Free My Patriot Prisoner


 USD $350,000


 USD $240,826

Campaign created by Bonnie Nichols

Campaign funds will be received by Bonnie Nichols

Free My Patriot Prisoner

On January 18, my house was raided by the FBI at 5:30 am for my involvement at the Capitol on Jan 6. Fortunately for my wife and children, we were out of town at a families house for the holiday weekend. When I received the call that my house was being raided and I had a warrant for my arrest, I immediately cooperated and left my family to drive 4 hours and turn myself into the FBI.

Since turning myself in, my life has been nothing short of a nightmare. My bond was denied, and I was moved by the US Marshalls from jail to jail across the United States before arriving in Washington DC. Personally, I went through 5 jails within 50 days before finally being locked in solitary confinement for 23-30 hours a day in Washington DC on March 9. We now are allowed 5.5 hours out of our cell each day, but still are:

• Not allowed haircuts or shaves without a COVID shot.- Even though not every officer or staff member at this jail has the Vaccine.

• Allowed to cut our fingernails and toenails MAYBE once per month.

• Given Bologna sandwiches for dinner 4/7 nights each week. (The other 3 dinners consist of Peanut Butter or Turkey sandwiches)

• Not allowed to speak with our attorney face to face without being sent to quarantine for 2 weeks. (Back to 22-30+ hours of solitary confinement, and not allowed to speak with our attorneys again for 2 weeks)

• Not allowed to video visit or see our families without all parties having a COVID shot - Even though not every staff member at this jail has the COVID shot..

... And this is just to name a few things - I could go on. My family has been extremely impacted by all of this. My children are devastated that daddy was suddenly yanked out of there lives without any notice at all. My youngest, who just turned 5, tells me he "doesn't even remember what I look like," and wants to know "am I ever coming home?"

Thankfully, I have a strong and supportive wife who has the backbone of the worlds strongest pillar. She has continued to run our household, and picked up my responsibilities within our business for herself. She's working harder than any one person should have to right now, and I absolutely commend her for that.

However, we definitely need some help with the mounting legal fees that are starting to accumulate. We've both decided that its time to buckle down and press forward with a strong defense. Without speaking about my case, I want to ask a question..

Does Ryan Nichols entire life look like someone who would do what he's accused of?

First and foremost, I am not just a loving father and loyal husband, but also an Honorably Discharged United States Marine. I own a Non-Profit Organization called "Rescue The Universe" that focuses on Hurricane, Tornado, and Flooding Search And Rescue. We work directly with Law Enforcement, Emergency Crews, and even Military during these rescues. Our rescue efforts, often funded with our own money, have helped save WELL OVER 150+ people in over the last 4 years.

We have been featured on every large news station imaginable over the last 4 years, including an appearance on the Ellen DeGeneres show. We have helped feed, clothe, and save communities, and want to continue doing that in the future when this is over.

Right now, my main focus is getting home to my wife and children, and navigating this legal situation to the best of my ability. I deeply appreciate any and every bit of support we are offered, and look forward to moving forward from this nightmare. God Bless...

-Ryan Nichols





Recent Donations
$ 24.00 USD
10 days ago

To continue to support those Patriots and their families who were setup and mistreated by the corrupt Biden Department of Justice. God Bless these Patriots and President Trump.

$ 24.00 USD
1 month ago

To continue to support those Patriots and their families who were setup and mistreated by the corrupt Biden Department of Justice. God Bless these Patriots and President Trump.

$ 20.00 USD
1 month ago

The way patriots who love this country have been treated by their own government with political malice will be treated as one of the greatest travesties of our American history.

$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

The way patriots who love this country have been treated by their own government with political malice will be treated as one of the greatest travesties of our American history.

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
2 months ago

Continuing to pray with renewed anticipation for unfair conviction and many other wrongs to be reversed. For all viewers of this, please read the information on the website and send letters asking your U.S. reps and senators to address the many systemic abuses perpetrated on J6ers. I have given them a letter template so it can be an easy process.

$ 20.00 USD
3 months ago

The way patriots who love this country have been treated by their own government with political malice will be treated as one of the greatest travesties of our American history.

$ 20.00 USD
4 months ago

The way patriots who love this country have been treated by their own government with political malice will be treated as one of the greatest travesties of our American history.

Anonymous Giver
$ 18.00 USD
4 months ago

So sad, so frightening, our country has gone crazy

Anonymous Giver
$ 1000.00 USD
5 months ago

Praying for your vindication and release.

$ 20.00 USD
5 months ago

The way patriots who love this country have been treated by their own government with political malice will be treated as one of the greatest travesties of our American history.

$ 20.00 USD
6 months ago

The way patriots who love this country have been treated by their own government with political malice will be treated as one of the greatest travesties of our American history.

Rachel Stern
$ 10.00 USD
6 months ago

Janie Adinolfi
$ 10.00 USD
6 months ago

You and your family are in my prayers tonight.

$ 20.00 USD
7 months ago

The way patriots who love this country have been treated by their own government with political malice will be treated as one of the greatest travesties of our American history.

