USD $1,340
Campaign funds will be received by Erica Samp
I have been asked by my wonderful followers to start a fund for my personal & medical expenses caused by the contaminated Covid jabs.
As many of you know, I have been battling every day with debilitating side effects after receiving the Moderna vaccine. I was mandated by my employer to get it during a time when my 2 year old son was suffering from a medical condition and was going into comas I couldn’t risk losing my health insurance that was keeping him alive I chose his health over mine. I have had to face those consequences since.
I got two doses in May/June of 2021. Almost immediately following, I noticed I was losing my vision. I had to undergo many tests by multiple hospitals and facilities. I was referred to numerous specialists. I underwent numerous MRI's, Spinal taps, blood testing, brain scans, angiograms and more. During these tests, I discovered I have deteriorating vision loss and now have to receive eyeball injections every few weeks. I have swelling in my brain with lesions. I have vascular leaking and swelling. I have bilateral hearing loss, which has diminished hearing in both ears. I am now suffering from heart & liver issues as well. My spike protein levels are over 15,000 even after almost three years since the jab. The jab they said was a vaccine. It’s not. The jab they said didn’t leave the injection site. It does. The jab they said didnt integrate our DNA. Its does. I am proof. A bad active Covid infection would cause spike levels 1-1000. Again mine is 15,128!! This is terrifying.
I have to take at least 20 pills a day just to attempt to keep things stable. I have to repeat the expensive testing multiple times a year. Insurance doesn’t cover most vaccine injury treatments. My medical bills have reached hundreds of thousands of dollars.
There is no help for people in my situation. There is no relief. There are no treatment options being provided. Many doctors I have spoken with do not know what to do with the reactions they are seeing.
I regularly travel to seven medical facilities in two states for these appointments, so the time off work and the travel expenses also add up quickly and tremendously.
I was able to raise enough money prior to now to retain attorneys to fight back legally but the medial expenses to stay alive while they stall everything is getting to be too much as it’s been almost 3 years.
One is work comp claim that my employer is fighting me on. I’ve already waited 8 months for that hearing but they filed it to their wrong carrier so now I’m having to suffer physically & financially because of their error until a hearing that they have now pushed back until at least September. Apparently mandates are great until it comes to the liability for consequences.
I am also filing one of the first vaccine injury cases against the Federal Government for the unconstitutional PREP ACT. This will be groundbreaking.
I would like to ask you to consider contributing to my cause, and to this cause in general as I also help out many others as I can who are injured & don’t know what they need to do. My goal is to establish some path or precedent for the many others who have died or are injured and lost, I would appreciate it. Even a prayer or good vibe is needed.
Any funds will be used for my medical expenses while I’m being stonewalled by the legal system.
Thank you.
oh my gosh...I am so sorry to hear this. There is nothing like a mother's love for their child. What a tough journey. Look at taking the homeopathic Arnica Montana in 1M for the internal bleeding ( disclaimer: I am not a doc)...my very best...gigi
Hi sweetie 😘 its concernedmother on Twitter. I'm in Canada our $ is worth alot less so I can only send u $50 us but I'll pin this on my profile fir a week .. hopefully others help also xoxo ❤️ What has happened is truly unbelievable 😢 xoxo pls buy something nice for yourself
Thank you Erica for your courage to speak out and fight. I am sorry you were harmed. I am doing research to show the harms of mRNA, so we have data to back up court cases like yours. I'm praying for justice for you and for your continued healing. Janie
I've read that nattokinase helps bind the spike protein to allow your body to eliminate it. I wasn't jabbed, but take it anyway. My wife got two moderna and one booster (after I told her about everything I was learning). She thinks I'm completely nuts. I got my natto from Amazon and it's made in Japan. Also, FLCCC has good resources.
I hope you get better. Good luck with your court case!
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Much love.
