Maddy's battle against brain cancer


 USD $305

Campaign created by Tina Lilley

Campaign funds will be received by Tina Lilley

Maddy's battle against brain cancer

Maddison has been fighting brain tumors/cancer since she was one. She's nine years old now. The drs didn't expect Maddy to make it through her first brain surgery, but she did. They gave her a 2% chance to live through her first tumor resection. she did! And five more brain surgeries after that. The tumors just keep coming back though, bigger and faster. So aggressive. Her cancer is very rare, they don't no much about it. It's very aggressive. She's had every cancer treatment there is, from gamma knife to immuno therapy and lots of chemo and radiation. Nothing was helping. We was so hopeless but kept our faith, hoping and praying it would stop growing. Then about a year and half ago, the scan was stable. For the first time... It was the best news. No new growth! She got to get the port out of her chest and have a life out side the hospital for a change. It was a gift from God,a miracle, more time with my precious girl. She got to experience school, kindergarten and even a lil first grade at the start of this year. Then Maddy got sick. School is.. Home bound now. At first, her right arm and hand went paralyzed. That's how it started in the beginning. It's like it's happening all over again. She's in so much pain all the time. Her head, her tummy, her whole body aches and pains all over. I can't stand seeing her in such pain all the time. It's so heart breaking. The treatments have effected her eyesight, hearing, hormones,. She's been so miserable. My poor darling girl. We have been back and forth to the ERs and doctors so many times the past few months. It's like they give up on her, she is at the point the cancer went to deep. It's unoperable now. They will not do no more surgeries, also because her skull and skin covering it won't take another surgery they say.  Maddy has an MRI in June, if not sooner. She's so sick. Things are so hard. I had to stop  working, she needs me. I'm all she has.  She requires help, all the time. She's always hurting so bad. Always needing her meds. It's so scary. I don't like asking for help, but I don't no what else to do at this point. I wish I could give her the world right now, but all I got is me. If anyone can help, it would be so appreciated. Thank you and God bless. Please, everyone pray for my daughter. I'm so afraid I'm not gonna have her much longer. She's been so strong, now it's like she is tired. My heart aches for her so bad in ways I'll never be able to explain. I know God answers us. I've seen his miracles and felt his love. If we all pray he will hear us. God is great. Please pray hard for her, she is such a blessing. She's my reason in life,  I just want her to stop hurting. Thanks everyone. From the bottom of my heart. 

Recent Donations
Stanley Barge
$ 25.00 USD
8 months ago

Footprints in the Sand Poem ...He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you Never, ever, during your trials and testings. When you saw only one set of footprints, It was then that I carried you."

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Our continued thoughts and prayers for Maddy and your family.

Jodi&Mark Henry
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

May Almighty God the Great Physician Please send a Miraculous Healing,so that All of Our Prayers answered,will bring more Believers to continue for those pray daily for Jesus..GodSpeed,In Jesus Name,Amen

Amanda Gach
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
1 year ago

Praying for you young lady, hope you get well soon.


Update #16

December 5th, 2024

Hi friends. Maggy is doing ok, stable, some the Drs got her skull implant in and the screw out that feel in her brain, well the DR dropped on accident. I'm glad it's out. Her titanium skull seems to be doing better. Her appt is Dec 13th to check on it. On December 23 Rd is the MRI to check her brain, see how the cancer is. Hope it's stable tho. It will for sure make or break our Christmas. I pray for Good results that day. Poor maddy is going through so much already. We recently had to move from our home, she don't get to see her lil sister, her heart is hurting. Please pray for her friends. Merry Christmas everyone.

Update Update #16 Image
#15 screw removed

June 29th, 2024

Maddie had her skull implant they dropped the screw in her brain doing it her skulls healing nicely taking well but the screw that they dropped in there was blocking her spinal fluid so they had to reroute it so it won't keep building up and causing pressure cuz it was really causing damage they got to screw out rerouted the spinal fluid now we got to wash your clothes to see what it hurts basically she had her cancer scan they want to recheck that in 4 weeks cuz they're not even sure it's stable anymore at this point please keep praying friends . Thanks for all the help and prayers she goes back to children's Tuesday July 2nd, she's been in children's hospital allot the past few months, she really needs a break.  God bless 

