CAD $10,000
CAD $112
Campaign funds will be received by James Cunningham
Meet my son Spencer. He is a happy and bright-eyed little boy. Spencer has a very rare case of severe autism. He can't speak but he wants to. He is non-verbal but he is trying so hard and he desperately needs very specialized speech therapy to help him find the words. Doctors have told me he also needs and deserves a service dog to keep him safe and it will give him emotional support. Dogs are also non-verbal but yet they are so good at teaching us how to love unconditionally, learning to love and care for his own dog just like he loves his family and we love him so very much.
The therapy my son needs is not just any regular speech therapy it is so much more than that, it includes experts in the field working directly with him one on one. How to form words and analyzing the movements of his face and mouth. How to feed himself and use a spoon, he’s been trying so hard for years and he is determined to learn to use a spoon one day. How to drink without getting it all over himself, dressing himself for self esteem.
Everything humans take for granted everyday he is so focused on achieving, he just needs the professional medical help to get him that extra mile I wish I had the strength of my 6 year old little warrior. This is the only age window I have, if i miss this age he won't ever be able to feel normal and I cannot let him down. I keep reminding myself, children like spencer that don't get reached in time have a very high suicide attempt rate later in life and it break my heart because all he wants is just the chance to feel normal. We are extremely lucky to find specialized team that has the availability to work with him but with his level of disability, they will have to work with him 2-3 days a week and each appointment is not covered by any health plan, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
I was told that health plans were not designed to include my son because the Canadian government consider the ability to speak elective or cosmetic treatment and the ability to feed yourself or use the toilet without a diaper is considered optional. To me this is not humane, it's the right of life and the government is treating my little boy like he has no value as a human, it kills me inside that he is so invisible to his own government. I can't believe that the right to speak comes down to the amount of dollars you have in your pocket.
If everyone can just look into your heart and ask yourself, what value would you put on your voice? It's priceless right? Or can you even image not having your voice for even 24 hours that would be so traumatic in just a 24 hour period. Now imagine you are the parent that loves your child more that life itself and you can't even afford to buy your child the most important ability he every be able to have. It makes you feel so worthless as a parent yet you wake up every morning and love your children like everyday could be your last.
Each appointment cost $337.00 and they have the ability to give him his voice, I have seen the results in other children I just can't afford it because of my stupid disability. You want so bad to blame yourself but you know that won't help your child. The medical team said my son is a prime candidate for successful therapy the only obstacle is payment.
You see I'm a single full time dad I live for my children day in and day out , their mother walked out on them a long time ago and we have never heard from her since my son was 1 year old. I don’t blame her she was born with her own set of challenges and maybe she needed to do this for herself. I have 2 beautiful children and I do it all alone. Spencer has a tablet that he can communicate a little and uses hand signs to tell me his want to speak, I break down in tears in my room at night after they are fast asleep and hide my pain from them because I know I have to stay strong. I tell myself everyday "if they didn't have me, they wouldn't have anyone" and it gives me the strength to fight for them until the day I die. I stay strong and carry myself with dignity and compassion because I want my daughter to see what a strong gentle man looks like.I have to be the best example I can. I know my children are always watching and looking up to me for direction. They need me but if I'm being honest I need them just as much.
When I look at their little faces it melts my heart and it gives me the motivation to carry on. My son is 6 years old and I wonder how he smiles back at me? The ability that everyone else would consider most important, the ability to speak god didn't give to him. I stare as his little face looking back at me and I think to myself, my little boy is stronger then I could ever be. In his strength I see courage, the kind of courage a 6 year old boy shouldn't have to have. So I try even harder and I work with his so much everyday to be able to speak because I can see he wants it so badly. The doctors told me that technology and therapy has changed in the past decade and they can help him and the chances are extremely high if we start now and he will be able to speak. The medical team gives me so much hope and then I reach into my pocket and pull out an empty hand and try to fight off the feelings of worthlessness.
All me and his sister want is to hear him say "I love you". We tell him we love him everyday, praying and hoping one day he will say it back. My daughter had a birthday recently and I asked her to make a wish as she blew out the candles, she told me she wished that one day she would be able to speak to her brother and he would answer her back I had to stop myself from crying, honestly it tore me up to hear that. These are not things a 6 and 7 year old should have to be thinking about. They should be running and playing, I see my daughter talking to him constantly and encouraging him to talk back and a little boy staring back at her wishing he could find the word. In those moments I can see the pain in his little eyes, he must be thinking “will I ever be able to share my feeling”. We pray together every night before I tuck them into bed and my daughter asked me if we can pray that God will help Spencer.
This is why I’m reaching out to the GiveSendGo community. The support from anyone reading this would give me the opportunity to tell my daughter “look god really does answer your prayers”. A donation from this community would show my children that miracles do happen to ordinary people. This is not a small thing for us, the opportunity is here and the window is closing.
I’m a proud daddy and asking for help is not easy for me, but I don’t have time to be proud. I have a little boy that deserves his voice and I won’t let him down. I'm a full time single dad with a physical disability myself and my children are my whole world. I pray to god everyday to provide the funding somehow and the opportunity to give my son the right to speak. Sharing our feelings with the ones we love is something most of us don't even think about not having the ability to do, we are just born with these ability's. Just take a moment to stop and think if the only way you could share anything with anyone would cost thousands of dollars.
I would like to say to the ones that find it in their hearts to help my son, there is a special place in heaven for you kind soles. If I'm able to raise funds to help him I would love to post a video and let him thank all the kind people for giving him the opportunity to speak after he gets the help he needs. I know all he wants in life is the chance to have a voice like everyone else.
A service dog is also something I have to find a way to get for him, it's essential as he grows to keep himself safe a gain some independence, he will be able to care for a dog that can also love him back just like we do.
I'm sorry of the picture is not clear he doesn't have the ability to say still
Tonight when you tuck your children into bed and they look up at you and tell you “I love you”. I hope you cherish that moment and know that some parents are waiting for a miracle to hear those 3 words.
Thank you to anyone taking the time to listen to my prayers.
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