November 4th, 2024
Bad news. My vision has once again rapidly deteriorated. There’s bleeding in my retinal layers. In the past week the 3 years of work I have done has all diminished plus some. It hasn’t been this bad since I got my second Covid injection. I have attached a photo from today. Top picture is from my last appointment and the bottom is from today. Completely exploded. The bubble and the streaks is blood and bleeding
What makes it worse is that I am still being cruelly denied compensation for the vaccine that was mandated on me to cause this life of hell. Company’s proudly boast about Responsibility Integrity Citizenship and Excellence while offering peanuts for my pain and life altering damage. Not even compassionate or fair enough to cover 1/10 of just my past eye medical alone. Not even close. Not even hearing loss, no heart problems, no brain swelling and lesions that we have yet to determine how severe those are. Nothing for the 9 months of suffering they caused by filing my claim to the wrong carrier. Anyone with any integrity especially in a community as small as ours should have taken it upon themselves to make things right or at least attempt to try. So remember that when you see all the False Claims and false advertising.
I have many other things in the works but that doesn’t do much for me right now after I have had to drain everything to survive. So I appreciate and thank any and all of you for your continued support on this rollercoaster. I’m not even close to done yet. Not until my dying breath will I stop fighting.
May 28th, 2024
I called out enough top level people enough times and FINALLY got one to OPEN my CICP claim!! It has been “in queue” since February of 2022!! That’s absolutely disgusting but I digress.
The point is…nobody should EVER underestimate me! There is no turning back now!! We will light the fuse to my Federal Case against the PREP ACT post haste once they deny me or offer me the $5 they feel my life is worth.
This is literally going to cost millions of dollars so if anyone would like to help with the costs I thank you so much on behalf of myself and for the others that I am fighting for.
I also take the donations (when able) and send to other injured who are critically in need. Moms who have nowhere to sleep that night. Patients who can’t afford an Uber to their appointment etc. So if you want your donation ONLY earmarked for legal fees just mention that in the notes.
It’s rough out here. Trying to help as many as I can. This is the biggest news personally for me so far!!! Prayers are being answered left and right.
I’m your huckleberry…wish me luck!!!
April 16th, 2024
I am officially done at my former employer due to the ridiculous demands being made that violate my privacy (which clearly I don’t care about) but more importantly the demands being made against my family, friends & acquaintances such as you all.
I have been contacted by many local companies with job offers and it really just warms my little black heart 🥲
They have heard or read about my situation & took the time to reach out to ME. It makes me so proud of the kindness of our community as well as of myself for building a strong work history & reputation that makes companies want to add me to their roster.
Political leaders have also been asking me to run for office. What office? No clue but I have been contacted by all 3 parties! How humbling to get those phone calls and hearing that people from both sides of the aisle are really listening to MY situation & understanding that this is a human rights issue & not just a political stance. When neither side can agree to even if the sky is blue…this speaks volumes to me.
Thank you all so much for your support. It means so much to me ❤️🩹
April 6th, 2024
The war rages on! My employers work comp carrier appears to be taking a nefarious route in an attempt to bully and intimidate me. They are asking for irrelevant private information in an attempt to use that to find loopholes or sway the decision to deny my claim.
I have included only a couple snips of the dozens of pages of documents they are asking for. They are stalking this fundraiser and trying to use THIS against me as well. Everyone say hello !! 👋🏻
They are demanding not only my private information that has absolutely no bearing on my injuries but the information of all of my friends, children, family and the rest of you reading this alike. Yes you read that right. See for yourself they want YOUR DATA too! Names and addresses of anyone who knows about my situation.
They are even asking for my private conversations with religious leaders whom I have prayed with or contacted, political representatives who may or may not support my battle. A little private no?
Why would they need that if not just to use for coercion, political bias and/or enticing fear of threat of retaliation or being ostracized (even more) because THEY CHOSE TO MANDATE ME TO TAKE AN EXPERIMENTAL MILITARY COUNTERMEASURE that destroyed my life and my family’s life. All I asked for was medical care for what has been done to me. That’s it!!!
Choices have consequences. Own them like adults and leaders should!!
