Retired Army Sgt Harrelson Kenneth's Family

Campaign created by Angel Harrelson

Campaign funds will be received by Angel Harrelson

Retired Army Sgt Harrelson Kenneth's Family

Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth and family in need of help with family in need of help to pay bills plus some other expenses that is needed as well.. I am Angel(his wife), we have 4 kids now grown as of 2023. PLEASE READ UPDATES TO KEEP UP WITH WHAT'S HAPPENING! I DO NOT GIVE CONSENT FOR ANYONE TO USE KENNETH HARRELSON OR MY LIFE STORY FROM MY GIVE SEND GO PAGE HERE TO WRITE A BOOK OR ANYTHING WITHOUT MY WRITTEN CONSENT. We need help because well I am sure you've seen the news on him. I am trying to raise the funds to pay for personal items, bills and groceries.  I am struggling with this as I am typing this. A little about him. He was medically retired out of the of the army and not long after that he had 2 back surgeries and a shoulder surgery. He is the kind man that will give you the shirt off his back no matter who or what color you are. He has helped many and refuse to charge or take money from them because helping others was his reward. He is the kind of person that when I had my surgery he waited on me hand and foot, even cleaned me up. I have lost my job because of this and his account has been frozen and that is where his VA benefits go. Since that has happened I can't pay our house note or vehicle note and insurance( that has been unfrozen now but I still have nothing left after only some of the bills get paid). I am also dealing with emotional teenage Daughter and son. Everyone we know can tell you he is not a monster and NOT a TERRORIST. THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL!!! He didn't' do any of those things they say. He is a protector and saves lives not give harm to others. I appreciate any help with donations or prayers for our family.

Angel Harrelson
Copyright 2023 © Angel Harrelson ( All Rights Reserved. Any use of the above or below aforementioned in whole or in part may not be used for any reason without the express written consent of Angel Harrelson.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 36.00 USD
9 days ago

God bless. Stay strong

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
10 days ago

God is our Provider

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
10 days ago

Keeping you guys in our prayers.

Richard Tatem
$ 20.00 USD
10 days ago

May the Lord bless and keep you, make His face to shine upon you, and bring you prosperity and peace.

$ 25.00 USD
10 days ago


Robert Hamilton
$ 20.00 USD
10 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
10 days ago

Thank you Harrelsons for fighting so hard!

Robert Strahosky
$ 15.00 USD
10 days ago

God Bless You and your family keep the faith

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Ron W
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 15.00 USD
1 month ago

Keep the faith. Help is coming.

James Payton
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
2 months ago

$ 50.00 USD
2 months ago

Happy Mother's Day

Bill Hanrahan
$ 75.00 USD
3 months ago

Alan Dawson
$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago

Angel, I am so happy for you & your children that your husband Kenneth has finally been released. He is very lucky to have a loyal, devoted and determined wife like you. So sorry, I’ve only recently become aware of the Jsixers’ plight through looking to donate online. God bless you all, and I pray that some day all J6’s will be released, & their names cleared. From across the pond in England.

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
3 months ago

Consider this chipping in for a much deserved date for you too! Welcome home Ken! Thank you Ken for standing up against crooked elections, and thank you both for staying strong though SO MUCH political retaliation. I hope the kangaroo court officials that did this to your family get their just deserts.

$ 50.00 USD
3 months ago


Update #154 Today is just another day of dealing with the system

July 16th, 2024

Good morning PATRIOTS!

As, everyone knows, Ken is home and we are so happy he is home..

It has been a struggling time for all of us in all aspects especially in the money department. With things slowing down and us getting behind on bills, is hard for us to catch up it seems. 

The appeals case is going to be hear next YEAR, UGH!

Angel H

Update Update #154 Today is just another day of dealing with the system Image
Update #153 Just an updated post

May 28th, 2024

Hi lovely Fam..

