Christian Patriot Geoffrey Sills January 6th


 USD $30,555

Campaign created by Susan Sills

Campaign funds will be received by Susan Sills

Christian Patriot Geoffrey Sills January 6th

This fundraiser is started to support Geoff Sills to help pay for his enormous legal defense fees related to events of Jan 6. On Jun 18 at 6am our home was raided by an FBI SWAT team. They presented a BLANK search warrant, arrested Geoff then went through every inch of our house, to include operating a search robot under the house. The 'evidence' hauled away was primarily clothing that matched what he was wearing in photos on Jan 6. The next week at his bond hearing, the testifying FBI agent confirmed that Geoff had no association with any of the organized groups who were involved in stirring up trouble during the event. Despite praise from the judge for Geoff having a 100% clean record, he was still denied bail. Geoff's day on Jan 6 started as a last minute decision to travel to DC to support the USA and our Constitution. He looked forward to listening to speeches and to be with the hundreds of thousands of other patriots. As you know the situation somehow morphed into a confusing frenzy. In his personal life Geoff has deep respect for our country and is a practicing Christian who loves to study the bible. His favorite verse is Philippians 4:13 (I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me). He also spends time playing fetch with Bella, his adorable rescue pup. Recently he helped a disabled veteran move into a new home. He has lost his job with a prominent defense contractor and now faces a long, expensive legal fight for a fair judicial process against the enormous DC machine and their false narrative about that day. They seem to be simply bent on punishing patriots who truly love this country. We ask for your support and prayers in this endeavor. All funds will be used directly for Geoff's legal defense. Thank you in advance.              
Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
18 days ago

Keep your head up!

Diane walker
$ 100.00 USD
20 days ago

We love you Geoffrey .. Waiting for your return home.

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
25 days ago

Psalm 40:3, "And he hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord. Blessed is that man that maketh the Lord his trust..." Praying for you and your family

$ 20.00 USD
25 days ago

Praying for you and your family. Heartfelt uplifting thoughts in this tribulation. Hoping for exoneration & your freedom Soon! Love you!

Regina Alongi
$ 20.00 USD
26 days ago

I read your updates and it breaks my heart what this administration has done to people who were at Jan. 6th. You are not criminals. The real criminals were in the summer of 2020 burning down many cities and killing people. I am so sorry. May God bring you home sooner than expected. My heart and my prayers are still with you both.

Anonymous Giver
$ 17.00 USD
1 month ago

Keep your chin up!

$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
3 months ago

Hopefully Soon

$ 25.00 USD
4 months ago

We sent you a birthday card in April, not knowing they were prohibited. It was returned last week. So we're sending belated greetings now. Stay strong!

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
4 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
5 months ago

Wish I could help more!

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
6 months ago

Michael Dupree
$ 45.00 USD
6 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 40.00 USD
6 months ago

I am praying for you with compassion, and confident that you are in the loving care of your faithful Lord.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

I know this is not much consolation, but the J6ers have touched the hearts and souls of good humans around the world. This injustice will be held up long into the future as an example of what evil people do when they have power they don't deserve. One day the truth will come out, along with other horrific things these monsters have done to humanity. What a glorious day that will be. Justice!

joanne wright
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

God bless You that this should happen I pray it will make you stronger and hopefully you will have a good life and serve the counry as a patriot with a new administration

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
6 months ago

You are not forgotten. May God grant you His peace and comfort. I pray that the Lord give you a special blessing on your birthday.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
6 months ago

Prying for you and your Family

Larry J
$ 23.00 USD
6 months ago

May the Lord protect you and the Supreme Court hear your case.


Update #67

September 25th, 2024

Happy Wednesday Patriots!

Sorry its’s been awhile since my last update. 

Geoff is still at FCI Loretto and I have been to visit him a few times over the summer. He is still doing well and keeping his spirits up.  Still no updates if he will be released early due to the 1512 charge being dismissed or placed on house arrest since there are no halfway houses nearby. Would be AWESOME to have him home for Thanksgiving/Christmas. God has a plan and it will all work out. If not released early, February will be here before we know it  

The facility finally has ice cream on the canteen list.  Such a special treat especially during the summer  Geoff said it is so good and comes directly from a local dairy  

His book list is still active on Amazon  Still enjoys reading and being outside  There have been a few good movies that he has watched on his tablet  Just trying to stay busy

He sends his love and thanks for all the support thru letters, prayers and donations. 

Counting the days until he is home. 

Geoff and Susan

Update Update #67 Image
Update #66

June 18th, 2024

Happy Tuesday Patriots!

Today is June 18, 2024 and Geoff has been jailed now for 3 years. 3 years from his family, friends and his fur baby Bella. Praying the Supreme Court decides in favor of the J-6ers on the 1512 and he will be released earlier than Feb 2025. 

I was able to visit him this past weekend. He gets so excited when his sister or I come. He is doing well and still reading, doing classes and getting sunshine outside. 

Geoff sent Cowboy Logic (look them up on Rumble.  Great supporters  of J-6er) a birthday card to pass to Trump, whose bday was this past Friday, June 14th. He was so excited to be making this card and did a fantastic job especially with not having many materials available. I am enclosing a picture of the front of the card .  Cowboy Logic does show all sides  

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer. Geoff and I are so blessed to have such wonderful supporters. Thank you for all the prayers, books and financial help. Thank you!!

May God BlessYou,

Geoff and Susan

Update Update #66 Image
Update #65

April 17th, 2024

Good Afternoon Friends. 

Today is Geoff’s 34th birthday and the third birthday without him being home with family and friends. I miss him dearly but next April we will go on an adventure to celebrate in a big way. Happy Birthday!! Love you to the moon and back  

I was able to visit Geoff this past weekend  I am so proud of him for being so strong during the journey.  I know at times it is a struggle but he keeps busy to better himself by reading and working out.  He is so ready to be home  

Still no updates on going to a halfway house  which is frustrating. He sees other guys leaving and wonders why he was denied .  We know God has a plan and will stay focus on him  

The Supreme Court heard opening statements for the “1512” charge yesterday. Please continue to pray for the Judges and that this charge will be over turned.  If it is overturned, possibly Geoff will not need a halfway house, he will just be released home.

Once again, thank you so much for all your support.  Geoff has received so many letters, books and bday wishes

We love you all and may God continue to bless you

Geoff and Susan  

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Update #64

April 10th, 2024

Hello Patriots. 

Just wanted to ask if you could send Geoff some birthday wishes. No cards, color(markers), stickers, just white paper and envelope. His bday is Wednesday, April 17th. 

He called me today and he is really down. This is his 3rd year celebrating his bday away from family and friends.  The facility keeps taking recreation time away. Being outside means so much to him. With rec time often taken away and seems to be having more lock downs and tv taken away in the POD,  this is really starting to get to him. He doesn’t watch tv but the other guys do. No tv means the other guys are somewhat acting out and stirring it up in the POD. 

I am planning to visit him this weekend so hopefully this will cheer him up. It’s breaks my heart that the women and men, J-6ers are being treat this way. 

Thank you for all your support and keep the prayers going for the J-6er their families and the Supreme Court. 

May God continue to bless you.


