Help Support Maw & Paws Ark Sanctuary

Monthly Goal:

 USD $1,000

Total Raised:

 USD $6,723

Raised this month:

 USD $25

Campaign created by Joanna Shultz

Campaign funds will be received by Joanna Shultz

Help Support Maw & Paws Ark Sanctuary

Hi, My name is joanna Schultz, Some animal supporters call me Maw, Actually the name of my sanctuary that i run all by myself.Is named Maw & Paws Ark, My husband when he was alive, helped name it. I am Maw ,He was Paws,or shelter is called Ark.Long story short, My husband died 10 yrs ago, leaving me with the sanctuary for me to do all by myself. I have asked for help so many times, never got it. Some donations, off of facebook, well donations are seriously zero now. Prices on food and vet care are much higher now. I am a 501c3 nonprofit animal sanctuary for senior dogs and cats. I have been on truth social asking for help, have a youtube channel, that's going nowhere right now. My sanctuary is in real need for donations, this place feels like it's falling apart, can't find a way to get stuff fixed around here. I love animals, God's mission for me,I have a gift for compassion, the unwanted ones come to me, my sanctuary, right now its very small, so its manageable in some ways. If we could get help in getting what the animals need and the fixing up of the place also, windows need replaced, a light fixture needs fixed, list goes on. I also care for other people's dogs, and help the owners too

Recent Donations
Lee and Natalie
$ 25.00 USD
6 days ago

May God bless you and your work!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
18 days ago

I also care for dogs and cats in need. God bless you.

Lee and Natalie
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

May God bless you and your work!

$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Love your dedication to your rescues! God Bless You!

Lee and Natalie
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

May God bless you and your work!

$ 27.00 USD
2 months ago

Thank you, Maw, for all you do for God's beautiful animals! I know it's not much, but you will do amazing things with God's help! Many Blessings to you! Have a wonderful Christmas

Lee and Natalie
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

May God bless you and your work!

Nancy Regets
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

God continue to keep and bless you. Love to the animals

Lee and Natalie
$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

May God bless you and your work!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Love the love you're giving those precious animals and thank you!! I have a dear friend in Arkansas that takes care of over 30 cats herself. Must be kindred spirits of the most beautiful kind!!!

Peggy Dell
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Lee and Natalie
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

May God bless you and your work!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Brian H
$ 20.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

$ 47.00 USD
5 months ago

Lee and Natalie
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

May God bless you and your work!

Lee and Natalie
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago

May God bless you and your work!

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago


Update #13

September 24th, 2024

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Update #12

September 24th, 2024

As you know we are a real animal sanctuary, with hardships happening right now, well we are a 501c3 nonprofit. As some of yo uknow already Ollie the chihuahua had and injury that hurt real bad, and for 2 days he couldnt lay down to sleep, so he walked and walked, and slept standing up, well, thats not very restful,is it? he had a hardtime laying down without feeling pain, then on the third day he was able to, lay down stretched out, he ate okay,thankfully but unfortunately even though he has now recovered, he has lost muscle mass, i know many of yo uhave followed him for the last 3 yrs, since i joined truth social, He is relaxing and sleeping a lot, which is expected, he did lose a lot of weight, vet said he is now 8-9 pounds, instead of his usual which was 14 pounds. i am helping him with his weight gain and maintaining what he has, hopefully those muscles will come back i dont know, he is taking a weight gainer that helps also with appetite stimulation too. we could use a lot of help with prayers, and donations, as taking care of seniors are a lot of work, and funds, its why so many people throw the away to shelters. i will never give up , i will fight for them, until the day God takes them, as i have seen so many times
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Update #11

June 21st, 2024

urgent update, please help us get the funds we need for this summers heat, urgent funds are needed for the electricity cost of running the air conditioner, and the maintenance work for the yard, we are in such a survival mode, help us get these needs, help the animals, heat exhaustion is nothing to play around with, it leads to heat stroke. don't let the electric company win. the cost for air conditioner is anywhere from $300.00-$400 dollars a month now, they wont stop raising their rates, i do conserve,but not able to use it,is not fair,thank you so much in advance