Update #15 screw removed Image
Update #14

June 12th, 2024

 Things have been hard since I've been going through a divorce trying to find a home for Maddie has been a challenge if anyone knows of any homes available in the connellsville area please let me know . MAddie had her skull implant transplant, it was successful. And it seems to be taking well at first the skin graft area on her head busted open and they had to do another surgery to remove the skin graft from her head now it's cleared up pretty nice.  however when the surgeon was doing the surgery they lost a screw in her brain the doctors at Pittsburgh so now it's possibly blocking spinal fluids and causing her problems, maybe worse.  we're not sure what's going to happen. I understand accidents happen but man she can't catch a break she needs all the prayers she can get she goes back the 18th for another scan to see where the screw moved to this time it's in there floating around in the fluid the doctors are treating it like a bullet fragment. Her cancer scan is the 24th this month it's a big month for Madison and I. Please keep the prayers coming she needs them ,we need them .please friends.  God bless.  My number is 878-230-4011

Update #13 skull transplant

May 6th, 2024

There's been so much happening in the past 3 months we recently was kicked out of our home due to my husband and I are going through divorce, he's on drugs. we've lost everything , we literally got nothing. The kids are sad but at least we have each other, our lives. We can get materials, life is too short though to be so miserable. Now I'm just trying to take care of the kids clean up the pieces and move on we need a miracle, I'm trying to find us a stable home to live in it's just hard I can't work because of Maddie getting ready for her skull transplant right now we're in a pickle but we'll get through it we'll pray and pray and give it to God, on the 13th is Maddie's surgery for her skull transplant ,I pray her body doesn't reject it please friends pray that it all goes well that day.  I pray that No infections will hit, just pray for a full recovery. It's time to get miss Maddy feeling better. She's a tough cookie but I know your body can only take so much. She's going through so so much. Through it all though, I've never seen her so happy.  As bad as it may seem we've got hope. Friends we need you more now than ever before... Please take two minutes and pray for Maddie pray for me, my entire family,James Kyle and Maggie , siblings. pray for strength for us, to keep that smile  for Maddy and all my kids. pray for Maddie strength and courage and healing and for the doctors that there hands are steady. Keep praying friends, from a broken hearted mother that has nothing left but her children. Thankyou from the bottom of my heart and soul. 


Update #12

January 29th, 2024

Well Maddy had a date to go back in for the skull surgery. The reconstruction of her skull. Oh boy. Monday, May 13th. Next big surgery

 Please friends, tell your friends, spread the word how great God is. Tell everyone please pray for my girl. She's proof of gods love. We just have to keep our faith. And believe. And pray.  Thanks friends from the bottom of my heart. 

Update #11 Maddy's birthday

January 12th, 2024

As you all know, maddy is very sick. She has a birthday coming, January 25th. She's gonna be ten years old.  And God knows, she's been through so very much. There's no end in sight to her pain. Just pray for constant miracles. I have never really got to have her a birthday party. Ever. That's sad. She deserves the moon.. Oh I wish I could give her it,,, Cause I would. She's so strong, but tired. And tired of hurting. With that said, can anyone please help do something special for her birthday. I'm asking for help please. Don't have to be money, memories are better. 😌💕 Thanks friends so much. 

Update #10 skull removed

January 12th, 2024

Maddy has been through oh so much since May.. Since birth really. I'm May she tackled meningitis, still ain't right. Tomorrow I have to call her Drs back because her neck and head and everything is hurting again. With all the infection around and on her brain right now that really worries me. She's been so miserable with her tummy. Going to be specialist and understand so many more, new tests. This poor poor darling child. All she knows is pain. Life is hard. I pray constantly anymore. Will you all pray my friends, please. Always. She recently had an infection bubble removed from the top of her head, allot of her skull and bone removed that was destroyed from infection all because radiation. The treatments are killing her, slowly and painfully. Please God, give Maddy a miracle, again. Take her pain from her stomachs Lord. Please. She's had so many surgeries lately, sometimes several surgeries every week. From skin graphs to brain surgery and ears. Poor Maddy. She wears a helmet to cover her head, no skull is very dangerous. She looks so beautiful in it. I'll post a pic for y'all. Hey next skull replacement surgery will be in April, maybe sooner maybe later. Waiting on swelling and infection to go down. Thanks for all your prayers my friends. God bless! 