Sooo that being said I will go ahead and announce I’m leaving the company. I have not been given support or remedy for the injuries caused by leadership even for the extra 9 months of suffering I’ve endured because of the error in filing the original claim!! 9 months of my life!!
I cannot and will not be bullied. I am the LAST PERSON on earth who will let anyone or any agency or any arrogant individual with a fancy title threaten my peace or the peace of my children. You mess with my children, my family & my friends…I’m coming for you and is coming with me.
I now need to look for representation to pursue civil action and will move forward with that route even if my claim gets denied. I’m nothing if not persistent and resourceful.
If you would like to help me fight this ridiculous onslaught of additional suffering they are causing, I would appreciate it and again thank you for the support. I can’t post much lately because of this but I thought people should know why. Can’t raise funds…can’t fight back. That’s how the wealthy corrupt stay on top. Well…guess what?
I’ve already prepared my own requests and they will be receiving them soon. I’m your huckleberry.
March 12th, 2024
So Mayo Clinic, who has already seen me for neurology in 2022, called yesterday afternoon to set up an appointment to follow up after my weird episode the other week. I spoke to 3 different people to set up what I’ll need. The final lady asked if I had any other tests and diagnosis since I was there last. I told her what tests I’ve had (including spike protein test) and that I’ve been diagnosed with vaccine injury. This morning I already had an email from them denying an appointment and referral.
This is the crap I’m up against. Those who forced us to take it offer zero help and instead fight me so I can’t get medical care.
Not to mention the 7 additional months have been added to my suffering due to the error in filing.
Doctors can’t or won’t treat because of money & politics. The state boards and corporations make sure of that. Mayo has already seen me and it was the same doctor who said vaccine injuries weren’t a thing back in 2022. So he sees I’m diagnosed after he said that and immediately denies me. The whole industry is captured.
The doctors that WILL treat only take cash which nobody injured can afford because initial consultations run over $2000 each and I need to fly to them which is obviously costly
This level of adverse reactions from the contamination is beyond the scope of small doctors.
So what do I do? I welcome any suggestions because I’m out of ideas and I’m out of energy to fight anymore. This is criminal. This is unjust. This is corruption & evil to a level I never imagined possible.
March 8th, 2024
As you know there is a lack of any resources around here and I can't travel by plane to get to anywhere far away that has the technology I need. This machine has been working miracles on people and he's doing a test to get it in more hands. Originally over $5000. If anyone would like to help me try and get one of the 10 available purchased I would be so grateful.
Also: Chip Roy has introduced a bill in an effort to get the PREP ACT immunity retrospectively dissolved so if you can reach out to any representatives or politicians you can...please do.
We need a HUGE show of support to get this passed so we can sue Big Pharma!!
More interviews this weekend and next week. Wish me luck. I'm making ground.
March 3rd, 2024
February 28th, 2024
Update: I have recently suffered some sort of neurological episode (stroke, seizure etc) so I have been off the radar and unresponsive a bit. Very tired and stressed out so please don't be offended if I don't respond to messages right away. I need to keep stress as low as possible. I have to undergo more brain scans this weekend. The physical and financial ruin just never ends.
I also received this lovely letter from Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) basically saying..we heard how mad you are that we've had your claim for 2+ years & it's only still in queue but we've had more claims from the (poisonous & contaminated) Covid than we've ever had in the entire history of the program. Too bad so sad. Keep waiting.
Thank you for all of the support and prayers. I'm hopeful that my tests will turn out okay and will update when I know more.
To un-vaccinated (2021):
"Our patience is wearing thin"
"Comply with the mandate or be fired"
"It's a 100% safe & effective. Take it or be locked down"
To jab-injured (2024)
"It's not even a vaccine! You can’t file for vaccine injury compensation"
"You must wait! We're overwhelmed with over 13,000 deaths & injuries! No ETA"
"The avalanche of injury reports was tremendous but go get another booster"
COVID vs All-Other CICP Claims:
129x higher claim rate
54x lower $ payout per claim
Our lives matter!!
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.