Geoff and Susan

Geoffrey Sills # 51315-509

FCI Loretto

P.O. Box 1000

Cresson, PA. 16630

picture… Geoff/ sunset 

Update Update #64 Image
Update #63

February 26th, 2024

Happy Sunday Friends,

Today, February, 25th marks the 1 year count down until Geoff will have completed his 52 month sentence. I am so looking forward to this day when Geoff can walk out of prison and this nightmare will be somewhat over. Yes, he will be constantly watched for the next 3 years while on probation, unless a miracle happens in November. But he will be home with family and friends who love him so much. Can’t wait to be able to cook him his favorite foods and just catch up on the missed time being apart. 

Please continue to pray for Geoff and the rest of the J-6 family which unfortunately continues to grow. Thank you for all your support. 

May God Bless each of you,

Geoff and Susan

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Update #62

February 14th, 2024

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Just wanted to send our thanks and love to everyone on this Valentines Day. 

Geoff is still doing well. Reading and spending as much time as possible outside getting fresh air. The courts has reassigned a new attorney to handle his appeal on the 1512 charge and hopefully figure out why he was denied Halfway House. Please continue to pray for the Supreme Court as they prepare to hear the 1512 case. 

Geoff and I hope you will have a awesome day! 

God’s Blessings,

Geoff and Susan

Update Update #62 Image
Update #61

January 24th, 2024

Good Evening Everyone!

I received a special belated Christmas from Geoff yesterday..A Christmas picture of him. He said that it was so hard to keep it a surprise. He sends his love and I am adding the photo to this update. 

Geoff wants to thank Sarah for the Cyber Security for Dummies  book but unfortunately, the facility denied this book. He hopes you will be receiving a refund. 

He is still doing well. Still no update concerning Halfway house, right now he is still denied. My understanding a new attorney was just assigned to him (Public Defender this time since we are out of funds) to handle his Appeal for the 1512. Praying this attorney can also help with the Halfway House situation. 

Thank you for all your support.  Please keep praying for the J-6er, their families and our country 

God Bless,

Geoff and Susan

Update Update #61 Image
Update #60

January 10th, 2024

Happy Tuesday,

Hope your New Year is off to a good start. 

I was able to visit Geoff Friday and his sister Laura was able to go with me. Decided to not to tell him that she was coming, let it be a surprise. Boy was he surprised!!  He was smiling the whole visit. He was so happy to see her especially since they had not seen each other since his arrest.. 2 1/2 years.  With nasty weather coming into the area Saturday, we were only able to visit Friday, which is ok, we had a fun visit. Actually it is still snowing in Loretto. Geoff believes they have gotten approx 11 inches of snow. 

Geoff finished his Nutrition Class and received his certificate. The class had a party today to celebrate. Now he looking forward to reading the books that have been sent, going to the gym and going outside to get fresh air. He enjoys walking the track or just sitting in the sunshine reading. 

Thank you for all your support. 

Sending Our Love,

Geoff and Susan

Update Update #60 Image
Update #59

January 2nd, 2024

Happy New Year Everyone!

May God Bless each of you in the New Year!  

Geoff and I are so thankful for your support, kindness, prayers and friendship. As this journey continues into the New Year, please keep the Supreme Court in prayer that the 1512 charge will be overturned.  Continue to pray for our J-6ers and their families, the DOJ is still making arrest and families are being torn apart.  Don’t forget our beautiful country and that God will guide our leadership in making the right choices.

Sending our Love,

Geoff and Susan

Update Update #59 Image
Update #58

December 26th, 2023


Geoff and I hope everyone had a wonderful day as we celebrated our Saviors birth. 

The facility served a yummy Christmas lunch and on Friday the guys were given a goody bag that included different kinds of cookies and even a jug of eggnog. I plan to visit him again soon. 

Geoff would like to thank everyone that has sent him books. He really appreciates your kindness. His list on Amazon has been updated. 

Please keep praying that the 1512 that the Supreme Court will be hearing goes in favor of the guys  

May God Bless you all the Christmas 


Geoff and Susan

Update Update #58 Image
Update #57

December 19th, 2023

Happy Tuesday Patriots,

Can’t believe Christmas is under a week away now. As we finish up our shopping and baking please take time and remember that the true celebration is Jesus birth. 

Geoff is doing well and sends his love.  He is looking forward to the Christmas goody bags they will receive this week and hopefully a delicious Christmas meal. I just added more books to his Amazon book wish list if you want to check it out. He really has enjoyed the books that have been sent to him. THANK YOU!!!

If you have not heard, the Supreme Court will be hearing the 1512 case (interfering with official proceeding). This is huge!!!  Please pray that the court will rule that this charge must be dropped. Over 300 J-6ers including Geoff was charged with the 1512 and found guilty.  If this charge is dropped, means less time served. 

Please continue to pray for the J-6 families especially now during Christmas. We miss our loved ones so much. 

Thank you for all your support!

God’s Blessings,

Geoff and Susan

Today’s picture is of Geoff talking to Santa. This picture was taken the year we were stationed in Puerto Rico at the Navy base.  

Update Update #57 Image
Update #56

November 27th, 2023

Good Evening Friends,

Hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving.  

I went to visit Geoff over the weekend. He is doing well and said  the Thanksgiving meal that was served was the best!! There was so much turkey and fixings but his favorite was the pecan pie!!  He hadn’t eaten so much since he was arrested.  I was happy to see him in such good spirits.

Still no update on why he was denied halfway house. Please keep him prayer  that answers and solution will come soon.

Geoff is still enjoying the books that have been sent to him. His book wish list is still on Amazon. With the days getting colder in PA, he is staying inside more and reading. 

Thank you for your support and we send our love,

Geoff and Susan 

Update Update #56 Image
Update #55

November 7th, 2023

Good Afternoon Patriots,

Sorry it’s been awhile. Work has been really busy. 

I have been able to visit Geoff a couple times now and he is doing well. This facility is located in the mountains of Pennsylvania and the trees on my last visit were beautiful!  Geoff spends most of his time in the recreation yard and is enjoying this fall weather and Gods beautiful artwork.  He looks forward to these visits and I plan to visit him Thanksgiving weekend. Funny thing is, I have to plan my visit around Penn State home football games. This facility is only 45 minutes from the stadium and the hotel rooms triple in price on home game weekends  I am approx 5 hours away. 

If you write to Geoff, please congratulate him on completing his class to be a Personal Trainer. GO Geoff!!  Very proud of him.  Now he is taking a nutrition class which he is really enjoying. Geoff is still enjoying the books that he has received from his list on Amazon. Again, thank you so much.

Hopefully in a few days/weeks his art supplies that he has ordered will be in so he can show his awesome talent that God has given him.  Once again, thank you for your donations to his canteen fund and this fund so he could purchase these supplies.  He is also enjoying his tablet.  On rainy days when rec yard is closed he will watch a movie or listen to a pod cast or music  of course all this cost extra for these guys  

Todays picture Geoff took while visiting the Big Island of Hawaii. He was fortunate to be there when the lava started flowing.  He is a very gifted photographer and this picture is so much better then shown.  

Please continue to pray for Geoff and that he will be sent to a halfway house early 2024.  Please pray for the other J-6er and their families  There are so many hurting and struggling  

Thank you for your support and May God Bless each of you!

Sending our Love,

Geoff and Susan

Update Update #55 Image
Update #54

September 14th, 2023

Good Morning Patriots!!

