Justice For Jeff January 6 Patriot


 USD $75,000


 USD $33,748

Campaign created by Supporters of Jeff

Campaign funds will be received by Jeffrey Brown

Justice For Jeff January 6 Patriot

Please help support our incarcerated patriot!

Jeff went to Washington, DC on January 6 to protest against what he felt to be a fraudulent election. He is a proud Patriot and wanted to speak out, as is his right. 

He has now been incarcerated for over 9 months. During this time, they have relocated him 7 times, he has been in 8 facilities, and 4 states. Each time he moves, he is required to remain in COVID quarantine, which is solitary. He has spent over 60 days in solitary quarantine. 

The conditions are horrendous, he is currently sleeping on the floor in an 8x8 cell with two other men. Three men to a cell. 

Following is his path since his arrest -

In August 2021, 25 FBI Agents used a battering ram to break down Jeff's door, they placed him in handcuffs, in his pajamas, on his front lawn, then took him to the Santa Ana Jail.

Someone with no prior arrests!

He was allowed out on bail by an Orange County Judge who said that she felt it was unnecessary to incarcerate Jeff based on the charges. However, a Washington DC judge rescinded his bail one week later, and Jeff was ordered to report to the courts on Sept 8 to turn himself back in. And Jeff turned himself in as directed.

He remained at a Santa Ana, CA jail for two weeks in quarantine isolation, and then flown to Grady, OK where he remained for two more weeks in quarantine. Then he was transported to DC where he remained in quarantine protocol for two more weeks. The facility where these men quarantined CDF, has now been closed due to filthy and inhumane conditions. The moved the entire prison population (appx. 400) due to this visibility. 

Following the closure of the CDF, Jeff moved across the street to the CTF, where he remained for 4 months. 

These prisoners sing National Anthem together every night at 9:00 EST. They are not allowed a flag, so they have drawn one on a piece of paper.

He then moved to Orange, VA, another quarantine. Six weeks later, they moved him again another facility in VA, where he remains, on the floor, with two other inmates. 

These men cannot survive on the food they are provided, they need to supplement with commissary. They are paying for their own food while incarcerated and not allowed food sent to them by relatives. 

On August 25th, the day Jeff was arrested, 13 soldiers lost their lives in Afghanistan. In their honor, Jeff had their names tattooed on his forearm. He said he would use it for strength. He said, “this is the least I can do”.  

Jeff would love to hear from you. and receive support from everyone. Please help him raise the funds for his legal defense. Please show your support to someone who doesn’t deserve to be incarcerated, and contact him. We want them to all keep the faith! He is fighting back for all of us! 

Please listen to his recent interview from prison. Link below


Recent Donations
Jake Lang
$ 1000.00 USD
1 month ago

Welcome home patriot!! God bless you!!

Peterekauski Kuboshima
$ 5.00 USD
1 month ago

I listened to your interview. You are an eloquent and honestly good person. It pains me that my poverty in California restricts my budget ceiling for donation. I hope if you allow me to nullify my pain with your mercy. Stamford prison experiment is bad, simply cruel, and all prisoners of the Stamford prison experiment are immediately both freed from jail and job-hired in ability-fit descriptions.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
3 months ago

I wish you Freedom, a Merry Christmas soon and A Happy New Year, as good as possible! Thank you and God bless you

Anonymous Giver
$ 97.00 USD
4 months ago

$ 15.00 USD
4 months ago

We Are With the J6ers
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

It has been an difficult journey for J6ers & their families. God bless you all. You honor all those who fought before us for Freedom & Justice. We thank you for your service & we will never forget.

Pray for ALL J6ers
$ 100.00 USD
5 months ago

Pray to JESUS CHRIST for our great nation.

Anonymous Giver
$ 70.00 USD
5 months ago

Don't give up. Phillipians 4:13

Anonymous Giver
$ 37.00 USD
5 months ago

Thank you for the encouragement that you and your family provide on a daily basis--you all, along with all J6 families, are "fighting thr good fight"!!

Gina Bryson
$ 126.00 USD
5 months ago

Although I have never met you I think about you and the other J6 Prisoners of War everyday, It breaks my heart and makes me ashamed of our current government, including every Republican that has not lifted a finger or even a voice to help you!

