Riley's Scoliosis Surgery


 USD $5,000


 USD $700

Campaign created by Nichole Andreasen

Campaign funds will be received by Nichole Andreasen

Riley's Scoliosis Surgery

Update as of January 30, 2024. It is now looking like a spinal fusion is his only option. Rileys curve is at 77° and getting worse it is also affecting his lungs and heart so the surgery needs to be done fairly soon. We are now working with the Mayo Clinic to see what our next step needs to be mainly where we need to do the surgery. Where will it be beat fir Riley. We are originally from MN so to do the surgery at the Mayo would give him the best support from family. 

Will update again soon.....

Hi I'm Nikki, Riley's mom. So Riley 14 is a fairly active kid up to about 6 months ago when everything he did from walking to sitting to even sleeping, his back was giving him problems. We have known for a few years that he has had scoliosis and we were in a chiropractors office every week like clock work trying anything and everything we could to prevent his back from further curving in the wrong direction. However as hard as we tried we can no longer ignore the growing pain for Riley. We finally took the plunge and did our first appointment with knowing what the out come was.... surgery. Normally with scoliosis they will fuse the back all together hence why we tried to do everything else first to stop from doing this as this surgery would limit his twisting and turning also guaranteeing future surgerys because of the pressure it would put on the upper and lower parts of the spine that wouldn't be fused together. As with time the medical fields are advancing there is a new scoliosis surgery available but only in a few select states. It's called VBT so instead of fusing the spine together limiting his movement it will allow him to move and groove like everyone else who has never had scoliosis aka a more normal persons back. VBT is a tethering surgery where they put screws into each vertebrae and run a cord a long the spine pulling it straight. So that means he will have a more fulfilling life with using all of his vertebrae in his spine allowing him to keep each individual vertebrae with natural movement. Meaning less chances of future surgeries.

This will help us with out of pocket medical expenses

Travel and hotel

So now that you know a little bit about Riley. We (Rileys Mom, Dad and sister) are asking for your generosity to helps us with the cost of traveling and lodging.

Recent Donations
$ 500.00 USD
13 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago


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