The Coerced Nurse Danielle Baker

Monthly Goal:

 USD $3,500

Campaign created by Danielle Baker

Campaign funds will be received by Danielle Baker

The Coerced Nurse Danielle Baker

A little about me:

I am now where the government wanted me, permanently disabled and dependent on them for an income that we have to depend on. On June 26th 2021 my life forever changed. I worked at bedside throughout “Covid lockdown” as a certified Hospice RN. We worked with minimal PPE, always exposed but one thing never changed, I showed up. I showed up everyday to ensure my patients had what they needed. In 2021 we began getting bombarded with emails filled with facts about the safety and effectiveness of the jab, encouraging us all to become vaccinated. The emails started to become more demanding, questioned our morals and values, started large incentives and then finally telling the staff that the “safety net” that was set up for those who came down with Covid or had vaccine reactions would be pulled starting July 2021 unless you took the vaccination. It was well known the mandate would be put into effect August 1st 2021. Despite my gut instinct, I took it as I needed my income and career. That’s when my life changed forever. I have been diagnosed with transverse myelitis along with a host of other diagnoses directly related to the “vaccine”. Not only was I left without a job and career, I am now permanently disabled. I am engaged in a battle with my former employer in attempts to be fairly compensated but they are winning the battle. They of course have access to large sums of money to fight me and it doesn’t look like they will honor the safety net. We live at just above poverty level so other then social security disability we do not qualify for other assistance.

Insurance alone costs us 700 a month and it’s a high deductible plan. We have to pay out of pocket 12,000 a year plus the monthly premium for our family before insurance will start to pay. This is just one of many issues we are facing financially. My husband is my primary caretaker so his income  is dependent on my ability to function while he goes to work. We are also working at spreading the message of caution, medical freedom and informed consent.

At this point anything will help.In addition we need funding for several areas including medical, travel/lodging expenses to continue to advocate and be a voice for the vaccine injured as well as litigation costs to hold those responsible for my injury accountable. 

We appreciate you taking the time to read my story. Please do not risk putting that poison into your body. It is just not worth the risk, learn from my lapse in judgement. 

Here are some of my media links if you are interested:

Covid vaccine victim impact statement delivered to the FDA on January 26th 2023:

My story in a video:

My Substack:

My Twitter handle:

The Coerced Nurse


Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

Prayers continue for you, Danielle!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

I have been following your story thru the vaccine injury info with Warner and Kathryn..I m so sorry that your going thru this..I am also a caregiver and they tried to get me to take that poison and I refused! Prayers for you and your family!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Bless you! Prayers for healing and strength.

Lisa DeTunno
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 months ago

I cant help everyone but I will help as much as I can. God bless you and please know we are with you all.

Anonymous Giver
$ 200.00 USD
3 months ago

Marly L
$ 25.00 USD
5 months ago

Danielle, sending you so much light & love for your healing.. always keep your faith and hope, that healing will come to every cell of your body.. I saw your story on Jonathan Otto documentary, I know of a few people injured post vax..:’( I am also a RN and I understand the pressure of what was happening and how so many were coerced.. You are doing so much to help others, blessings to you..

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
5 months ago

Wishing you the best, Dani. Stay the strong woman I know you are.

$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

I pray you are healed and delivered from these medical conditions. Don’t ever blame yourself, the deception was (and is) criminally planned. You were just trying to keep your job and your motives were honorable. Blessings to you and your family.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

God will see you see you through this horrendous ordeal like so many others. I pray for you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Joanne White
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

The right margin cut off a lot of your update wording but I could get the gist. I am SO sorry you were coerced into taking the jab! I am a retired RN so I get why you did it to keep your job & income. You should not have been put in such an unfair dangerous positionI I hope you get the medical help & compensation you deserve! Please hang in there and keep fighting for justice for all vax victims!

Mary Ann RN
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

As an RN for over 40 years, I know the sacrifice we make for our patients. You gave your health to help your patients. You have stored up treasure in heaven where it counts. Keep up the good fight and win it. Much love and blessings sent your way. MaryAnn

Anonymous Giver
$ 36.00 USD
6 months ago

Steve Staggs
$ 10.00 USD
6 months ago

God bless, Danielle.

