USD $5,000
USD $295
Campaign funds will be received by Michelle Utter
I go to evens and travel to spread awareness. I continue to speak out, I need help with travel and expense. Please help and way you can thank you
I am a single mom of 3 sons actively serving in the US Navy, Healthcare worker and vaccine injured by Pfizer .
My life changed 40 minutes after I took the Pfizer vaccine, flue like symptoms, pain going down my legs and fever, feeling of pins sticking out of my skin. The next morning unable to walk falling out of bed pain unbelievable, weakness, fatigue, the feeling of pins sticking out of my skin worsened, inflammation all over. For the first time I was scared in my life.
Weeks of blood tests and doctors apts and by now the pain spreading in my arms and pins sticking out of my arms. My neurologist sent me to the ER where I was treated with IVIG for 5 days and a lumbar puncture thinking it was GBS. I became worse after 2 weeks of discharge leading me to a specialist 2 hours away, a neurologist and an immunologist.
I am being treated for CIDP, I have had 3 neuro conduction tests, small nerve biopsy and 21 months of IVIG where I go for 6 hours once a month being infused.
Update I have micro clotting and mcas confirmed.
The Navy sent one of my sons home to help take care of me. I was unable to do my every day living unable to walk, drive ect. Now that a year has gone by I still live in passion and still going to my infusions.
I have used all my savings paying for all my doctors bills not getting help from the government or anyone else. This is been a hardship and unable to work my full shifts at work because of being disabled now, Doctor apts and medical biills.
Update… I have been terminated from my job. Waiting for disability and medicaid. Loss of insurance my IVIG in treatment are delayed. Infusions are 15k and I have no cone to self pay. I don even know where I will b living in the next 2 months.
I have never asked for help and have been too proud to get help. Now I have no choice and now asking for help. I would appreciate anything that you can give.
Before my injury I was active, worked out, CrossFit, ran 3 miles a day and even ran a few Spartan races with my sons. My life has changed drastically, all for a vaccine that was to be safe and effective. I regret ever taking this vaccine.
I I speak out on awareness and how I can help others, I have spoken on Gov DeSantis round table on vaccine injuries.
Don't give up. Keep pushing forward... Rustic @royy04390
@GoldenCompass74 on twitter
January 10th, 2025
I’ll be speaking out at this event in the villages about an hour and a half away from where I am. It starts early in late. Depending how I feel is if I can make it home or not or get a hotel if it’s safer. I was given a free ticket now. I’m very grateful for now a speaker so it’s my chance to spread awareness and help others.
Anyone able to help with my travel expenses, gas, hotel fee, tickets, flights etc. I would appreciate it. I don’t only speak out for myself for many others who don’t have a voice.
January 10th, 2025
I went to the legislation delegation meeting January 7, 2025. I let them know that I was tired to be abandoned by my government, not having acknowledgment, compensation or justice from my Pfizer vaccine injury. I’m fighting for many others who are injured and suffering like I am. There’s sometimes I have to travel hours away sometimes out of state. I have no one funding me and donations. help me to be able to travel to spread awareness and help future generations.
The last trip I had a flat tire had to get a spare tire, the trip for that I had to drive four hours to meet in front of the Surgeon General of Florida to drive four hours because I couldn’t afford a hotel. The little things that make it easier for me while I’m Injured , traveling spreading awareness.
thank you for the ones I have donated so far, if you can donate I would appreciate it would help with my trip gas. We’re in tear of my tires for tickets to get in when I’m not given an angel ticket which is a free ticket at times we are not offered a free ticket to go into if we don’t speak thank you for your time and thank you for your donation
September 11th, 2024
I have a vax injured friend, one that is chronically ill. Suffering in pain and no longer wants to continue with their vax injury. I is hard to take calls and listen stem to an injured suffer.
I need to get to this person and get them to the family and help that they need. If you could help, it would be most greatu. Trying to find closer help, nobody is respond. Please help m help an injured get the help they need.
September 11th, 2024
I’m at the surgeon general of Florida at a book signing. It was the only way to get in front of him as someone that is Pfizer vaccine injured. I served on the roundtable with Governor DeSantis and he, we are still waiting for help. Where we used as props for their political gains? Are they going to stop, the COVID-19 vaccine? Are they really going to help the Injured bereaved? We waited 3 1/2 years and we’re still waiting so I can him. I have a Rumble Videos on Twitter. They have the entire conversation.
He later followed up with a zoom call and I am awaiting another call from him as soon as his assistant can put it together and a meeting with All who served on the roundtable.
We are fighting for our life, waiting for the grand jury of Florida DeSantis and the surgeon general of Florida, to help us with medical, treatment, testing, justice, compensation and so much more. Please listen to the video on Twitter as well as my Rumble. I will attach it.
Any money that can help so it would help with my travel to get to these areas stay the night, General expenses, so I can fight for the Injured embed. It would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
August 3rd, 2024
Cody‘s law was presented in front of a group, a conference for Bree families who have lost their loved ones during the Covid pandemic through Covid protocols at the hospital. We are invited to speak and tell them about Cody‘s law.