Update #9 on skull transplant and reconstruction

November 8th, 2023

Poor Maddie has really been going through it she's been in and out of the hospital since November lately she's been having surgeries once and twice a week on her skull the infection was so deep it went into her brain through the bone through the skull so now they removed this call and they're just trying to reconstruct and get the infection out and with driving everyday it's a little hard if anyone can help please help and pray don't forget pray she needs all the prayers in the world God bless 

Update Update #9 on skull transplant and reconstruction Image
Update #8

September 15th, 2023

Update #7

September 15th, 2023

Well Maddy is on her fourth round of treatment in the hyperbaric oxygen chamber at Presbyterian hospital . We bring her Monday through Friday. She lays in this tube for two hours everyday. It's a two hour commute each way and everything cost so much. I could really use any help right now. She'll be getting schooling on the weekends. She's so busy, I pray her lil body can stand all this. It's so much on her. She got the tubes in her ears for this treatment. There swollen, antibiotic ear drops. Her belly has been giving her problems to.  My friends, please, pray for my daughter. If this is worth anything to you, please, find a minute in your spare time, to say a lil prayer for her. You'll never know how much it helps. God is great. After the 20th round the Dr will decideIf surgery is needed yet, then either way ten more rounds. She's so strong thank God, cause this is exhausting and we are only on week one. I'm giving it to God. Thanks friends. 

Update Update #7 Image
Update #6

August 7th, 2023

Please, continue Praying for Maddy. Her head is looking like it's healing on the surface. Underneath I don't no though. It looks swollen. She goes to children's hospital this week to see the plastic surgeon and brain surgeon. Lord, I pray she don't need a skull transplant. I know her skull is in very bad condition though. The radiation destroys everything. Good and bad. I hope I can get her to her apts this week. My car broke. I'm not even sure, what happened. It was fine. Sounded like the motor broke, literally. It won't do nothing. If anyone is a mechanic and would look at it. Please help. Thanks everyone. God bless 

Update #5

August 1st, 2023

Maddy sees the plastic surgeon and neurosurgeon on the 11th. Her head is still about the same. No worse. It is healing, I believe. Just slowly. I pray to God it continues to heal. The skull is pretty much gone on one side of her brain, from radiation. I pray to God so much that she don't have to go through the skull implant. The drs say,it's not good, the surgery, they don't want to do it, I have faith in the good Lord she'll heal without all that. God has plans for her. I don't know what our future holds, I don't no gods plan. Nobody knows when we will be called home, all we know is.. when it's our time it's our time. I want to be happy and enjoy every single minute with her, and my family. I thank God for every day we wake up. For giving me another day with his beautiful child. I just know he will get us through it. If anyone can think of a way to make Maddy smile, a card, a gift, anything. It's the little things. Email me, she could use some cheer. Life is a struggle for us right now. Help is hard to get and I don't expect much.. prayers! That's enough. I have to care for her, can't hold a job in and out of hospitals and she needs me all the time. I know she stresses about everything. I just want to make her happy. Thanks friends. I'll keep you updated. Please continuing praying for her. ThankYou so kindly from the bottom of my heart. 🙏❤️😢

Update Update #5 Image
Update #4

July 20th, 2023

Sent pictures to plastic surgeon and neurosurgeon, waiting to hear from them, how they think it looks and how we should move forward. Update soon friends. Keep praying, it works! Thanks dearly.

Update #3

July 14th, 2023

Maddy has an infection around her skull that is causing her allot of sickness all through her. It's from the radiation, it pretty much destroyed her skull and now if it don't heal soon she will need a skull implant. Please Lord, heal my baby girl. She's such a strong beautiful person, she doesn't deserve all this pain. She has been through so much. Please friends keep praying. The meningitis and sepsis are getting better, I hope it continues. Now everything else. 

Update #2

May 15th, 2023

Maddy is in children's hospital

May 15th, 2023

She's not doing very well. Maddy got an infection in and around her brain and throughout her body and spine, it's bad. They are growing the bacteria in a lab , to see if they can kill it but it isn't growing. Possibly from all the antibiotics she's been on.  infectious diseases is helping with her case. They don't know how to treat it because there unsure what it is. There also treating her for meningitis. She's so sick. Her brain is really swollen. The MRI images light up where her cancer was but the drs think it's from all the swelling, and not new growth. God I pray not. Her right side parilization is either from a seizure or stroke. They cant do the tests yet till her swelling goes down some to see though. She had surgery today and got a pic line in. It went ok. She's in some pain tonight. Nothing new. Poor girl. Please keep praying for my baby friends. For God to comfort her and me and our family through this hard time. Please get Maddy better Lord. Amen. Thanks and God bless. 

God hears us. We need a miracle. 

Prayer Requests

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  • Maddy's scan to see if the cancer grew is December 23rd ... She goes Dec 13 th as well to see how her skull implant is .