Walker’s Legal Fund


 USD $100,000


 USD $28,945

Campaign created by Sara Forgues

Campaign funds will be received by Sara Forgues

Walker’s Legal Fund

Hi, my name is Sara. And I’m fundraising for my son Walker. The funds raised will be used to help cover legal expenses as Walker continues to defend his innocence and Second Amendment right, after being charged with two felonies for being in possession of two Privately Made Firearms in Sherburne County, MN. 

The statute he has been charged with 609.667(3) 

The statute reads-

MN 609.667 FIREARMS; REMOVAL OR ALTERATION OF SERIAL NUMBER. Whoever commits any of the following acts may be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than five years or to payment of a fine of not more than $10,000, or both:

(1) obliterates, removes, changes, or alters the serial number or other identification of a firearm;

(2) receives or possesses a firearm, the serial number or other identification of which has been obliterated, removed, changed, or altered; or

(3) receives or possesses a firearm that is not identified by a serial number.

As used in this section, "serial number or other identification" means the serial number and other information required under United States Code, title 26, section 5842, for the identification of firearms.

In May 2022, Walker was with a friend target shooting on a private property in Sherburne County Minnesota. There was a complaint from a homeowner (about 1/2 mile away) and sheriffs deputies came out. As law abiding and responsible gun owners, and wanting to cooperate with law enforcement, when the deputy asked to come look at where they were shooting, he was welcomed onto the property to inspect the firing range and ask questions. After determining the range was sound, and the boys were shooting responsibly, he inquired about what kind of weapons they were shooting. Which, Walker feeling confident in the legality of his firearms, and being respectful of law enforcement, gladly permitted. The deputy stated the firearm were illegal, lacking serial numbers, and Walker informed the deputy of the federal laws around PMFs and not requiring a serial number if for personal use. And since he is a lawful gun owner, no restrictions on owning them. The deputies detained Walker for several hours, and confiscated his firearms. Eventually he was allowed to leave but was warned he would be hearing from the county attorney and will charged with felony gun possession. After several weeks of getting no information from the Sherburne County Sheriff’s department, he received a letter in the mail with a summons and charges. Two felonies, one for each firearm.

Walker has been a hunter with gun safety training since he was young. After turning 18, he has legally purchased sport rifles for hunting and target shooting-having gone through all the routine background checks. So when he decided he would like to go through the process of making his own firearm by purchasing lower 80%, he did extensive research on both federal laws and state laws because he is responsible and does not take his Second Amendment right lightly. A simple search on the internet will show that Minnesota does not have any laws restricting privately made firearms. There are only a handful of states with such laws. Even the most anti gun websites show Minnesota has no restrictions on PMFs. Furthermore, we spoke with an ATF agent in St. Paul just to make sure he was not violating any laws. To which he was assured he was not violating federal law, and the agent told him they were not aware of any state laws restricting PMFs. 

After 18 months of court hearings,  three different judges, and failing to have the charges dismissed, Walker is set for a jury trial and, if convicted, a long and expensive appellate process. Walker has no criminal record. He has been a registered gun owner since he was 18. He’s a college 2023 college graduate, and mechanic who is just starting his career. He plays baseball, and is a big brother to 2 siblings and 6 step siblings-three of which live in Canada. A felony conviction would be devastating to our family and would follow him through life. Impacting employment, housing and travel to see family. He has alway respected laws, firearms and the responsibility of gun ownership. And to be very very clear, owning a privately made firearm is 100% protected under the Second Amendment. And legal under the 1968 Gun Control Act. (And certainly is covered under Bruen) Nothing Walker did violates federal law. And I believe he did not violate state law. The state is making an argument of a plain text reading “posses a firearm not identified by a serial number”So please understand this is not just limited to privately made firearms, but also those firearms made before 1968, when firearms were not required to have serial numbers. With Minnesota’s rich tradition of hunting, it is reasonable to say many Minnesotans have a firearm in their homes that has been passed down through the generations that do not have a serial number. The state of Minnesota knows they are not illegal given during their 2022 “seized firearms auction” the MNDNR auctioned off 9 unserialized firearms. It is my belief that this Minnesota law is simply meant to reflect the federal law regarding firearm serialization, not make a law, without the knowledge of its citizens, outlawing any and all unserialized firearms, INCLUDING those which federal law determines do not require serial numbers. The title of the statute is “REMOVAL OR ALTERATION OF SERIAL NUMBER.” -something he did not do. 