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
7 months ago

Dear Jeff, Thank you for all the injustice and pain you are made to endure, your destiny is for now deeply darkened by the painful, unjust and reckless Marxist calamity attacking our free, Christian world; your heartbeat is the heartbeat of America. Be strong and don't give up hope!

Paul Breithaupt
$ 250.00 USD
8 months ago

God bless, Best of Luck

Mary Hanna
$ 100.00 USD
8 months ago

No words can describe what you have endured, please know that I will continue to pray and support you. God bless you and Kathy

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
8 months ago

Jeff, I heard your story from Kathy and it broke my heart. I’m so terribly sorry for how you’ve been treated! And for all the other J6 prisoners too. This outrageous injustice should never happen in America. Keep looking to the Lord Jesus to sustain you. You’re in my prayers. God bless you and God bless America. Becky

Anonymous Giver
$ 37.00 USD
8 months ago

Ty Jeff and Jeff's family, for keeping the faith, and for staying strong in the Lord! And any struggles, God wants to bear your burdens for you!

Gina Bryson
$ 26.00 USD
8 months ago

No words are enough to describe how bad a feel for what they are doing to you!!

$ 20.00 USD
8 months ago

I continue to pray for you and other J6ers. Such an insult to justice and the truths my forefather stood for!! May Archangel Michael and all hosts of our heavenly God be with you and protect you. Have courage I applaud your sane ability to reach out and allow us to lighten your day!!!

James Komendera
$ 50.00 USD
8 months ago

Jeff please hang in there. I am praying for you. Continue to trust in the Lord. Your faith is being tested. God Bless You

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
8 months ago

I continue to pray for you and other J6ers. May God be with you and protect you. I agree, you are a political prisoner and not given your constitutional rights.


Update #17 Heroes of Abbey Gate Tattoo | Letter and Recording From Jeff

September 10th, 2024

The morning of August 26th, 2021 began for me at 6:15 a.m. when 25 FBI agents busted my front door out of its frame, and drew me out at gunpoint with laser dots all over my chest. 

As I stood handcuffed in a t-shirt and underwear in my front yard, so that all of the passing traffic could observe the spectacle, I heard some discussing about a suicide bomber in Afghanisan, at the airport where people were fleeing for their lives. 

Later that day when I was released on bond, I learned more the details of the bomber. Thirteen soldiers lost their lives and Abby Gate. The irony of my situation and these soldiers, was reprehensible. 

The FBI was given unlimited resources to hunt down citizens in America who showed up to DC to protest a rigged and stolen election. Yet across the world in a war zone, those soldiers were denied resources they needed, and thus lost their lives along with many others being injured. These soldiers tragic death were a direct result of the reason I went to DC, for rigged and stolen election. This never would have happened had president Trump been in charge 

Because of the day being the same as my arrest, and the reason behind it, I developed a special Affinity with those soldiers. I knew my bond was about to be revoked by a DC judge and I already heard stories about the DC Gulag, for which I was destined. I wanted some inspiration that no matter what I was about to face, nothing compared to what those 13 soldiers sacrificed. So a few days after my arrest, I had their names tattooed on my arm. I did this because no matter what I was in store for, they could not take away a tattoo from me. Along my journey, which is now approaching 3 years of incarceration, it has inspired me to keep the faith in many dark times. And know that someday this will end, unlike the pain and sorrow of the Gold Star families. These soldiers lost their lives. I only lost a few years. 

May God Bless The Souls of 

  • Darin T. Hoover
  • Kareem M. Nikoui
  • Daegan W. Page
  • Humberto A. Sanchez
  • Nicole L. Gee
  • Hunter Lopez 
  • David L. Espinoza, 
  • Jared M. Schmitz 
  • Rylee J. McCollum
  • Dylan R. Merola
  • Johanny Rosario Pichardo
  • Maxton W. Soviak
  • Ryan C. Knauss

And condolences to their family, loved ones and friends,

Jeffrey Scott Brown

RECORDING: Interview with Jeff in prison

Update Update #17 Heroes of Abbey Gate Tattoo | Letter and Recording From Jeff Image
Update #16 Letter From Jeff

June 17th, 2024

I've been in Lompoc now, almost a year. There are three other J6ers in here with me, and we have more coming in. We are waiting on the opinion from the Supreme Court regarding the1512 Obstruction Official Proceeding. We hope this will be overturned as this will allow some of the guys to get out. Unfortunately, it doesn't apply in my case. In the meantime, we are just trying to keep as up to date on the outside world as best we can - whether it is Trump's case, or the upcoming debate. 

