Supporting Sasha Strong


 USD $15,000


 USD $6,040

Campaign created by Heidi Nelms

Campaign funds will be received by Sasha David

Supporting Sasha Strong

Friends and Family,

It is with profound sorrow and sadness but also with great hope that I can create this fundraiser. Hope – in Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine (Eph 3:20).

At the end of February 2023 Sasha felt a new lump in between her breasts and armpit. An ultrasound was performed, and they requested to biopsy it. She refused the biopsy, as sticking a needle in something only spreads it further. Additional testing was required for PET and CT scans, MRIs and bone scans.

She had surgery June 1 to remove the tumor so that pathology could examine the slides. Results came back as triple positive breast cancer, the same diagnosis she received back in October 2020.

She met with her oncologist this past Friday and he’s requiring harder, stronger chemo, lymph node surgeries and radiation.

Since March Sasha has been getting high dose IV Vit C infusions, hyperbaric oxygen, infrared saunas and red light therapy in hopes for an alternative approach in this unknown season that can aid in healing.

Anyone who knows Sasha would be unsurprised to hear that she is ready to fight this head-on. She – and we – hold fast to Jeremiah 29:11. The Lord has good plans for Sasha’s life. Plans for her to prosper and give her hope and a future.

Sasha will have many unforeseen expenses in the next year. Everything from specialists, flights, lodging, imaging, treatment, potential surgery, extra childcare, therapies, and more.

Sasha would love your prayers as she navigates this journey. Sasha knows God is the ultimate healer, and prayers are our most powerful weapon as we fight alongside her.

Also, if you feel led to give financially, it would be a blessing as she navigates bills and the unknown. We want to alleviate the financial burden she has already begun to incur. As a helper, it is humbling for Sasha to be in a position of accepting help. Our giving might be a way to show her the tangible provision of God’s people.

My dream would be to get Sasha to Cancer for hope in Mexico for treatment although that costs $50,000. Another option would be sending her to Dr. Leigh Erin Connealy in Irvine California. 

NOTE: GiveSendGo takes a 2.9% money raised so if you prefer to sending donations directly to her Venmo account instead @Sasha-David-1

I will be sharing updates in this journey as they learn more and have more specific prayer requests and praises!

Love you all,


Recent Donations
Diana Miller
$ 50.00 USD
1 day ago

Sending love, prayers and hugs!

Jeremy Vincent
$ 50.00 USD
3 days ago

Get well soon!

$ 500.00 USD
11 months ago

Erika wheeler
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

I am so sorry you have to go through this again. I will be praying for you and your healing.

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
1 year ago

Stay strong Sasha!!

Kim and John D
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for positive outcomes for a long, beautiful life!

$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Cheri Cavage
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Joe and Rose
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Caitlin Meyers
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

nancy CraigLove you sashaLo
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Love you, Sasha, you can do this!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Jaclyn Morgan
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Prayers for a path that leads to good health

Gayle Kovarik
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Kathy W
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

You go girl! You are in my prayers.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for Sasha & Ellie

Pete B
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for you Sasha and trusting that Almighty God will heal you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for you. God Bless and be with you. 🙏🏻

Anonymous Giver
$ 250.00 USD
1 year ago


Beth C
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago


Update 2025

February 4th, 2025

It’s been quite a year full of healing my health. All good things into my body and all toxic out of my body; physically, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, environmentally and socially. 

I was able to get explant surgery last February from a skilled surgeon out of state. I’m still fighting with insurance to cover this expense since Aetna claims it’s “out of network” even though under the WHCRA federal law, this protects women who have BC and choose breast surgery after having their breasts amputated.  

I was experiencing all breast implant illness (BII) symptoms-brain fog, eye inflammation and styes, fatigue, rashes, pectoralis muscle spasms and tightness, shortness of breath, extreme cold sensations from the implants and lack of circulation from bilateral mastectomy. 

I started to get really bad headaches at the beginning of the year and had a brain MRI performed. Praise God that came back clear. 

I had a PET scan done in March 2024 resulting with progression of more lymph node involvement climbing up around my clavicle and still in my armpit region. I could feel the lumps and bumps getting bigger so life became transformed into do-or-die mode:

I started gathering a team of integrative and functional practitioners who would work together with me. In the mist of that, I decided on another health insurance change in hopes that more cancer treatments would be available to me. Unfortunately most of the therapies that are beneficial and life saving for me, are not covered by medical insurance. 

I started this journey with SSM and St. Luke’s hospital 4 years ago. I wanted to explore other options with BJC and Siteman cancer center. I soon came to realize, all of it was a circus! A complete and utter circus! 

I finally decided on Mercy oncology. She was willing to work in congruent with the other integrative doctor I also receive care from in STL. 

