Life saving medication and treatment


 USD $50,000


 USD $16,903

Campaign created by Chellee

Campaign funds will be received by Michelle Utter

Life saving medication and treatment

I am a mother of three son, serving in the US Navy, single, healthcare worker, vaccine injured by Pfizer since January 11th 2021

I worked the front lines during the pandemic and did everything I was supposed to mandates, were starting at the hospital and just to see my three sons in the military. I was mandated to get the vaccine. Just to see my kids I need to be vaccine so the choice was made for me, so I got the vaccine, I became sick 40 minutes after taking the vaccine with flu like symptoms the next day unable to get out of bed I drop to the floor and crawl to the bathroom pulling myself up scared for the first time 

I later ended up in the emergency room where I had a lumbar puncture and treated for Gian barre syndrome at that time. I was treated with IV I G infusions for five days after discharge two weeks later I became worse the feelings of pins and needles sticking out of my legs, fatigue, weakness, my legs feeling like they were 100 pounds apiece and it was spreading up to my arms, pain, unbearable, and finding myself unable to walk again. 

I was sent to a specialist two hours away, where I see a neurologist an immunologist. I am being treated for chronic inflammation, demyolation polyneuropathy, trimmers, tinnitus, and heart palpitations. I have had three Nuro conduction tests, a small nervebiopsy, MRIs, Doppler, test, bloodwork, and much more. I have been on IV. I G infusions that’s intervenous immunoglobulins for the past 21 months being infuse every month for six hours at an infusion clinic. I have to pre-order my medication. It’s been delivered to the infusion clinic where I infuse for six hours..  this is not where I thought my life would be I have just been reevaluated and have six more months of IV. I G infusions in my future and many more doctors appointments.

This is taking a financial burden, and I’ve used up all my savings. I haven’t been able to work my entire shift, and I am now being pushed into short term disability, and then long-term disability until I can function again or they find a better treatment for me the government does not help us and we’re left with a financial burden with my hours cut at work I’m having a hard time paying my medical bills and even keeping my place where I live where I rent 

I three of my boys are serving in the US Navy, during the beginning, they said, one of my sons home to help take care of me for seven months because I wasn’t able to do my every day living. Now he’s been deployed and I’m left alone.

I have never asked for donations, or any help before I’ve always been a proud person and have still my own 2 feet, but I’m finding myself unable to do that, and they were disabled.

right now I have a $3000 deductible for medical and because of my medicine I have a $3000 deductible for my prescriptions of IV. I G infusion per year that doesn’t include my doctor bills. My doctors that I see two hours away that’s out of net work or any additional doctors appointments I may have. I am in need of red light therapy, which my insurance doesn’t cover, nor the hyperbaric oxygen chamber that has been suggested to me. All of this would be out of pocket and would be able to help in my medical treatment. VACCINE and Injured have no help from the government to turn in my claims that the injury compensation program and most claims have been denied and mines been sitting there for 18 months and I’ve heard no answers.

I would appreciate any donations. I will find in a blessing to help me be able to survive and help out with my medical and just to keep my rent so I have a place to live. I’ve never asked for anything. I’ve always been a giver never take her, but I would appreciate anything that you could give.

I think you from the bottom of my heart, and would consider it a great blessing. You know how much this means to me. Thank you.

Recent Donations
Amy S from Grand Rapids
$ 25.00 USD
20 hours ago

I've followed you for a few years and have always felt awful about your situation - it's just not fair. I'm praying you get some relief.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
10 days ago

God bless you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
20 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
22 days ago

Stay strong, Chellee.

Anonymous Giver
$ 36.00 USD
22 days ago

Tom Butz
$ 50.00 USD
22 days ago

Light is always more powerful than darkness

Palmer Vilagi
$ 100.00 USD
27 days ago

Sergio Samoggia
$ 100.00 USD
30 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
30 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless you and prayers for a full and speedy recovery.