I have an appeal that is now pending before court, but typically it take a long time to get a resolution. I am hoping to be released to a halfway house later this year. If not, it will be on January 20th, when Trump takes office. So please vote! It will take us all voting to make it happen!

I appreciate your continued support! Your messages and donations are very encouraging and very much appreciated. 

God Bless America


March 4th, 2024

Jeff was put back in solitary confinement. Please keep him in your prayers! 

Update #14 A Message From Jeff in Lompoc with Audio Link

January 11th, 2024

Happy New Year This is Jeff, and today is Jan 6th, 2024. I want to start by saying I'm humbled by all of you who have shown me support with all your well wishes, prayers, and donations. They have helped me tremendously and have also eased the burden on my family during this time, we are so thankful and feel blessed.

Over the past three years, I have been receiving updates on all the posts and donations even though I was not able to respond personally. So please know that my silence until now was not by choice but rather by recommendation from my counsel.

I have now been sentenced and have reached my designated institution, Lompoc, CA to serve the remainder of my sentence. During this time, I've been housed in over 10 different facilities and am past the halfway point of my 54-month sentence. I'm still exploring my potential appeals and evaluating options, including changes to the sentencing guidelines that may allow me to reduce the time remaining. At some point, I will be released to a halfway house, most likely later this year.

Watching what is taking place in our country is sad to witness. The things that are happening in America, and the world, are just the things that many of us feared regarding the rigged and stolen election. The complete and total chaos targeted at freedom-loving people here and abroad is front and center. The division from Marxism, anti-semitism and the indoctrination in the schools and universities has only increased. Fortunately, it seems that many more are waking up and taking notice. Watching this chaos happen has been frustrating for many, but necessary, as many have been asleep politically.

Whatever your reason, maybe for your family, your children, your grandchildren, or perhaps for all the veterans and military personnel who sacrificed their bodies and lives for the freedom we grew up enjoying, it's now time to pay our dues for our amazing country by getting involved. Stand up, speak up, step up, and help make a difference. Get involved in community government and school boards. Support those who have the views you support, and help replace those who support the destruction we are watching before our eyes. No one is coming to save us, we are the ones who must do it. These problems are not just going to work themselves out, we must make the necessary corrections. This has to be a grassroots effort. Although President Trump will do his part, without support from a city, county, and state level, it won't matter.

Elections are all we have as a tool to effect change and if we don't participate, we are doomed. Get involved in the elections and get as many as you can to help. We know elections can and have been rigged and stolen. However, with an overwhelming response in participation, the theft can be thwarted, we have to outvote the theft. Get involved at the polls, participate and help others participate in early voting, and get involved in ballot harvesting where it is legal. Become the best ballot harvester you can be. We must play by the rules that exist until they are changed. If we just say things like, "What's the point?", then we lose!

Growing up we were told not to talk about religion and politics, remember? That has put us in the current state we are in. We must know the policies of those whom we entrust to represent us. Just electing people and not holding them to task does not work. The removal of religion from everything has not worked. These are the core values our country was founded upon.

This year is going to be a wild ride, propaganda will be at its highest levels. Do your research and learn to read through the nonsense. I recorded a call to action piece last summer that is about 30 minutes long, that will help give you some guidance on how to do that. Click on the following link: (An Audio Message From Jeffrey Brown) 

Stay strong, stay calm, and stay focused. If we work together, we can affect the course correction we all want to achieve and return to sanity. I will continue with periodic updates, and once again, thank you for your support. God Bless America!


