Feed Success Breed Success
Although these children grow their food there are still other dietary needs in order to make their meals. This expense is approximately $600 per month in order meet this need; therefore they have chosen to seek a one-time Food Campaign for the year with the goal being $7,200 as opposed to seeking for monthly donations.
These children in Sierra Leone, W Africa are already being successful because they found a loving couple that would love, feed and train them up to succeed. "As the scripture teaches, `Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. ' (Proverbs 22:6). This couple are Joseph Zelhofer Lawal, Founder and Director of Children of God Mission Sierra Leone and Susan Seseay Founder and Director of Save_d_young_girls_foundation. They have been taught how to plant and harvest their own food, how to treat others with kindness, go to school to study and get a great education. They are encouraged to dream and work hard to achieve their dreams. Just like Joseph and Susan’s dream to each build a home for their children to live and study. At this time they are nearing the completion of the two houses. Great Examples of Faith & Perseverance! They are also teaching them how to sew to help make school uniforms for all of the children so that they can attend school like other children. PLEASE PARTNER WITH JOSEPH AND SUSAN TO CONTINUE TO FEED THEIR BELLIES AS THEY CONTINUE TO FEED THEIR MINDS AND REACH THEIR DREAMS. MAY GOD RICHLY BLESS YOU.