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
10 months ago

God be with you, Danielle. Praying for your complete healing.

$ 250.00 USD
11 months ago

Danielle, I told you I would help! This amount for now. 🧡 I am so thankful you found this awesome doctor and clinic to help. - Shelly Larkin aka @les__deplorable

Katie Phillips
$ 50.00 USD
11 months ago

Katie Phillips
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago


Update #8

August 30th, 2024

August 2024:

I have had my campaign taken down for a little while. I know the economy is currently very rough for everyone but was convinced to republish it. It has been awhile since an update so hopefully this is being you up to date. 

WE ARE REOPENING MY LEAGAL CASE!! Due to ongoing health issues, last year, we had to place my workers compensation case on hold.  

With testing, scans, and procedures, we found out that I was/am in diastolic congestive heart failure. What this means is that when my body attacked my spinal cord, it also impacted the nerves that help to control my heart. The result is my heart is not functioning how it should causing fluid retention (up to 15 pounds at a time), irregular rhythms, very low blood pressures and heart rates. The cardiologist is limited on the treatments for this and what I have tried failed. My cardiac status is very fragile and our focus is on symptom management because in my case the "potential cures" cause more bad than good.

In addition we found out that the nerves that help to control my ability to breathe have been damaged. My diaphragm is not strong enough to allow my body to exchange oxygen well causing dips (into the high 70s) in my oxygen saturation. I was prescribed oxygen for this. The oxygen has really helped and most days, keeps my oxygen up. 

I also was able to have some medical grade photo-modulation therapy in Florida. I had some wonderful results from that and have funds/donations from another  campaign set aside to be able to go back down to Florida for a longer period of time for more treatment. The goal being to have enough funds to be able to stay down there for 30 days at minimum. I am at about 1/2 my goal and the finish line is in site. I do have a campaign specifically for that goal. This is the link for that. 

Those are the major updates. I utilize the donations for this campaign for general medical and out of pocket expenses. 

Anything and everything is appreciated. If there is one thing I have learned as of late is there are more people who want to help than we realize. Not matter what side of the political spectrum that someone falls on, it can be agreed upon and acknowledged that more needs done for those that have been legitimately injured. 

Much love,


Update #6 8-23-23

August 23rd, 2023

It has been a while since my last update. As always, I first want to acknowledge and thank all of those who have and continue to support myself and my family. I am humbled beyond words at the generosity, grace and prayer’s bestowed upon us. The community that has surrounded us is the best community we could ever ask for. As much as I would to thank each of you individually, my strength just doesn’t allow that but please know that we, as a family, read all of the prayers, support and commits you take time to write. They mean the world to us. 

Some updates. My health has decided to throw another curveball at us. Recently I have been experiencing problems with my heart. I was finally able to see a cardiologist and this is where we are at. 

My appointment yesterday:

He thinks that a few things are going on. 

-The bottom half of my heart is failing. 

-I have a pots type syndrome which can't be fixed and he thinks is due to the vax

-I have an unknown type of arrhythmia and he is worried it is the type that could turn fatal. 

The plan:

30 days on a cardiac monitor. They gave me the kit so I'll start it today. 

After the monitor, will have a heart Cath scheduled 

Potential for a TEE where they go down the throat and look at the heart from behind. 

Took me off my water pill, he is afraid it is causing issues despite my swelling being horrible. He is putting me on a diabetic medication in order to get rid of the fluid because he said it is much more gentle and won't crash my already fragile blood pressure

Once again, thanks vaccine, the gift that keeps giving. Ugh

I will continue to update as I can. I have a beautiful support network of prayer warriors and nothing is too big for Our Lord to fix if that is His plan. 

I have partnered with Operation Truth, an organization that supports Vaccine Injured Veterans and civilians. We have a March and Rally set for September 29th in Washington. We have chosen Breaking the Silence as the Theme for this Rally because we wanted to be be sure that everyone impacted by past present and future vaccines/protocols is included. We want to unify as one and  carry the loudest voice possible to Washington DC. I have attached the flyer and pray most of you can attend! 