December 31st, 2023

Jeff has settled in at Lompoc, and is awaiting his appeal. We really need your help! If you are able to donoate to help with his appeal, it would be greatly appreciated! Jeff is working on a update that I will share with you next week! Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. Many people are unaware that these men are still in prison. We so appreciate your continued support!

Update #12 Jeff Is In the Hole at his New Location, After Only One Hour

September 26th, 2023

After making his way across the US, following his sentencing, Jeff finally arrived to his final destination in Southern California. He was only there an hour before they put him in the hole, solitary confinement. We haven't yet spoken with him, as he has also had his visitation and phone privileges revoked until December 15th! We really need your help through donations and prayers! We need to hire a strong appellate attorney. Thank you so very much for your continued support!! 

Update #11 Jeff Spent July 4th in Lockdown

July 6th, 2023

Many of the J6ers spent their Independence Day on lockdown due to staffing shortages. Insult to injury. I hope and pray these men get justice one day! We need your help for his appeal. Thank you for your continued support! 

Jeff has been moved from DC to OK, to CA Update #10

June 19th, 2023

Jeff has been moved from DC jail. He is currently in a Victorville transfer facility where he will remain until he is moved to his permanent facility in Lompoc, CA. Please keep him in your prayers as he makes his way through this journey. We are planning to appeal. Any donations will help with is legal fees. Thank you so much for your continued support! 

Update #9 Jeff Was SENTENCED TO 54 MONTHS!

May 16th, 2023

Please keep us in your prayers as we prepare for his appeal. We so appreciate your continued support and donations toward his legal fees. 

Update #8 Jeff's Sentencing is April 28th - Proscection is asking for 6-8 years!

April 25th, 2023

Jeff will attending his sentencing this Friday. The government is asking for 6-8 years! We need your prayers, and your help to hire a strong attorney for his appeal! Please donate if you are able. Thank you so much for your continued support! He's standing up for all of us! 
Update #8 Jeff Was Moved Back to the DC Gulag

March 26th, 2023

Jeff was moved back to the DC Gulag this week 3/20. He has been undergoing "Covid Quarantine" since he relocated. He has been on a schedule of 23/1, which means he is on Lockdown for 23 hours and out for personal needs and phone calls for one hour per day. He was able to call me on Friday at 2:00. He said he would be on Lockdown until 7:00 am Monday morning - 63 HOURS!

We really need your help - we need to hire a strong attorney for Jeff's appeal! 

Please keep him in your prayers and if you are able to donate, we would really appreciate it!!!

Update #5 Please donate to help Jeff hire GOOD attorneys!

March 8th, 2023


Now that the information in public, we need to use it to get the January 6 Patriots released! Jeff is awaiting sentencing in Northern Neck, VA. We need your help! Jeff needs to hire strong attorneys to fight back against this injustice. Thank you!! 

Update #4 - Sentencing Scheduled for April 28

January 15th, 2023

Jeff's sentencing has been scheduled for April 28th. He will be held in VA leading up to that date. In the 2 years since the protest, almost 1,000 individuals have been arrested in nearly all 50 states for crimes related to the breach of the U.S. Capitol, including over 275 individuals charged with assaulting or impeding law enforcement, with over 100 currently behind bars in pretrial detention or serving out excessive sentences. 470 have pleaded guilty and 335 have been sentenced. 

The FBI and DOJ say this will double. They have over 2,000 perpetrators identified and they vow to continue this manhunt. The continue to arrest at least one, every week.  

Please keep him in your prayers! And please donate if you're able - he needs help with his legal fees for his appeal. Thank you!

Update #3 - Trial Outcome - All Defendants Guilty on All Charges in Under Three Hours

January 4th, 2023

Jeff was tried along with two other codefendants whom he had never met prior. All three men were convicted of 28 charges, the jury came back with the verdict in under a three hours. This was not a jury of their peers. Jeff is now in Northern Neck prison, awaiting sentencing. We really need your help! See the full story here 


Update #2 Trial Begins Tuesday Nov 29th

November 25th, 2022

Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers this week! We will keep you updated throughout the trial. Thank you for your support!! 🙏🇺🇸

Interview with Jeff from Prison

May 18th, 2022

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.