Matney Woodard Entertainment

Monthly Goal:

 USD $2,500

Total Raised:

 USD $304

Raised this month:

 USD $0

Campaign created by Harrison Woodard

Campaign funds will be received by Harrison Woodard

Matney Woodard Entertainment

A few years back, God placed in my heart a handful of stories featuring my cat, Boris Kitty. They were designed to glorify God, teaching children how faith and prayer works, and be an alternative to the mostly secular material being marketed to Christian children. I launched in 2001, with two initial stories online. From that seed, my online evangelism efforts expanded to include over 130 pages, with writing and songs from my Mother and Father, and even sermon notes from my circuit riding grandfather. Other sites were launched with content for folks of all ages.

In 2021 when Covid attacked, I lost my job. During the last two years, I have not found any opportunity other than my online ministry. Some health challenges have made the search even more challenging. I believe this is my call in life, and God provides all my needs, and restores my health.

During the last 20 years, many folks from around the world have used my material for Children's Church, for local publications in other languages, and many have been greatly edified by the stories and songs. Everything online is available for free, and I have permitted many uses with little, or no charge. But now, I am about to exhaust my savings. It takes money to pay for hosting, domains, Internet, and other related items. Advertising revenue used to help, but they are no longer a reliable source for income - at least for Christian sites. I am testing alternatives. And some folks are irritated when they see advertising on a Christian site.

I have plenty of expansion and improvement plans, but I need a reliable base to keep the lights on, and pay for some God-given talent that I do not possess. Every Seed sown is precious. If you can sow monthly, all the better. I know that God will Bless whatever you decide to sow. Its time for the Body of Christ to be the Blessing to the world it was intended to be. And its time for Matney Woodard Entertainment to take its place as the Most Inspirational Website On The Planet. In Jesus Name, Amen!!

Thank you. And God Bless You!

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 49.00 USD
17 days ago

Kay Impiccini
$ 150.00 USD
2 years ago

$ 100.00 USD
2 years ago

God bless you, Sir Harrison. <3

Anonymous Giver
$ 5.00 USD
2 years ago

May God bless you for spreading His Word!


Update #5 The Enemy Is Defeated!

July 16th, 2024

If you are attempting to visit my sites, they are temporarily down. They were savagely attacked by malware and hackers and are offline. Please agree with me in prayer for God to provide the Wisdom and provision to restore everything twice as nice - and make satan pay 7 times for what he has stolen. If you are led to help, make a donation here through GiveSendGo. Thank you for your prayers, support, and gifts!

Update #4

September 9th, 2023

Hello Folks! Hope Your Summer Was Blessed!

Just a quick update on what has been happening online since the last update. Thank you again for your prayers, comments, and gifts. The goal is to entertain and inspire the world while sharing the Gospel. The secular world has few options for Believers. With God's help, we will provide wholesome entertainment that introduces folks to LOVE HIMSELF!

What's New?

Mark 11:21-23 – Speak To The Mountain And Do Not Doubt - How one woman's faith got degrees for her 3 kids from the most expensive university in Texas.

99 Luftballoons – January 1983 Remembered - Memories of 1983 in music, and from my teenage years.


Jesus Turns Water Into Wine – John 2:1-11 - Completely overhauled and updated.

The Fish With A Coin In Its Mouth – Matthew 17:24-27 - Completely overhauled and updated.

Miracle of Jesus – Peter And Jesus Walk On Water - Completely overhauled and updated.


Woman, Thou Art Loosed From Thine Infirmity! - Jesus heals a woman with a spirit of infirmity.

God Made Today – Poem About The Day The Lord Made - A poem to help you get the day started with the Lord!

Tasha, The Catch Of The Day- Coin In The Fish Mouth Story - God used a Tasha to retrieve a coin for Peter. A most remarkable fish story.

Quora Answers - A few new answers, or ones you might have missed.

Was Judas Iscariot a good person in the Bible?

Do any honest televangelists exist who tell us how much they make off of donations and what percentage goes towards their salaries, travel expenses, etc.?

What is the rapture? Who was John Nelson Darby and what was his role in it?

How do you stop the rapture?

Harrison's Home - My original blog with posts on Christianity, Pop Culture, Politics, Sports, History - whatever I want to discuss for fun.

