Stewart Rhodes Needs Help!!


 USD $100,000


 USD $31,775

Campaign created by Ky

Campaign funds will be received by Kyla Rosenau

Stewart Rhodes Needs Help!!

UPDATE!   All glory to God!  President Trump has commuted Stewart's absurd 18 year sentence (he didn't even go into the Capitol, and committed no violence!), thereby releasing Stewart from prison on the night of Jan 20th!   Stewart is very grateful to President Trump for that!   It was AMAZING to walk out of those prison gates after three years of incarceration (over a year of which was solitary confinement) and hug his good friends, Jenn Baker of Condemned USA, and Mel Hawley (Stewart's co-author for his upcoming book).  They picked him up and drove him to DC where he stayed at the home of Micki Witthoeft (Ashli Babbit's Mom) and enjoyed amazing fellowship.  

Please donate to help support this stalwart patriot (who refused to betray President Trump, and refused to plead guilty to a crime he didn't commit, and went to trial, and even at his sentencing he declared "I am a political prisoner.  Like President Trump, I am only "guilty" of opposing those who are destroying our country").   He needs support as he picks up the pieces of his shattered life, recovers from his ordeal, gets back on his feet, and then drives on with his life mission of defending the Constitution and helping President Trump's MAGA movement defeat the Deep State in any way he can be of use.  

He commends President Trump for keeping his promise to make Jan 20th a "day of liberation."  However, along with the 13 others who received commutations rather than pardons (all Oath Keepers or Proud Boys) Stewart is unfortunately still a felon and still stripped of key rights of citizenship such as his right to vote, his right to keep and bear arms, and all of his disabled veteran benefits.  While serving as a paratrooper in the Army, Stewart suffered a compression fracture of his spin in a parachuting accident and has a spinal fusion with steel rods holding it all together.   

After his conviction by a hopelessly biased, hyper-politicized DC jury, Stewart received a letter from the Veterans Administration informing him that he has been stripped of all his disability payments, medical care, home loan assistance, and has even been stripped of his right to be interned in a veterans' cemetery (the ultimate slap in the face to a veteran who served his country honorably).  There are several other veterans among those commuted and they have all been stripped of their veteran status benefits.  Only a pardon will remedy that.  

Stewart, along with the others who were commuted, needs a pardon to restore him to his full rights as an American.  

In addition to still being a second-class citizen felon, Stewart has been hit with 18 months of supervised release (probation) which includes severe restrictions on free speech and association, such as use of social media, travel, and who he can speak to or meet with.  For example, he can't associate with any current or former Oath Keepers member (which makes it impossible for him to rebuild the org he started) or any Proud Boys, or any other group the FBI labels "extremist."  

Also, Stewart went to the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, January 22, 2025 to meet with members of Congress, to advocate for a pardon for Special Forces veteran Oath Keeper Jeremy Brown, as well as speaking out for the men in the DC gulag who had not yet been released, and did some interviews (the media chased him down in the hallway outside the Capitol basement cafeteria).  Two days later, on Friday, Jan 24, 2025,  DC federal Judge Mehta issued an order banning Stewart and the other commuted Oath Keepers from entering Washington DC and/or the U.S. Capitol.  This is a gross violation of free speech, association, and the right to participate in the political process.  

President Trump clearly did not intend for anyone commuted to have to do supervised release at all, let alone have Judge Mehta able to add on additional restrictions that are obviously intended to stop political speech and participation, so we are confident that that ridiculous restriction will be removed soon by President Trump's express clarification. 

But the only way to fully remove the DC judge's boots off the back of the necks of these patriots is to give them full pardons.   Therefore, we pray that President Trump will do just that, to fully restore these men to their rights of citizenship and protect them from further abuse by activist judges.  One of the easiest ways for the Deep State to get retaliation on a patriot who is formally a felon is to falsely accuse them of being a felon in possession of a firearm.  Even with no physical evidence, they can do that with just the false testimony of one of their many paid "Confidential Human Sources" (snitches), having them falsely "testi-lie' that they "saw the accused with a gun" (a "ghost gun" that nobody can actually produce or prove the accused actually possessed).  And federal caselaw also allows a charge of felon in possession if the accused was in a home or building where a firearm was present even without their knowledge, so they never actually knowingly controlled it or had access.  It is just too easy to persecute thse men if they are left as felons.  

