USD $50,000
USD $175
Campaign funds will be received by Daniel Watkins
Thank you for taking a minute to read our story and support us. The Santa Clara Valley Water District mandated the Covid-19 vaccine and refused to give staff religious exemptions. After years (some even decades) of public service, individuals lost their jobs and retirement. Valley Water implemented a Vaccine Mandate Jan 13, 2022 with exemption requests due Jan 30, 2022.For months the employees who filed an exemption were targeted, denied, dragged through an investigation, suspended, and asked to comply to the mandate regardless of their religious beliefs. Valley Water's Management (CEO and COO) took aggressive actions to have a 100% vaccinated organization, well before the mandate was announced.Furthermore, Valley Water is not in a Healthcare or institutional agency where a vaccine mandate was required by any federal, state, or local health orders. Those who applied for religious accommodation had no chance for approval and were treated like criminals by being locked out, suspended without pay, interrogated, discriminated and retaliated against and pushed out of their jobs with no thanks or acknowledgment of their years of public service…treated like criminals all while a protected class under the Constitution! The Union representing employees had no interest in protecting those of us who sought religious accommodation, and in many cases the head of the Union stated, and we quote, he would “hold our hands while they walk us out the door." Valley Water is located in Santa Clara County, California. Valley Water's CEO pushed politics and his personal passion as a left-wing activist on all employees during numerous "All Employee Townhall" meetings, all of which is captured on video. He created a divisive and hostile work environment by publicly stating that the employees requesting religious accommodation were selfish.
These individuals who have lost their jobs as a result of requesting religious accommodation have decided to take legal action against Valley Water for discrimination. All funds raised will go directly towards the legal fees associated with seeking justice for them. Your donation will help with filing fees, depositions, testimonies and administrative legal fees. We appreciate everyone's support and donation while we stand up to a tyrannicalCEO and COO, and to an organization that disregarded our protected Constitutional rights.
Good luck.
May God bless you in your effort to fight for your belief.
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