We are doing great and staying strong. Ken and I have been keeping ourselves busy around the house, including helping one of our neighbors with her yard. Ken started doing interviews on podcasts. I will be posting them here when they become available to watch. He has been speaking out as much as possible with me. 

He and I are so thankful to all of you for your love and support! One day we will get back on our own 2 feet but we know it takes time and hard work to get there. We don't mind the hard work at all because it shows we can accomplish anything we put our minds to, that is something WE ARE VERY PROUD OF! 

Love y'all,

Angel & Ken

Update Update #153 Just an updated post Image
Update #152 Exclusive interview with my husband click underlined text link below

May 2nd, 2024

Update Update #152 Exclusive interview with my husband click underlined text link below Image
Update #151 Today I give AWESOME NEWS

April 26th, 2024






Update #150 TODAY MAKES #1135DAYS

April 18th, 2024




Update #149 Today is day #1127

April 10th, 2024

Today is day #1127 my husband has been held by our gov.!

You can follow my story below on my website:

Angel's Patriot Battle | J6ers News | Updates | Blog | 04/08/2024

You can also, download my new ANDROID APP on the GOOGLE STORE: 

Angel's Patriot Battle, LLC android app link click here



Yours Truly

ANGEL HARRELSON/@CajunQueen43 on X


March 10th, 2024


He is coming home!! Like I said I never will give up on my husband, the love of my life! Haters can hate all they want but big smiles always in my direction no matter what!

Update #147 Today is day #1087

March 1st, 2024

Just giving a little update.

He is still in the halfway house and staying strong. They are still treating him and the other residents there like they are still in jail or prison, I only 1 visit a week for just a few hours and he can't leave the facility. 

I have contacted the higher-ups of the facility also cc'ed my congressman and I am waiting for a response back. 

The counting of days will continue until he is home and this is over for him because as of right now he is still considered a BOP inmate even while there.

Please share my online store website and checkout my promotional items, as well!

Update Update #147 Today is day #1087 Image
Update #146 Today is day #1083

February 27th, 2024

He is still in the halfway house but doing good. 

I have reconstructed my store website, please go check it out and check the other tabs as well.

Update Update #146 Today is day #1083 Image

February 9th, 2024


Hey BOTS AND HATERS YOUR HATE MESSAGES doesn't hurt my feelings, maybe you just need a hug or maybe your parents just didn't love you enough, I'm sorry you feel that way but we all deserve a hug, so turn around and hug the person next to you.

Angel H

Update #144 Today makes #1055DAYS my husband has been held as a POLITICAL HOSTAGE by our GOVERNMENT

January 29th, 2024

Today makes #1055DAYS my husband has been held as a POLITICAL HOSTAGE by our GOVERNMENT!

On the good note I will have some good news, MY HUSBAND IS GOING TO BE COMING HOME VERY VERY SOON!!

I will let y'all know when my love of my life is home and out of that HOLE! Just keep watching and getting updated with Steve Baker on Blaze TV or Glenn Beck, they will have some updates as well...



Update Update #144 Today makes #1055DAYS my husband has been held as a POLITICAL HOSTAGE by our GOVERNMENT Image
Update #143 Today on #J62024 makes #1032DAYS #J6PoliticalHostage!

January 6th, 2024

Today on #J62024 makes #1032DAYS, ONE THOUSAND THIRTY-TWO DAYS my husband has been held as a #J6PoliticalHostage! I can't wait to give him a big kiss 💋 & a big hug 🤗 ! I have been the only one that has never left his side or stopped using my voice and research to stand beside him to legally fight for him, even in the public eye. He is the love of my life and my King...

My husband has been completely DENIED ACCESS TO HIS ATTORNEY this whole time... He has filed grievances about this and still nothing has been done! Retired Army Sgt. Kenneth Harrelson has been DENIED ACCESS TO LEGAL COUNCEL !

Thank goodness this isn't going to be for much longer in there.