Due to the nature of this case, the outcome could have ripple effects throughout Minnesota. If convicted, it would mean thousands of law abiding gun owners all across out state would become potential felons. It’s just that real. I would never want another family to go what we are going through. It is so important we have the means and support to fight this. 

I fight for Walker, but understand this fight affects many others just like him, potentially you or your family. Thank you for your support, prayers and shares ~Sara 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
4 days ago

Prayers for a successful outcome!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
22 days ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

May the Lord bless you and keep you.

Eric Sipe
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Wishing you the best of luck !

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 11.00 USD
5 months ago

I wish you the best of luck .

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
5 months ago

Keep fighting may God bless you

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
8 months ago

Happy Birthday Walker! Sara thank you for sharing a mother's love with us.

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
9 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
10 months ago

The host said that the amount of ppl giving could help. Numbers matter. I wish and pray for the best in your life.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
11 months ago

$ 50.00 USD
11 months ago

$ 25.00 USD
11 months ago

Keep the faith

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
11 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
1 year ago

I am so disappointed in Sheriff Brott.


Merry Christmas ❤️

December 26th, 2024

Since Walker is unable to purchase firearms still, I got him then next best thing! Don’t worry, I checked with his lawyer and wooden 3d puzzles that shoot rubber bands are acceptable! And of course, he got a sharpie as well, so he can put a serial number on it! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas ❤️

We are still waiting on the MN Supreme Court to issue their opinion on the Vagel case before we know what is next for Walker. Thank you again to everyone who continues to keep Walker in your prayers. We are so blessed by the support we have received from so many strangers. 

Update Merry Christmas ❤️ Image
Still waiting….

September 26th, 2024

Good morning everyone. I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted, and I don’t have much to update other than to say we are still waiting on the decision from the MN Supreme Court on the Vagel decision. We have a hearing at the end of October, that unless there is a decision or news, will just be a quick check in with all parties. 

Walker is doing well, as am I. Just enjoying the never ending summer we seem to be having here in Minnesota. Today feels like the 56th of august 😂

I will keep everyone posted as soon as I have any info. Thank you for your continued prayers, it’s truly what sustains us all. 



Happy 23rd birthday Walker!

June 26th, 2024

Happy birthday to my favorite first born. The leader of the siblings. The giver of gray hair. The master of my sleepless nights. In someways I see you still as just my baby boy, and yet I know you have grown into such a wonderful man. I love you endlessly. I’m proud beyond measure for all you’ve become, and all you’ve accomplished. Your perseverance and resiliency are to be admired, and your kindness and self sacrificing nature is what sets you apart. I know you’ll continue to big things no matter what the future brings. 

All my love~mom 

Pretrial Update

May 14th, 2024

Hey everyone. The update is a little confusing, but hopefully you can follow along with my storytelling:)

Yesterday we were back in court for another hearing. As you may remember, Walker was scheduled to start trial on July 8th. This was after the motions to dismiss were denied. 

You may also remember there was a similar case in Anoka County that had made its way to the MN Court of appeals after the state appealed the ruling of a district judge in that case, where the charges were dismissed due to the Judge believing the statute 609.997(3) is void for vagueness. 

The MN Court of Appeals sided with the state in that case, resulting in Walkers motion for dismissal for the same reason to be denied. 

That case has now been been granted a review by the MN Supreme Court. 

As a result, Walker’s trial has been postponed pending the decision from the Supreme Court. 