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Update #10

January 18th, 2024

Well, we begin a new year. What will be in store for Maw & Paws Arks Sanctuary? I guess we will soon find out, As we know this is going to be a very rocky year, but, God has us He will continue to uphold my work with the senior dogs and cats i care for, i am not going to abandon them. When things get hard, i have had it very hard for 11 years, since my husband passed away in november of 2012. God upheld me all the way through, He still will. My brother says he is coming out to where i  am this spring, i hope. 

He has a way of procrastinating stuff, over thinks is what he does, but, God will do wonders still. Keep praying for us, and supporting us, i have finally took in Goldie a 1 1/2 yr old male cat, and yes he is gold colored, more like ginger colored. Well. thats all for now. As we continue to walk towards the future

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Update #9

November 1st, 2023

Well, It's the first day of november. As some know and many others might not know, is that Madisons fight is over, he passed away oct 28th, He fought hard, he had a ccl tear in last of week of june 2023, He recovered from it very well, in about a month and a half, above the vets expectations, I chose to use alternative ways to help madison heal, and it worked. It was interesting after he healed and started no longer limping or was in pain, i don't think most people understand what real pain is or suffering, he did not suffer,because he was in pain, when he recovered he was no longer in pain, but running around and chasing chicken and his favorite toy and ball, When people are in pain, they soon find ways to not feel it and recover too. So people whao are in a hurry to euthanize an animal, just because of pain, are quitters in my book, i never gave up madison never gave up and i know from experience, that this is true, once the animal has given up i can see it in their faces. I saw it on thursday oct 27th, and he died later that night, he told me good bye, in his face. They prefer to die alone, its instilled into them , he is now with in heaven, with all the others that went before him, he had a stroke early thursday morning,  He was a trooper to the end, so was i, there for him all the way. Madison was a goofy good dog he was a boxer/lab always competing with his friend Bandita. He was afraid of new people, ever since he was 4 months old, but then maybe he saw that in me, because i am afraid of people.

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Update #8

October 24th, 2023

Hello again, well its been awhile since another update. Madison who recovered from his back leg injury back in august, has now taken ill, throwing up and diarrhea, i called the vet. they delivered stuff he cant even take. Again, i have to take the alternative way, like i did for his back leg. He injured his front leg week of october 16th, as he was slowly recovering from it, using the same things for it as i did for his back leg, for some reason he prefers to limp then to wear a support, he is a fighter. well, yesterday he took ill october 23rd. Today is october 24th still not feeling good, still having diarrhea, gave him stuff for his upset stomach and diarrhea, last night and this morning, we could use both prayers and this campaign to help him and the other animals too, we did get someone to clean and maintain the heat system, and the generator, but we are in debt now, having to pay them off little at a time, but thankful they let us do this, I thank the Lord for everything,donations and prayers

Update #7

September 21st, 2023

just sharing a brand new look for my sanctuary, new logo, 

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Update #6

September 18th, 2023

its been awhile since i updated,We Are a 501c3 nonprofit,sanctuary, small, but do all the same stuff big ones do. Paws the kitten, she is now 5 and a half months old. She was spaayed sept 6th  .She is doing real good, i tried having her up for adoption, but i am very picky, she is a special kitten. Madison the black boxer, that i mentioned about in late June, is doing very good, he is 12 now, not walking with a limp anymore, is able to get up on his own, He had a full recovery from his injury, even his muscle mass in his hips have come back. The other animals are doing good so far, I have been working on the back porch where fluffy and cocoa reside, comfortably, Just sprucing it up cleaning, they are 13 yrs old now, We are getting ready for winter again, but the funds run short, for the heating system to be in check. We are in dire need as always, The animals love this time of yr the best, i dont, because my arthritis acts up. Thank you to all of you praying and donating, it means a lot to me and the animals too, 