Sorry it’s been awhile since my last update. 

I had the chance to visit with Geoff last weekend. He is still at FCI Loretto. He is doing good and looks so much more healthier since he was transferred out of Northern Neck Regional Jail. He spends a lot of time outside so he is all tan..amazing how getting natural vitamin D can make you look and feel so much better. He has been reading A LOT and wants to thank all the Patriots who have been so kind and generous for the books you have sent. Geoff also enjoys sharing his books with the guys in his POD.  Many do not receive the support from family and friends. Again, thank you! 

A dear friend sent him money to purchase a tablet that he has been wanting but not cheap. Thank You!! The tablet really has come in handy this past week due to afternoon storms and rec-yard being closed. On the tablet he is able to rent movies, download music and watch some podcast. Helps to pass the time at night if he can’t sleep. 

Geoff’s class to be certified personal trainer will be completed end of this month. Go Geoff!! Next he will be studying for his Real Estate Agent License which will help him with his job that he has waiting for him.  I am so proud of him for utilizing his time to better himself. Love you Geoff!!

Asking for prayers that Geoff will be moved to a halfway house sooner than later. His PO came by my house to do a home inspection yesterday since he will be living with me until he gets back on his feet. Praying this is a good sign. 

Once again, thank you for all your support. Your prayers, books, letters and financial support means so much to Geoff and I. We are so blessed!!

We love you all,

Geoff and Susan

Today’s picture Geoff took while visiting the Big Island of Hawaii. These sea turtles are beautiful and amazing especially on the black sand beach. Geoff is an awesome photographer and don’t worry, he used a long distance lens to capture this photo. Hawaii is very strict on how close you can get near these magnificent  animals. 

Update Update #54 Image
Update #53

July 27th, 2023

Happy Thursday!

Last weekend I was able to visit Geoff at Loretto. He is doing well and looks awesome!  So nice to be able to talk without plexiglass and give him a big hug. I am so proud and miss him. 

When visiting, family is allowed to purchase snacks and sandwiches for their loved ones making this a big deal for Geoff and the other guys. First time in 2 years having a Mountain Dew and something to eat besides jail food. These sandwiches are nothing but the kind you heat up in a microwave, but for them it’s like eating a ribeye steak. The guys sit and eye the machines thinking what they want next to eat. We take so much for granted like having a soda or bottle of orange juice.  

Geoff is keeping busy.  Besides reading, last book was on Winston Churchill, he is taking a course to be certified personal trainer and also taking a history class. After his personal trainer class he hopes to take a course to ge a real estate agent  

His counselor has recommended him going to a halfway house possibly as early as February 2024. Prayers that this is God’s will and he can get out of the facility and move on with his life  

It’s expensive to travel to visit Geoff but hope to see him again before the local schools open back up and I head back to work August 20th.

Geoff and I are so blessed having your prayers and support during this journey 

May God Bless You,

Geoff and Susan. 

Today’s picture is of Geoff and his buddy Bella in front of a mural in Charlotte, NC where he used to live. 

Update Update #53 Image
Update #52

July 5th, 2023

Happy Independence Day Patriots!!

Hope everyone enjoyed their holiday.

  So many over the years gave their lives for our freedom. Now in 2023, we have many being held as Political Prisoners because they had a different opinion.  Please keep all J-6ers and their families in your prayers. None of us should be going thru this.   

4th of July is Geoff’s favorite holiday and his 3rd as being a Political Prisoner. He always looked forward to attending a cookout at a very dear friends home. He so much misses his family and friends. Another event he never misses  on the 4th, is the Coney Island Hot Dog eating Contest. He loves watching this on TV and hopes to be able to attend one year. This year the winner ate 67!!!

Geoff would like to thank those who have sent him books. He appreciates your thoughtfulness and the books really help to pass the time.

Thank you for all your support!

May God continue to Bless this country that we call home…USA


Geoff and Susan

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Update #51

May 29th, 2023

Happy Memorial Day!

Today we remember those that gave their all fighting for this beautiful country and out FREEDOM. Thank you for your sacrifice. 

Today’s picture Geoff took during his visit at The Pearl Harbor Memorial, Oahu, HI. If you  have had the chance to visit this memorial, you have experienced the somber feeling when seeing all the names of those who lost their lives on this tragic day. 

May God continue to Bless the USA

Love you all,

Geoff and Susan

Update Update #51 Image
Update #50

May 15th, 2023

Happy Mother’s Day!

I thank God everyday for allowing me to be a mom to Geoff and Laura. I am proud and love you both! 

Today was a beautiful day here in Richmond, VA. Spent the morning at church then took the pups, Bella and Baloo for a long walk. Last weekend, a dear friend was kind to included me in celebrating Mother’s Day with her family with brunch at a historic hotel here in the area called the Jefferson Hotel. I am so Blessed to have friends, family and Patriots supporting me during this journey. Thank you for all the kind text messages today. 

Geoff is doing well at Loretto. Still adjusting to the new facility and getting into a routine. He sends his love. 

Today’s picture was taken in March at the Lewisburg facility during one of my visits.  

Please continue to pray for the J-6ers, their family and our country. 

God Bless,

Geoff and Susan

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Update #49

May 8th, 2023

Good Monday Morning Patriots!

I posted the wrong address for Geoff, sorry for the inconvenience. The steroids I am taking for my asthma is making me so loopy. 

Updated Address. 

Geoffrey Sills. 51315-509

FCI Loretto Federal Correctional Institution

P. O. Box 1000

Cresson, PA. 16630

If you are interesting sending him a book to read, please check out his Amazon Gift Registry. Paper and Hardcover books are allowed. 

Sorry for all the confusion,

Susan Sills. 

Update Update #49 Image
Update #48

May 6th, 2023

Happy Saturday Patriots!

It’s  a beautiful day here in Richmond, VA. 

Great News!  Geoff was moved to Loretto, PA yesterday and now I can post his new address. Hopefully this is where he will stay until he is moved to a halfway house or better, RELEASED!!  He is doing well and wants to thank everyone for their support through prayers, letters and financially. 

So many have asked “What can you do to help”. Since Geoff loves to read, I have set up a gift registry on Amazon so that you can choose a book from his wish list to send to him.  He will be so excited to receive these books. Please go to Amazon, click REGISTRY, type in his name, click GIFT LIST and then click his name. A list of books should appear. Let’s fill his pod with books!!! The guys love to share what little they have, so this will not just help Geoff but those that around him.

Here is Geoff’s updated info. Please continue to pray for him and keep those letters/cards coming!

Geoffrey Sills 51315-509

Loretto Federal Correctional Institute 

P.O. Box 1000

Loretto, PA  15940

May God continue to Bless you all,

Geoff and Susan

Today’s picture Geoff took while visiting Oahu, HI. It’s the Ha’iku Stairs (aka) Stairway to Heaven, Located along Oahu’s Ko’olau Mountain Range. There are 3000+ steps. I choose this picture because I am counting down the days until he is home. And NO, I did not hike this with him!!

