 USD $10,000
 USD $3,710
Campaign funds will be received by Kevin Tinsley
On October 19, 2023, I was driving home and I had a seizure behind the wheel. I have no idea what happened, all I know is that I woke up in the ER. I had my fur babies with me and the little one likes to ride on my lap with her head sticking out the window. She appears to have been thrown from the car as they found her wandering near the crash site. All my babies are doing fine. My car was totaled by the insurance company and I am taking a $4,000 hit to the price I paid only 1 month ago. My health insurance was also cancelled a few months ago along with a few other people in the state, so I need to pay bills out of pocket for awhile until I can get new insurance. I'm not asking for a lot, just enough to get back on my feet again. Please help me if you can.
ribbit ribbit
do something with it
use it
Im so sorry. I wished i could do more. I will try to do another one after i get paid again.
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