Kim Blandino's new Legal Defense Fund


 USD $20,000


 USD $146

Campaign created by kim blandino

Campaign funds will be received by kim blandino

Kim Blandino's new Legal Defense Fund

Please help fight evil. All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing.  I am a 68 year old man  called by my Creator to investigate and  challenge judicial corruption by state judges here in Las Vegas. In the midst of my investigations, a temporary judge retaliated against me and instigated criminal charges against me. The video of him wrongfully throwing me of court is here  I have been tried and convicted. Although I could have been sent to prison I was given probation for three years. By God's grace he would not allow the judge to give me the potential 11 years in prison. The conviction is on appeal and will not ultimately stand even if I have to go to federal court to get it reversed. I was denied the right to represent myself in the trial court and had counsel forced upon me and the judge refused to be disqualified because of the risk of bias.

      I am  doing all of my own legal work except where I am having a lawyer forced upon me  and have two lawsuits pending around the events that have occurred. Most of my court appearances  have been featured on Youtube since 2019. Judges are very much afraid of the truth as I present it as this following  video clip  shows.  This was the most viewed in 2021 by the series A&E court cam, which is on cable TV and Youtube. It starts at time index 4:16 on video and ends at 9:00 and it now has over 26 million views. ( To see this video you may have to copy and paste) This judge that says I am acting like an *sshole twice and this judge  is now on the Nevada Supreme Court as a justice. The Nevada Commission on Judicial Discipline issued a letter of caution only against this judge. Judicial corruption is rampant in Nevada. I successfully had another judge issued a letter of caution by the Commission. These judges are so afraid that both state and federal and city courts are even preventing me from watching proceedings in their courts.

     Just as Jesus warned  that we would be reviled and persecuted (Matthew 5:11-13) and men would say all manner of evil falsely. A jury wrongfully found me guilty of extortion and even now I am threatened with jail for traffic offenses. I go to trial Feb.1 2024  in court on these. The judge is forcing counsel upon me in violation of statute and the Constitution.. For years I have been investigating judicial corruption without any outside funding whatsoever. Now in order to move forward and continue this calling I must ask for funding.

      I am looking forward to being on Glenn Beck and the  Steve Deace and Dinesh D'Souza show among others to help in this effort. Millions of people worldwide have proven interest in this story and my continuing "adventures". I have many people that are interested in having my story made into a movie. All of this is interesting, yet the immediate need is for funds to continue this fight. I must work day and night to continue and in the meantime I need to have support.

     Exposing this evil in the judiciary is important and there are so many believers that are being encouraged to also do so. Also, I have been able to bring over non-believers to our side as a result of this calling and being wrongly  put in jail multiple times over these last 4 years. I identify greatly with the biblical Joseph and Apostle Paul and the wrongful jailings that they and I have endured.

     The funds will be used to support all of my efforts and the civil lawsuits connected to these efforts and to support any and all expenses. Search my name (Kim Blandino) on Youtube and you will find well over 90 videos of me in various courts and in various situations, sometimes in a suit sometimes in jail clothing. I thank the Lord that he has given me good cheer and I remain the "happy warrior". At this late hour there can be no doubt we are in spiritual warfare in America and indeed around the world.

     As Dinesh D'Souza has recently documented America is becoming a police state. A police state is not possible without a corrupt and compliant judiciary.

      May God bless everyone who is able to donate and to pray.   

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
4 months ago

I hope this helps

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
6 months ago

Don't let the bad guys get you down

Anonymous Giver
$ 12.00 USD
8 months ago

Hang in there

Anonymous Giver
$ 17.00 USD
10 months ago

Hope this helps dont give up the faith

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
11 months ago

Don't abandon Faith

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Continue the fight.

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
1 year ago

Please keep on fighting the "good fight" Don't give up on faith especially in these perilous times when evil is advancing constantly against Israel and the church round the world. All believers know how this story ends. The Savior's second coming is soon upon us.

Anonymous Giver
$ 7.00 USD
1 year ago

May God give you guidance and strngth to keep fight against these dark powers in high places,

Pete Weber
$ 5.00 USD
1 year ago

Helped Kim

Never Give Up Entertainment
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Never Give Up!

$ 5.00 USD
1 year ago


Update #4

February 5th, 2025

I am now 69 the direct appeal has been decided and I currently have a petition for a wit of habeas corpus in both the state and federal courts to have this conviction overturned. I have been honorably discharged from probation. It is still important to have this conviction overturned. I did nothing wrong civilly or criminally. This was just lawfare as was done against now President Trump. For investigating judicial corruption and trying to resolve a complaint against a temporary "fill in" judge I was convicted of extortion. It is very important the conviction be invalidated. Anyone in the future that tries to resolve a complaint against a judge will be retaliated by that judge and law enforcement against the person complaining if this stands.

     I have been fighting this fight representing myself except when counsel has been forced upon me. Help as best you can 

Update #5

February 5th, 2025

Update #4

February 5th, 2025

I am now 69 the direct appeal has been decided and I currently have a petition for a wit of habeas corpus in both the state and federal courts to have this conviction overturned. I have been honorably discharged from probation. It is still important to have this conviction overturned. I did nothing wrong civilly or criminally. This was just lawfare as was done against now President Trump. For investigating judicial corruption and trying to resolve a complaint against a temporary "fill in" judge I was convicted of extortion. It is very important the conviction be invalidated. Anyone in the future that tries to resolve a complaint against a judge will be retaliated by that judge and law enforcement against the person complaining if this stands.

     I have been fighting this fight representing myself except when counsel has been forced upon me. Help as best you can 

Update #3

February 25th, 2024

A petition for rehearing on the felony conviction has been denied in the Nevada Court of Appeals the next step is a petition for review with the Nevada Supreme Court and then to the U.S. Supreme Court. Meanwhile the trial on the traffic charges is half complete. This first half can be seen here The second half of the trial will be recorded by Our Nevada Judges on Feb 27, 2024.

      Help is desperately needed to continue this fight.


August 21st, 2023

  • The reply brief was filed by the attorney forced upon me for this appeal on August 9. Evil is coming against everyone now. As everyone has seen they have indicted 6 attorneys with President Trump, including atty.  Jenna Ellis who is also raising money here  . The message is clear, support the evil regime and do not help anyone trying to fight against this ever  advancing evil or you will be targeted and bankrupted and destroyed.
  •        There is only a small hope that that this appeal will succeed so I must be prepared to go to the U.S. Supreme Court without forced counsel and then on habeas to the state and federal courts if necessary.
Trial continued until November five witnesses were present

July 21st, 2023

For those of you watching on youtube the trial was continued to November 2 , 2023. You can see this video at Our Nevada Judges did a live broadcast of this hearing . The District Attorney is asking for jail time on traffic misdemeanors. 

    Please help as best you can!

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