Help support your Christian J6 def and patriot


 USD $45,017


 USD $16,879

Campaign created by Eric Clark

Campaign funds will be received by Eric Clark

Help support your Christian J6 def and patriot

I went to the capital on January 6th 2021 foremost because I felt the hand of God stirring within me making it clear I was to be there to peacefully protest the rigging of the 2020 election.

After President Trump finished his speech, I walked to the Capitol. While at the front of the crowd I immediately gave out my Marine Corp battle cry of OH-RAH and a tall gentleman now identified as Ray Epps whom was marching back and forth between the line of protestors and Capitol officers says directly to me "Semper Fidelis devil dog, we have to hold back the crowd a little longer or they are going to f*#k up the plan" (please forgive the language just being accurate). I also witnessed 3 individuals approach a utility access structure directly against the Capitol bldg. where they procured certain siege weapons to include a 3' ladder, a 12' long 2"x4" and a 12' long piece of 6" thick cardboard pipe. 

I have been charged with 2 counts unauthorized entry and 2 counts violent entry and was offered an unauthorized parading plea bargain I turned down. I entered the capitol peacefully without damaging anything nor committed any violence.

I currently have a public defender that has not yet began to work on my defense and has been trying to coerce me to accept a plea deal or to blame Trump. I would like to retain a lawyer that is unbiased and willing to expose darkness and help bring the truth to the light rather than push his own agenda or just to make a buck. I have yet to even have my initial status hearing to be able to enter my not guilty plea. It is postponed by two months every two months since my arrest and release on my own recognizance April of 2021. I have been calling attorneys frequently and have been studying up on representing myself "pro se". Either way I know I can't keep the public defender till trial as he has already shown a clear bias for the prosecution and these attorneys for federal case are not at all affordable.

I WILL NOT be accepting any plea bargains as I did nothing wrong. [They] have done many wrongs repugnant to our Constitution and my legal fight is not my own. It is "We The People" and our basic God given liberty's on trial 

I need your help to carry on this legal fight against the US Government to win back freedom and justice for all of us.

All financial contributions are appreciated and prayers greatly so as...

Epeshians 6:12 12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
3 months ago

Hope you can stay strong. So many of us are working hard towards the major effort that will finally bring some justice to J6ers. Other efforts have been thwarted, but you are Not forgotten, not at all. Our spokespeople clearly remind us of the injustices you are subject to. Please continue to get the word out as much as possible.

$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Psalm 64

$ 100.00 USD
4 months ago

Psalm 144 - may God grant you favor with all those you encounter, may He confuse and confound any who intend you harm, and I pray He deliver you from the evildoers. In Jesus' name I pray.

AND WE KNOW podcast viewer
$ 200.00 USD
5 months ago

Your AND WE KNOW (Romans 8:28) interview explained how our Rulers misused their authority to induce and impel busloads of compromised and susceptible people to serve as crisis actors. Persuading the multitudes with deception is a timeless trick of the enemy. Mt 27:20 | Jn 18:40 | Acts 3:14

$ 19.00 USD
5 months ago

I know it is easy for those of us who are not dealing with what you are, but know it could be any of us. Keep getting back up! Lean into your faith with the Lord. We love you.

$ 33.00 USD
5 months ago

Saw your interview on AWK . Let truth prevail.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
5 months ago

God bless you and keep you through this battle.

Pamela Demikhov
$ 75.00 USD
5 months ago

God be with you and be your strength and wisdom through these trials. My husband and I pray for all our J6ers nightly.

Anonymous Giver
$ 45.00 USD
5 months ago

Thank you for all of your efforts Eric, much appreciated, positive vibes to you and your fam' in this challenging time.

Wooz News
$ 222.00 USD
5 months ago

You got this brother!

$ 60.00 USD
6 months ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
6 months ago

Please, dear God in Heaven, let the truth of that day be revealed to all.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 42.00 USD
6 months ago

Friend on X - Eric your courage is exemplary.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

Praying for you tomorrow and hopefully this helps you. 🙏

Anonymous Giver
$ 75.00 USD
6 months ago

Mark Axness
$ 200.00 USD
6 months ago

May the peace of God be with you through this storm❤️

Michelle G
$ 100.00 USD
6 months ago

Go get them Eric! So glad not everyone is a coward but apparently all the attorneys are.

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
6 months ago

Momentum is building for your lawsuit, Eric! May God bless, and may you be rewarded with true justice!


