Walking With Jesus REVIVAL


 USD $5,000


 USD $100

Campaign created by Glen Copple

Campaign funds will be received by Glen Copple

Walking With Jesus REVIVAL

We need a REVIVAL among the Christians in America. Do you agree? You can have a part in making it happen!

Too many Christians in every church are "Christians In Name Only". This is evidenced by their lack of knowledge of the teachings of Jesus or their disregard for what they learned about how God wants us to live.

We need a REVIVAL among the Christians in America. Revelation 2:4-5 says: "4 Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love. 5 Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place."

A Revival means "to revive or restore back to what was originally true". Christians (that includes you also) need to Remember where they were when they first came to faith in Christ, Repent of the things that they are doing that don't honor Christ and Return to studying and following all that Jesus taught and did.

Any revival is going to require a return to studying and applying the life and teachings of Jesus to the lives of all who claim to be followers of Him.

The Walking With Jesus Bible Study Series is written and ready to be a part of the REVIVAL among the Christians in America. We need partners who believe this is important and have the means to help get this message out to the churches in our nation. Let's get to work!


We need a REVIVAL among the Christians in America. Do you agree? You can have a part in making it happen!

Your gift in any amount will be set aside and used to get the Call to Revival out to the churches across the United States and launch a "2024 Great Awakening" to bring Christ back to His rightful place in our churches and get our nation back on track to being a nation the respects Christians and the teachings of Christ.

Give NOW! God Bless,

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 year ago


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