USD $12,309
Campaign funds will be received by Stephanie Hall
Update: Zach has unfortunately passed from cancer and we recently celebrated the incredible man that he was with laughter, stories, and of course - machine gun fire. Stephanie is only a few months from financial difficulties so we are trying to use this as a way to give her time to get things figured out for her and Oskar. Every month we will be doing a give away to one person who donates sometime during that month. What they get will be a surprise, but they will all be awesome! The person who gets selected will be announced on the first Tactical Response livestream (Wednesday) the following month. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions. You guys ROCK!
It should come as no surprise that Zach and Stephanie are both incredibly giving people and when i brought this up to them i nearly had to fight Zach to get him to agree - and nobody looks good smacking around a cancer patient (even though he still could have totally taken me) so I’m so grateful they caved and let us do something for them. Both of them have showed up every single time they have been called upon. It’s our turn to show up for them.
Zach has been kicking cancer’s for a few years now. Unfortunately, he has to shift gears and is now kicking at having the best quality of life for his remaining time with us. He and Stephanie have shared that Zach is now on hospice care. Let’s help them out however we can so they can focus on spending time together and cuddling their sweet baby boy. They are both having to take time off and we all know how quickly medical expenses add up. Zach was also diagnosed while shopping for life insurance and was left unable to obtain a policy. Corey Saxe is graciously donating an OCCAM to be given to someone who donates in the month of August - no minimum donation amount. We just want to relieve as much financial stress as possible since that is something actionable we can take off of their plate.
Tactical Response alumni have always gone above and beyond when a fellow brother/sister is in need. I can’t put into words how thankful and honored i am to be a part of this thing of ours. You guys would make James Yeager proud.
We love you so much Zach, Stephanie, Oskar, and Adam!
To be a warrior is to learn to be genuine in every moment of your life. ~Chogyam Trungpa, via James Yeager
To be a warrior is to learn to be genuine in every moment of your life. ~Chogyam Trungpa, via James Yeager
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