Campaign funds will be received by Rebecca Corona
Makaila is 15 years old and her world along with her families was completely turned upside down with the diagnosis of ALL leukemia on May 27th 2022. It has been a roller coaster of emotions as well as illnesses over the last few months. Makaila has a long road ahead of her with her treatments lasting 2.5 years. The household income went from two incomes to one and so any financial help is very appreciated as it gets very expensive driving back and forth for treatments, hospital stays, household expenses, and Makailas needs. Prayers are always needed and welcomed. Thank you!
Update: Makaila rang the bell in September 2024! We are so looking forward to the future and counting our blessings! The road after treatment is still rocky at least for a while so any continued support is appreciated. Makaila still has many appointments that she has to do and is still building her antibodies and getting her immune system back up so she struggles a lot in the winter months with colds and recently the flu. Please keep her and our family in prayers!
Love you guys. Hope Makaila is feeling better. Praying.
Love you. Praying always.
Love you. Praying always.
Love you. Always in my prayers.
Love you! Happy New Year!
Love you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Love you.
Love you. Always praying.
Love you!
Love you.
Still praying for both the girls and for your family. Love you.
Love you. Praying always for Makaila and McKenzie.
Love you! Praying always for both the girls.
Love you! Praying.
Love you. Praying always.
Love you. Praying always.
Love you. Praying always for your family.
Love you! Praying always.
Love you!
Love you!
November 12th, 2024
Makaila has been having lots of leg pains in both legs. She has trouble walking very far at a time without pain. Her left knee is giving her issues again and is starting to lock up in her. She has had a virus for the last couple weeks she can’t shake and is feeling drained! Please send extra prayers things are still so her.
April 2nd, 2024
Makaila has had a very rough winter. She has been sick pretty consistently since Christmas. Her body is very low on antibodies and she has picked up every virus bug out there including influenza! We are considering doing an antibody transfusion despite having had a negative reaction to it in the past we think the benefits may outweigh the side effects. We just need to get her better!! She is starting drivers education and is very excited for this next chapter in her life! Me on the other hand am not lol 😂 having two teenagers drive me around is not sounding exciting! Please keep praying for her health to improve and for her to just start having more energy and feeling like doing things. I hate seeing her so depressed and upset about feeling sick everyday for the past few months it’s this momma heart ❤️
June 19th, 2023
Makaila has been feeling pretty good lately other than injuries caused by falling etc. Her white blood cells were low so they are watching that and she may need a transfusion. She has another spinal tap in July. She still has several things going on such as physical therapy, counseling to deal with all her trauma, and her check ups and oncology appointments. Still so busy and not able to start back to work yet waiting to see when things will slow down enough. Girls will be having their 16th birthday coming up in July and they want to go the beach 🏝️ planning on trying to go to the Oregon Coast if anyone wants to donate to help us with that we appreciate all you do!
May 16th, 2023
Makaila has finally entered into Maintenance phase of treatment!! This is an exciting time for Makaila as she should start feeling less sick from the chemo treatments and her hair should start to grow back in. This will mark half way through treatment or at least close to it. We are so happy to see her making it through these phases showing just how strong she really is! Although Makaila is In maintenance a lot of people have assumed she is through the hurdles and she won’t have anymore hard days and as unfortunate as it is to say this is not true. As long as Makaila is receiving chemo which is until September 2024 she will have rough days, sick days, overwhelming days, and just plain bad days but…. She will also have good days, normal feeling days, and all of the in between and we are hoping and praying for lots of those days! Makaila is excited to try and plan some camping trips as well as some family trips this summer as her whole summer last year was stolen from her. It’s a long road ahead but we couldn’t do it without all of the help we have received from everyone! Help financially, prayers, and just being here for us in any way we have needed has just been a true blessing! Currently I am still not able to work because of Makaila’s oncology appointments, physical therapy appointments as well as her mental health appointments this is a 4-5 day a week schedule. Income is still tight and any help is so appreciated! Thank you so much! ❤️
January 7th, 2023
Makaila is currently going through the rough phase of treatments which includes lots of different chemo treatments but also chemo shots and steroids. She just finished the steroids for this phase but will need them again. Her body is in so much pain everywhere her knees are swollen making it hard to walk and she just can’t get much relieve from the pain! Her hair has also started to fall out again which had just devastated her all over again! I am asking for lots of prayers!
November 27th, 2022
Makaila is getting ready to start a very difficult phase next week. Doctors have tried to prepare us for what may be a difficult couple of months. This round of chemotherapy involves high levels of steroids again and those are so rough on her body! We need lots of prayers and positive vibes. Makaila has been feeling down a lot lately because of this next phase and being scared of the unknown. We are praying everything will go well. Makaila is looking so forward to Christmas like all kids do I am hoping it will be a special one for her! Thank you so much for your help and support through this! #CancerSucks!
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