please...let me start this job and provide for myself. GiveSendGo prayer team and the whole platform has done so much for me. I promise I only need a tiny bit more. God Bless all of you! Thank you.
December 27th, 2024
The last few days have been absolutely horrible, to say the least. On the 22nd one of my dearest friends passed away, and I'm having a very difficult with this.
I then went and had my daughter take me to pick up my car yesterday, which was 1 hour and 10 mins away. I was blessed with the amount to get my car and finally had something to bring some happiness. Well, I found out that what I paid to the company that repossessed my vehicle, was not including the repossession fee to the place that had my car. I was specifically told what I paid was all I needed to pay. They asked for $650. I looked at the paperwork and they weren't able to release my car without it. I stood there, and just sobbed. I'm not sure why I have this constant black cloud over my head, but I've never in my life been this down and out. Every time something gets solved, another bump in the road comes along. I've never been so discouraged, and I'm not sure how much more I can take. My heart hurts, my head hurts, my body hurts from constant stress. Maybe this is what my life is supposed to be. I'm not sure, but all I can do is hand this over to God. I know in his own time there will be a solution to have my car before I start my job.
When my friend passed away, our local VFW who raises money for veterans was asking for donations to provide a small memorial at their location to honor my dear friend, Tina. I gave what I could after all of my bills were paid up to date. I don't regret that, because she deserves the memorial and I've always been taught to give when I can, although it may not be much, even though that could have gone toward part of the fee I owe at the place that has my car. I know I did the right thing.
Coming home without my car yesterday has really taken a toll on me, so all prayers are welcome. I need them, because I have to keep my health and mind straight until I begin my new job. This is all I will ask. And this will be my last request of the year. Actually, ever. That's because I'm going to believe that 2025 will be so much better than the last two years. As easy as it is to do, I will keep my faith strong.
Thank you for whatever you can do...anything helps. GiveSendGo has done so much for me. God Bless You.
December 19th, 2024
Well, the worst thing that could happen right now, did. I woke up this morning to no car in my driveway. I called the company, and it was definitely repossessed. I had to wait all day to find out how much has to be paid to get it back. I immediately started crying and feeling physically in when they told me. The total is $1703.16. I just found a way to get it inspected! My family will not help, and I have no friends that are able. I'm usually positive and hopeful, but there is no possible way to get this money prior to working, and no way to start my new job next month without a car. I'm at the end of my rope, and have no other place to turn other than GiveSendGo. Please, please, if anyone is able, help me get my car. I don't know what else to do. Thank you.
December 19th, 2024
I haven't felt this discouraged and hopeless for quite awhile. I continue to listen to my vm prayers from GiveSendGo that have been so encouraging every day before. Today must just be a difficult day. I'm being harassed by my car title holder. They are not a company that is understanding. If I lose my car, I'll never be able to start my new job, which is 35 mins from home. I ask for all positivity and encouragement through prayer and we'll wishes so that I don't fall into a deeper depression. I feel so depleted. If anyone sees this update, please help with some encouragement. It's a very tough time to feel positive. I know I have God, but I still feel so alone. Thank you.
December 18th, 2024
Just an update to be thankful again for God's blessings. I was able to shuffle things around enough to have my car inspected! The owner of the garage was also very helpful. I prayed, and prayed and it all worked out. Please continue to pray for my campaign. I can hold off on utilities, for the most part, because of phone calls I made, but the company that holds the title of my car isn't very easy to work with. Please help me pray that something works out that I don't lose my car! It's all I have to get me to my new job. Thank you, all!
December 12th, 2024
Hopefully, my final update before I can unpublish my campaign. GiveSendGo has done more for me than I could have ever imagined, and I am beyond grateful. Obviously the financial assistance has been what has kept me going for the last year and a half, and I'm not sure where I would be if I hadn't gotten the help. But also, the prayers. Being able to call and have someone pray with you, or just an unexpected call of someone praying with me or on my voicemail. This whole journey that I've been on has tested my faith more than ever in my life, and faith pulled me through. God has proven that anything can happen when you hand all of your trials and tribulations over to him. I've never felt closer to him.