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Update #47

April 26th, 2023

Good Wednesday Morning!!Please hold off sending letters/cards to Geoff. He was transferred out of DC Monday to Lewisburg, PA, but will only be here a few days (maybe 2 weeks) then will be transferred to another facility in PA. This is the plan for now.  Please keeping checking back for updates  Please continue to pray for his safety and for the facility that he is headed too. Thanks for all your support!!My God is an Awesome God!Love,Geoff and Susan
Update Update #47 Image
Update #46

April 24th, 2023

Happy Sunday,Geoff just called and said he will be transferred out of DC tomorrow to a new facility. Please pray that God will continue to watch over him and send him to a facility that he is treated well and safe. 

Thank you for all your support.  Will update with new address as soon as I can. 

Love you all,
Geoff and Susan. 

Tonight’s picture is of Geoff at one of his favorite restaurants in Charlotte NC, Chima’s Steakhouse
Update Update #46 Image
Update #45

April 17th, 2023

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the most Amazing Son!!Today is Geoff’s 32nd birthday!  Oh, I miss this kind, funny and loving kid. I can’t wait until you are home to celebrate at your favorite restaurant or travel somewhere special. To buy you a DQ ice cream cake and watch you blow out the candles. You are loved ❤️ Happy Birthday!
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Update #44

April 9th, 2023

Hallelujah He is Risen!

What joyous day this is! It’s not about the bunny, It’s all about the Lamb!!!  Enjoy this day with our Lord and giving thanks for all he has done!  I know I am Blessed!

Geoff is still being housed in DC. He is doing good. At least he is with his other J-6er friends. Don’t forget his birthday is coming up April 17th. Please send him some wishes. He already has received some cards…he says thank you!!

His address again:

Geoffrey Sills.  384066

Correctional Treatment Facility DC-CTF

1901 D Street SE

Washington, DC. 20003

Happy Resurrection Day and we love you!

Geoff and Susan

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Update #43

April 2nd, 2023

Happy Saturday Patriots!

Prayers for those that lost loved ones and their homes in the tornadoes/storms last night. 

For now, Geoff is still DC jail. Listed below is his address and ID number. His birthday is coming up, April 17th. He will be turning 32. If you get a chance, please send him a card/letter with birthday wishes. 

Geoffrey Sills.  384066

Correctional Treatment Facility DC-CTF

1901 D Street, SE

Washington, DC.  20003

Thanks for all your love and support!

Geoff and Susan

Tonight’s picture is of Geoff taken in 1996 at the White House Easter Egg Roll. Geoff’s dad had just retired from the military and was working for Sears Management Team who was sponsoring a fashion show during this event.  Well, Geoff wore the size that was needed and was selected to be a model. He was so excited!! He also was able to participate in the egg roll contest and received a keepsake egg. It was such a fun day! 

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Update #42

March 22nd, 2023

Good Evening Patriots,

Today was physically and mentally exhausting.

Geoff was sentenced to 52 months and 3 years probation. He has already served 21 months and will receive time for good behavior. Not sure at this time when his release date will be or which federal facility he will be transferred too. For  now he is still in DC. Both of us are glad today is over and we can start counting the days until he is home.

Thanking God for his blessings because Geoff’s sentencing could have been much harsher. Also, thank you to all the Patriots, family and friends for your prayers.  I could feel God’s presence. 

Have a good night and may God Bless you all.


Geoff and Susan  

Update Update #42 Image
Update #43

March 19th, 2023

Happy Sunday Patriots,

Beautiful sunny day here in Virginia!

Yesterday was the anniversary of Geoff’s arrest.  Now, 21 months being detained. I miss and love him so much. 

This Tuesday, March 21st, is Geoff’s sentencing day. Please keep him in prayer. It’s going to be a tough day for Geoff and me. 

Thank you for all your support. Your kindness is great appreciated. 


Geoff and Susan  

Update Update #43 Image
Update #42

March 15th, 2023

Happy Wednesday Patriots,

Wanted to give you a short update. Geoff was moved from Lewisburg, PA to the DC Gulag this past Monday(March 13th). He was moved due to his sentencing being this Tuesday, March 21st at 10:00. He is doing ok but is in quarantine for 7 days,  at least 2 other J-6ers were transferred with him.

Geoff’s dad is still in a Ortho Rehab due to his fractured legs. He will not be able to attend Geoff’s sentencing. 

Please continue to pray for Geoff and his family. We are so blessed to have such caring supporters. Thank you.

God is Awesome!

Geoff and Susan

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Update #40

February 26th, 2023

Happy Sunday Patriots  

Geoff and I want to thank you for your generous donations. We are so blessed to have so many Patriots supporting us.   I can’t even begin to tell you how much this means especially with my husband still out of work due to his injury. He still has a long road ahead. 

Court update:

Geoff’s sentencing will take place Tuesday, March 21st at 10:00am. He will be transferred from Lewisburg, PA to DC Gulag at some point and is concerned due to the abuse that J-6ers receive at this facility. Please keep him in prayer and if you have a chance to send him a note of encouragement, please do. 

Thank you for all your prayers and please continue to pray just not for Geoff but for ALL J-6ers and their families. 

God Bless

Geoff and Susan


Geoffrey Sills. 51315-509

USP Lewisburg, US Penitentiary 

P.O. Box 1000

Lewisburg, PA 17837

Update Update #40 Image
Update #39

January 30th, 2023

Good Morning Patriots!

Unfortunately, I was not able to visit Geoff this past weekend. The CO who approves visits was out all last week, so my visit couldn’t be approved. I am praying things will work out to visit this up coming weekend. 

Please keep my family in your prayers. My husband, Geoff’s dad, fell Wednesday, and broke his femur in his right leg and tibia in left leg. He had surgery on the femur Thursday and still in the hospital. As of now, 8 weeks in a Rehab Facility. With not being able to work, financially this is put my family in a bind. 

I know God has a plan and continues to watch over Geoff and the rest of the family. He will provide. 


Geoff’s sentencing has been rescheduled AGAIN to March 21,2023. 

Once again, Geoff and I are so Blessed to have Patriots, family and friends love, support and prayers. 

May God Bless you and the USA

Geoff and Susan

Update Update #39 Image
Update #37

January 19th, 2023

Happy Thursday,

Yesterday marked 19 months Geoff has been detained as a Political Prisoner. 19 long months without his family. Praying the 14,000 videos will be released along with what really happened that day, January 6, 2020 very soon  

Geoff is still being held at the Lewisburg, PA facility. He is doing as best as he can but he hasn’t received his medication since his arrival to this new facility since before the New Year!  Not sure why these facilities medical departments are so lacking. 

Geoff’s new sentencing date has been moved once again to March 21, 2023 at 10:00 am in DC. 

Good News!!!  Lewisburg facility allows face to face family visits. Pray that all goes well that I will be able to go end of this month  to actually see and hug Geoff for the first time in 19 months. 

Geoff appreciates all that you have done for him during this difficult time. 

May God continue to bless each of you!


Geoff and Susan. 

Todays picture Geoff took of himself at the Atlantic Aquarium 

Update Update #37 Image
Update #36

January 6th, 2023

Good Morning Patriots,


2 years ago today many of you including Geoff went to Washington D.C to hang out, listen to speakers and just have a good time. Unfortunately, something went terribly wrong!  Now we have 900+ Patriots that have been arrested with 100+ detained or serving a sentence for what happened. Many J-6ers (as they are called today) and their families are suffering mentally, financially and physically.

