USD $25,000
USD $13,357
Campaign funds will be received by JULIENNE DAVIS
I honestly never thought I'd be starting a Give Send Go campaign. I thought I wouldn't get cancer either. But here I am with breast cancer. I admit I was scared when I found out because my dear mother died at only 55 years old of this foul disease but, strengthened by my faith, I began to navigate the broken medical system in order to get the treatment I required and not get delayed or bogged down in time consuming and sometimes unnecessary medical industry protocols, diagnostics and consultations.
Fortunately, I feel God has guided me to the right path to heal myself both holistically and medically with diet, supplements, vitamins, and more specifically a newer alternative type of surgery which freezes and kills the cancer cells called cryoablation. The downside is even if I had insurance (which I don't because it's unaffordable) this new treatment is something insurance won't pay for. But I believe in my heart of hearts this is the best treatment for me.
Here's the downside: I have to pay for everything all at once and up front. So, being artists, as my husband and I are, we don't have a lot of spare money... and we will be maxing out our bank accounts and our main credit cards to pay for this unexpected emergency. We won't have much or any left to continue to pay our bills and support ourselves generally.
Initially we need $18,500 for the cryoablation ... and then after that we need a little more still for additional blood work and a follow up ultrasound and doctors visits.
I'm humbly appealing to my friends or anyone else out there to help us with these initial bills. I feel a true life change happening with me being faced with this and I want to help others should they be faced with cancer at some point, but I need to be alive and be a success story to do this. Will you help me to be that success story? The "I beat cancer, on my own terms as I'm a thinking, proactive, determined person and I WILL cure myself of this, with your help." Yes, THAT kind of story. I'm navigating both the holistic, naturopathic and traditional medical industries to find this path to wellness... but my husband and I just plain don't have the funds to do this on our own. ANY amount is gratefully accepted. I promise to keep you all updated on my progress and I am also very grateful for any prayers you can offer up for me right now.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much... and God bless us all as we journey through this thing called life.
Hope you get to treat yourself, Julienne… peace, love, prayers, always. -b
This & prayers for your speedy recovery! May God Bless you!!!
I saw recently OWS and I googled you and found out the dire situation you are going through. I m so sorry. You are amazing a beauty with a brain and an important message to comunicate. I wish you a speedy recovery Get well soon my dear we need alive and kicking more than ever All my love and affection
I hope your health is improving.
Julienne is amazing. A great actress, a fab musician but most importantly a wonderful person. Stay strong!
Get well soon Julienne, sorry this is all I can afford but I hope it helps x
Sending healing prayers and hugs.
“When all the world is a hopeless jumble - Heaven opens a magic lane - to a place beyond the rain”… “Somewhere Over The Rainbow.”
You’re an inspiration to me. You know so much about politics. I am older but look up to you. Keep hiking and taking care. Will donate again. Peace&love!
I pray for your healing. May God Bless You.
Hope you get better my friend, I am praying for you The old pirate
My prayers are with you Julienne.
May you be blessed with full recovery. Sending you a big hug xx
Go get this Julienne! Lots more fight for us!!!!!
You've got this, Julienne!
Sending prayers and Love xx C
June 21st, 2024
Well, I’m very sad to say my cancer has returned. It’s not in my breast, but it has now shown up in my lymph. So it’s metastasized. They didn’t catch it the first time because I guess it was microscopic and the ultrasounds and blood tests didn’t catch it until it got big enough to detect. And worse, I also just now have found that I have circulating cancer dna spiking in my blood as well. So not a good diagnosis.
But I will fight it as before and step it up a notch or two. I actually had a 4 month period where I was cancer free, so I did it once, that means I will do it again! And this time I will be even more thorough.
I had mistakenly felt confident I’d been cured and would only have to have cryoablation once, but here I am getting ready for my second session. Last year fighting this cost about $25000, which doesn’t seem like a lot, but for me it indeed IS a lot. Being a typical artist… I don’t have savings. So raising funds means selling stuff and praying more money comes in somehow to help me pay for it all. All this time I’ve been eating clean and taking supplements and upping my exercise… but this time now I will need to do even more. I will be doing intravenous vitamin C sessions, and probably rife and sound therapies, as well as immunotherapies. I’m not quite ready to die just yet.
Those that have donated to me last year, I’m still TRULY humbled by your generosity. And renewing this campaign was not something I ever wanted to do. But … sigh… here I am.
Please only give though if it has no impact on your own life. I would never want to receive anything from someone who can’t really afford it. So if you are struggling in any way, please just pray for me. That is still a wonderful act of kindness and love as nd it e we old be gratefully received. I pray God is listening.
For others, if you can spare a little to help fund my medical bills… I would be humbled and grateful in equal measure. I don’t know if I can repay you, but I am considering to do a few you tube videos on my cancer journey as a way of paying it forward. I hope somehow I can help others by telling my experiences and shedding light on how to navigate the medical industry… especially when you don’t have health insurance. I would also talk about my experiences with the alternative therapies too.
Anyway, I deeply thank you in advance for anything you wish to give: thoughts, prayers, best wishes and funds.
Last, I’m grateful to God for Give Send Go… they were a lifesaver for me last year, and hopefully will be once again when I need help most.
November 3rd, 2023
November 2nd.