Update Update #143 Today on #J62024 makes #1032DAYS #J6PoliticalHostage! Image
Update #142 Today is #1021DAYS MY HUSBAND HAS BEEN HELD AS A #J6PoliticaHostage

December 27th, 2023

Today is #1021DAYS MY HUSBAND HAS BEEN HELD AS A #J6PoliticaHostage!

Still holding my head up high and the haters can’t even ruin it for me. I am blessed with so much love by so many that the haters get drowned out by all the love and support we get from so many loving true American patriots. 

Angel H

Update #141 Today makes #1,013 days MY WONDERFUL husband has been held as a POLITICAL HOSTAGE

December 19th, 2023

Today makes #1,013 days MY WONDERFUL & VERY LOVING husband has been held as a POLITICAL HOSTAGE by our government..... There is a light at the end of this tunnel.... AMENNN BUT we are still in the appeals process....

Angel H

I am SO LOVED :)

Update Update #141 Today makes #1,013 days MY WONDERFUL husband has been held as a POLITICAL HOSTAGE Image
Update #140 Today makes #1,008 days MY WONDERFUL husband has been held as a POLITICAL HOSTAGE

December 13th, 2023

Today makes #1,008 days MY WONDERFUL & VERY LOVING husband has been held as a POLITICAL HOSTAGE by our government..... There is a light at the end of this tunnel.... AMENNN BUT we are still in the  appeals process....

Love y'all

Angel H

Update Update #140 Today makes #1,008 days MY WONDERFUL husband has been held as a POLITICAL HOSTAGE Image
Update #139 Today makes #998 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL HOSTAGE

December 3rd, 2023

Today makes #998 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL HOSTAGE by our gov..

Tuesday will be day #1,000 my has been held as a POLITICAL HOSTAGE!

If anyone leaves me a private message, I just want you to know I don't check them due to ALL the hate messages I get through there and there isn't an option to block them or anything on here. Apologies to the REAL Patriots that do send the love and support to my family. Just know I am so thankful to all of you.

Angel H

Update Update #139 Today makes #998 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL HOSTAGE Image
Update #138 Today is Day #990 my husband has been held as a Political Hostage

November 25th, 2023

Today is Day #990 my husband has been held as a Political Hostage !

Happy Thanksgiving!

On that note, I was given the most precious gift this month for Thanksgiving! I am so grateful to have such a wonderful husband and loving family, now we have a new addition to our family and I am a first time grandmother and so HAPPY and so EXCITED to be one!!

God is so wonderful in so many ways!!

Angel H. 

 Sorry for safety reasons, I cannot post pictures of them per their request and I wouldn’t do that anyway to any of them. 

Update #137 Today makes 950 days my husband has been held as a J6 POLITICAL HOSTAGE

October 16th, 2023

Update Update #137 Today makes 950 days my husband has been held as a J6 POLITICAL HOSTAGE Image
Update #136 Today is day #939 my husband is a J6 POLITICAL PRISONER

October 5th, 2023

Today is day #939 my husband is a J6 POLITICAL PRISONER!

False Testimony?! Did Pelosi's Head of Security Put the Oath Keepers in Prison with a Lie? YOUTUBE LINK 

Pelosi’s Head of Security Likely PERJURED Himself With Jan 6 LIE | Blaze Media EXCLUSIVE ON YOUTUBE

The Absolute Truth With Emerald Robinson October 5, 2023

Disputed Oath Keepers Trial Testimony Warrants Reversal of Convictions, Attorney Says,"Alleged false testimony by Capitol Police 'raises profound concerns about the integrity of the entire trial," defense attorney Brad Geyer said.

Update Update #136 Today is day #939 my husband is a J6 POLITICAL PRISONER Image
Update #135 Today is day #895 of my husband being a POLITICAL PRISONER

August 22nd, 2023

Today is day #895 of my husband being a POLITICAL PRISONER!

I am still here vocally fighting for my husband however I can legally. This hasn't been an easy 2.5 year road but who said it was going to be, that's ok, I might not sleep some nights but I will get sleep sooner or later.