With that being said, I got some news that has set me back about a month and a half. My new position has been pushed back until a start date of 1/21. Because of it being in accounting, they want to make sure they have all loose ends from end of year taken care of prior to starting a new person. I was planning on a paycheck by the end of December and that will not be happening now until the beginning of February. I can fall a month behind, but I don't want to start at 2 months behind and risk something being disconnected. My mortgage is paid, and that is most important. I now have car note x2, car insurance, water and sewer, electric and gas that must be paid prior to me getting my first check. This requires close to 1k dollars that I don't have, yet again. This job will be ample income to provide everything once started. It's just a waiting game until that comes in or until unemployment is possibly approved.
Please, if you are able, help get me through the end of this nightmare so I can have a fresh start with all the good things God is providing. And if unable, please pray for my campaign, because God has certainly been hearing my prayers.
Thank you, and God Bless You
November 26th, 2024
I put my trust in the Lord, and as always, in his time, he came through! I accepted a position that is accommodating to my health needs, and I will be getting my first paycheck by the end of December! I cried tears of joy today. He continues to provide in one way or another through all of my trials, because I believe in him. I am still in desperate need of oil, but I will continue to pray and I am confident my prayers will be answered in one form or another. If someone out there can help, or pray over my campaign, I would be forever grateful! Praise God for answered prayers. I am blessed.
November 23rd, 2024
This will be hopefully, my final update on this campaign. First off, there aren't enough words to show my gratitude for those who helped me during this time. So, in order to show my appreciation, as soon as I'm able, and am getting full paychecks for awhile, I will absolutely be giving back to GiveSendGo. This platform saved me, in more ways than one. I will though, ask one more time, for the help with my heating oil prior to closing my campaign. After speaking to my oil company yesterday, which the price per gallon went up yet again, I did find out that the minimum amount of oil will cost $450. The $765 amount was for a full tank, which would get me through until spring. Either amount would be a tremendous help. Unfortunately, i dont qualify for assistance with oil, because they go back a few months for income, and i was getting partial income prior to losing my job. Please, if anyone feels that helping me is God's will, this heating oil will answer my prayers. We had our first snow flurries, and the night's get very cold. I'm keeping the thermostat at just enough to keep pipes from freezing. That would be a nightmare. I will continue doing this until the oil completely runs out. I have no more help from my family, which hurts, and friends are very few and far between. I know #GivingTuesday2024 is coming up, but this is so time sensitive. I appreciate you all. The silent prayers, the phone calls from those who pray with me, and all the kindness I've been shown, is all felt. It's what has gotten me through this when my mental state wasn't good. I needed you all, more than I realized. Thank you, and God Bless You.
November 21st, 2024
I want to give another update, and first of all say thank you to everyone that donated to my campaign. I was able to pay 2 months of mortgage and another car payment. The only thing I need until I start getting paychecks, which will be end of December is oil. I will then be closing my campaign, because I have been blessed so much and I'm going to be ok. As of today, a full tank would be $767.23. It could increase, but I need it ASAP. I chose to pay mortgage over oil. I am asking for that help, and then I am good! I'm praying for this, and the more prayers the better. Thank you!
November 16th, 2024
Another update...praising God for the opportunities to interview for several positions. I have nothing set in stone at this time, but I'm hopeful. I continue to pray that God will provide until I'm back to work. I have no income, but I'm still able to get by, due to generous people that have helped in one way or another. Please, if able, consider donating to my campaign so that I'm able to pay a mortgage payment and keep utilities on. Prayers are also most welcomed. Thank you.