Keith Brainard
$ 22.00 USD
8 months ago

Tom Smith
$ 20.00 USD
9 months ago

$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Be not afraid, God is with you.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
10 months ago

You are an American hero. May you be blessed by God.

Paul Scrivner
$ 25.00 USD
10 months ago

Robert D
$ 100.00 USD
10 months ago

Heaven is with you, Ryan


Update #16

December 2nd, 2021

Listen to Joseph McBride speak on behalf of Ryan Nichols-
Update #15

December 2nd, 2021

Good afternnon! The bond hearing is set for December 20. In order for Ryan to attend his hearing, he relunctantly decided to finally take the Covid vaccine. The judge sort of hinted towards that. He is still waiting for his 2nd shot, should be this week. Then he will finally be able to get his 1st haircut since March 2021 and his 1st shave since March 2021. Apparently, getting a haircut and shaving makes you more susceptible to the virus without the vaccine!!! lol 

However, he should be much more presentable for his courtroom appearance. 

Joseph McBride, Ryan's attorney, just filed a motion to take the protective order "OFF" so that the American public, the MSM, and other attorneys as well as their clients have equal access to unedited and redacted videos from January 6th.

Once again, thanks for all your prayers and support throughout this ordeal!

Don Nichols 
Ryan was on Greg Kelly tonight

November 9th, 2021

Great big shout out to Greg Kelly for having Ryan on his show tonight. I hope the nation learned a little about my son tonight. He's not selfish, loves his country, and does a LOT of humanitarian work including rescuing animals in hurricanes!

Ryan is scheduled for a Bond Hearing on December 20 in Judge Hogan's court. Ryan's attorney is Joseph McBride. We thank Mr. McBride for all of his work to show what actually occurred on January 6th, not just in the eyes of Ryan alone.

On behalf of Ryan and Bonnie, I personally want to thank each person for their prayers, their thoughts, your kind words, and more importantly the financial gifts given to fight for the truth. 

Thanks again for your continued support!

Don Nichols 
Update #13

October 11th, 2021

Good evening Patriots! Ryan has had a decent week. His Status hearing got pushed back again. They are doing that to all the 1/6ers. Pray that Ryan would be patient as he waits.

Facebook put Bonnie and I in Facebook jail for 30 days for this GiveSendGo for Ryan. They said they didn't promote anything that had to do with terrorism. There was no way to respond. There were others who shared our posts and many, not all were kicked off for one day, including my wife Patti. By the way, it was/is worth the jail time! However, now I cannot post our church services 'Live". Made me rethink how we would get the same worship service out to the public.  

McBride, Ryan's attorney, is very excited about the evidence. That's all I can say for now. One of these days, the TRUTH will come out publicly. You'll need to be prepared for what you will see. Remember, they are holding 14,000 (that's right, fourteen thousand hours) of video footage and police body cam footage that isn't being released. Very little is being released.  

Pray for the judges, the prosecutors, the DOJ, McBride, his firm, the other 1/6ers attorneys, especially those with court appointed attorneys.

From our family to each of you, God bless!
Don Nichols
Update #12

September 26th, 2021

Ryan spoke to his attorney, Joseph McBride for about 3.5 hours this week in person. Ryan said it was a really good meeting having an attorney that would fight for his freedom. Joseph McBride also said the meeting was very productive! For that we are thankful. As we move closer to the 2nd bond hearing, we ask that you would please be in prayer about it. 
We want to thank everyone who has given financially; thanks also goes to those who have sent prayers and words of encouragement! 
Ryan still hasn't been given the opportunity to get a haircut or a shave/trim. Not sure if I will recognize my own son as he now claims he looks like some of the Old Testamant figures! 
Bonnie and the boys are doing well. I started working with Bonnie to help her out. She is a very strong young lady who remains focused and steadfast at getting Ryan released.
Thanks again for all you support!
Don Nichols 
Update #11

September 19th, 2021

Yesterday, they held a peaceful rally in DC for the patriots being held in DC Gitmo. The police showed up in riot gear according to news sources. Tht was the 2nd time tthey showed up in riot gear. Earlier that day, the 1/6'ers being held were taken to another pod by officers in riot gear. They were held with no water or restroom facilities for hours while the peaceful protests were taking place. They were verbally abused being called every racist name known to man. It would appear they were looking for confrontations within the walls of the pod. Just another example of the poor leadership in charge. 
I was assigned to a Brig at Camp Pendleton during my last yeaar in the Marines. I can assure you that we did nothing like this to any prisoner let alone entire groups of prisoners. Life is already hard behind bars without adding to their misery on purpose. ALL the officers that are in charge should be charged with derelection of duty. Just my thoughts.
Hope you'll have a great day.
Don Nichols
Update #10

September 9th, 2021

Sorry fellow patriots and friends for no updates in a while. Ryan is doing as good as could be expected. Still no haircut or shave. He MUST be vaccinated in order to get either one. The four representatives that went to DC Gitmo didn't get much done other than getting the former warden fired. Most of the conditions are still in place. Not much has changed. It would appear that it was a dog & pony show for the media. So if you get a chance, give them a call or email them. Ask tthem to REALLY do their job of oversight!