Shari Carter Nelson
$ 250.00 USD
1 month ago

God bless you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
1 month ago

Merry Christmas! I hope this helps. John

Dennis Brown
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

From Denny.

Palmer Vilagi
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

To my favorite hurricane. Keep up the fight.

Palmer Vilagi
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

There are no word I can say, but I can pray.

$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

God Bless Praying and standing up for all the vaccine injured !

$ 200.00 USD
3 months ago

Thank you, dear Chelle, for standing up for all injured and their families. God bless you and yours, and get better soon. ❤️🙏


Doctors apts, new diagnosis and treatment

January 20th, 2025

I had a bunch of labs drawn, not all of them were great. I’m still producing spike, have new diagnosis to add to the list along with my auto immune. My doctor wants me to go on.Fenben, a cancer protocol on top of all the things that I’m already doing. I’m numb, I don’t know what to think and all of a sudden I’m scared again.

My doctors appointments, copayments, medication‘s through the Compound pharmacy, fenben for 90 days which I have to take four times a day was $445. That’s not including my LDN, MCAS medication, ivermectin, supplements, and all the other things I have to take. I’m trying my best but I just don’t know how much longer I can keep going. The medical bills are outrageous my health, just continues to spiral. 

I’ll be given myself my infusion today, it’s just been a really hard week. I appreciate your donations and everything you do for me. Your donations have been a blessing and I wouldn’t be able to make it this far without you. 

I will be looking into going to Germany to get my blood washed. But that’s gonna cost me between 25 and $30,000 just for the treatment a place to stay and airfare over and back. Right now it seems to be a better option. We keep praying about it and hopefully I can get the funds to be able to do this.

Thank you for all your love blessings and prayer prayers. I’ll keep you updated.


January 6th, 2025

To give an update with all my infusions and still making spike, an opportunity has come up to go to Germany to get my blood washed. They do not take insurance and it’s cash only I would have to pay for the treatments the trip, and treatment would be around $25,000. I will continue my monthly treatments and in hopes that I can raise enough money to go over and get the necessary treatment that may help me to give me a better quality of life. They do so much studies over there and there’s more testing that needs to be done on me since they don’t do it in the US at this time.

So I’m hoping that my fundraiser will help me find a way to get overseas for the treatment. I have nothing left no income no money saved, my savings has been spent on treatment and at this time I may have another month or two for my apartment and that’s it. So anything you can give towards us I would appreciate you are a blessing and thank you.

Infusions, doctor appointments and more

January 6th, 2025

I am still going through my infusions every week for three hours. They cost $15,000 a month. I got a grant which ends February that will be my last shipment. I have been without insurance for almost a year and have used all my savings, selling personal items. Not sure what to do next. 

I was able to get insurance but there’s a $9000 deductible that I would have to meet. How can anyone possibly doing that without working, still waiting to hear about disability? I have to go in front of a hearing in April. I was denied twice and now I’m going in front of a judge. The things we have to go through as being C 19 Injured .  I have gotten my senators involved, basically they’re just watching not doing much. I really don’t know what to do.

I’m still on anticoagulant for my micro clotting, Eliquis alone is $500 a month which I would have to pay until I get to the deductible. I’ve packed off on my medication to make it stretch and that’s not even including the rest of the medication’s that I have to take. The infusions that I’ll be taking now that I have a $9000 deductible and if it’s approved through the insurance, I have no idea how I’m gonna pay for the deductible. I just don’t know what to think anymore. 

I will be speaking at the legislation delegation meeting in my county in front of the senators to let them know the issues that I’m having. I went to see my neurologist and he told me that he was going to early retirement. He fought with me with testing that I had to get because I’ve been there since March 2020. I’ve received infusions monthly and has not done any blood test. I have to see doctors in Alabama and hours away that gave me these blood test. When I showed him, he didn’t want to even hear that I was still making spike and fought with me about it. I had to educate him. It was the worst appointment I had with him. It’s malpractice not checking my blood while I’m getting the infusions. I made him aware of that. 