His V.A. benefits pay has been suspended until his release date which still trying to figure that date out. This is what pays our mortgage, ect., the reason I'm exhausted. 3-4 hrs of sleep sometimes 0 within 24 hrs. because I refuse to let them win.


I will never give up or back down! 


I KNOW I AM BLESSED even if I have nothing left materially, MY HEART IS FULL OF LOVE!

Angel Harrelson



Update Update #135 Today is day #895 of my husband being a POLITICAL PRISONER Image
Update #134 Today is day 859 my husband has been held as a Political Prisoner

July 17th, 2023

Today makes #859 days my husband has been held as a Political Prisoner  because of the crooked DOJ & our.

I just did an interview on The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson, link is below with updates. (I am at the last 10 minutes of the video.)

I want y'all to know that I am so BLESSED & THANKFUL TO EACH of YOU for what you continuously do for my family!!

I KNOW I AM BLESSED even if I have nothing left materially, MY HEART IS FULL OF LOVE!

Angel Harrelson



Update Update #134 Today is day 859 my husband has been held as a Political Prisoner  Image
Update #133 Today makes 847 days my husband has been held as a Political Prisoner

July 5th, 2023

Today makes 847 days my husband has been held as a Political Prisoner and is still in the DC jail after sentencing. He hasn't been transferred to the permanent prison, yet. 

Right now we are in the process of getting a court appointed appellate attorney, as we don't have the funds to pay for a new attorney (he no longer has an attorney for this).

Also, as of this month of July the veterans benefits are cut back from 100% to 10% until the day he is released from prison, then it is resumed to his 100% normal benefits, as usual. No, he doesn't get any pay he missed back at all, as this is all a lost cause basically to them. 

I still standing strong and still here not giving up!

I have talked Ken into doing interviews to tell his side because people need to hear it and I will post them as they are done.

Link to his last interview:  Cowboy Logic - 06/17/23: Kenneth Harrelson (J6er / OathKeeper / US Army Veteran)

Thank you for always being there for me especially when I need it the most, your love and support, also encouraging me to continue to stay strong!!

Angel Harrelson



Update Update #133 Today makes 847 days my husband has been held as a Political Prisoner  Image
Update #132 Today makes 827 days my husband has been held as a Political Prisoner since 03-10-2021

June 15th, 2023

Today makes 827 days my husband has been held as a Political Prisoner since 03-10-2021!

J6 Defendant Ken Harrelson Speaks Out For The First Time Since Being SentencedBy The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson, 12 June, 2023 

HAS BEEN FILED 06-06-2023 & ACCEPTED ON 06-12-2023, "NOTICE OF APPEAL Comes now Defendant Kenneth Harrelson, by counsel, and notes his appeal of his final judgment, conviction, and sentencing to the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. This notice is filed without prejudice and with all rights reserved regardless as to the identity of successor counsel. Further, Defendant respectfully requests he be provided with court appointed counsel given his being in forma pauperis pursuant to the Criminal Justice Act for purposes of his appeal."

Thank you for your love and support, also encouraging me to continue to stay strong!!

Angel Harrelson



Update Update #132 Today makes 827 days my husband has been held as a Political Prisoner since 03-10-2021 Image
Update #131 Today makes 811 DAYS my husband has been a POLITICAL PRISONER

May 30th, 2023

Today makes 811 DAYS my husband has been a POLITICAL PRISONER!

I have put an update directly from the court and if you are looking for full details just read below.



Mehta doesn’t think Harrelson had any degree of leadership with respect to the conspiracy - regardless of his position in the OKs in itself. There’s not any evidence that Harrelson directed or controlled anyone on J6. Not enough for a 3-level enhancement.

“The terrorism enhancement is applicable because of what he has been convicted of.” He’s only going to add a single point, and his behavior makes him less culpable than some of the others. The interference of the administration of justice does apply.