My understanding that the Supreme Court works on their own timeline, so I do not have any real idea of when we could hear something. Oral arguments in that case begin in June. My guess is it will be a few months. 

In the meantime, we just continue to live our lives the best we can. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. 


Pretrial Update

May 14th, 2024

Hey everyone. The update is a little confusing, but hopefully you can follow along with my storytelling:)

Yesterday we were back in court for another hearing. As you may remember, Walker was scheduled to start trial on July 8th. This was after the motions to dismiss were denied. 

You may also remember there was a similar case in Anoka County that had made its way to the MN Court of appeals after the state appealed the ruling of a district judge in that case, where the charges were dismissed due to the Judge believing the statute 609.997(3) is void for vagueness. 

The MN Court of Appeals sided with the state in that case, resulting in Walkers motion for dismissal for the same reason to be denied. 

That case has now been been granted a review by the MN Supreme Court. 

As a result, Walker’s trial has been postponed pending the decision from the Supreme Court. 

My understanding that the Supreme Court works on their own timeline, so I do not have any real idea of when we could hear something. Oral arguments in that case begin in June. My guess is it will be a few months. 

In the meantime, we just continue to live our lives the best we can. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. 


Pretrial Update

May 14th, 2024

Hey everyone. The update is a little confusing, but hopefully you can follow along with my storytelling:)

Yesterday we were back in court for another hearing. As you may remember, Walker was scheduled to start trial on July 8th. This was after the motions to dismiss were denied. 

You may also remember there was a similar case in Anoka County that had made its way to the MN Court of appeals after the state appealed the ruling of a district judge in that case, where the charges were dismissed due to the Judge believing the statute 609.997(3) is void for vagueness. 

The MN Court of Appeals sided with the state in that case, resulting in Walkers motion for dismissal for the same reason to be denied. 

That case has now been granted certiorari by the MN Supreme Court. (They agreed to review the decision of the lower (appeals) court). 

As a result, Walker’s trial has been postponed pending the decision from the Supreme Court. 

My understanding that the Supreme Court works on their own timeline, so I do not have any real idea of when we could hear something. Oral arguments in that case begin in June. My guess is it will be a few months. 

In the meantime, we just continue to live our lives the best we can. 

Thank you all for your continued prayers and support. 


Trial date set

February 13th, 2024

We were back in court this morning with Walker’s attorney and Rob Doar from the MN Gun Owners Caucus. 

Trial is now set to begin July 8th. 
There is one additional pretrial hearing set for early May as well. 
This never seems to end…

Patriot News Article

February 10th, 2024

Patriot News Article

February 10th, 2024

Motions to dismiss denied

February 2nd, 2024

Not the update I prayed I would be making. We received word today that the motions to dismiss the charges in Walker’s case have been denied. You would think by this point, I would be used to hearing bad news after bad news, but this never gets any easier. 

Pretrial hearing is scheduled for February 12, and a trial date set from there. 

 I was talking to Walker’s aunt, my oldest sister, after I got word. I was commenting how much this is for a young adult, with not many tools in his life kit, to handle. Overcoming adversity, resiliency, perseverance are things that are learned over the years of one’s life.  Not a 22 year old who is just starting out his adult life. And yet I see how strong Walker is, how he is continuing to go to work every day, be a part of family, volunteer, give of his time to those around him. His laughter, his positive spirit; but sometimes I am just so sad he has to continue to be so strong, that he shouldn’t HAVE TO be this strong. He’s a remarkable young man. 

As for me, I’m just angry, sad and scared. Very very scared. 

Happy New Year

January 2nd, 2024

Happy New Year. 

I don’t have a lot to report at this moment, but wanted to give at least some update as we enter into 2024.

This coming week, Walker’s legal team will be providing the last briefing in this latest round of hearings. After this is done, it is my understanding that the motions for dismissal (and the State’s arguments against dismissal) will go to the judge, where she will decide what happens next…either charges are dismissed or we again proceed to and prepare for trial. 

