Campaign funds will be received by Gospel Reach Foundation
We believe that God has called Gospel Reach Foundation to be serve together with our indigenous partners in Panama to reach the un-reached peoples in the Choco province of Colombia and to the very ends of the earth!
Our strategic partners in the Embera & Kuna tribes are the "punta de la lanza" or tip of the spear and God has called GRF to be part of the shaft that helps propel them. Our prayer is that the mission is sustainable for generations to come through the process of "disciples making disciples" which is the model that Jesus commands us to use.
Your partnership is most important as it enables our indigenous missionaries to go where only they can with the Gospel already having the culture and language barriers removed.
We were in Panama(Jaque) last summer and were blessed by the experience. We want to support the efforts of Kenny and Cheryl and others in making disciples to share the gospel in Panama and Colombia. Praise be to God!!
Blessings on this Ministry
Continue the great work bringing Gods love and message to those in need
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