Ray Epps civil suit

January 9th, 2024

Wow is there a lot to update. Since my last update I have become homeless, found a new home in Florida through the generosity of a wonderful 20 year Navy veteran, had the DoJ attempt unsuccessfully to hold me in contempt of a protective order I have refused to sign for posting footage I had obtained from a sedition hunter database on Twitter / X, and most recently have filed a civil lawsuit against Ray Epps, Micheal Gordon and an UNKNOWN NUMBER OF JOHN DOES, agents of the Federal Government who assisted Epps in the conspiracy, and arrainged to have Mr. Epps served his summons at his sentencing hearing only to have his sentencing hearing changed literally very late in the day to a telephonic i.e. zoom hearing which many believe illegal and means of hiding their complicity from the American people. I will attach two Gateway Pundit articles in regards to these last two matters to this update. All in all it's been a roller coaster of events and I am most thankful to have the support of "We The People" moving forward and my faith remains in the Almighty God regardless of the results this fallen world gives us. I am going to keep this short and just say thank you the all for your prayers and enduring support. 

A copy of my civil suit filing can be found in the above Gateway Pundit article.


Update #11

November 15th, 2023

Since my last update I have been given a trial date of January 29th 2024. I still have no meaningful access to the official discovery database that I have a God given and Constitutionally protected right to but have an archive of CCTV, Body Cam and public footage (nearly 2000 videos of varied length) but this is nothing compared to the 14,000 hour 80,000 video files and the more than 5.9 million pages of documents in the global discovery database or the more than 40,000 hours of CCTV footage obtained by the House Oversight Committee. I was given 30 hours of time at a secure terminal in the O'Neil building in Washington D.C. by the House Oversight Committe upon request via email and had to file a motion before the courts to get permission to enter the city to view and saw alot that needs public release and would, in my opinion, exonerate many. I have officially requested and been assured I would receive more than 80 hours of this CCTV footage and am waiting on the House Oversight Committee to prepare and send it to me. I attempted to add a link to a dropbox containing all the footage I have archived these past 2 1/2 years to all that want to help crowdsource the investigation below but it wouldn't work. To any interested in this link email me at:

or dm me at the X / Twatter page below. Thank you to everyone for all the contiued prayers and support.

Pro Se January 6th defendant Eric Douglas Clark

Update Update #11 Image
Update #9

May 9th, 2023

Update #9

May 9th, 2023

Officially Pro Se

September 25th, 2022

I have officially taken my defense pro se and am asking for all the prayers I can get. I have a lot of studying and coordinating to do and am approaching a point in my fight where I am going to also need some financial assistance to dedicate more time to research, collaborating with other defendants and travel expenses to testify in fellow defendants trial as well as taking a trip to DC to observe a trial or two. All assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you fellow lovers of Yeshua and patriots for all the support thus far. May God be with us in the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost. 

Epoch Times picks up my J6 account

June 24th, 2022

After a year and a half of giving my J6 account in small telegram chats I was finally gotten in touch with Epoch Times journalist Joe Hanneman and he did a fantastic job publishing it. Here it is and The Epoch Times in well worth the $2 subscription fee If you absolutely cannot subscribe to them but are also a J6 defendant and want access to the article w/o subscription email me at and I will get permission and get it to you. Thank you my fellow Patriots for helping me continue to fight the good fight. Your prayers are lifting me up continuously.

Update #3

April 25th, 2022

Finally an update. Have been very inspired as of late by fellow patriots such as Jake Lang holding the line and becoming closer to God while in lockdown and Treniss Evans travelling the country on behalf of us all fundraising and fighting the good fight. Praying for Jon Moseley as he appeals the DS attacks against him and currently looking for council. May go forward pro se with the right McKenzie Fren but still praying on it. Thank You all for all the prayers, love and support. Many of your J6 defendants or family members of can be found on "The Prisoner's Record" on telegram nightly at 9pm est. I continue to stay committed to first my ever growing relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our battle against corruption and wickedness in high places.

Update #3

April 25th, 2022

Finally an update. Have been very inspired as of late by fellow patriots such as Jake Lang holding the line and becoming closer to God while in lockdown and Treniss Evans travelling the country on behalf of us all fundraising and fighting the good fight. Praying for Jon Moseley as he appeals the DS attacks against him and currently looking for council. May go forward pro se with the right McKenzie Fren but still praying on it. Thank You all for all the prayers, love and support. Many of your J6 defendants or family members of can be found on "The Prisoner's Record" on telegram nightly at 9pm est. I continue to stay committed to first my ever growing relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and our battle against corruption and wickedness in high places.

Update #2

April 17th, 2022

????????????????? praying still

Update #1

April 1st, 2022

????????????????? praying on it

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