
 USD $28,000


 USD $19,350

Campaign created by Angela Graziosi

Campaign funds will be received by Stephen Upton


UPDATE: 2024 August 16.  Stephanos still needs help. Unfortunately, Stephanos’ spinal problems have worsened, with a diagnosis of further spinal stenosis in his lower back and sacrum area, in addition to degenerative arthritis in that area. He may have to have a second surgery!  His MOST urgent needs right now are $1,200 for past due October rent, he is in danger of eviction. He owes $224 for his electric bill.   

Stephanos has a Venmo account: @Stephen3U and Cash App at $sbuatl  or Zelle at if you prefer to donate that way.  The money reaches him much quicker and without fees. 

Stephanos continues to struggle until he is approved for disability (SSDI). He has managed wisely the funds he has received thus far over the last 18 months. Glory to God, his food is covered by receiving food stamps; he only needs to manage rent and utilities for now. Sadly the disability process is long and arduous. He’s probably going to have to survive another 6 months until approval. With his additional spinal problems and possible additional surgery, his work prospects are doubtful. That is why the disability (SSDI) income is so vital. He is trying to figure out some type of part-time work he will be able to do to earn some extra income. He is facing the various physical difficulties. He cannot stand or walk without a walker (or cane for very short distances). He is able to stand for only 15 minutes max, before his strength gives out and the pain is unbearable. He has also permanently lost the  3/4 of the feeling in his hands and feet. Please help whatever you are able; even smaller donations help to pay smaller bills.

We also ask you to lift him to God in prayer, as his battle is not just physical, but spiritual as well. 🙏🏼 

His Birthday 🥳 is in a few days, 20 August! 

Update from 6 months ago
: Stephanos still needs financial assistance as he continues his slow healing. He is still unable to work. Doctors hope he will be recovered enough to return to work in 4-6 months. He is now able to stand and walk with a walker. He’s able to do some basic things around his home: wash dishes in a seated position; cook some; and other lite chores. Things he cannot do yet: change his bed sheets; clean his bathtub and the lower portion of the toilet; lift heavy items; carry items from downstairs to upstairs; and carry garbage to dumpster; and several other things. He is striving to be independent and is learning new ways to do so. He has learned to transport the heavy laundry basket on top of his walker to the dryer, as it’s too heavy to lift. He is able to go upstairs at night to sleep and downstairs to spend his day, by taking one stair at a time, holding onto the walls and railing. Otherwise, he avoids going up and down due to the difficulty and danger of falling. 

     He has to avoid long car trips, as his legs begin to spasm and he has pain in his feet and legs. He also continues with aggressive neuropathy in his feet, lower legs, hands and forearms. He has little to no feeling in his hands, other than his index fingers and thumbs. He continues to improve in small increments each day. He works with a physical therapist twice a week, who comes to his home. 

Until he is able to return to work, in 4-6 months; he remains with no income for rent and general expenses such as utilities, gasoline, and medical expenses not covered by insurance. His most urgent expenses are rent for June through October at $1,100 per month (which was just raised to $1,200 per month beginning in August). His total monthly expenses are about $2,100. 

The funds donated thus far have been spent carefully and judiciously, but are now exhausted, on paying rent: January-May; general expenses, utilities and medical expenses and medical equipment not covered by insurance. We ask whatever you’re able to donate, however small; and to please share this fundraiser everywhere. He also has a Venmo account: @Stephen3U and Cash App at $sbuatl if you would rather donate that way.  Thank you! 


»Please help Stephanos (Stephen) in his this time of Urgent Need«

Some know him as Stephanos others know him as Stephen. Stephanos has lost the ability to walk or stand. He had to be rushed to the hospital after losing total ability to walk or stand. He is having spinal surgery tomorrow February 3rd that will hopefully correct his problems, with a recovery period of at least six months.  He won’t be able to work and hasn’t been able to work for 8 weeks already. He needs to pay rent and basic expenses for at least six months. Stephen has always been a hard working man and very deeply devoted to his faith. They have determined surgery is his only course of action to potentially get back on his feet. If you know Stephen,  you know he is a faithful, loyal and devoted friend and gives with all his heart. Please in this time of need,  I hope you can find it in your hearts to help him and his little cat get through this health crisis. He is already facing eviction and has to have the rent paid within a few days to avoid being put out of his home. This alone is around $2300 for January and February. Please even if you can only give a small amount that will add up. If you would kindly lift him up in your prayers and pray that he gets the needed medical care that will allow him to get back to the life he knew until a short time ago. Bless each and every one of you who took the time to read this.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

Claudia P
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

God bless you!