My court case has moved to Civil court. I have been granted a trial by jury of my peers. This jury will decide if I am able to take part in the Workmans Compensation Program. The jury does not decide money awards as there is a specific formula utilized for that, but having the ability of my peers to have power to decide is everything to us. As far as we are concerned, that in itself is a win in our book. 

Once again, my humble thanks for the support. We wouldn’t be where we are at without your kindness. 

Much love, 

Danielle Baker, The Coerced Nurse

Update Update #6 8-23-23 Image
Update #6 8-23-23

August 23rd, 2023

It has been a while since my last update. As always, I first want to acknowledge and thank all of those who have and continue to support myself and my family. I am humbled beyond words at the generosity, grace and prayer’s bestowed upon us. The community that has surrounded us is the best community we could ever ask for. As much as I would to thank each of you individually, my strength just doesn’t allow that but please know that we, as a family, read all of the prayers, support and commits you take time to write. They mean the world to us. 

Some updates. My health has decided to throw another curveball at us. Recently I have been experiencing problems with my heart. I was finally able to see a cardiologist and this is where we are at. 

My appointment yesterday:

He thinks that a few things are going on. 

-The bottom half of my heart is failing. 

-I have a pots type syndrome which can't be fixed and he thinks is due to the vax

-I have an unknown type of arrhythmia and he is worried it is the type that could turn fatal. 

The plan:

30 days on a cardiac monitor. They gave me the kit so I'll start it today. 

After the monitor, will have a heart Cath scheduled 

Potential for a TEE where they go down the throat and look at the heart from behind. 

Took me off my water pill, he is afraid it is causing issues despite my swelling being horrible. He is putting me on a diabetic medication in order to get rid of the fluid because he said it is much more gentle and won't crash my already fragile blood pressure

Once again, thanks vaccine, the gift that keeps giving. Ugh

I will continue to update as I can. I have a beautiful support network of prayer warriors and nothing is too big for Our Lord to fix if that is His plan. 

I have partnered with Operation Truth, an organization that supports Vaccine Injured Veterans and civilians. We have a March and Rally set for September 29th in Washington. We have chosen Breaking the Silence as the Theme for this Rally because we wanted to be be sure that everyone impacted by past present and future vaccines/protocols is included. We want to unify as one and  carry the loudest voice possible to Washington DC. I have attached the flyer and pray most of you can attend! 

My court case has moved to Civil court. I have been granted a trial by jury of my peers. This jury will decide if I am able to take part in the Workmans Compensation Program. The jury does not decide money awards as there is a specific formula utilized for that, but having the ability of my peers to have power to decide is everything to us. As far as we are concerned, that in itself is a win in our book. 

Once again, my humble thanks for the support. We wouldn’t be where we are at without your kindness. 

Much love, 

Danielle Baker, The Coerced Nurse

Update Update #6 8-23-23 Image
Update #5 June 1st 2023

June 1st, 2023

Once again, my first acknowledge goes to the wonderful and generous supporters of myself and family. Without each and every prayer and/or good wishes sent out way, we gain strength. Though we have our struggles, the Lord has provided so many kind souls to lift us up and give us strength. With all that we have, thank you. 

As of late I have been laying low, I have had so many flares since my last update, I think half my time has been spent sleeping or unable to do much of anything. To say I hate being this way is an understatement. As with everything, there is good with the bad however and we recently received some absolutely amazing news. 

Despite the efforts of my former employer, we have been granted a jury trial in civil court to decide if I should be allowed to participate in workers comp payout. Since my former employer , Ohio’s Hospice , opted to not pay into the state worker comp fund, they are self funded. When we win, they will have to pay out of their own pocket. (This is a company that is not for profit, yet profits up to 49 million a year)

So our day in court is coming! I have attached the letter outlining our dates. Our families biggest hope is that this opens the door and sets precedent for anyone that was coerced , mandated and injured by the shot to be able to pursue the right to participate in the workers comp program. After all, those in a similar situation had no plans to get the shot until their livelihood was threatened. We got the shot to benefit our employer yet when we were injured, the employers dumped us and they declared us to “not be their problem.”