Please continue to keep these Patriots and their loved ones in your prayers.  Please keep asking questions, calling your Congressperson and Senators to investigate what really happened that day and to release ALL the videos. We ALL need to keep fighting for answers. 

Today, the Supreme Court will decide if they will hear the case Brunson vs. Adams.  Pray that this case will be heard.  

Lastly, a fellow Patriot sent Geoff a Photography book containing pictures of Iceland.  He says THANK YOU!!  He was having a rough day and mail call came with a much needed surprise, your book!! Unfortunately, there was no name or return address of sender, so he is unable to thank them personally.

**** If you have written to Geoff or other J-6ers and they have moved to another facility.  Please write to them at the new facility with your contact info,  They are not allowed to carry anything with them including addresses or phone numbers to their new facilities when transferred.  So if you have not heard back, this is why.

Todays, picture is of Geoff during his travels in Iceland,  This is why the book that was sent was much appreciated.

New Year Blessings and Thank You!

Geoff and Susan  

Update Update #36 Image
Update #35

January 1st, 2023

Happy New Year!

Geoff is doing well and getting adjusted to being at the Lewisburg facility. He is receiving real and nutritious food not the mystery food given at NNRJ. Best part, Lewisburg allows face to face visits for family!!  19 MONTHS  is a very long time not seeing or being hugged by your loved ones.  So looking forward to telling him in person how much I love him!!

If you would like to send a book to Geoff,  he is now allowed to receive them as long as they are mailed directly from Amazon or Barnes and Noble. He enjoys history especially WWI and WWII, Photography, 3-D art and architecture. Please,  ONLY Paperback

Thanks again for all your support and keeping praying the other J-6ers are moved out of Northern Neck Regional Jail, asap!

May God continue to bless you in 2023!

Love,  Geoff and Susan. 

Mailing Address

Geoffrey Sills. #51315-509

USP Lewisburg, US Penitentiary 

PO Box 1000

Lewisburg, PA.  17837

Update Update #35 Image
Update #34

December 28th, 2022

Happy Wednesday Evening!

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

God is so AWESOME!!!

Geoff received a little late Christmas Blessing yesterday.   He and several other J-6hrs were transferred out of Northern Neck Regional Jail to a facility in Lewisburg,PA. He is so thankful to be out of NNRJ and being served real food. Today for lunch he had a hamburger with real hamburger not mystery meat!

Geoff said THANK YOU for all the support and work everyone is doing. Please keeping praying for the other J-6hrs. still left at NNRJ.  

ALSO, Geoff is now able receive books from family, friends and supporters thru the mail. Must ONLY be purchased from the publisher, Barnes and Noble or Amazon.  Paper back is a must.  Geoff loves history especially WWI and WWII. Travel and photography.  

Here is Geoff’s new address.

Geoffrey William Sills #51315-509

USP Lewisburg

US Penitentiary 

P.O. Box 1000

Lewisburg, PA  17837

Please stay in touch with him, he loves hearing from you  

God’s Blessings,

Geoff and Susan  

Tonight’s picture is of Geoff,  at Wintergreen, VA ski resort 

Update Update #34 Image
Update #33

December 25th, 2022

Bella also wants to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!

Update Update #33 Image
Update #32

December 25th, 2022

Merry Christmas!!

I hope everyone has enjoyed their Christmas Day with family, friends and celebrating Christ’s birth. 

Tonight’s picture is of Geoff and Bella’s first Christmas. 

May God Bless you and keep you safe!

Geoff and Susan. 

Update Update #32 Image
Update #31

December 25th, 2022

Happy Christmas Eve!

One of my favorite moments this time of year is attending Christmas Eve Candlelight Service at Church. Singing Christmas carols and celebrating Christ’s birth. The sanctuary is so peaceful when the lights are turned off and the only light is from the candles everyone is holding. Then to end the service, singing “Silent Night”

May God’s light keeping shining thru each and everyone of us  

Even though my family will not be able to be together this Christmas, we are blessed to have thoughtful/caring family and friends who support us through prayers, cards and financial 

Tonights picture is of Geoff and me-taken at the Billy Graham Library/Museum located in Charlotte, NC. Since Geoff lived close by  we were fortunate to visit often. Christmas especially is beautiful time to visit

God Bless,

Geoff and Susan 

Update Update #31 Image
Update #30

December 23rd, 2022

Good Evening Patriots!

Saddens me that this is Geoff’s 2nd Christmas away from family friends and I miss him so much!!  With him still being detained and my daughter working, this  will  be a quiet Christmas for me with the fur babies Bella and Baloo. Looking forward to attending Christmas Eve Candlelight Service tomorrow and Worship celebrating my Saviors birth on Christmas Day. 

Please keep Geoff, J-6ers still detained and their families in your prayers.  There are so many suffering this Christmas  

Starting tonight and for the next several days I would like to share some Christmas pictures of Geoff with you. 

Tonight’s picture is of Geoff when he was 3.

May God Bless you this Christmas! Cherish every moment with your loved ones especially your children  


Geoff and Susan. 

Update Update #30 Image
Update #29

December 19th, 2022

Happy Sunday Patriots!

Christmas is next Sunday and will be Geoff’s 2nd Christmas away from family and friends. Especially now, it’s really hard for me not having him home. Even though we will not be together, we will be celebrating our Saviors birth which is what Christmas is all about. 

Please keep in prayer the J-6 families,  our military who are fighting for our freedom and especially families that have lost loved ones.  

Geoff and I appreciate all the prayers, cards and donations. We are truly blessed!  

Merry Christmas,

Geoff and Susan. 

Update Update #29 Image
Update #28

November 24th, 2022

Happy Thanksgiving Patriots!!

Geoff and I are so Thankful today and everyday for your support, love, and kind words. Both of us hope everyone will give thanks today for our many blessings that God has given us. Enjoy your day with family and friends!

May God continue his blessings!


Geoff and Susan

Update Update #28 Image
Happy Thanksgiving Eve Update #27

November 23rd, 2022

Hello Patriots!

Sorry for not updating, work has been crazy busy and I have been dealing with my asthma.

Geoff and I are so thankful and blessed to have awesome family, friends and Patriots who have supported us through prayers, letter and financial support. THANK YOU!

Geoff is still detained at Northern Neck Regional Jail and will be missing another Thanksgiving Holiday with his family who misses him so much. His sentencing has been pushed back to February, 20, 2023 at 3:00 in DC. Please continue to pray for Geoff, his attorney, Judge McFadden and his family. 

With Christmas in a few weeks, I am asking for Patriots to please consider mailing Geoff and other J-6ers Christmas cards. The guys are feeling really low and missing their loved ones. The guys being detained at Northern Neck Regional Jail are allowed to receive cards. Address:

Northern Neck Regional Jaiil

P.O. Box 1060

Warsaw, VA. 22572

Also, please go to Patriot Mail Project website and you will find a list of other J-6ers info to send cards and letters but, Federal facilities only allow letters written on white paper and white envelope. 

Todays picture is of Geoff on one of his hiking trips in Virginia. He actually took this picture himself using his tripod. He is such a gift for photography. 

Geoff and I send our love!!

Update Happy Thanksgiving Eve Update #27 Image
Update #26

October 27th, 2022

Happy Thursday Patriots!!

Its’s a fall like sunny day here in Virginia. The trees are beautiful in all their vibrant colors!  God is so awesome!

