USD $7,985
Campaign funds will be received by Thomas Ayers
In loving memory of Ruth Ayers
Thank you for the opportunity to participate with you in this great ministry!
Great mission ministry which I'm blessed to have the ability to support.
Thanks Tom! Great cause.
”The King will answer and say to them, ‘Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.’“ Matthew 25:40 NASB1995
December 16th, 2023
Dear friends and partners,
Yesterday I was blessed to be able to provide a flight home for Ms Beverly from her appointment at Duke University hospital. She receives regular treatments for Myasthenia Graves, a neurological disease. She had previously sought treatment closer to home, but it wasn’t working for her. She told me that Duke has saved her life!
Ms Beverly was an absolute delight! Despite her condition, she maintains a wonderful, positive attitude. She was indeed a blessing to me and my friend Richard that accompanied me on this mission. I hope to fly Ms Beverly again in future trips to Duke.
As I have mentioned before, these missions are indeed life changing!
October 16th, 2023
Dear friends,
It is hard to believe it has been an entire year since my last update! As many of you know, a little more than a year ago my wife and I relocated to the Burlington NC area. As a result of that move I had no access to a suitable airplane with which to do these much needed flights.
Well, God is faithful. He led me to do this a few years ago, and while I didn’t have an airplane for over a year, I always had faith that since He put this on my heart and led me to it, He would see to it that I would be able continue. But it was His timing not mine. So, after a long wait, I am now a member of a great flying club here in Burlington and Compassion Flights has now officially resumed! Last week I had the blessing of being able to fly Ryan home to Macon Georgia from treatment at Duke hospital in Raleigh. Ryan has a rare malignant brain tumor and the only doctor that specializes in this rare form of cancer is at Duke. Without Angel Flights and volunteer pilots, Ryan would not be getting the treatment he needs.
As many of you know, I have been working with Angel flight Soars in Atlanta. I have now been approved to fly missions with Angel Flight Mid Atlantic and Angel Wings for Veterans, both based in Virginia.
Besides being able to provide life changing medical flights for those that would otherwise not get the treatment they need, flying these medical mission is also a Christian mission of “together, connecting people to Christ”.
I want to thank all of you that have helped financially and even more importantly, spiritually through prayer over the past few years!! If anyone would like to further assist in this mission, please check out the link to Compassion Flights below:
October 15th, 2023
Dear friends,
It is hard to believe it has been an entire year since my last update! As many of you know, a little more than a year ago my wife and I relocated to the Burlington NC area. As a result of that move I had no access to a suitable airplane with which to do these much needed flights.
Well, God is faithful. He led me to do this a few years ago, and while I didn’t have an airplane for over a year, I always had faith that since He put this on my heart and led me to it, He would see to it that I would be able continue. But it was His timing not mine. So, after a long wait, I am now a member of a great flying club here in Burlington and Compassion Flights has now officially resumed! Last week I had the blessing of being able to fly Ryan home to Macon Georgia from treatment at Duke hospital in Raleigh. Ryan has a rare malignant brain tumor and the only doctor that specializes in this rare form of cancer is at Duke. Without Angel Flights and volunteer pilots, Ryan would not be getting the treatment he needs.
As many of you know, I have been working with Angel flight Soars in Atlanta. I have now been approved to fly missions with Angel Flight Mid Atlantic and Angel Wings for Veterans, both based in Virginia.
Besides being able to provide life changing medical flights for those that would otherwise not get the treatment they need, flying these medical mission is also a Christian mission of “together, connecting people to Christ”.
I want to thank all of you that have helped financially and even more importantly, spiritually through prayer over the past few years!! If anyone would like to further assist in this mission, please check out the link to Compassion Flights below:
October 3rd, 2022
Dear friends and partners,
As you all know, my wife Gina and I recently moved to the Burlington, NC area from Tega Cay, South Carolina. I just found out that Givesendgo has an ability to send updates to all contributors, so it seems like a good time to give you all an update.
As a result of this move, I am temporarily without an airplane with which to do Angel Flight missions. However, I have been in contact with a local flying club and am waiting to join in the near future. This is great news as this is a great club with 3 very nice airplanes including a Cessna 182 and a Beechcraft Bonanza that will be perfect for flying Angel Flight missions!
While this delay is certainly frustrating, God has blessed this endeavor from the start, and I know He will make a way for Compassion Flights to continue to be a blessing for those in need. When that time comes we will be able to fly a wider variety of missions, benefiting the lives of even more people.
Thank you all for your support and prayers!
July 5th, 2022
Dear Friends,
Compassion Flight has been up and running now for 8 months and together we have flown 6 Angel Flight missions! From the beginning, the goal was to average on mission every other month. Even with the last flight being canceled due to the patients declining health, we have exceeded this goal! Next week we will be flying yet another mission. On most of these flights I have been able to invite one of our partners to join me, and like me, they have come away feeling uplifted and positive knowing they truly made a difference in someone’s life.
Up to now I have been flying out of the Gastonia airport, using my clubs Cessna 182, soon my wife and I will be relocating to the Burlington NC area to be closer to grandchildren. While we may be moving, Compassion Flight mission will continue! I have secured a spot in another “club” run by Elon college’s aviation school. I will be flying their Cessna 182 turbo.
From the very beginning of Compassion Flight, God has been leading this endeavor each step of the way. This wouldn’t be happening without His guidance and blessing! If you feel the Lord leading you to join with me in continuing to do these flights, there is a link on this page to contribute.
Thanks to all of you that continue to make this happen!
March 17th, 2022
Tuesday I was blessed to be able to fly down to Augusta Ga and pick up Kathy and return her home to Gastonia from the Burn and Reconstructive Surgery Center. Kathy has only one more appointment left in her recovery. Unfortunately, she was recently diagnosed with cancer and her husband passed away three years ago from cancer. Yet through all of this, she still praises God and knows that He has her in His hands!
This mission would not have been possible without the generous support of so many of you! Thank you to all that are partnering with me in helping people like Kathy!
March 3rd, 2022
Yesterday Paul McMahon and I flew a young man to the burn and reconstructive surgery center in Augusta. Josh was in a vehicle accident in December. He was run off the road by another driver and his truck went down an embankment, rolled and caught fire. Josh was trapped as the truck caught fire. A police officer, whom Josh described as a guardian angel, arrived soon after and was able to cut the seatbelt and get him out. Seconds after getting to a safe distance, his truck blew up!
God has richly blessed me to be able to do these types of flights. And I am truly blessed and thankful that so many have made the decision to partner with me. Thank you all and God bless you!!
February 3rd, 2022
Yesterday I was blessed to be able to fly another Compassion Flight mission. My friend Tom Rinehart accompanied me as we flew down to the Peachtree/Dekalb airport in Atlanta to pick up William to take him home to Savannah after his doctor’s appointment at the heart transplant center. Some of you may remember that the last mission, Jay Rebsamen and I flew William to his appointment.
It is because of those of you that have generously chosen to partner with me in these missions that, together we are able to help people like William live a better life. Or even to LIVE! I am deeply touched by your support and prayers!
Thank you!
58 Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
1 Corinthians 15:58
December 10th, 2021
November 7th, 2021
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