Don Nichols
Update #9

August 17th, 2021

Good morning. As of Monday, we had to change attorneys. We needed someone who was closer to DC that could get there quickly to handle Ryan's case. We hired Joseph McBride from NYC. We arrived at this decision as a family with Ryan's approval. 

At this time we have found another video to help Ryan. The government knows it has the answers in those missing 14,000 hours of surveillance videos from that afternoon. They are piece mealing the videos (Discovery) to us. Ryan han't seen any Discovery yet on his part even though the judge has "ordered" it.

Enter Joseph McBride...hopefully things will pick up soon!

Don Nichols
Update #8

August 16th, 2021

Good evening! Ryan had a great weekend. We will have some updated news tomorrow, hopefully. It would seem that things have changed for the better. There are many letters pouring in to the DC detention center!!! That's wonderful and very uplifting.  There is nothing like mail call.

Every evening at 9 pm EST, all the guys stand at attention and sing the Star Spangled Banner! Talk about Patriotism at its finest. I have been on the phone several times and you can count on the conversation stopping while Ryan joins in singing our national anthem!!!

Hope to have some good news to report this week! Stay tuned.

August 2 AM

August 2nd, 2021

Just texted Ryan. He is doing well. I just copy/pasted all the message everyone sent to him so that he could read them. He was very excited to know that people care about him and the other 1/6ers. It was really a great encouragement for him. Bonnie is also delighted to see all the messages and it encourages her as well.

From a dad, thank you for the kind words, the financial support, and the prayers. Thanks for sharing this GiveSendGo. I appreciate everything you'll have done for my son and daughter-in-law.

In His hands,
July 31 AM

July 31st, 2021

Good morning. Our family would like to thank each of you for your generosity, love, and support! Each gift, each share, each prayer means the world to us. We are relaying the support received to Ryan to encourage him and the others. We will do our very best to answer each person with a note. Hopefully, we will not miss anyone! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Today we are headed to our attorney's office to prepare for our testimony at the next bond hearing. Both Bonnie and I have to testify.

Prayer request-please pray that the judge would be linient in his determination of the outcome, that the prosecutor would not strenuously object to his release, that our attorney, Buck Files, would be on point for each issue, that the legal team under Buck would be unhindered, that the equipment would operate properly and fast, and that our testimony would not hinder a decision.

I will let you'll know the date of the hearing once its confirmed.

Thanks again and may the Lord bless each of you immensely!

In His hands, 
July 30 PM

July 31st, 2021

Ryan said they finally got fingernail clippers two days ago. 

They are trying to force him to take the Covid vaccine in order to get a haircut/shave. Ryan's CHOICE is a choice we all have to make. Each of us have the same choice to make. If you want to take the vaccine, then get the shot(s). However, if you do not want the vaccine, then by all means don't take the shot. 

You should NOT be FORCED to take a vaccine for personal hygiene. 

I will tell you that this is taking a toll on my son. Please keep him and the other 1/6ers in your prayers. 

In His hands,
July 26 PM

July 27th, 2021

Had a good meeting today with Buck Files, Ryan's attorney. Looking forward to the bond hearing in the next week or two. Depends on when they open the courts for people. Covid-19, delta version, might hinder that process though. Just have to wait and see.

Ryan had a good evening today after speaking with Bonnie and myself. If you get a moment, pray for both of them, Ryan's legal team, the prosecutor, and the judge.

In His hands,
Don Nichols
Monday July 26 AM

July 26th, 2021

There are multiple sources that have video footage of what took place on Jan.6th. Send us a message and we'll forward some of those videos.  You can see by the videos that it was a peaceful protest. Look for yourself to see what started the "riot".

I recently saw a picture of Ryan. They, the Jan. 6th detainees, have not been allowed a haircut or a shave for months. My son is a very well groomed young man. In his own words, "I look like a caveman." I saw a pic and it was unbelievable. About once a month, they get a fingernail clipper. He uses that to trim the hair off his upper lip.

What happened to their rights? Where is the justice in this?

Wonder is the officer's commode is still broken and water is still running!

In His hands,
Don Nichols
July 23 PM

July 26th, 2021

Spoke to Ryan on a phone call tonight. The pod in which all the Jan. 6 guys are being held in had a flood from an officer's commode for 5 hours. Water was everywhere. No one was doing anything about it. These are the type of conditions in which Ryan and the others are being held in. Its a violation of at minimum their human rights, much less as a citizen of the USA.

I will bring more updates about his rights violations and even his constitutional rights violations in the days to come. Stay tuned. All of this can be proved.

By the way, each night at 9 PM EST, all the guys stand at attention and sing the national anthem every day of the week!

In His hands,
Don Nichols
Sunday, July 25, 2021

July 25th, 2021

When I think of Ryan, this verse comes to mind-

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature; because I have rejected him (speaking about Saul).  For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart."

Ryan's desire was/is to help people who cannot help themselves.

In HIs hands,
Don Nichols 

Prayer Requests

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