Edwin Robinson
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
4 months ago

Deacon John
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

help you

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

May God give to you strength in this time of need and protect you. You are in our prayers.

Itzela Matusch
$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Michael kulkarni
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Feliz cumpleaños amigo .

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying for you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

God Bless you Stephanos.

Claudia P
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Get well soon!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

God Bless’

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago



November 6th, 2024

Stephanos is still short $150 on his November rent and facing eviction!  Please keep him in your prayers!  🙏🏼

Venmo: @Stephen3u


Cash App:  $sbuatl

Update #10

November 4th, 2024

UPDATE: This month Stephanos is short $300 of $1,200 rent; his landlady always files for eviction if not paid by the 5th!   He owes $122 for electricity* and $54 for internet. Venmo or Zelle are quickest, if you are able to help. He hopes 🙏🏼 to hear about his approval for disability income, soon!  He also hope to be able to figure out some type of part-time work he is physically able to do to supplement his hopeful disability income, as it will barely cover his rent. 

*(Total past due on electric, $364 {3 months}. Hoping to get LIHEAP support for the winter.  Total past due on internet, $113.92)

      From Stephanos’ Facebook post:

I’ve had many, many people ask how they can help me in my current situation; so, even though it is greatly embarrassing, I am sharing my most urgent needs. 

      The most urgent are needs are food for my two kitties, $58 per month (I have plenty of kitty litter, I stocked up several months ago when it was in sale); and $83.75 to keep my phone from being suspended today (total past due bill $191.25). 

      My electric bill is past due, $244, but Georgia Power is giving people in Georgia a slight break until December. Then finally, November rent ($1,200) will be due in two weeks! 

      Thanks to God, my great disability lawyer has lit a fire under the SSA, and hopefully I only have to survive a few more months before receiving monthly disability income. I also hope to eventually get a roommate, which would cut my rent, electric and internet bills in half! 

      If you can help, I have Venmo, Cash App and Zelle. If you cannot help financially, please pray 🙏🏼 for me for health, spiritual life and finances.  

       I am SO thankful to a dear friend in Greece who submitted a donation and my name to a monastery for the 40-Day* Christmas Fast Liturgies. I and other friends and family of hers will be remembered in prayer during the Liturgy for 40 days in a row! 

      *(The ancient tradition of the Σαρανταλείτουργο (Sarandaleítourgo), 40-Day Consecutive Liturgies for the Health of Repose of an Orthodox Christian, usually celebrated during the Nativity Fast.)

*See update in comments!

Update Update #10 Image

August 24th, 2024

Pray for Stephanos! He fell again. Thank God, nothing was broken and after about 20 minutes struggle, he was able to get on his knees and then finally stand up and get back in a chair. Pray 🙏🏼 that his right hip is not sore later.

Glory to God for all things!

Stephanos is also struggling to come up with the coming September rent and to pay his large electric bill. 🙏🏼

Update #8

August 20th, 2024


20 AUGUST 2024

Update Update #8 Image
Update #7

August 11th, 2024

Asking prayers 🙏🏼 from friends and family. Having a really bad weekend of pain and severe muscle cramps and spasms. The cramps and spasms are up and down my entire spinal column, bottom and upper legs, making it extremely difficult to stand or walk.  

      God willing, some relief is coming this coming week when I begin a new medication, a muscle relaxer, which is supposed to relieve the violent muscle spasms and cramps. Please pray 🙏🏼, that being God’s will, the nerve and vertebral damage to my spine may be healed. If it be God’s will for me to remain in such a state for my salvation, to learn patience and humility…. May He grant me the abilities necessary to lead a productive and purposeful life, according to His will; and not to drown in a sea of despair.  