I will continue to fight for my life, but this is getting me depressed and loss of hope because of what our government is doing to us and the lack of care and attention that we need not just for myself but

I appreciate your donations without you I would not be able to afford the medication that I could. I don’t even know where I would be without all of you. All of you have been such a blessing. I can’t tell you how much you mean to me thank you.

Any donation will be a blessing. It goes straight for my treatment in this year is going to be a huge struggle. I hate the thought that I may not be able to go on my infusions or what’s going to happen to me. So thank you again All of you are a blessing to me And I’ll try to keep fighting.

Update Infusions, doctor appointments and more Image
Medication and treatment

October 25th, 2024

I’m still taking an IVEIG at home which is a sub Q that I got a grant for without it I would be unable to walk or do my every day living. My Eliquis is still $500 a month and other medication’s and supplements adding up to eight to $1200 a month. my Social Security disability was denied, I am in the middle of an appeal. I still have no insurance, no income and fixing to lose the place where I live, my car and I used my entire savings, my 401(k) IRA and much more. 

I have looked in getting my blood washed, a treatment in Germany, which the treatments are alone are over $2000 per treatment and I would need to stay there for at least three weeks or more. It is to help my immune system. I am going to start safe for it and ask for donations in hopes that I can get this medical treatment necessary so I can get back with little bit of life that I can and so I can enjoy. I would love to go to work. I would love a better quality of life. I don’t know how much more I can take anymore. 

I have to go back to Alabama for test results and for a recheck, I have changed doctors and I have to have multiple blood test done which are going to cost about $6000 because of not having any insurance and I’m going to be unable to pay for that. I have maxed out my credit cards and I’m not sure what to do.

I wish I had better news but continue to pray for me and anything that you can give would be a blessing and you don’t know how much this means to me. I am truly grateful for all of you. Thank you so much.

Update Medication and treatment Image

June 25th, 2024

After losing my insurance terminated February 2024. Where I work they gave me short term disability, then extended short term disability and I was denied long-term disability because they said I had a pre-existing condition which was not the case at all. It was discrimination because of my back injury to Pfizer.  So because of the loss of my insurance, I didn’t have infusions for two months, and I was back using the cane and not leaving my apartment

I desperately looked into many different ways to get my infusions covered. I change my infusions from the infusion center to sub Q through my neurologist and I work through the company to get a grant to get my infusions paid for. I could’ve never afforded 15 K a month for my infusions, I’m truly blessed that I have this covered for a while but my other medication‘s like Eliquis is $500 a month. Another medication I have is two many others including supplements that are $1000 a month. .  

Any help that you can give me your assistance would be a blessing. I’m still working with senators still talking to the governor and much more to try to get help. We have put in for Cody‘s law. You can see it on Codys sign the petition and help people in the state of Florida and throughout the US to help get our disability claims push through and Medicare that we desperately need. Again thank you for your help and getting me through the most difficult time of my life. I will continue to fight for the Injured and myself and hopefully will get acknowledgment, reimbursement and much much more that’s needed again thank you very much. 

Update Infussuons Image

June 23rd, 2024

After suffering for two months without my infusions of IVIG, I was able to get a grant from a pharmaceutical company that has sub Q infusions that I can do at home. I applied because I applied for Social Security disability and also Medicaid, which I have heard absolutely nothing from them in six months or more. Because of my proof I was able to get my infusions done which cost $15,000 a month without insurance. The medicines are delivered to my house, I am truly blessed.

My medication that I take on a monthly basis that I have not taken care of because my Eliquis alone is $500 , my LDN, MCAS my anticoagulant that I take three different blood thinners and that’s not including my supplements and other medication‘s my doctors have given me. The picture above a few more have been added.