I started on Kanjinti infusions in late March 2024. That single dose sent my body in a full blown rash and reaction that I had experienced before back in 2021 with Herceptin infusions. It produced extreme mouth sores and skin burning sensations, so I quickly decided my body wasn’t going to tolerate this treatment ever again!

Then I tried a Zoledex shot to shut down my hormone levels mid April 2024. I terminated that treatment due to another round of body rashes and other symptoms. 

I attempted to have the oncologist prescribe hyperbaric oxygen, but as it turned out this service is not approved for breast cancer except as an adjunct to radiation therapy. This is bogus in my opinion!!

'Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.' I felt like I was on the same hamster wheel that I was when I was first diagnosed with BC in 2020. 


I spent about 6 months from March-August 2024 dedicated solely to; 

Weekly high dose VitaminC infusions, 3x/week mistletoe injections, hyperbaric oxygen treatments, infrared sauna, daily red light therapy and coffee enemas, iodine, anti-parasitic repurpose drugs; fenbendazole and ivermectin and a multitude of supplements, heavy metal detox, stretch and strength training, prayer and journaling, massages, juicing, grounding, daily sunshine and quality sleep. Stimulating my lymphatic system by dry brushing and vibration plate. Laughter and spending time with my sissy. Kid chaos and delicious home cooked meals by Heidi. I mean allllll the food. Homemade bone broths, protein smoothies, fermented yogurts, tart cherry gummies, fresh farm eggs, matcha tea time, raw milk…..

All these things filled my heart and body with so much happiness, wholeness and joy. And made me feel really good; I felt stronger, was gaining weight and could feel improvements in the lumps. August came and went and my funds ran out. 

I am currently on monthly Lupron shots since mid August 2024. My symptoms include hot flashes, bone aches and constant joints popping, heart palpitations, numbing of left arm and headaches. My goal is to eliminate this treatment soon and transition to a more natural hormonal management. 

I’ve been taking care of my body and giving it the things it’s been needing all along to heal my cancer. It hasn’t been easy. It’s come with huge financial hardships and struggles of keeping faith. 

It’s been years of havoc in the family court system dealing with a complete mess of battles with Ellie’s dad. It’s been a year of exploring and experimenting with what works and what doesn’t for my body. It’s been a year of growth, learning and stillness to honor what Gods plan is for me. 

My world has been surrounded by peace and gratitude. And it’s a really nice place to be….finally!

I’m blessed for my friends far and near, my boyfriend, my family, CCLS school community, my lawyer and to Gods’ grace that have been by my side. To my Elliana, who has shown me the greatest gift is this precious life and how we spend it. To my sister, Heidi for giving me a new beginning to life and revealing God’s goodness to me. Thank you for giving up part of your life in order to help heal mine. 

My Sasha Strong crew has made the hardest chapter of my life feel lighter just by being there. They are my tribe! 

Scans are in the works again soon and hopeful my body will be fully restored. 

My self care routine is far from over though. This new lifestyle is imperative to my healing. I spend a lot of hours daily on ways to improve and boost my immune system, detox protocols, increasing energy and oxygen in my cells, managing high stress levels, diet changes, etc. 

I would love to restart, continue and add to these therapies, but financially it’s not always that simple. I ask for your prayers for guidance on my health path moving forward. 

Lots of love, 


Update Update 2025 Image
Update 2024

February 4th, 2024

Nine months ago Sasha had her axilla lymph node removed which came back positive for cancer again. Since then, she has undergone MRIs, CT scans, and PET scans. During a three month medical protocol, Sasha explored options with alternative healthcare providers, seeking the best path forward for her. 

Now, we're taking a significant step: pursuing explant surgery to address Sasha's immune system issues. However, we've hit a roadblock. Local surgeons in St. Louis refuse to perform the surgery due to her active cancer. After thorough research, we've identified a surgeon five hours away willing to help. Yet, we face another hurdle: our insurance won't cover the surgery, claiming it's "out of network."

In the meantime, we've embraced detoxification strategies along with nourishing and building her body up consisting of high-dose Vitamin C infusions, coffee enemas, juicing, lymphatic massages, red light therapy, heavy metal elimination, nutrition and supplements, exercising and fostering a positive environment to promote Sasha's healing. Despite the high costs, we're committed to continuing these treatments along with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. 

To rid her life of toxic! 

Sasha's journey has also led her to switch insurance providers to access second opinions and alternative care options. We're even considering the Cancer Center of Healing in California, which would involve arranging flights and accommodations for several months, all out of pocket, as insurance won't cover these expenses either.

As we navigate this challenging path, including a legal battle involving her daughter, Ellie, we ask for your support. Your generosity through this Give, Send & Go will help lessen the financial strain on Sasha, allowing her to focus on healing and her family.

Join us in supporting Sasha's journey towards restored health. Every prayer, share, and donation brings her one step closer to recovery. Thank you for your kindness and support.

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.