Mehta returns to the bench at 4:04 pm and reiterates the guidelines are 97 to 121 months. He addresses Geyer’s comparison of those who received far shorter sentences while engaging in worse, more violent behavior. But, the nature of conspiracy is far more serious.

Mehta reminds he was convicted of only one of the conspiracy counts. Says Harrelson is a different person today, and can’t possibly read his mind either then or now.

But, “Mr. Harreslon, I don’t think you are what the government has suggested.”

Mehta says he didn’t see any of those types of communications as the rest of OKs, and thinks it’s more likely Ken wasn’t even paying attention to all those other messages. he still has a problem with the pat-down of Ofc. Salke, but still doesn’t think he’s like the others. Mehta reviews his having successfully overcome a hard childhood and life, honorable service in the military, and the fact he has raised children to be proud of. Mehta continues to say he believes Ken was just not comparable to the others and still feels he has suffered sufficiently. Kenneth Harrelson of the Florida Oath Keepers has been sentenced to 48 months. (4 years.)

UPDATE: 1:30pm May 26, 2023 Minute Entry for proceedings held before Judge Amit P. Mehta: Sentencing held on 5/26/2023 as to KENNETH HARRELSON (3). As to Counts 3s, 4s, and 9s of 167 Superseding Indictment, the Defendant is sentenced to concurrent terms of 48 months of incarceration followed by 24 months of supervised release. Bond Status of Defendant: remains in-custody; Court Reporter: William Zaremba; Defense Attorney: Bradford Geyer; US Attorneys: Kathryn Rakoczy, Jeffrey Nestler, Alexandra Hughes, Troy Edwards, and Louis Manzo; Probation Officer: Sherry Baker. (zjd)


Thank you for your love and support, also encouraging me to continue to stay strong!!

Angel Harrelson



Update Update #131 Today makes 811 DAYS my husband has been a POLITICAL PRISONER Image
Update #130 Today makes 800 days my husband has held as a POLITICAL PRISONER

May 19th, 2023



This is what the gov. is stating in their filing, "The total adjusted offense level for Harrelson is therefore 32.

The government also submits that an upward departure of three levels is warranted under

Note 4, as Harrelson’s offense conduct constituted terrorism. This would bring Harrelson’s total

offense level to 35, for a Sentencing Guidelines range of 14 to 17.5 years (or 168 to 210 months)

of incarceration. The government’s recommended sentence of 15 years (or 180 months) of

incarceration is in the lower part of that range." 

PLUS MORE OF THEIR LIES. Like this one when they

FALSELY IDENTIFIED my husband as he retired from the military in DEC 2011 in the sentencing guidelines stating,

"145. 07/23/2012(Age 31)

Wrongful Use of Marijuana, Fail to Obey an Order US Army Quantico, VA 07/23/2012: Not Prosecuted;

No  Action Information pertaining to this offense was located in the defendant’s National Crime

Information Center (NCIC) record. The details of the offense are unavailable. Court

records have been requested."

Thank you for your love and support, also encouraging me to continue to stay strong!!

Angel Harrelson



Update Update #130 Today makes 800 days my husband has held as a POLITICAL PRISONER Image
Update #129 Today makes 792 days my husband has been a POLITICAL PRISONER

May 11th, 2023

Today makes 792 days my husband has been a POLITICAL PRISONER!

Ken is doing well right now and still holding strong. We are waiting for a date for his appeal and his sentencing is coming soon on his case.

I know I don't update much on here but just wanted to let y'all know I have been dealing with personal stuff but I have NOT given up on MY HUSBAND, just so you know. :)

It's still unbelievable I am still getting these threats and harassments from people even in private messages on here, as well. 

Thank you for your love and support, also encouraging me to continue to stay strong!!