Cody law will help expedite disabilities through Social Security and medical like Medicaid or Medicare. Many of the Injured are suffering without insurance, unable to get medication‘s that they need from their injury of the Covid vaccine. We travel to Orlando to present it. You can go on the website codyslaw.org signed the petition for the state of Florida, it has opened up to other states, including globally. We would appreciate it very much.
We have presented Cody‘s law to the state and federal senators to get this bill passed. But your signatures are much needed.
The drive over was hard. I had my friend that came in from Ohio to go to the meeting on Orlando. We left early because there was a documentary we were supposed to take part in, but unfortunately, I had a flat tire on the way had to call AAA to change my tire to the spare, get a new tire put on and we eventually made it to the meeting to go on stage. My friend from Ohio, she suffered INJURIES from Pfizer and is on oxygen. She had her oxygen compressor with her, but regardless of all the situations we made it. The trip was later in the afternoon so we had to stay the night in Orlando. The trip was too much for my friend and myself.
Thank you for your donations they are a blessing and much needed to spread awareness and help other Injured . Thank you again.
August 3rd, 2024
I went to a freedom council meeting in Colorado. The vaccine Injured got to speak as a panel in front of doctors and lawyers. Four of us got to share our stories of our INJURIES, medical expenses, gaslighting, abandonment from the government, and our dearly lives of chronic illness disabilities..
I got to tell my story of being terminated from the hospital I worked, being discriminated against and turning them into the EEOC, doctor visits, hospital visits, cost of infusions that are 15 K, medications that are $1200 a month, not being compensated by the injury compensation program that is set up for Vax Inj , INJURIES, and more.
we had to break down our stories to teach the lawyers how to listen to our case so we could go against big Pharma, corporations, Workmen’s Comp. and much more. Attorneys get lost in our stories and it’s hard to break down how they can help us. The meeting was to bridge the gap between the attorneys, lawyers in the injured to seek help, the meeting went very well and hopeful for the future.
there was a panel of four of us and all of us were injured by the COVID-19 vaccine. All of our stories are different in our journeys are as well. All of us are suffering, and we were reaching out for help and they were willing to listen to us to help us with future cases
I had to fly out to Denver, Colorado and give my speech on the panel. We were able to talk to lawyers and doctors to bridge. The gap of our medical needs as well as seeking out for justice. All of us are losing everything we have paying for medical bills, including loss of jobs and income, many of us are waiting for disability to be approved, but in the meantime, many of us are losing our house, car and much more. This has been a financial burden, but there’s so many out there like us we had to communicate with the doctors and lawyers , and teach them how they can help us. I am grateful for the event. It took a lot out of me to go out there and come back. But we are now having Lawyer step up and help us with our cases.
Thank you for your help it Is costly and your donation is a blessing. Thank you.
June 25th, 2024
There is an event in Florida the doctors, lawyers, bereaved, parents, and Injured that will be there. We will be presenting Cody‘s law, Codys law.org.
I will be going to listen to Heather Hudson , her son Injured by Pfizer will be speaking, presenting Cody‘s law., Which is her son. Hotel accommodations and such need to be made to stay the night because the travel the day is a lot to go through. Any donations to help with accommodations would be a blessing and I thank you so much. I will share information regarding, the event
June 25th, 2024
I was blessed to go to the Denver, Colorado conference from freedom foundation. We were able to speak in front of attorneys and doctors and let them know what our needs and ones are. Many injured or suffering unable to get disability, insurance, medical attention, medication’s and much more. The event went over well myself and three other Injured went. We do not only speak about ourselves. We speak about many Injured that are suffering and need help.
Although it was a beautiful event, it took a lot to go out there and back. There are other events coming up that we need help for travel expenses, hotel, because most of them are not provided. Any help that you can give to help spread awareness and safe future generations Would be greatly appreciated and a true blessing thank you
June 25th, 2024
I spoke to Cory Mills in regards to Cody‘s law, you can find it at Cody law.org. Mini Injured from the C1 job need medical help immediately along with her Social Security quickly approved. Cody‘s law will help that we need everyone to sign the law, pass along to family members and such
Cory Mills was about a mile and a half down the road for me. I had a coffee shop, I let them know that I was there presented Cody law and also talk to him about my entry from the Pfizer vaccine. Although he was local, I do travel to different areas to try to raise awareness when I’m up to it and feeling like I can handle it for the day. There’s so much to be done to be acknowledged, justice and so much more future generations
Any donations that you can make travel or hotel expenses some travel to and I cannot drive both ways in one day. I hope you help me in this mission to spread awareness and help you generations. Your donations are a blessing and I think you.
May 19th, 2024
I traveled a different events speak out on stage, go to City Hall meetings, County, commissioners meetings, legislation delegation, meetings, medical health, freedom, events, and Vax injury platforms. Travel is not included, sometimes were given an angel ticket, which gets a sin for free. But the food gas Car rental or airfare, including hotel fee is not included. I get asked all the time to speak out with my illness medical bills. It’s hard to keep up with it all. I speak out to help future generations and help others that are injured that need help since were censored, and the government has left us abandoned . Any help that you can give would be a blessing so I can continue to do this. Thank you so much.
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