Please pray that President Trump pardons these final 14 commuted patriots, as well as Jeremy Brown, and any other J-6er who is also being persecuted by other charges.  That's what is needed to fully prevent these Trump hating judges from continuing to torment these men. 

Stewart Rhodes is an innocent, wrongly convicted, non-violent J-6 political prisoner, [who was!] serving an unjust 18 year sentence after he refused to plead guilty to crimes he didn't commit (Seditious Conspiracy being the worst of several absurd false-charges), and refused to bear false witness against President Trump. Stewart didn't even enter the Capitol on Jan 6, 2021, nor did he instruct anyone else to. Nor did he engage in any violence. He simply stood outside and exercised his right to political free speech. Stewart was targeted for who he is - the Founder of Oath Keepers - and for what he said about the election and Biden (all protected speech) - not for anything he actually did.

Stewart is an honorably discharged, service-connected disabled Army Airborne veteran (with a fused spine after a parachuting accident during a night jump); a 2004 graduate of Yale Law School (where he won the Judge William E. Miller prize for best paper on the Bill of Rights); served on the DC staff of Texas Congressman Ron Paul (1998-99); served as a law clerk for the Arizona Supreme Court (2004-5); served as a volunteer fire-fighter in Montana; and served as a concealed carry and private security firearms instructor for many years.

Stewart is scrupulously law-abiding and had never been arrested or charged with any crime in his life until he was arrested, at age 56, for this political farce on Jan. 13, 2022 (it took a full year for the corrupt DOJ/FBI to cook up false evidence/testimony including coercing a couple of Oath Keepers members into dishonoring themselves by agreeing to "testi-lie" (commit perjury/bear false witness) after being threatened with life in prison, before they finally charged Stewart).
As part of this "wag the dog" political theater, Stewart was denied pre-trial release, despite zero criminal history (just a few speeding tickets!), and was held in solitary confinement for over a year - before, during, and after his trial, including a stint in the "hole" in the notorious DC Jail.
Solitary confinement is used on J-6 prisoners to break them, coercing false confessions, and, even worse, into making "deals" where they dishonor themselves by agreeing to "testi-lie" against other innocent people. It didn't work on Stewart and his brave co-defendants - it only strengthened their resolve. And, despite also being threatened with life in prison, they refused to submit.
Therefore, they were put through a Soviet-style show-trial before an absurdly biased leftist DC judge and jury as part of the Deep State's political "lawfare" against President Trump and the MAGA movement. (see below for more information).
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS PATRIOT. Your donation will help him rebuild his shattered life and get back on his feet, to then drive on with his life mission of defending the Constitution.  You will also help him with his book project.   Stewart's writing a book about Oath Keepers, Jan 6, and the MAGA fight to save our Republic. Even while in prison, he was an outspoken defender of the Constitution, President Trump, and MAGA, in both written articles and interviews.
(Read his work on Substack here:
Your donations will also fund expected legal fees and costs as Stewart continues to fight leftist "lawfare." He's still a co-defendant with President Trump in three civil suits filed by leftist activist lawyers asserting essentially the same absurd "Big Lie" - that President Trump, as the "kingpin," engaged in a conspiracy with Stewart Rhodes and Oath Keepers, as well as with Enrique Tarrio and the Proud Boys, to "attack Democracy" on Jan 6, 2021, and to "disenfranchise black voters" by challenging the validity of the 2020 election. It's all Alice in Wonderland nonsense, but this is the remaining lawfare that is STILL being waged by the left in civil cases.

God bless you! 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
2 days ago

Anonymous Giver
2 days ago

. . . those who strive against you shall be as nothing, nothing at all.

David Coates
2 days ago

God and Country

Oath Keepers USA TX
2 days ago

Drive On, Brother. AATW

Oath Keepers USA AZ
2 days ago

Stay strong!

