Help for my family after I pass


 USD $10,000


 USD $1,395

Campaign created by Daniel Henney

Campaign funds will be received by Michelle Schult

Help for my family after I pass

I was diagnosed with late stage 3 metastatic cancer around Feb 2020.
Since then it has been a downward spiral. My doctor took immediate issue with our differences of opinion about the "current events" and called me selfish for my views. Since then his level of care was very low. I ended up doing phone appointments and he lacked empathy and compassion to the point where I am now in a dire position far sooner than I should be. My pain med prescriptions just kept getting raised without a detailed questioning or probe of where and why the pain is increasing. I never have been constipated in my life, nor have I had cancer pains prior to this. So over the phone he just asked generally how is your pain. So I stated each time it was worse. I didn't know any better. But he never asked specifically where or anything. Just increased oxy levels. He did mention that constipation would occur long ago, but that was the last of his concern of it.

Eventually the pain got so intense from the oxy causing constipation and lack of guidance in what I should pay attention to that I blocked up for a week and a half. I had to go to the ER. They wanted to do scans and surgery. Again, I had no clue about the why and severity. So I panicked because I don't do surgery. I suggested that the more aggressive laxatives have not been tried, that I should try that first. Well it worked. BUT now looking back, the damage was done.

Slowly over the course of this year (the ER visit was in April) I have lost ability to eat anything solid. Now I can't eat at all, even liquid diets. I have lost over 70lbs and am dangerously under weight. But that is not the worst of it. My hospice nurse has confirmed with me today, rather reluctantly that I do have a necrotic bowel issue. My gut is essentially dead or dying. It is one of the worst ways to go. I will be likely taken out by this instead of the cancer itself.

What happens is if I eat anything, it gets stuck in the dead zone. Nothing is moving it through. So it ferments and eventually I can get sepsis from it. It takes over 24 hours for magnesium citrate to do anything to help clear the dead areas out. I am in intense pain almost all the time even with morphine.

So my reason for this fund raiser is, I can no longer help my girlfriend with anything. She is watching me die super slow and in agony. But, she has been wanting to move near family which is over 2k miles away. I have been trying to work towards moving all of us prior to this getting real bad. But I don't see it happening for me. The saving I do have will pretty much only cover my cremation and her expenses to live here and cope by herself. She has no one to help her here. No one to be with her in house to deal with the hard hitting emotional toil.

My request is for funds to help her get to a place that she has all that when I am gone. She won't make it financially without it. We also have an extremely low functioning young adult autistic son that she has to watch out for during all this. She needs help.

I also have a very loving pet hen that will be devastated. We both are stressed out about her when I pass. We lost her sister on Nov 6th, the day after my bday (3 years prior I lost another on that exact day. Both were the loves of my life.) It seems my body seriously let go after this last loss. I lost most of the weight since then. Lost all ability to eat. But, this hen has been seriously attached to me since. It is seeming to be growing stronger. She gets worked up and actually crows when she doesn't see me. I am worried about her, but no amount of $ will help her except to get her to a better climate. Both these ladies are in the cover picture. The one I lost is up by my face.

I know and have seen so many cancer stories that turned out to be fake just to take advantage of others. I assure you this is not one of them. I will be gone before any of this comes through. I would like ideas to assure you that this is 100% legit but preserve our privacy. I have no idea how.

Recent Donations
$ 100.00 USD
2 years ago

You helped bring so many people together from around the world for a common cause and you did it with grace and humility. You will be missed. <3

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 years ago

$ 50.00 USD
2 years ago

$ 100.00 USD
2 years ago

Miss chatting with you and having you as part of our dysfunctional online family.

$ 30.00 USD
2 years ago

Bless your kind soul

$ 50.00 USD
2 years ago

Thank you for your contributions to this amazing project and community.

$ 50.00 USD
2 years ago

Thank you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 years ago

$ 75.00 USD
3 years ago

On your eternal journey may all your rolls be 1000s and may Selos never break! /salute and a smooth autofollow to the side of the heavenly Father!

$ 50.00 USD
3 years ago

$ 50.00 USD
3 years ago

$ 25.00 USD
3 years ago

You leave us with your earth faction at max ally. I believe your Creator will hail you on the other side at a faction higher than we can comprehend.

$ 100.00 USD
3 years ago

Speedz, you have helped bring happiness and comfort to so many. Thanks for everything man. I'm not suprised even when your suffering was greatest you are still thinking about others. Love you always.

$ 50.00 USD
3 years ago

Thank you for being a great friend that i could always chat w/about anything, and giving us a second life after AK went down. You have played a major part in giving so many people immense joy, and helped to create a place that brings people together. Wish we had more time. I hope you are not in too much discomfort, and i will see you on the other side! O

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
3 years ago

$ 20.00 USD
3 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
3 years ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 years ago

God bless you Speedz and your family.

$ 100.00 USD
3 years ago

I honestly thought long and hard - even googled for witty / wise quotes and nothing fits. I hope your time left is spent filled with love and happiness and I wish all the best for those you love.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
3 years ago

Be well Daniel, sending you the best to you and yours.


Update #1

February 2nd, 2022

In CMH with a self administering pain medbutton. The end is near.Pain button attached to a machine that sends pain meds directly into the heart. likely going to be moved to a facility near Vancouver, Longview or Spokane

Prayer Requests

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