USD $6,890
Campaign funds will be received by Armando Perez
I have spent close to 43 years Preaching the Gospel of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and winning souls for the glory of God Almighty in the United States of America and to the ends of the Earth in multiple languages. This ministry is also dedicated to blessing Israel. I have been anointed for the defense of the Gospel and for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. There is an URGENT NEED at this time and would ask those that love the Lord to help me in this critical time. You can be 100% sure that you are sowing in good ground as my life is dedicated to living in
Christian integrity and in all things WWJD which requires an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ my Redeemer and my God. This ministry is dedicated to lifting up the Name of Yeshua and for His glory and not my own. For everything I give 100% of the Glory to JESUS. You can be sure that God will multiply your gift and bless you according to the promises of His Word. I bless you in the Name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and Soon Coming King! Shalom Aleichem in Yeshua Ha Mashiach. <3 <>< + :D
God bless your works Mandy!
Happy Birthday!
God bless you Armando
May God bless you.
God bless you always
May God Bless You.
Blessings to you brother 🙏🏼
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