2 days ago

Anonymous Giver
2 days ago

Anonymous Giver
3 days ago

Stewart, God Bless you for standing up for the Truth despite the injustice done to you and the J6er's. Many people know J6 was staged by Dem's, Rhino's, and gov't agencies like the CIA, etc... to take Trump down as he is not with the global elite's (satanic) agenda. He is with Almighty God's agenda in this battle of Good vs. evil. Plus awaken humanity from its slumber of brainwashing propaganda.

Anonymous Giver
3 days ago

Anonymous Giver
3 days ago

InfoWars loves Stewart Rhodes!

Anonymous Giver
3 days ago

Bob Cline
3 days ago

3 days ago

Anonymous Giver
3 days ago

Bravery and loyalty should be rewarded

10 days ago

Thank you for staying strong! Can't wait for Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff and the rest to be tried for Treason!!!!! God Bless You!

Anonymous Giver
12 days ago

Thank you J6 Patriots.

Paul Stramer
12 days ago

Glad you are out Stewart.

Anonymous Giver
12 days ago

12 days ago

Let this modest donation be multiplied 10,000 times to begin correcting the injustice of J6.

Anonymous Giver
13 days ago



January 22nd, 2025

Hello! I will give this give send go to Stewart so he can read the rest of the wonderful messages and prayers.  Thanks to ALL who gave.  This will continue to help him as he walks back into a somewhat normal life.  You all are American heros.  Thank you for the continued help.  


January 21st, 2025

HELLO ALL!!! We are so excited and relieved and thankful for President Trumps commutation! Thankful for all who gave and continue to give to Stewart.  Below is a thank you from him to you.  

FROM STEWART: "Thank you so much for your generous support! And for your amazing letters! As a Christian, I know that what men mean for evil, God can use for good, as He did with Joseph being sold into slavery. God has done the same with the evil attacks on President Trump, who only grew stronger and more resolute, no matter what "they" threw at him (including two assassination attempts) and that's true for us J-6 hostages as well. Following President Trump's inspiring example, we too have only become stronger in our faith and more resolute, no matter what is done to us. Clearly God's hand was on President Trump in Butler, PA, preserving him for this great purpose, and his response to narrowly surviving being shot was the response of a warrior, and showed the nation that he is the real-deal. Again, what men meant for evil, God used for good! Fight, Fight, Fight!" - Stewart Rhodes

Update #6 A message from Stewart

October 31st, 2024

Hello all.  I have read your prayers to Stewart and he is encouraged by them.  Thank you for your generous support.  I know times are hard with this administration, but rest assured that Stewart has been thriving and doing well simply by knowing he is prayed over each and every day.  Thank you Thank you Thank you!!!!! 

Lets see if he can get the heck out of there!!! Keep the prayers coming and the money has also been helping with his general needs on a daily basis.  

Update #5

August 13th, 2024

A HUGE THANK YOU TO YOU ALL.  I just got off the phone with Stewart.  I sent him some notes that you all posted.  HE IS encouraged by your support and is living off of the funds raised for books, writing material, food ect.  A blessing be upon you as you continue to support Stewart.  

John 16:33: I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.


June 2nd, 2023

Listen to Stewart's thanks

Psalm 112:5

Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.

Prayers have been read to Rhodes.  Thank you 

Update #6

May 28th, 2023

Happy memorial day weekend.  Today we honor those who are locked up for j6 who committed no crime.  Thus far, your GENEROUS DONATIONS have gone towards food and phones.  Will give another update later.  Stay tuned for more interviews and updates.  Also I will post an audio message 

Update Update #6 Image
We thank God for each of you by name.

May 26th, 2023

Being in this position, I am able to see who is helping.  I have prayed blessing over you and your family and will continue to do so.  Thank you for praying and giving this most beautiful yet sad day.  

"You, God, are awesome in your sanctuary; the God of Israel gives power and strength to his people." Psalm 68


May 8th, 2023

Thank you to you who have given.  The starting funds are on their way to S.Rhodes' commissary through western union.  As soon as I get a verbal message from stewart, I will post it from him.  Blessings!! Will check back here soon.

Again... big BIG thank you to those who gave thus far.  


Prayer Requests

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