A few updates. On the positive side, I went for my follow up ultrasound on September 28th, and that showed no signs of any new cancer activity in my breast tissue or lymph area.
I also have a blood test every two months that checks for any signs of cancer in my blood. The one two months ago did show positive signs that there was cancer “dna” in my blood BUT it was a very trace amount. But what it tells me is that I can’t be slack on continuing to treat cancer in a dynamic, preventative way and I need to stay diligent. They say, “once a cancer patient, always a cancer patient” and I think that is a prudent and preemptively cautious way to be moving forward. I will always remain proactive in this way so that it never comes back again.
On the downside, this year in general has been a year of illness and hardship for me. I don’t know why that is, as, I’d always been healthy…. Until now. Sadly, there’s new developments that also demand my attention and treatments. I’ve been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease: hypothyroidism, plus Epstein Barr virus (which exasperates the Hashimoto) and I’ve also got SIBO anemia, strep B, and probably “leaky gut.” Funnily enough… ALL this, and the breast cancer is related. So, I’m trying to get to the bottom of all of it and cure myself once and for all. I look forward to being completely well again. I’m determined to be. I’m still spending money we don’t really have enough of… but, it’s gotta be done. If you aren’t following my IG or FB, please do as I will post updates there. I will get well again. Your help makes it less stressful on us both as money is REALLY tight right now. But I will say it again, only help if you can easily and without hardship. I’d feel worse if people gave when they are struggling also. Prayers are also massively and gratefully welcomed too. 💖
Lastly - and I cannot state this enough - I am so incredibly grateful to everyone of you that helped give to my campaign and prayed for me also. You really TRULY helped me in massive ways. I’m so humbled by it. Your generosity and prayers have brought tears to my eyes. I just can’t get over it. Sometimes I find myself wanting to be really myself… blaming myself for not being good enough, or not trying hard enough… or worse, not feeling worthy enough… but you all have helped me to feel good and actually even worthy. And that is HUGE to me. I cannot possibly thank you enough - each and everyone of you. I’m honored and floored to receive such blessings. Truly from the deepest part of me… THANK YOU. ❤️
August 6th, 2023
Hello all,
First my husband and I want to give you my deepest and most humble thank you to each and every one of you who have supported me thus far. Your prayers and your financial support carried me through. It held me up, kept me strong, kept me calm, positive and confident, and gave me faith that the doctor would be guided by God during the surgery. The drugs and anesthesia were very light and other than one little pain pill late morning, I was feeling fine the rest of the day.
I can’t tell you how very humbled I am and how truly blessed I feel by all you’ve all donated. It’s brought tears to both my and Jay’s eyes many times over these last several days.
I guess I best do some great things to make myself worthy of you all after this is all done!
Also I just wanted to let you know what’s next and what else was discovered. First, this doctor highly recommended I do the biopsy and the cryoablation at the same time, so that rogue cells that may escape from the biopsy don’t have a chance to escape and move into other areas of the body before getting frozen to death. So, that’s exactly what I did.
Before doing this surgery I did not have biopsy confirmation that it was cancer… but on the ultrasound all the markers were there. And, my sixth sense just KNEW.
Well, part of the biopsy came back: confirmed. “Invasive ductal carcinoma.” So it’s definitely cancer. Not great news, but also, the tumor is now dead and we have absolute confirmation that moving fast was exactly the right thing to do. Some good news is that the pathology also confirmed it did not reach my lymph with the words: “No angiolymphatic Invasion identified.” Meaning, according to their findings, it hadn’t metastasized yet, before it was frozen to death.
Unfortunately there was another assessment that isn’t good. They gave it a “Predicted Nottingham Grade 3” - which upon researching this term… usually points to the most aggressive and hardest to treat kind of breast cancer: Triple Negative Breast Cancer. So… bummer. But again, they froze that sucker to death! That knowledge gives me time, and your continued prayers and help keeps me hopeful and positive.
Next steps: 1. I will more than likely be doing genetic testing and then immunotherapy based specifically on my genetics. This will cost a bit more with additional doctors visits, diagnostics, procedures and follow up ultrasounds, etc.
2. I will continue a more detailed research on all ways (other than chemotherapy) that I will be ensuring this cancer never takes hold again. Holistic, prayer, mind control meditation, healing modalities like EES systems (more on that later) and also anti - parasitics and even dewormers! Sounds crazy right? But dewormers (specifically Fenbendazole at http://thehappyhealingstore.com) have literally cured people with stage four cancer and years later (5-10 years later) they are still in remission. Why does something as simple and as easy as a dewormer work? Well I won’t bore you with the science but if I’ve got triple negative breast cancer and it works for me - I’m going for it. AND I will do an extra parasite cleanse just to be sure!!!
I’m nothing if not thorough.
As I continue to hone my supplements I will at some point send a definitive list… that way you all can make note of it should any of you or your loved ones be faced with this same challenge.
I still have moments of “Oh my Gosh… I have CANCER!!! Ughhhhh!!!” But those moments are made less knowing so many people are praying for me and my full recovery. Your financial assistance … are a HUGE, MASSIVE help. I honestly don’t know what we would have done without your help. THANK YOU ALL… from the bottom of my heart.
Lots of love to all of you! 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
Julienne 🌅🙏❤️
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