You can read the submitted briefs by looking up Walker’s case. 71-CR-22-923 in the MN court look up. 

Many of you are aware of a MN appeals court ruling last month that has an impact on Walker’s case. Walker is in very good hands, and I am doing my best not to freak out (ok, not freak out too much) and just continue to have tremendous faith in his team. 

One ask I do have is if you are not followers of the MN Gun Owners Caucus to please find them on your socials, or look them up and subscribe to their email. And support them if it is something you find value in. It’s is a terrific way to keep informed on not only Walker’s case, but also the most up to date info as we move closer to the next legislative session here in Minnesota. More than ever it’s important to informed, not just outraged. MNGOC is the best place to do so. 

Again, as always, I cannot express the depth of my gratitude to each and every one of you who has supported us through this. Your prayers for Walker, our family and his legal team, and judge in his case are so powerful. 

Please continue to share Walker's story and check back for updates. As soon as I have something to report, I will. 


November Update

November 9th, 2023

I apologize for the delay in updating after the Oct 27 hearing. It’s a lot of more of the same, unfortunately. We have until the end of November to submit briefs on our two motions for dismissal. We will not know anything until likely the end of the year, or the new year. Our next court hearing is set for February, should the judge not dismiss the charges. 

We continue to pray and ask for prayers for Walkers team, and for the judge. I ask for continued prayers for Walker as he continues to carry this enormous burden. He’s a resilient kid, but a year and half into this, he’s growing tired.  So to those of you in our community, who run into him from time to time, thank you for your words of encouragement. You cannot imagine how much that lifts his spirits. 

Contested Omnibus part 2

October 26th, 2023

Hello everyone. Walker’s next hearing is tomorrow. Friday Oct 27. This is a HUGE hearing. We have several motions put forward for dismissal of charges. I will update after it is over. As you are going through your day, please keep walker, his team and the judge in your prayers. 

Thank you 🙏🏼 

Pre trial hearing

August 18th, 2023

Hello everyone. This morning we were back in court for a continuation of the Pretrial hearing. Biggest news, the trial that was scheduled to start September 5 has been canceled. The omnibus hearing has been reopened, and his case is going back there to argue the questions…

1: Do the guns need a serial?

2: Do the upper receiver marks qualify as a serial number?

3: What is the definition of a serial number?

(see motion below) 

On a personal note, I do have two other kids that I need to step back into “mom mode” for. Especially as the school year approaches and fall sports kick into high gear. (GO DOGS) I will still be here providing updates, fighting for walker, speaking as his mom, and biggest supporter, but I am handing over all the legal analysis to someone who has been here since day one. Rob Doar of the Minnesota Gun Owners Caucus will continue to speak about Walker’s case on our behalf, handling the majority of interviews, providing legal updates, etc. Even if for a brief reprieve, it gives me an opportunity to focus on my family. Please continue to follow him on social media, along with the MN Gun Owners Caucus. We could not do this without their support and work. 

I appreciate you all more than you know. 


Update Pre trial hearing  Image
Update #3

August 4th, 2023

Hey everyone. Today Walker had his Pretrial hearing, which had been continued to later this month. Nothing significant happened today, but I anticipate we will have more details about what will be permitted at trial, after the next hearing. Please continue to pray for Walker, and please consider sharing his fundraisers with your friends and family. 

Thank you,


Congratulations Walker! 🎓

July 27th, 2023

A non case related update, but I’m just too proud not to share, tonight Walker graduated from the Ford Asset Program from Hennepin Technical College! 
Update Congratulations Walker! 🎓 Image
Heart felt gratitude

June 18th, 2023

I don’t believe a simple “thank you” will ever come close to expressing the profound gratitude I have for everyone who has prayed, shared and supported Walker. But thank you. We cannot do this without each and everyone one of you. 

Thank you all.


Prayer Requests

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