For King And Country - Monarchy, Travel, and Texas

My Qualifications For An Honorary Doctorate From The University Of Helsinki Theology Faculty - The religious faculty gave Greta an honorary degree, why not me? Want to know more about the things I have done, this is a good source. All in good fun!

No Sizzle Or Steak - The Death Of The Iron Skillet Rivalry - TCU wants to "pause" the rivalry game with SMU.

What About The Trees? - The "climate crisis" was solved long ago by our Heavenly Father. When will the agitators figure this out for themselves?

Thank you so much for your interest, support, and prayers. God has GIANT plans for Matney Woodard, and I am so excited to have you join in the adventure. Please visit often, share links with your friends and Church family. And if you enjoy a story or have a question, leave a comment, or post on Facebook.

God Bless You!!

Harrison Woodard

Update Update #4 Image
Update #3

January 5th, 2023

Happy New Year!

I pray 2023 will be even better than last year. It will be BLESSED by God in every way.

Thank you for your gifts, prayers, and support of Matney Woodard Entertainment.

In between the holidays and visits with family, I added a few things you might have missed!

On Youtube, I uploaded a brand new video based on my children's story, Kirsi, The Little Lost Lamb - This is the 5th video on my channel. Be sure and subscribe, like, and share with your friends and family.

Just in time for Epiphany, I have thoroughly updated the King's Kid Stuff page on the wise me: Three Wise Men – Following The Star Of Bethlehem To Jesus

And a related answer on Quora: Who were the Wise Men, Magi, or Kings from Matthew 2?

New Quora posts

Advice For Baby Christians

Ladies, You Have Liberty In The Body Of Christ!

Why Do So Many Pastors Oppose Women In Ministry?

Do pastors deserve a private jet?

Hope you enjoy and our Blessed by all the material!

God Bless You!

Harrison Woodard

Update #2

December 1st, 2022

Thank you for your gifts, prayers, and support of Matney Woodard Entertainment. We appreciate your interest and continue to grow!

Our expansion into video continues with a new Boris Story. Check out my YouTube Channel for all 4 videos. Be sure you LIKE (if you do of course) each video, and subscribe to the channel. A new one is in the oven. Look for it in December!

Boris Kitty In Duck Dreams - Boris wants to be a duck. God shows him that he can be a poor imitation of a duck, or the perfect cat that He made him to be.

New or Updated Pages -

Christian Dating – Advice For Believers From The Bible - Updated

God Made Today – Poem About The Day The Lord Made - Updated

Tasha, The Catch Of The Day- Coin In The Fish’s Mouth Story - Updated

Welcome! To The Most Inspirational Website On The Planet! - Updated Home Page

My two posts on women in ministry continue to stir debate online. If you have not seen them, take a look.

Can A Woman Preach? – What Does The Bible Say?

Women Pastors – Paul’s Advice, Or Liberty For Female Ministers?

New or Updated Pages -

The Nativity In Bethlehem – The Night Jesus Was Born - Updated

The Fish With A Coin In Its Mouth – Matthew 17:24-27 - Updated

New or Updated Pages -

Should Christians Celebrate Halloween? Truth Or Treat? - New

New Project - Harrison's Space

“I’m just a old sinner saved by Grace.” - New

Some of my more popular answers on Quora

Was John at the crucifixion?

Can Christians play horror games? I'm 13 and ...

Would Christ approve of mega churches?

Thank you again for being friends and partners with this ministry. Look for more content coming your way!

God Bless You!

Harrison Woodard

Update #1

September 20th, 2022

So much to report. God has been so very Good.

We launched into the world of video, producing adaptations of 2 stories: Heli, The Star of Bethlehem and Heaven's Art Gallery, and 1 poem: Stand Firm. All three are available on our Youtube channel. Please visit and click the subscribe and notification buttons so you know when we add new content. -

During the last month we have added or updated the following pages:

Matney Woodard

The Birds Eat The Seed That Falls Along the Path

A Viper Fastened On Paul’s Hand – Malta Shipwreck

Good News Of Great Joy – Angels, Shepherds, And The Nativity

Kings Kid Stuff

Jehoshaphat – The King Who Defeated Three Armies With Praise

One Baptism - Water Or Spiritual - Choose Wisely

Thank you for your prayers, gifts, and support.

God Bless You!

Harrison Woodard

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.