We continue to move forward, advocating where and when I am able. I am able to do that because of the love shown by all of you. We thank you for the continued support and truly cannot day Thank you enough. 

Much love, 

Danielle and family

Update Update #5 June 1st 2023 Image
Update #4-January 26th 2023

January 26th, 2023

Hi everybody. I am so sorry I haven’t been on to update. Please know that I have taken the time to read each comment and come back to them for encouragement. The gesture of support and time taken to send the kind thoughts means the world to me. 

It has been a whirlwind of activity. First I want to take a moment to acknowledge those who have supported me and those patiently waiting for an update. 

Christmas was a success , medical bills payed down and appointments set. 

I was afforded the opportunity to travel to Florida to conference and speak about my injury. I stayed in a home with other injured and we laughed, cried and started lifelong friendships. A documentary was started by the talented Jon Otto that we participated in. Part of the donations were paid forward and went to funding the house we injured stayed in together because I believe when one is blessed, it is important to pay it forward as well. This conference has led me to meeting a man by the name of Kevin Tuttle. He works tirelessly and with grace to get my story out. He has been able to accomplish this and I have had many appearances to share my story. All of this is a direct result from the support each and everyone of you has shown me. Nothing has happened by accident, and the injured are gaining ground. Kevin has quickly grown into a dear friend. Though he is experiencing hardship himself, he continues to give. That is a man who walks in faith. 

As I get links I will do my best to post them so you can follow me. I started a Substack called the Coerced Nurse and probably most impactful, was selected in a lottery to speak to the FDA committee on January 26th. I have a link to my testimony I will post in update 5, if you care to listen. 

A New Year means insurance turnover and we are back to square one. Our ridiculously high out of pocket deductible has reset,  once again leaving is to pay up front for any care we get until we meet our out of pocket burden. I think it is 12,000 this year, but I could be mistaken. It did go down by a little. That is in addition to the monthly 400 we pay to keep insurance. In 2024 I should qualify for Medicare, so fingers crossed that will take some of the medical burden down. Just one of my medications costs 800 dollars a month. I also have gotten to resume physical therapy, at 270 a visit, but I have had a decline since stopping after my visits run out so I really do look forward to that resuming. 

A resolution from me: I will do what I can to give more regular updates. Again words are words, but I would not be where I am without the love support and generosity we have been shown. 

I pray all are well and together, we will continue to fight against the safe and effective narrative. 

Update Update #4-January 26th 2023 Image
Update #3

December 16th, 2022

Again, I can’t say it enough, you guys are amazing. Today I am including screenshots of our medical. You can see I am not exaggerating when I said our medical is outrageous. So far we have been able to get the kid’s Christmas, our son will be seeing his counselor, and what is left will go to some of these bills. Sad thing is January 1st the process starts all over and we will owe the same amount again next year. You all have no idea how much this helps. May God shine favor upon each of you! 

The Baker Family

Update Update #3 Image
Update #2

December 15th, 2022

Well I tried to upload a video but I wasn’t successful. To sum it up, I woke up this morning crying. The amount of love shown is absolutely astounding. Our son that has been struggling has been seeing the psychiatrist once every couple of months and has really needed to get back into the counselor. He even asked at last visit to see her. We are going to be able to make that happen now. With paying out of pocket it became too expensive but we have enough now he will get counseling all of next year. You guys are doing amazing things for our family! 

Thank you just doesn’t seem enough!❤️


Update #1

December 15th, 2022

This is Danielle Baker. I just wanted to come on and say how blessed my family is. Words cannot express the how the love and kindness each of you have shared has already impacted us. I will be responding to each message at a later time but felt I needed to share with you the impact God’s love and your generosity has had already. I want to ensure everyone that I have contacts with FLCCC doctors and protocols. I have a wonderful woman,  Dr. Laffay, who is allopathic, keeping tabs on me, attempting to reverse the damage done.That being said know…. 

With tears in my eyes, we are ordering things for our children so they have a wonderful Christmas. I will continue to update and share with you how your giving spirit is allowing us to pay medical debt (along with other debts) and continue to fight for our voices to heard. God is working through you and we feel it with every fiber of our being. 

Thank you!

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.