Well, Geoff’s court/sentencing date has been changed to January, 9, 2023 at 10:30. We know God is in control and we put our faith in him. Please continue to pray for Geoff, his attorney, family and Judge McFadden. 

Thank you for all your support thru prayer, letters and donations. Geoff and I are so blessed to have all of you in our lives. 

Today’s picture is of the Prayer Candlelight Vigil held at Northern Neck Regional Jail, October 14th, where Geoff and fellow J-6ers are being held. 

May God continue to Bless you and the USA

Geoff and Susan

Update Update #26 Image
Update #25

October 9th, 2022

Happy Sunday Patriot!

Fall is definitely here Virginia. I really enjoy seeing God’s artwork in the colors of the trees this time a year.  There have been some beautiful sunrise and sunsets.  It’s like God is telling me, everything will be ok.  

I found out this week that Geoff’s trial has been postponed until January 9, 2023 at 10:30. This is so not right. The 18th of this month, Geoff will have been in pre-trial detainment for 16 months.  

This momma’s heart is breaking!  Geoff was so disappointed, he was hoping to be out of the hell hole of Northern Neck Regional Jail before Christmas. Now it will be another 3 months. 

 Facilities treat these guys so poorly.  Here at NNRJ, they are malnourished or not receiving the correct food like Kosher or gluten-free. CO’s laugh at the guys who refuse a tray they are unable to eat. Pizza was ordered for the guys in the Honor POD and trustees, the CO’s ate some of the pizza which meant some of the guys didn’t receive any.  Medical care is basically nonexistent. The guys are not allowed to order books or receive care-packages like at most facilities. So far, no chaplains have been able to visit or hold worship services. Seems like no one (local Delegates, Congressman etc.) are willing to help. I will not give up fighting for Geoff and the other guys being detained!!

Geoff and I want to thank you for your continued support through prayers, letters and financially. Your kindness is such a blessing. 

Today’s picture is of Geoff, his sister Laura and Minnie Mouse taken on one of many family trips. Geoff still loves to travel and I am so looking forward to taking a trip with him to celebrate his release. 

May God Bless you this week.

Geoff and Susan

Update Update #25 Image
Update #24. Prayers

October 3rd, 2022

Happy Sunday Night


Please keep Geoff and his

family in your prayers,

This week has been a

Challenge!  My husband, Geoff’s

dad, health has deteriorated

and his employer wants him

to resign and on top of that,

the car and other items at

the house keep breaking down.

  Tonight, I received an email

From our attorney asking

for additional $5,000

 to for an expert witness.

Unless I can raise the funds I will need 

To decline this witness for Geoff. 

My and I already used most of our retirement for lawyer. 

Now with his dad going

to loose his job, there is no way  

we can afford to pay more fees. 

I know that God is control and 

if having this witness is in his plan,

the funds will be raised.

Geoff and I are so BLESSED

to have so many Patriots and friends

supporting us through prayers, letters

and donations  

Lastly, tonight’s picture is of Geoff, 

his PaPa and his sister Laura. Not

sure who loved to fish more PaPa 

or Geoff. Perhaps it was just spending 

time together.

May God Bless each of you and the beautiful country we live in. 


Geoff and Susan. 

Update Update #24. Prayers Image
Update #23

September 28th, 2022

Happy Wednesday Morning Patriots!!

Prayers for all the Patriots who are in the path of the hurricane. Here in Virginia, still waiting to see which direction Ian decides to take. Be Safe!

Today I thought I would start sharing pictures and stories of Geoff as a little boy. My father, Geoff’s Papa as he called him was a Professional FireFighter and EMT. Geoff loved to visit the fire station where his Papa used to work before he retired. Geoff loved his him so much,  has wonderful memories but most of all he was Geoff’s mentor. 

So, today’s picture is of Geoff dressed as a fire fighter. The fire helmet actually belonged to his Papa and still is a cherished item to Geoff. 

Geoff and I thank you all for the prayers, letters and donations!!  

May God Bless you and keep you safe!

Update Update #23  Image
Update #22

September 5th, 2022

“Blessed be God! He has not turned away my prayers or turned his faithful love from me”. Psalms 66:20 Happy Labor Day Weekend Patriots!!! Its’s been awhile since my last post. I have been super busy with my summer job (I do not turn down extra jobs) and dealing with some health issues. School starts back up tomorrow in my county so back to driving the school bus. Update on Geoff…. Geoff was in the process of signing a plea deal but he has been advised by his attorney that a “Stipulated Trial” is in his best interest. This type of trial is a mix between a “plea deal” and a “bench trial” . No jury Geoff went to court August 23rd, legal documents were present and accepted for a Stipulated trial to Judge McFadden. The judge then found Geoff guilty of 3 charges (originally had 10). Assault, robbery and interfering with a official govt proceeding His trial/sentencing has been set for Friday, November 18th. Please pray that God will lead Judge McFadden when sentencing Geoff. Pray that God will be with Geoff’s attorney Mr. Kiyonaga in preparing for trial. Give him the words and evidence that is needed. Please keep Geoff in prayer to give him strength and to keep him healthy. God is in control and we must keep our eyes upon him. Thanks to ALL of you for your support during this difficult time. The prayers, letters and donations mean so much!! May God Bless each of you and our beautiful country. Today’s picture is of Geoff and Bella. He enjoys hiking and usually takes Bella with him. Bella misses her daddy so much and can’t wait to go on hikes again.
Update Update #22  Image
Update #21 Happy 4th July!

July 4th, 2022

Happy Independence Day Patriots!! 

Today is not all about Cookouts, time at the beach or just a 3 day weekend. It’s a day we remember our country’s fight for FREEDOM!  Many men gave their ALL by giving their life for our FREEDOM, and today men and woman are still fighting so that you and I can live in the home of the Free and Brave! Thank You!!!

1776 marked the end of Monarchy and Tyranny!  The birth of LIBERTY and a FREE Nation was born. Unfortunately, J-6ers, are still being held as Political Prisoners and their rights for a speedy trial have been denied along with their right to be free on bond. Please keep Geoff, J6-ers and their families in your prayers today and through the week. Please pray for our Judicial System and that the Judges will follow the laws our Founding Fathers wrote.

The picture I am posting today is of Geoff, his sister Laura and myself on our trip to the Space Center in Houston, TX, July 4, 2019. July 4th is Geoff’s favorite holiday and now this is the second 4th of July celebration he has missed with his family due to being detained. He is not grumbling because he/we knows God has a plan for him when this is all over!  

May God Bless The USA Today and always!


“Then join hand in hand, brave Americans all!  By uniting we stand, by dividing we fall”

By John Dickerson, Founding Father

Update Update #21 Happy 4th July! Image
Update #20 365 DAYS

June 18th, 2022

Hello Patriots!!

One year ago today, 365 days,  at 5:45 a.m. the FBI  raided my home, arrested Geoff and he became a January 6th, Political Prisoner.   365 days ago today, Geoff has been detained pre-trial at Northern Neck Regional Jail, Warsaw, VA. Bond has been denied 3 times now.  Twice by Judge McFadden.   365 days today, Geoff has not been able to hug his loved ones and we have not been able to visit him face to face. 

