GBP £7,000
GBP £5,159
Campaign funds will be received by Joyce Kirkup
As we celebrate the end of the year and Christmass holiday we seek to share gifts with 50 poor families in our community.
We want to give shoes, clothes, special food and also continue help them where illness comes in as we prepare them to have what is required for their new academic year 2025 January.
We desire to see every child under our care programe warm, comfortable and passionate for the new year 2025.
Kicking out every desperation through love, Charity and giving hope in Christ our Savior.
Would you consider giving a monthly donation or a one time support to ensure the continuity of their safety, education and well-being ?
We're also progressing about building ~roofing stage and we need more of your prayers to buy more 50 pieces of Ion sheets to roof.
May you experience the peace and joy from the one who is Ever Generous.
Wishing you a Happy New Year, Joseph.
Happy greetings as we celebrate the birth of Christ our Lord and King.
This is for the roof at Joseph Magembe's school. It is from a donor who wishes to remain anonymous.
Blessings to you.
God bless you
Joseph, please let me know when this reaches you for your school and how much you receive. I’m sure there are fees taken by the banks in this transfer of money.
Blessings to you in your work with and for the children.
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. May God bless you all my brothers and sisters and especially the orphan kids.
The Lord bless you and keep you all.
Pray Joseph's storehouse over your organisation Joseph.
January 24th, 2025
It's our donors who have prayed and supported us financially to come on and start working on roofing the classes.
It's on Monday 27th that our children will report to school and we pray that the whole building will be roofed and offices fixed with doors and windows.
Right now we haven't paid a penny for doors and windows, we have 69 Ion sheets left with 31 Sheets and 18 Ridges to be able finish the classes.
We appreciate any immediate help to ensure the work goes on and we provide safe and clean place for the children to use.
We pray for the divine help and asking God to open doors, big doors to our donors so that they will not lack any good things.
Wishing you a blessed day in the Lord!
January 11th, 2025
It's our precious partners who have prayed and supported this work of building the school and the church in the community.
We're all happy and praising God for the generosity of our donors.
May God bless them more and more in this 2025.
We're left with 31 Ion sheets, 18 Ridges, cement, doors and windows to complete this wonderful 😊 work. We need more prayers and support to reach our goal which we have less percentage to hit it.
It's okay to share our campaign with individuals, groups for both prayer and support.
December 2nd, 2024
Season’s Greetings from Mose Foundation UgLtd.
As we have stepped in this new month, we enclose our heartfelt wishes for a happy new month and a Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.
May this festive season bring joy, peace, and countless blessings into your homes. We are deeply grateful for your great support in transforming lives and creating lasting change in our community. ❤️
Let’s continue spreading love and hope together! 💕
#Happy Month
November 23rd, 2024
To God be the glory for the children, their spiritual and academic teachers.
We had a sharing together and we look forth to be more a blessing to the orphans and we know they lack pants, dresses, pads to girls and others.
We intend to have a special meal and other necessary gifts they treasure as some really live on zero. Be there here and let's make them shine as we serve the LORD along with them.
November 7th, 2024
We can together fix the burden of loading children of different ages who learn different subjects to sit in the same space by one time donation termed "Roofing"!
With roofing aid of £81.00 or more will fix it the excess can fix doors and windows on the building.
Your monthly donation is what keeps the project fit to deliver to the foster kids the essentials including educating the children in and out of our school.
October 13th, 2024
I got caught up as a child when I looked at the nature, the sky and all the creation. My heart searched who created all and later I found that in Christ all things were created both visible and invisible.
Then the Word preached to me was sown on a tender, fertile soil so are many of our children yearning to know God. Awe capable of helping them to grow? Let's pray for them that God reveals himself to them like he deed to Jeremiah or Samuel at their tender age.
October 12th, 2024
God's mercies are new each and every morning. We're thankful for what we're seeing and we totally believe that before November goes by classes will be sheltered.
THANKS TO OUR PRECIOUS 💞 DONORS! May God bless you all.
June 27th, 2024
GOD has answered our prayers as Joyce Kirkup donated the first sewing machine that will make and repair the children's school uniforms.
Her faithfulness has not only being seen in the wise management of the funds, quick sending, her encouragement and advice, it's been possible by her support to have this electrified and manual machine.