I go to Jacksonville to see my doctor, go to Gainesville to see my neurologist in immunologist, and I have to go to Alabama to see my doctor for my micro clotting and MCAS.  I’ve tried to put in for Obamacare or what have you, and they have blocked me out of the system and told me that I could only get Medicaid. Medicaid will not cover the doctors that I have so it’ll be useless for me anyway I’m trying to find any resources I can possible.

I have spoken to the Senators office two of them and they’re keeping an eye on it. They said they would expedite it, but there is no expediting once you’re hurt by a Pfizer vaccine. You’re a race. It’s time to change their minds and other people future generations.

Anything you can help me would be appreciated. Thank you so much and God bless. This has been the biggest struggle I’ve ever had to go through my life. I’ll keep fighting.

Update Medications Image
My wife is upside down

May 6th, 2024

Regardless of what I do, I have had doors shut on me. I was let go and terminated by my job and disability and my insurance stopped February 15. I have applied for Social Security disability, Medicaid, rental assistance, and everything else. Regardless what I do I’m on a waiting list and still have heard no word.

As for my infusions, they have stopped. Cash price is 15 K and that’s without going to an infusion center. I have a prescription for sub queue that I can do at my house but it’s still 10K. Without insurance I’m unable to pay this. I’m looking into grants and what have you, but I’m unable to get the medication that I needed at this time so I’m going backwards a bit. Praying the doors will open up for me.

Vax Injured , my life has turned  now o a giant nightmare. With no income no insurance I have my place for one more month and that is it, not even sure where   Am abl to go at that point there is a waiting list for emergency housing at this point I’m living on a prayer.

I will continue to keep my faith and keep trying. I still have my neurological issues, my micro clotting, MCAS tinnitus, and much more.  my  triple  anticoagulants I have maybe a month left.  Have seen my doctor in Alabama for my micro clotting, I have found out they want to put a stent in my artery because of the clotting and lack of blood flow. At this time, it’s not feasible no insurance and hoping that is the last resort.

being Vax  injured, we are abandoned by the government and left behind with financial burdens, chronic illness, disability, and death. So many of us have it hard and we’re running out of resources places we can go for help. I appreciate your donations and I appreciate your help and most of all your prayers. 

I speak on different platforms in the community to raise awareness of C 19 INJURIES from the shot, I pray that our future generations are not affected by this I wouldn’t want any child or anyone else to live through what I am.  

I  don’t  want to be injured, I just wan my life back.   

Update #9 termination, insurance taken away

February 10th, 2024

This week I received an email from where I worked and they are letting me know as of February 15. I will no longer be employed or receive benefits for insurance in any manner. I knew this day was coming, but not before my IVig infusion, this scares me. 

I have put in for disability through social Security, but they take some time, I have no income coming in, so I have no idea where I’ll be the next few months, and where I’ll be living. I don’t know how my health will be, without the infusions I go backwards the pain and the thought of not walking scares me to the end .  My infusions out-of-pocket are $15,000 a month. I go every month for six hours to an infusion center. I have a new prescription for sub q. This should be cheaper. I would have to do it weekly from the comfort of my home, but now with no insurance, being able to go to a especially pharmacy to have this delivered to me monthly I have no idea what’s going to happen. I am making phone calls to attorneys, to the maker of the IIG to see if I can get any copayment assistance or more if it’s even possible. 

Pfizer almost took me out, I thought for a long time. Thursday, I’m tired, but I will continue to speak out no matter what to say future generations, and so others do not suffer like I do or worse.

Your donations help me, and I am truly blessed and grateful for all the you’ve done and can do for me. I’ve always been the one to give. It’s hard to swell your pride, but I want you to know that are you helping me it says my life, so I will continue speaking out to save others. Thank you so much. 