365 days ago, Geoff’s and his family nightmare began!!  The physical, mental and financial difficulties of this ordeal is overwhelming. Geoff stated he wouldn’t wish what he has been through on his worst enemy!!  I totally agree!

Geoff and I are so grateful for all the support from family and friends, wether financially, letters of encouragement,  or just reaching out to see how we are doing. We are also so blessed for all the prayers!  Our faith in God is what is getting us through each day. 

Now, today’s photo is of Geoff doing what he loves to do in his spare time. Photography. He was able to get this awesome shot by using his tripod. 

I love you to the moon and back! You are the best son a mom could have. 

Update Update #20    365 DAYS Image
Update #19

June 17th, 2022

Happy Thursday Patriots!

Geoff is still enjoying keeping busy being a trustee in the kitchen.  He tries to eat extra fruits and vegetables if they are any lefts trying to stay healthy. The guys at Northern Neck Regional Jail are mostly fed carbs and junk food which they buy through the canteen. Most of them are malnourished. Geoff has lost approx 40lbs. since being arrested last June.

Tonight’s photo Geoff took of himself at the Air Show in Pungo, VA (near Virginia Beach) Geoff has always been fascinated with different types of aircraft wether it’s from WWII or the present. If you share his enthusiasm for these beautiful machines, please write to him and share your stories.

God Bless the USA

Update Update #19 Image
Update #18

June 16th, 2022

Good Wednesday Evening Patriots!

Sorry I missed posting photos last 2 nights. Its’s been one of those weeks. 18 wheeler changing lanes in front of me, cut it to short and ran into front end of my car, then kept going. Now dealing with insurance company which is a pain. Blessing, I wasn’t hurt only my car. 

Today’s picture Geoff took few years ago on his adventure to the Big Island, HI  Beautiful endangered  sea turtles on the black sand beach  

Hard to believe that we are planning for trial in October instead of another adventure.  

Miss you Geoff!

Update Update #18 Image
Update #17

June 12th, 2022

Beautiful Sunday Patriots!

Geoff worked his first day Friday as a trustee in the kitchen. He is so glad to have something to do to pass the time and has always enjoyed cooking. 

Today’s photo is of Geoff at Big Bend In Texas. Geoff, his sister Laura and I enjoyed the time together hiking and  exploring this beautiful state. 

Update Update #17 Image
Update #16

June 11th, 2022

Good Saturday Afternoon Fellow Patriots!

First..Shout out to Hanover High, Mechanicsville, VA Softball and Baseball teams for winning State Championship Game today!!  Go Hawks!!

Todays photo is from Geoff’s trip out to Bryce Canyon. Such a beautiful area!

God Bless the USA!

Update Update #16 Image
Update #15

June 10th, 2022

Happy Friday Patriots

Geoff is doing well. Yesterday he was chosen to be a trustee at the facility. He is excited to have something to do to help pass the time. 

Today’s picture Geoff didn’t take but captures his passion for photography. Going to the right spot for that perfect photo. This was taken last year during our trip to Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor, ME

Love and Miss you so much!!

Update Update #15 Image
Update #14

June 9th, 2022

Happy Thursday Patriots!!

There is no new court updates on Geoff’s case. He is still being detained as a Political Prisoner at Northern Neck Regional Jail located in Warsaw, VA. 

Geoff saw the doctor yesterday for on going infection that he has had for the past 10 months. Doctor stated he has STAPH/MRSA INFECTION!! This will be his 4th round and much strong antibiotic. The doctor also told him  it was due from malnutrition. The jail is not feeding these guy properly and giving proper medical treatment!!!  Before his arrest Geoff was never sick!!  Worked out at the gym, hiked, biked and tried to eat healthy.  This is not right!

Next week will mark Geoff being detained 1 year! Geoff is a gifted artist and photographer so each day I will try to post one of his photos from his travels. 

Today’s picture is from his trip to Iceland. When  he plans to take his sister and me to see this beautiful country. 

May God Bless You!

Geoff and Susan

Update Update #14 Image
Update #13 Thank You

May 30th, 2022

This Memorial Day, we remember those who have given the ultimate sacrifice for our country and our freedom. 

Thank you to all active duty, veterans and most of all families who have lost loved ones. 

We will keep fighting this battle for our freedom!! 

May God Bless the USA

Geoff and Susan. 

Update Update #13 Thank You Image
Update #12

May 18th, 2022

Happy Wednesday Patriots!

11 months today the FBI raided my home and arrested Geoff. 11 months Geoff has been detained at the Northern Neck Regional Jail in Warsaw, VA  

One year ago this week Geoff his fur baby Bella and I took the opportunity to visit Acadia Nation Park, Bar Harbor ME. Geoff is a fantastic photographer and he was enjoying the beautiful scenery thru the lense of his camera. Both of us were enjoying pancakes with wild blueberries, fresh caught Maine lobster. Little did we know that in 30 days our family would be living a nightmare. 

Even though this ordeal has put a strain on Geoff and his family physically, mentally and financially, we keep our faith in God to lead through this. 

No court dates are scheduled except the trial which is set for Oct. 3rd 

May God keep blessing you!


Geoff and Susan

Update Update #12 Image
Update #11 April 22 Court Update

April 29th, 2022

Good Friday Afternoon Patriots,

"Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not be afraid, for I am your God, I will strengthen you; I will help you"  Isaiah 41:10

Geoff would like to thank everyone for all the birthday wishes!!  He really enjoyed his cards and felt the love.  A big thank you for all the prayers and donations.   Geoff and I are so BLESSED! 

Court was short and not much was accomplished.  Geoff is still being detained at Northern Neck Regional Jail.  Our faith in God is what is getting both Geoff and I through this ordeal.

Next court update and probably the last before trial in October will be in July.  

Please continue to keep Geoff in prayer this is not over and we still have a long journey ahead of us.

May God Bless Each of You,

Geoff and Susan

Update #10 Happy Resurrection Day!

April 17th, 2022

Rejoice, Christ the Lord is risen today!

Today is also Geoff's 31st, Birthday!  Another Holiday and Celebration that Geoff has missed being without his family and friends.  Tomorrow April, 18th will be 304 days (10 months) that Geoff has spent in jail. I miss my son so much!!  

Next court date is this Friday, April 22.  Praying for Judge McFadden, our attorney and Geoff for decisions that will be made on Geoff's behalf. Will update after court.

I hope everyone had a Happy Easter and enjoyed time with family and friends. 

Thanks for all the prayers, letters and donations!

God's Blessings,

Geoff and Susan

Update #9 Missing Geoff

April 11th, 2022

Good Evening Patriots.

"The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth"  Psalm 145:18

In just a week will mark 10 months that Geoff has been detained.  This Sunday, April 17th, will be Easter Sunday and his birthday.   Another holiday and  celebration that Geoff will miss being with his family.  Breaks my heart what J-6ers and their families are going thru. I miss my son so much!!

If you have time, please send Geoffrey a birthday card or letter wishing him A Happy Birthday!  I know this will brighten his day knowing that you are thinking of him.

Geoffrey Sills  #50240

Northern Neck Regional Jail

P.O. Box 1060

Warsaw, VA  22572

Geoff and I appreciate all the prayers, thoughts and donation.

May God Bless You!


Update #8

March 20th, 2022

Good Evening Patriots.

God is the best listener. You don’t need to shout nor cry out loud, because he sees every quiet tear and hears even the silent prayers of a sincere heart.

