USD $8,500
USD $2,274
Campaign funds will be received by Dayna Falzone
It's incredible to see God's hands in the little things. From time to time, Anthony's job takes him to various places all over the world. We have our preferences for where it's easier for him to be because of the time difference and still being able to easily communicate with him. However, God always sends you to where he wants you to be. On this particular trip, he spent 35 days in Guam, a 14-hour time difference from our home state of Tennessee. Little did we know that God had plans for that trip. On his trips, he isn't always able to connect with a church, but this time we did a little research and found that there was a Calvary Chapel in Guam. He connected with the church and men's group there. What is so amazing about this church is that several of the families are foster families. Guam has about 600 foster children and less than 70 licensed foster families on this tiny island. It was one of those pieces of information that when you share, it doesn't leave your mind.
We have always talked about adoption before having our 5 kiddos. It was something we thought about for later down the road. After Anthony returned from Guam, we talked and prayed about if God was leading us to start the adoption process. We did some research and found that there is an agency on the island and adoption is becoming more common across the island. We are taking a big step of faith to see where God leads in this process. And we are asking for support through prayers, encouragement, and financial if you are led to do so.
We are in the process of completing our home study to be approved to adopt from Guam. Between the flights to Guam, lawyers, and agency fees, we are looking at $15,000 - $20,000 in cost. We hope to get part of that covered through grants once we have our approved home study. Would you consider supporting us as we take this step of faith as a family?
Russell Moore writes in his book Adopted for Life, "Adoption is not just about couples who want children - or who want more children. Adoption is about an entire culture within our churches, a culture that sees adoption as part of our Great Commission mandate and as a sign of the gospel itself. "
However you can support us, we appreciate you! We will post updates as often as we can of where we are in the process. You can check them out below
May God guide you all on this beautiful journey. Thank you for being so selfless and such role models to our community
Praying and joyously waiting along with you. :)
Praying for you and your family as you follow the Lord’s leading to adopt a little one!
Excited to see how the Lord opens doors for you and the family! Praying for you all!
We are so excited for what God has in store ❤️
We are so excited for you guys! Cannot wait to meet the new member of the family! ❤️ We will be praying for you guys through this process.
November 9th, 2024
It has been a year and a half since we began this journey. A month ago we received a call from our agency asking us if we wanted our profile presented to a birth mom. We excitedly said yes! We waited patiently for the call to know if she wanted to do a Zoom call with us. Unfortunately, she did not select us. However, it was very encouraging to our family to have the initial experience of presenting to a birth mom. We had some positive conversations with our agency and learned that doors are opening in Guam and they have received more inquiries from birth moms about adoption. We still have some financial hurdles to be ready to fly to Guam once we have been matched. First, the agency fee is $11,500 and half of that is due when we are selected by a birth mom. The second half is due when we gain guardianship of the baby. Second, lawyer fees in Guam are about $3500. This will complete the paperwork necessary to gain guardianship. With adoptions that have happened recently in Guam guardianship has taken up to 10 days. If we are not matched before our Homestudy expires in May, we will need to renew that and it is about $700 to complete the updated study. Flights to Guam range from $5000-$6000 or more depending on the time of the year. We hope that Anthony's deployments will accrue flight points to help cover this cost and the hotel stay in Guam.
Will you continue to pray with us and for us that all of this will be in God's perfect timing? We are applying for grants and should have a response from one we applied for here soon. We know where God leads he provides. We are truly thankful for the support we have raised thus far!
~Anthony & Dayna, Addy, Aury, Dany, Dempsey & Avonlea
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