Update #5

August 1st, 2023

Well, Paws a female kitten i rescued a month ago, She is an orphan, Her mom and siblings passed away. She is scheduled to be spayed sept 6th. I decided to to keep her, couldn't find anyone that would keep her as an inside cat, or care good for her. So she is in my sanctuary, to help the older cats in some way. She needs a cat tree, kitten food, spaying in sept. and the other animals are always in need of something, repairs to the sanctuary, etc, my sanctuary may be small, but i have a huge heart, and a gift of compassion towards senior animals, dogs and cats. right now i feel like my heart has many holes in it, since i have lost so many, God calls them to be with him, i still miss all the ones that have gone away, to heaven.

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Update #4

July 31st, 2023

Well, been a while since i updated to everyone, sadly to say pokey the cat has passed away this morning, after fighting so hard for him, with his hyperthyroidism, which caused kidneys to start to fail, took me 6 months to find out the real truth about thyroidism, and what really causes it. It's a lack of iodine in their foods, I learned it saturday evening, God saw to it that he hung on until i found the truth, The internet is getting harder to find truth about anything, Pokey hung in as long as he could, so i will see to it the other cats don't fall prey to what happened to him. It's always hard to lose them. Even though i have seen it so many times, that's what happens when rescuing senior cats and dogs, and even puppies and kittens get sick and don't make it. also  On a happier note Madison that injured his leg, a month and half ago, is now doing very well, can walk without so much limping and can finally get up on his own, sometimes, but his bladder is still week, he is 12 yrs old. here is pokeys pic, may he rip, he is now with God.

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Update #3

June 25th, 2023

As some of yo uknow Madison hurt his leg, he is still hobbling around, The vet says its a sprain , He is soon approaching 12 yrs old. Most people would give up on their pets by now, most cant handle this stuff, which i don't understand why. their pet never gives up on them. I am not like everyone else, like my husband before he passed, told me, that he chose me, because i was different, and to not change from that. this is a 501c3 nonprofit, animal sanctuary. though small, there is much heartache, to see these precious ones, abandoned by others, and yet receive love from me, before they go,  This is not a job for everyone. God chose me to do this, its not easy, sometimes downright frustrating at times. They also have rescued me, after my husband died, 10 yrs ago.  Well, story in a nutshell, it is. I run it all by myself, no one has ever stepped up to help, physically . Unless they get paid. thank yo uto all who have donated, and shared. It seems like the prices keep going up, the needs go up, but my Love for them will increase.

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Update #2

June 14th, 2023

Well, i have been burying kittens in my rose garden, this last week Only one sibling survived so far, The mommy cat is gone also, he or she is now an orphan. Its name is Paws, it made it through the night so far, hungry eating, knows how to go in a litter box, most cats know how to do it. I brought inside, it would have never made it by itself. It needs vetting and that is expensive, this is another expense upon many others we face. If there is some one out there that could help, we would appreciate it,  thank you His mom was blackie, and his siblings were WhitePaw,Greyscale,Lumpy, and stripey, rest in peace .God now has you in his care. I am only one person, i can get overwhelmed, especially financially. 

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Update #1

May 28th, 2023

Maw & Paws Ark Inc.

     Needs Help with the vetting, and medications the animals need.  I am Joanna Schultz the owner and operator for it. This sanctuary takes in the most unwanted animals, the seniors, i keep it small, because it's only me doing all that is needed, sometimes it gets overwhelming, The Sanctuary/shelter needs some repairs as well. Their care is very important. Thank you in advance, Pray also that i get some physical help, I have one cat that needs prayers and his medications are not cheap, i have a wonderful traveling vet. Please think about the furbabies, i help, My husband passed away 10 yrs ago, i have been doing everything by myself, With God's help and strengthening, we have been hanging in there. Anything is helpful, all animals come here to stay. Except the ones i care for . For other people that have to go away, and need a caregiver. Which i am, I used to be a nurse for people.

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Prayer Requests

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