Angel Harrelson



P.S. There is this person that use to listen to me ,that I thought whom had became my best friend on the phone and we would just talk so we could just vent, then we would feel better after, for the past couple years. She had also help me with a few things when I really needed it right then n there but sometimes and sadly she wasn't there when I really needed her the most, just to talk, to listen to me cry over the phone on a bad night when I called and I didn't want to talk to anyone else. I know she did some good when I use to talk to her.

That hurt my feelings the most more then anything but no matter my feelings, no one should be judged by how someone else feels about them, they should be given the benefit of the doubt before they decide to judge someone before they ever meet them and even then you should get to know them personally first! 

The lawsuit, DC has against Ken, Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Trump and others is still moving forward but as long as they have their cases heard in DC it will always be biased. 

Update #128 Today makes 772 days my husband has been a POLITICAL PRISONER

April 22nd, 2023

Today makes 772 days my husband has been a POLITICAL PRISONER. 

I know I haven’t been updating on here in a while but it seems some individuals take advantage of others and say they did a lot for them but in reality it’s the ones that actually helped is the the ones on here that has not lied to me. 

 Just want everyone to understand that I, my husband or my give send go is not in any way associated with PFP organization at all and this includes some other J6 organizations as well. I will not edit or retract my statement. I have my own personal reasons why and this is by my own decision but I do wish them well.

 I am still NOT GOING TO STOP USING MY VOICE to get my husband, the love of my life home where he belongs. They CANNOT SHUT ME UP OR SHUT MY VOICE DOWN I AM A LIONESS AND HEAR ME ROARRR! :)

Love y’all,Angel Harrelson 

Update Update #128 Today makes 772 days my husband has been a POLITICAL PRISONER Image
Update #127 Today makes 739 days my husband has been held as a J6 PPOW

March 19th, 2023

Last show Brad Geyer, Ken’s attorney and I was on. Link below:

Update Update #127 Today makes 739 days my husband has been held as a J6 PPOW  Image
Update #126 Today makes 730 days my husband is held as J6 POLITICAL PRISONERS

March 11th, 2023

Today makes 730 days my husband is


the #DCGulag (DC jail) on TRUMPED

UP charges without due process

before he was convicted on 11/29/22



miss my love of my life and #DEMAND my

King home NOW!  #FREEMYJ6er   #j6MorningCoffee8amDaily   #RetArmySgtKennethHarrelson 

I will not stop, I will not give up and I will NEVER SURRENDER to the wrong that is happening to Ken!

I have been doing good, staying strong, still have hope and always having faith! I am still doing the Twitter Space with others I know to get our stories out for people like my husband and I, so ALL our voices will be heard and it is definitely getting heard by the hundreds of thousands of patriots. You can find it by looking for me on there @CajunQueen43, Twitter Space: J6 Morning Coffee 8AM daily. Come listen to our stories or learn more. No matter how many times we get shutdown, we will start another one to continue to advocate for our love ones no matter what they do to us! :) 

I will continue to fight for him to come home!!

Thank you for your love and support, also encouraging me to continue to stay strong!!

Angel Harrelson



Update Update #126 Today makes 730 days my husband is held as J6 POLITICAL PRISONERS Image
Update #125 Today makes 701 days my husband has been held as a J6 POLITICAL PRISONER

February 10th, 2023

Today makes 701 days my husband has been held as a J6 POLITICAL PRISONER!

I am still not giving up of course!

I have become more outspoken and determined to have my voiced heard. I know I am being heard along with hundreds of others. It is time for more of us to come forward to be heard.

I will not stop, I will not give up and I will NEVER SURRENDER to the wrong that is happening to Ken!

I have been doing good, staying strong, still have hope and always having faith! I have started a Twitter Space with someone I know to get our stories out for people like my husband and I, so ALL our voices will be heard and it is definitely getting heard by the thousands. You can find it by looking for me on there @CajunQueen43 J6 Morning Coffee 8AM daily. Come listen to our stories or learn more.

I will continue to fight for him to come home!!

Thank you for your love and support, also encouraging me to continue to stay strong!!

