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My medical fund for functional testing and treatme


 USD $500

Campaign created by Barbara Smith

Campaign funds will be received by Barbara Smith

My medical fund for functional testing and treatme

As most people know I became very sick from covid in December 2021 that turned into long haul covid. In January 2022 it attacked my sinuses, my breathing(asthma),vagus nerve and my whole nervous system and my GI track and my heart. I felt like I was dying in January. It's been 2 yrs and even though I've improved some theres been no progress in months. I lost over 70lbs in a year due to being sick I couldn't eat and developed an ulcer. It reactivated ebv and lyme disease and co infections that I never knew I had til july 2022 and has made my fibromyalgia extremely worse and my chronic back pain and chronic fatigue syndrome worse than it's ever been. Their is no cure for this only symptom management and remission but it takes being able to afford expensive testing and a functional medicine doctor to test and treat just to get in remission and a long process especially getting the gut healthy( leaky gut). Unfortunately insurance doesn't cover any of this. I'm not one to ask for help at all because I've always been able to handle things my self so this takes ALOT for me to ask for help. Any amount will help me towards my goal. And all prayers are appreciated too. Thank you for reading. I do know God is walking along side me and gives me strength to get through each day.

Recent Donations
$ 30.00 USD
1 year ago

Love you

Response from Campaign Owner:

"I love you thank you❤" By Barbara Smith

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Angelica Kay
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Prayers and support for you, my friend! I hope they can help you. 🙏❤️

Response from Campaign Owner:

"Thank you so much ❤" By Barbara Smith


Update #11

March 22nd, 2024

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Update #10

March 22nd, 2024

My integrative doctor on 3/20/24  needs me to have comprehensive mold testing done how ever the cost is 430.00. On disability I cant even save up that much. This is all. out of pocket. Anything extra I do have pays for my doctors visit. My integrative doctor at Robinhood integrative health doesn't take insurance. Any small amount adds up if you find it in your heart and can give. I am also asking for prayers.

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Update #9

March 15th, 2024

However I am still dealing with a lot of symptoms from head pressure light sensitivity sounds sensitivity some shortness of breath I'm still trying to heal my gut palpitation still come and go but finally got a diagnosis for what's been going on in my mouth from a dermatologist and trying to treat that lovely slow wins the race my church has prayed over me and still continue to pray for me all prayers appreciated thank you I'm still needing help financially was going through all this just blood work this week was $225 and my two visits next week one is $90 and the other one will be $240 this is extremely difficult financially but I will get there I won't stop trying

Update #8

March 15th, 2024

Healing slow and steady hair growth treatment and gotta work on my skin health. It coming along. It sure has aged me being chronically ill for 26 months but I had underlying health issues prior to this. I'm so thankful to God and my son for being here for me even though I've been him at times to help me. Leaning on my faith and trust and lots of prayers to Jesus has got me through it all. I want to thank anyone who has said prayers for too. They mean so much❤❤

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Before covid

December 25th, 2023

Before covid and debilitating long covid I began to lose my hair in 2018-2019 diagnosed alopecia areata it fell out  rapidly in clumps due to coming out of an emotional abusive marriage that I gave my all I could in. It all hit my body after the fact when I was ghosted june 30th, 2017 but this is what my hair looked like prior. I had lost it all but when my body healed from all I went through emotionally it started to grow back which is in my first picture. I know my body will heal again. The Lord has me in his arms and giving me strength to get through it all one day at a time🙏💜🙏

Update Before covid Image
Update #6 Hair growth and weight gain

December 25th, 2023

I have had improvements in my hair growth and I'm now at my normal weight for my height and size for 4"11. Than you Jesus but I still have a long way to go. My nervous system has affected my left side feels like I've had an internal mini stroke. My herniated disc in my neck pinching nerve doesn't allow me to lay on my left side at all. The nerves pulsing in my head and down my whole left side is very painful and it tightens up. I have major inflammatory response syndrome from all this. Chronic lyme disease is very difficult to deal with along with everything else is still the same including mold illness.

Update Update #6 Hair growth and weight gain Image
October 30 2023

October 30th, 2023

I have not had ALOT of progress. I've been working with a naturopath but I dont know how much longer I can see her due to finances. I'm having terrible breathing problems due to covid attacking my asthma it's now worst then ever. What I taking isn't helping well. I can feel the lack of oxygen I'm getting because headaches. One good note my hair is slowly growing back.

Update October 30 2023 Image
Update #4

July 25th, 2023

Update Update #4 Image
Thank you

July 25th, 2023

Update i want to thank you to those that have been able to donate. I go back August 14th for nervous system dysfunction therapy. I'm still needing the testing for one my gut issues and other testing and treatment. I'm gonna need lyme disease and co infections treatment and Epstein barr and more. Keep them prayers coming too. I'm trying very hard not to give up because I've always been a fighter my hair is starting to grow back that is a good sign. But testing let's us know exactly how to treat what's going on instead of guessing and "trying" to treat which in the long run can cost more. #3

Update #2

July 8th, 2023

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Update #1

July 7th, 2023

I went this past week to the integrative doctor and she started working on my nervous system by using CST IT REALLY HELPED ME BUT ONE SESSION ISN'T GONNA CORRECT MY NERVES SYSTEM. I'm need more sessions. This helps the body's ability to heal the nerves system and to rest and digest to help my gut. Its gonna take functional testing and work to heal leaky gut and more thsts going on with me. Its a process. If I don't do this I will stay SICK.

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