Update Update #9 termination, insurance taken away Image
January 25 IVIG infusion 34 th month

February 3rd, 2024

1-25-24 This is my 34th month of IVIG infusion.   This month was the hardest month for me, this is also my 3rd year being vaccine injured by Pfizer.   I sat  at my infusion upset,  all th time I sit 6 hours every month, my health, uncertainty of what is to become of myself, my health, ongoing bills, financially keeping a place to live, and how much more can I take.   

New year, copayments starting up, this is breaking me.   Our government has abandoned us, my work has no approved my long term disability, I’ve had to get an attorney to start my full disability.  I never thought someone so healthy I once was came to this point of my life.  I wish I never took this Covid 19 vaccine.   I just want my life back.   

I don’t have lol continue to speak out and in hopes to save future .generations.    I pray that doctors start to study the vax injured to find cures and help our quality of life.   

I am trying to get sub q infusions instead of intravenous.  Th cost will hopefully be lower and  can do it at the comfort of my home.   

Thank goodness ou for your prayers and donations.  I  couldn’t get these infusions without you.  

Update January 25 IVIG infusion 34 th  month Image
Update #7

February 3rd, 2024

Speaking out at an event 1-26-24 am th villages in Florida.   Epoch news was there to interview me and 2  others that were vax injured.  Dr. Villa has injured pt’s that she is taking  care of.  We were there to give them a voice to tell their stories and support them.  It was an overwhelming experience, and I am  so glad to take part of.   I will post the article to share with you.  

It was an honor to hear Dr. Villa”s pt’s, answer questions and give support to all of them.   All of us spreading awareness to save future generations and to seek justice from our injuries.  

Update Update #7 Image
Update #6

January 29th, 2024

I have had to see a doctor in Alabama 11-20-23 I flew out to get all my testing done that should have been done 2 years ago and more.  I have micro clotting and mcas.   My blood work was abnormal in many areas.  As well as my spike levels that were extremely high.  After all the spike protocols that I have been in, they haven’t worked.  I went back 12-22 for a follow up and also had a ct on my pelvic area.  My arteries are blocked in my left leg from consolidation of micro clotting, a stint may need to be put in my left artery.  I have been put on three different blood thinners in hopes that it will take it away. I will wait for three months and see what the follow up visit will establish..  

i’ve been on other supplements on top of my anticoagulants of blood thinners, the two trips to Alabama have taken a lot out of me. I will go back in February to see how I am progressing. I hope and pray that I do. Knowing that I have micro clots and MCAS, on top of my other diagnosis doesn’t make me happy . I was hoping to get better. I’m still on my IVIG, I just celebrated 34 months of being an infusion center for six hours being infused with IVIG  on top of all my other doctors appointments. 

Doctors aren’t giving us these blood test, which is very important for all of us that are Vax Inj injured. Nobody is studying our blood or tissues, and as time goes by most of us are getting worse instead of better. I pray every day for healing and answers I will keep you updated. This is been a nightmare and a journey. I never thought I would have to share, thank you for your love and support 

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Micro clotting test this Wednesday

November 20th, 2023

I’ll be going to Birmingham Alabama to get a Micro clotting test done that was requested by my doctor. I had to go today to get an EKG, blood testing and medication today..  the IV I G isn’t lasting an entire month so they’re trying to get down to the root of the problem as well as try to get me red light therapy to help with my healing. I’ve made so much gains and then slide backwards. It’s discouraging. I am not looking forward to this long trip but I’m looking for answers and in hopes to start feeling better. Not in  a million years I think I have to travel out of state to get blood testing or sit in an infusion center just to save my life. All from this, not so safe and effective vaccine Pfizer I am upset that I’ve slid back some, doctors appointments and traveling or taking a toll. I pray that I find the answer soon and healing for myself and all of my Vaccine injured family..    

I will be going to my IV I G on November 28., In January I’ll be seeing my neurologist again to be reevaluated. I pray that these doctors find answers for soon.

