Patrick Allard's Lawsuit Against the NDP


 CAD $20,000


 CAD $1,020

Campaign created by Patrick Allard

Campaign funds will be received by Patrick Allard

Patrick Allard's Lawsuit Against the NDP

Patrick Allard is a Manitoba freedom fighter that came to public attention during the Covid lockdowns. He is arguably the provinces most heavily ticketed individual for Covid lockdown defiance, and was also arrested twice for peacefully protesting  

He has decided to enter the realm of politics as a means of working on solutions. 

During an election for MLA in March of 2022, he entered as an independent. During the course of this campaign, the Manitoba NDP sent out a press release calling Mr. Allard a racist.  This seems to be the tool of anyone who disagrees with someone these days when they have no argument to challenge the ideas, instead they jump to these defamatory, and harmful comments. 

Rather then just let these damaging comments slide by, Patrick decided to hold the NDP accountable for their harmful and hateful words, these are damaging to anyones reputation and we need to stop this sort of behaviour going forward. 

The Leader of this country, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, labelled and defamed unvaccinated Canadians as being not only racist but misogynistic extremists who do not believe in science simply because of their decision not to take a vaccine. It is a sad state of affairs when political leaders resort to name-calling and baseless accusations in order to silence opposition. I will not be silenced, and I hope that others will join me in speaking out against this kind of behaviour. 

As we all know legal fees for lawyers and court are not cheap, and Patrick would like to continue this suit to its fullest and hold the NDP accountable and send a message that harming someones reputation with zero evidence will not be tolerated  

If you’re tired of these attacks or have been a victim yourself,  please consider donating to help Patrick set precedent and put an end to these defamatory comments, harmful press releases and help send a message through the political arenas that this is unacceptable.   

Any remaining funds that are not used towards this legal battle will be used towards freedom initiatives such as the charter challenges Mr. Allard is involved in. Related to prohibitions on peaceful assembly gatherings as well as the forced use of masks. 

If you simply dislike the current NDP government in Manitoba, consider giving a small donation to help hold them accountable 

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 CAD
19 days ago

Thank you for fighting for us, Patrick.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
1 month ago

Jacqueline Bird
$ 30.00 CAD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 CAD
5 months ago

Ted Kusie
$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago

Let’s go!

Carolyn Azuza
$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago

So proud to be standing with you in prayer as well.

$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago

Natalie Tessier
$ 20.00 CAD
1 year ago

Thank you Patrick!

Nick Farmakis & Vanessa Johnson
$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago

Your battle hasn't gone unnoticed, even in the United States. We appreciate you standing up for yourself and others who can't, in a world where so many will bow to those who seek to seize control. Keep up the good fight, Mr. All Ard.

$ 50.00 CAD
1 year ago

Ken Drysdale
$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago

You have our support my friend, go and get em

Ken Drysdale
$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago

David Andres
$ 100.00 CAD
1 year ago


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