It's our plan and desire to be able train up single mothers, girls that have dropped out of schools to learn a skill for themselves and we ask God for more of this kind.
May 23rd, 2024
Little Paul was deserted by both parents who left her in the hand helpless and a poor wan with a golden heart picked her.
Helped Paul to grow and eat what she could provide and still this lady in her desire to help is behind in provision of food, clothes, medical and other essentials as she also struggles to raise her own 8 children.
It's my pray that this little Paul does gets warm, covered and blessed in every way..
May 18th, 2024
May 9th, 2024
God's mighty ambassadors, we thank you for your continual support and your prayers which means alot.
We want to buy poles at the moment to make the roof and Ion sheet as ultimate covers of the school structure.
Assistance of any kind and prayers are the perfect aroma in the presence of God that turns out to help His people.
May 1st, 2024
We are rejoicing that the building is on this stage and with more help, we will have the classes beamed and roofed up.
We need cement, stones, Ion bars, Sand and Ion Sheets.
Asante to all our donors.
" Asante" Swahili word means "Thank you".
April 24th, 2024
Life is meant to be lifted up, blessed, inspired in these rooms and the enemy would not love it.
Our donors are on forefront praying and giving a boost to see the classes finished and roofed up. May God bless you difference makers.
April 23rd, 2024
Your support means the world to us, we're so grateful for you our donors of being part of this cause.
April 21st, 2024
On Saturday, I witnessed increase and rising up in the school classes. Thank you for all your prayers.
We pray for the need of cement, Ion bars, Sand and Ion sheets.
It's possible to have this complete and we ask a more time donation to achieve the purpose and to still have the builders on the ground.
April 19th, 2024
God has been faithful to us and we have completed the foundation of the classes, room for office, reception and store.
We thank God for all the donors who have given sacrificially and surely we still ask more help and prayers for this to be completed.
May God bless you so much.
April 19th, 2024
We praise God for the ongoing building and it's our prayer that we do not stop till we have reached the roof.
We ask each donor to help us in this critical time where by we need materials for building and roofing.
It will be great as well to pay for the workers.
Thank you for your prayers, love and support.
April 13th, 2024
This morning, I praise God for the faithful partners Christ has given to us to uphold us in prayer as we began the journey of saving children's lives.
We have enclosed clean water, given them a place to worship God, a place to call home and we feel it right that building a school will be life changing in many ways not only to the children, their homes but to entire community and the country.
We have taken a STEP of FAITH again and Started with a foundation and to ensure that the school is built and your donation will go on materials, labor fee to ensure this work blesses many in this community.
Thank You so much our esteemed Partners, we praise God for you and we're encouraged so much for your support.
April 4th, 2024
My beloved speaks and says to me:
‘Arise, my love, my fair one,
and come away;
for now the winter is past,
the rain is over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth;
the time of singing has come,
and the voice of the turtle dove
is heard in our land.
The fig tree puts forth its figs,
and the vines are in blossom;
they give forth fragrance.
This Poem and love song is initially dedicated to God who is very dear to us all and to the Donors who sacrifice alot to empower the children in Uganda.
With THAT SONG, I would love to say, " Thank You".
April 2nd, 2024
Children who suffer alone perhaps with their poor grandmother's or father's who are also live lonely in their houses are close in our hearts.
We pray for them and I'm sure you do! Some times we ask ourselves the best way to reach and help them and by now we feel that getting them attend the school is a big milestone in solving their major challenges.
The school programs keep them busy and informed. They also get the opportunity to have a meal that most miss and depend on roots like Cassava roots.
Our prayer is to get the prayer partners, convicted enough and bold enough to cause great awareness for their needs.
We look forward to bring a difference together and this is not one man's work, but a team of God's people who have seen mercy, love and charity at work in the past to be able give it to the children.
Most of our children have not completed school fees and also we do not have a plan to stop telling friends the need of classes to these children.
May God bless my our precious partners.
January 31st, 2024
We managed to floor inside the church space children come and study. It looks better now!
The only prayer now is to buy cement, sand, Ion Sheets, concrete stones so that we construct classes and we appreciate more prayers the work to be done.
God bless you for Giving, Sending us and Going with in the field of evangelizing communities.