Update Micro clotting test this  Wednesday Image
Update #4 IVIG infusion

November 2nd, 2023

Today November 2 I had my 30th month of IV I G I did infusion center that took 7 1/2 hours today. This is the first infusion that has actually felt good in a long time. I was in so much pain when I first enter the building, I have two more appointments and get reevaluated. I still have to leave November 22 and go get micro clotting testing done I live in Florida. I have to go to Alabama. I’m scared for my future. I’m scared for my health I’m scared maybe I’ll never see my grandkids but I’m gonna keep fighting as long as I can. Thank you for being by my side  And help me go through this journey. I will continue to speak out and help future generations as well as stop these unsafe COVID VACCINE‘s. Thank you for your help and your donations are a blessing there is no way I would be able to pay my copayment for my infusions if I did not get help from you  thank you so very much. 

Update Update #4 IVIG infusion Image
Update #3 legislative, delegation meeting, speaking out

November 2nd, 2023

I spoke out at the Volusia County legislative delegation meeting. I spoke out about vaccine injuries, deaths that has come from this, not so safe and effective vaccine. I spoke to senators, letting them know what we need, financial money, and acknowledgment on a federal and state level. $4.66 trillion has been given to promote and  study Covid long haulers zero dollars has been given state or federal to help the Vax Injured.  Speaking out for all my vaccine Injured family and bereaved.

Update Update #3 legislative, delegation meeting, speaking out Image
Update #2

October 13th, 2023

I will be going to Alabama to get test done for micro clotting. I’ve had issues lately. My blood is burgundy it’s thick and I’ve had other issues that have come along with it besides getting my IV I G every month I have been through 29 months of sitting in infusion center between 6 to 10 hours, I will be traveling next month to get the blood test done and hoping to get more answers still searching for cures and wanting to get out of this nightmare that Pfizer has given me. Thank you for following me, your blessings I would’ve been able to go to doctors appointments or even able to get my IV I G ordered before I go to the infusion center. Your donations are truly a blessing. I don’t know what I’d do without you

I will continue to speak out and spread awareness of these vaccine injuries, they are not safe or effective and we are still abandoned by doctors or government mini not diagnosed or treated. This is happening globally we shouldn’t have to drive to different states or hours away, just to be seen or treated by doctors. My mission is to spread awareness for future generations, and pray that justice will come to all the injured in the ones who have lost their family members to fight this battle together united we stand. 

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Update #1

October 7th, 2023

Your donations are a blessing, and I think you with all my heart. And this week I’ve just finished 29 months of sitting in an infusion center for six hours been infused with IV I G. I have been out on disability and still seeing doctors waiting for answers From this Pfizer vaccine injury I was hurt 40 minutes after the second dose of Pfizer, where I have CIDP, tremors, vascular issues, tinnitus, her palpitations, and more. I speak out on awareness to help future generations so they don’t have to go through this my heart breaks for any child that would have to go through what I’m going through.  I worked in healthcare where I was pushed out, targeted harassed, I can’t even get my records or my billing because I’ve been a red flag from the hospital in which I worked. We are still abandoned by our government. I speak out at the county commissioners, office special events in wherever I can to bring awareness.  I even had someone from the UK stay with me because they cannot be treated and left abandoned, he was brought over to see doctors to find answers as we do in the US. I believe that Vax Injured should help fellow Injured to give hope, love and create unity globally so we can fight this battle together for justice .  Future medical treatment of IV. I G in much more in my future. My future is unknown, but I will continue to fight to keep alive and hope the future generations will not have to suffer like we do. Thank you so much for your support and donations I will keep you updated on my future treatments. I still drive two hours away One Direction to see a neurologist and an hour and a half away to see another just to get treatment. We are still being gaslit by doctors 97% of our claims put into the CICP are denied, we need this moved over to the VICP., lawyers, justice, and big Pharma investigated. Please help spread the word and pray that one day we get justice. Thank you so much.

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Prayer Requests

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