November 12th, 2024
Today I pray for healing, and that the new medication, along with my current meds will put me in a much better position. I just wanted to update saying I'm doing much better since my ER visit, and that my car payment was able to be made! I am also praying for assistance with the cost of my new medication, until my insurance kicks in on 12/1. It is currently $578 per month, which unfortunately has to be taken out of what I had set aside for a mortgage payment. My health needs to come first right now, and I'm just so grateful for a mortgage company that is willing to work with me. Once the mortgage gets resolved, I truly believe that I'll be on a good road. God is good, and he will provide! Thank you all for reaching out, and for your prayers.
November 9th, 2024
I'm happy to update that I have some positive things going on right now. My unemployment hearing is being scheduled and I do have an attorney representing me. She feels that I have a very good chance at getting unemployment approved.
Also, I have a 2nd interview on 11/14 for a job that will definitely be accommodating to my health needs. I'm keeping the faith!
I've also gotten household bills paid and oil in my furnace with help from my family. They may not have much, but they are there to help me as much as they can, get through this time.
All I need is my 2 months of mortgage and one car payment and I will be able to wait until possible payment from unemployment or a new job. This is why I have increased my campaign amount. Any donation will help, and all prayers will get me what I need. This, I strongly believe. God is good. All the time. Thank you, and God Bless you all!
November 3rd, 2024
I'm trying really hard not to give up. More bad news...please continue prayers. Thank you, all!!
November 1st, 2024
I just wanted to give another update. Because of donations, I was able to pay crucial things that needed to be paid until unemployment came through which was such a blessing and really gave me hope. Then, everything turned around when I got a denial from unemployment. But thankfully, I am able to get free representation while I appeal the decision. I truly am faithful that the decision will be overturned in my favor. Until then, I just ask for as many prayers as I can get, that this will come through for me until I'm able to get back to work. Prayers work, I've seen it happen, and I am so thankful for all the prayers that have been sent my way. Hopefully I just have 1 more month to get through without income, and things will go back to how good they were for the last year. If you feel it in your heart to donate, please know that this situation is temporary, and with your help, I will get through it. Thank you, and God Bless you all.
October 23rd, 2024
Unfortunately, this update isn't a positive one. I had unpublished my campaign for several months due to successfully working FT. However, the past 2 months have been difficult, because my health went downhill again to the point of losing my job. Therefore, I have published my campaign once again. As always, I have faith that I will be fine, but I will be struggling tremendously until I receive unemployment, which isn't even a guarantee that I will receive. Please, if you find it in your heart to contribute, I would be so grateful. Thank you, and God Bless.
January 25th, 2024
I just wanted to give another update. Praise God, I'm still working. It's still not full pay, because I do have to miss a few days at a time, but it's much better than before! I just need to get my mortgage up to date to keep my home. Once that is done, I want to remove my campaign because I will no longer need funds, but will still always need prayers! My goal is to one day soon, be a giver on GiveSendGo, so I can do for people what has graciously been given to me. If you're able, I ask for your help to get over this final , with a donation or a prayer, I'll get there! God Bless.
January 7th, 2024
It's been quite awhile since I've updated, so I just wanted to give my thanks to all the prayer warriors that have been praying for me. I'm happy to say I am working again, but unfortunately my medical issues are still keeping me from getting full paychecks. But praise God, my employer has been working with me.
My daughter was in a car accident on Christmas Eve and her vehicle was totaled. We are trying to figure out that situation, since we are now down to one car, but she is almost fully healed, so praise God!
I'm still keeping my campaign here in the hopes that GiveSendGo might be a place for a few more blessings until we are completely on our feet. Thank you to those who have donated already...you blessed me more than you know. Please continue to pray for me...it's needed!
November 7th, 2023
Just when things seem to be going better, my furnace went out. No heat or hot water the last week. Please pray that the technician gives me some good news today, and that I won't need a new furnace, or I'm not sure what I will do. I'm reaching out, and praying that between donations and answered prayers I will get this figured out and be able to have heat while im still off work. I'm keeping the faith!
October 29th, 2023
While I'm still not back to work, I know that it will be coming soon. I'm more than grateful to those that have funded my campaign. It has helped more than I could imagine. Keep praying for me! Thank you.
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.