🙏🏼 📿

Update Update #7 Image

August 22nd, 2023

From Stephanos:

WOW! I was just giving a new friend, who asked me how I am, an update on my health and after writing and thinking about it, it really shook and unnerved me. Going over the past 7 months in my mind brought up a lot of feelings! WOW! 😳

      What I told him: “It’s been a scary, painful journey. The doctor told me, when he diagnosed me, that if the spinal compression had gone untreated much longer, I could have been permanently paralyzed! (He diagnosed me one February 1st and operated on me two days later!) I’m taking it one day at a time and trusting in God, and doing my physical therapy.

      When I first got the surgery, the doctor told me about six months to recover, well it’s been about seven months and still recovering. I’m about halfway there. 

      I’ve spoken with a few others who’ve had similar conditions and they said it took them about a year to heal. I think it’ll take me about that long.”

      This whole experience has been a real roller coaster of emotions high and low, victories of progress and disheartening setbacks. I thank my family, my friends and my church family for all their love, encouragement and help!  

      Glory to God for all things!

      Δόξα τω Θεώ πάντων ένεκεν!


May 20th, 2023

From Stephanos:

DEAR ONES, please pray for me! I am so down and discouraged. I’m so frustrated with my recovery and my not being able to do things I want and/or need to do.           

     To make matters worse, the front brakes have gone out on my car, so I’m stuck at home until I can save up to get them repaired. Please pray that it’s only the brakes. It’s making such a racket that it sounds like the entire axle is going! I’m also dealing with a lot of pain, and still with great difficulty in standing and walking. 

      I’m trying to be patient and to trust in God, but my weak soul wants to cry and moan. Despite not feeling well, I wanted so badly to be at church this evening and tomorrow, but I’m afraid I would damage my car further than it is. 

      Right now I have been able to drive short distances to the store, doctor and church. I have to be super careful, because I only have about 33% feeling in my feet, so I have to be extra cautious when switching from gas peddle to brake and back. I don’t go much anywhere, because of the feeling in my feet and my behind, lower back and right leg become very painful if I drive too long. It’s also a great hassle having to use my walker to get to the car, and then load and unload it. Thankfully it only weighs 15 lbs. 

      I am trying to keep my heart with God. I’m trying to be thankful for the progress I have made thus far. I’m also thankful for the wonderful bird shows that God sends me at my feeders. 

      I was so happy and rejoiced at all the people at church last Sunday who expressed their sincere concern for me and my progress, and their great joy in seeing me at church. 

God be praised!



Update February 16

February 17th, 2023

Stephen is currently at the Glenwood Health and Rehabilitation Center at 4115 Glenwood Ave, Decatur, Georgia 30032. He is in the Dogwood Wing, Room 211-A. If anyone would like to give him a visit or send a few flowers his way, please do. He’s lonely and the flowers would bring a little sunshine into his room. He’s in the middle of a battle with his insurance, but he has been told he can potentially get back to a normal life with the proper care. So please pray that the insurance company allows him to stay for his allotted time to rehab fully. Thank you to everyone who has donated, prayed and been there for him. 

Update #3 long road ahead

February 4th, 2023

Stephen made it through surgery and is in recovery until they get him comfortable enough to move to a room. The surgeon called me and said that he fused C-4 through C-7 and that the length of time that elapsed with the compression of the spinal cord may cause issues with him ever recovering fully. I am asking for everyone reading this to please pray for him. Stephen is an outstanding, God-fearing man and he needs us all to pull him through this.

Update #2 in surgery

February 3rd, 2023

Stephen has gone into surgery. Please let’s all lift him and his care team in prayer.

Update February 3, 11:40 am

February 3rd, 2023

Stephen was due to go in for cervical spine surgery this morning at 11 but it has been delayed until this afternoon around 3. There was no reason given for the delay but we are hopeful he will definitely go in this afternoon. There is severe damage to several cervical vertebrae and this is what they suspect is causing most of his problems because the spinal cord is being compressed. Please keep the prayers coming and with God’s hands upon the surgical team, Stephen will come through this stronger than ever. 

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.