January 12th, 2024
When Moses recieved victory he sang unto God and in the same way the children sang to the LORD and to their god-parents who have enabled them to reach where there right now; asking them to continue pushing them to finish up, promising them not to let them down.
May God bless more the donors and prayer partners for making this foundation work and serve many in Uganda.
December 29th, 2023
We appreciate the teachers who does it best not only in educating our school children but also training them to sing and dance.
It's here that there caught dancing on their Speech day at St. George Educational Centre -Buyembe.
December 29th, 2023
The precious donor sent a gift to the children, see the joy! Even when she want to keep it anonymous her name is clearly known to heaven and the angels rejoice with us as good is done on earth.
A kind reminder of those who want to send a box of items to the children, you're welcome. Any donation makes huge impact even a single pencil ✏️ does!
Above all thank you for your prayers and love that makes us triumph in Christ who is far away the principalities and powers that want to rule and coil the good agenda of helping and reaching those in need. God bless you all.
December 17th, 2023
December 15th, 2023
Our children were able to have success with their parents and a number of them are orphans and our donors have made the whole difference in the lives of the children.
December 12th, 2023
Vickie is one of the orphans that have gone through total lack with no parents at display.
She told me that, "she feels good and relieved whenever she dances and sing". She is good even in the class and we're proud to be part of help.
Our desire is to be able to keep children like Vickie in class to be able to support her self since she has no back to lean to ; only the support of the foundation. Would you give that many other children can have food or a gift on Christmas?
Thank you....
December 11th, 2023
It's been a great time with our children in the school to finish up the last term of the year.
Thank you alot our precious donors, prayer partners to help us reach by supporting children in this school and other schools.
June 2nd, 2023
We lift the needs to God in prayer, we chose not to worry of anything but to praise God who has brought us this far to help us with doors, windows and even plastering this house.
He who began the good and beautiful work of this house is capable to accomplish it through us in Christ.
May God bless all our partners.
June 2nd, 2023
It's been a times to save space of residence to our children who have place to call home, we thank God that the roof is put on the building.
The prayer and financial support of donors have helped us to reach on this stage and here remains another important part of putting doors and windows so that our children get security while in the house.
In so doing, we're also support the needs of other above 30 children with pens, books, pencils and fees of which we turn to teachers salary and those who are not in the school we cater for we pay school fees directly to those school and meeting the requirements.
Thank you to all donors who pray and support the work and here space is not enough so private messaging of what is happening wil be encouraged.
May the Lord reach the needy and the orphans and allow no evil to befall those who uphold their hands.
May 22nd, 2023
Thanks to God for this day, we had no space to fill children's items but we prayed asking God not to see rain and it stopped. We knew it will mess everything, we wanted to see the house roofed first.
We had no money, we only had faith and prayer and God raised men and women after his heart and helped us to reach on what you see today.
Thank you so much. All receipts and purchases are kept displaying our buying and we have used all the donation to bring out this great work that will give hope and help to many for many years.
God bless our lovely donors and prayer partners.
NB. The first intended Photo has not attached!
May 14th, 2023
We can't wait to see this same home which has been accomodating many children we love and care for dinning and receive spiritual empowerment together.
We pray that God bless his people, bless his children and build a safe and strong home for them.
May 14th, 2023
On behalf of all the children in the foundation, we appreciate so dearly the lovely donors who has contributed and prayed to see this work come this far.
Our hearts flows with gratitude and thanks unto God for your generous support to the children who are no residing in the church, we want to return to the house soon and this is what we bring to throne of grace to find mercy before our God.
~Floor and plastering and the work will surely be complete.
Thank you for your prayers, and it's now that we trust God for £1200. We adding this to our goal and without you we couldn't reach to the first goal. Thank you alot, may God bless you all.
May 13th, 2023
Alot of good work is going on this week, we appreciate the donors and prayer partners as we see work coming so beautiful.
This work still need your hand as with building unseen costs tend to prevail but we see progress to where it's possible to roof this house.
We wouldn't love the builders and roofers stop till the house is fit to accommodate our wee family of the children.
We need Doors, 3 windows and floor the rooms. We pray for this now..
NB. I'm looking for a way to share photos here as it's not attaching..I will eventually do.
April 30th, 2023
April 25th, 2023
April 22nd, 2023
April 13th, 2023
November 22nd, 2022
Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.