Geoff’s birthday is coming up April 17th.. Easter Sunday.  If you have time, please send him some birthday wishes.

Northern Neck Regional Jail

P. O. Box 1060

Warsaw, Virginia  22572

Not much has changed since  last court update. Geoff is still being held at the Northern Neck Regional Jail. He misses his family, friends and his dog Bella so much. It’s so hard to understand why Geoff and other J-6ers were denied bond when murders and actors are out on bond or on house arrest. I do understand why they feel like they have been forgotten or no one is fighting for their release. 

Please continuing praying for Geoff, J-6ers. May God guide them in the many decisions that need to be made, plea deal or trial. Please keep their loved ones in prayer, many of us are being harassed and notes of unkind words are being sent.

Next court update...April 22

May God Bless each of you. Have a good night.  

Geoff and Susan.  

Update #7 Hearts are Breaking for J-6er

February 28th, 2022

God didn\\'t promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears and light for the way.

Good Evening Patriots!

Tonight my heart is breaking for the family of J-6er Matthew Perna who took his life Friday, February 25, 2022. Please keep his family in prayer. This is so wrong what the DOJ is putting these men, woman and families through. 

Geoff has another court update, this Friday, March 4th.  He is keeping his spirits up through your prayers and enjoys receiving letters from you. Please keep the notes of encouragement coming especially now since we have lost a patriot.  I know this will be heavy on Geoff\\'s and other J-6ers heart.  

Thanks for all your support,

God Bless,

Geoff and Susan 

Update #6.... 245 days detained

February 18th, 2022

Happy Friday Morning Patriots!!

With God All Things are Possible,  Matthew 19:26

8 months (245 days too long) today, Geoff was arrested and jailed.  Bond has been denied twice now and he will stay detained until his trial date in October, 2022. Geoff and I put our faith and trust in our Lord and Saviour to guide us through this difficult time. Your prayers, letters of encouragement and donations are so much appreciated. Thank you!!

Positive Note!!

Hope everyone had a Happy Valentine\'s Day! The system was down due to being hacked and I wasn\'t able to update.

   Valentine\'s Day turned out to be awesome for Geoff because he was moved back into "K" pod.  Such a relief and giving thanks to God for answered prayer.

Next court update will be Friday, March 4, 2022. Geoff still has a long and expensive journey ahead of him. 

If you have Monday off for President\'s Day like I do, Enjoy your 3 day weekend.


Geoff and Susan 

Update #5

February 13th, 2022

Good Saturday Evening:

But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.  Matthew 5:44

Not actually sure what is going on at Northern Neck Regional Jail. Friday night after court, Geoff was moved to "B" pod which is believed to be a disciplinary pod.  He then was moved from "B" pod on Tuesday to pod "J" which is still a disciplinary and very rough pod housing approx. 75+ guys. He was told he was going to be moved back to his original pod "K" min security which so far hasn\'t happened.  I pray for his safety.

Geoff is keeping his spirits up and enjoys receiving letters. He loves to read history and military books,  (unfortunately the jail has stopped him and others from ordering books from AMAZON)  Before his arrest he worked as a 3-D artist on Blackhawk and Apache helicopters.  If you have worked with these beautiful machines, he would love to hear from you!!  Below is his address.

Geoff Sills

Northern Neck Regional Jail

P.O. Box 1060

Warsaw, VA  22572

That\'s all for tonight.  Hope everyone has a good night and enjoy the Super Bowl tomorrow, even if your team didn\'t make it.

God Bless,

Geoff and Susan

Update #4 Bond Update

February 6th, 2022

Good Sunday Morning Patriots. 

2 Thessalonian 5:16-18

Be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God\'s will for you in Christ Jesus. 

Even though this mom\'s heart is broken because Geoff did not receive bond again yesterday and will stay incarcerated until his trial date in October, 2022, I give thanks for all God\'s Blessings and know HE is watching over Geoff and my family, HE has a plan for all of us even though things may not go the way we want them too. 

Please keep Geoff in prayer.  For some reason when he returned to Northern Neck Regional Jail after court Friday, the facility thought he had received bond and removed all his personal belongings and bedding.  Even if he had received bond, he would not been released Friday night.  Needs to go through the red tape.  His phone account was disconnected and a buddy was kind enough to allow Geoff to use his account to call me to let me know things were all messed up. Saturday morning, I received a message that Geoff was moved to the disciplinary POD. I am thinking what for!! Geoff\'s attorney was kind enough to drive the 2 hrs to the jail to find out what was going on and to see if Geoff was ok.  Thank you John!!  Hopefully, Monday the issue will be straightened out and Geoff will be back in his old POD.

.  But, once again, God knows what\'s best for us and will take care of our needs. 

Please keep the letters coming to Geoff and thank you for all the donations. 

In God\'s Love,

Geoff and Susan

Update #3 January 29, 2022

January 30th, 2022

Good Evening Fellow Patriots!

"Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties"             -CS Lewis

It\'s been a rough couple of weeks for my family.  My husband ended up having Covid pneumonia and has been out of work, but with God\'s continue healing, will return to work this Tuesday. 

On a sad note, my father-in-law, Geoff\'s grandpa passed away January, 20, 2022 from complications from covid. Prayers for family.

Geoff\'s next court update is this Friday, February, 4, 2022. I believe his new bond hearing will also be heard on this date.  Asking for prayers that God will be with Judge McFadden when making his decision and God will give Geoff strength and allow Geoff to know that he is loved so much, no matter what!!

Once again, Geoff and I appreciate all the prayers, donations and letters that has been written. Geoff is still incarcerated at the Northern Neck Regional Jail.  Geoff would love to hear from you!

Geoffrey Sills #50240

c/o Northern Neck Regional Jail

P.O. Box 1060

Warsaw, VA  22572

Please share Geoff\'s story and may God keep Blessing you and the USA. 

Geoff and Susan

Update #2

January 4th, 2022

Geoff and I want to wish everyone God’s Blessings in the New Year!

The Grinch visited my house this Christmas and left Covid with my husband and me. This illness has hit us hard due to other health issues we both are dealing with, but with many prayers, we are on the road to recovery 

Geoff is still incarcerated at the Northern Neck Regional Jail in Warsaw, VA. He really has enjoyed receiving letters of encouragement from everyone and thank you for keeping him and other J-6ers in prayer. His attorney has filed paper work for a new Bond Hearing so he/we are waiting for this to work it’s way thru the system. Next court update will be February, 4, 2022. 

Covid is going through the jail so please pray for the health of the residents and the health of the CO’s. 

“Life with God is not immunity from difficulties, but peace in difficulties”

                 CS Lewis 

God Bless the USA, 

Geoff and Susan

Update #1

November 25th, 2021

Geoff and I would like to thank you for the prayers, donations and to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!

Geoff is still incarcerated at the Northern Neck Regional Jail  He appreciates the letters that has been sent and
will be responding back.  If you would like to write to Geoff, here is his address:
Geoffrey Sills #50240
c/o Northern Neck Regional Jail
P.O. Box 1060
Warsaw, VA 22572

His next court date is Friday, December 17, 2021 for both parties to update Judege.

Please keep Geoff and other J6er's in your prayers.  It's really difficult with Christmas around the corner.

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