Angel Harrelson



Update Update #125 Today makes 701 days my husband has been held as a J6 POLITICAL PRISONER Image
Update #124 Today makes 692 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in the DCGulag

January 31st, 2023

Today makes 692 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in the DCGulag!

 I know I haven’t updated on here in a while but I have been taking care of my fur baby after his surgery. He is doing great and healing very well. Soon he will be able to play/run around outside again. 

Ken is doing well right now and still holding strong. We are waiting for a new court date for his appeal on his case.

The lawsuit DC has against Ken and others is still moving forward but as long as they have their cases heard in DC it will always be biased. 

We need someone to have a petition made for jurors to come from outside of DC area not within 100 miles. Has to be a way to get something done to have a fair trial for these guys.

Well, we are doing good right now and holding strong even through the one’s still sending hateful emails and post cards. The name calling they do has definitely gotten old and doesn’t even bother me or anyone I know anymore as it has been overused for the wrong reasons. 

Still great I will get to see Ken face to face hopefully soon, so exciting and soon virtual visits, too.

We will continue to fight for him to come home!!

Thank you for your love and support, also encouraging me to continue to stay strong!!

Angel Harrelson



Update Update #124 Today makes 692 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in the DCGulag Image
Update #123 Today makes 668 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DCGITMO/DCGulag

January 7th, 2023

Today makes 668 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DCGITMO/DCGulag!

Yesterday might have been the 2 year anniversary for January 6 but that wasn’t the day that our nightmare started. The day our nightmare started was on March 10, 2021 when all of a sudden the FEDs showed up at our house with guns drawn on an unarmed man cleaning his gutters on a latter and his wife on her 3rd day on the job (virtually) inside, kids were all at school and had no clue what was going on at home. 

I had to tell the kids when they got home what happened that day with their dad and it was heartbreaking and I was proud of them for knowing the truth, also knowing that their dad so well that they ALL know he is innocent. 

Their innocence in believing in the government would see the truth in the evidence was short lived and lost faith in the system. It is hard for them to trust and I understand why. 

We will continue to fight for him to come home!!

Thank you for your love and support, also encouraging me to continue to stay strong!!

Angel Harrelson



Update Update #123 Today makes 668 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DCGITMO/DCGulag Image
Update #122 Today makes 664 days my husband is held as a J6PPOW2021

January 3rd, 2023

Today makes 664 days my husband is held as a J6PPOW2021 in DCGITMO/DCGulag on TRUMPED UP charges, convicted on 11/29/22 & appealing verdict. 

His sentencing date May 24-25,2023. 

I love, miss & need my King home NOW! I will NOT give up or shut up no matter what haters try to do to get me to shut up.

 My ESA dog was really sick last week and it scared me but come to find out it was from the strings off the rope toys he swallowed and it caused an obstruction in his stomach. 

He was able to finally throw up the obstruction (it was not a small one) and it was from his rope toys I got him(I threw them all away cause they were shredding apart). The strings built up in his tummy and didn’t sit well causing problems but if I didn’t bring him in it could have gotten worse cause he couldn’t even keep water down. Now I have to find better toys and tough ones for him and my fur baby so this doesn’t happen again and put me in an panic attack again. I was freaking terrified of losing my fur babies. I have lost too much well now last year since it is a new year. I lost both my grandparents last year in January and March 2022 also still had to deal with the stress of not having my love of my life with me but instead of grieving I am still fighting for him to come home. 

I noticed not everyone reads my updates on here, if anyone did they would know what I have been through since March 10,2021. If you want to know Ken’s verdict from trial you can look at update #117 on here.

Thank you for your love and support, also encouraging me to continue to stay strong!!

Angel Harrelson



Update Update #122 Today makes 664 days my husband is held as a J6PPOW2021 Image
Update #121 659 days

December 29th, 2022

Today makes 659 days my husband has been convicted & held as a  J6 POLITICAL PRISONER in DCGITMO/DCGulag on trumped up charges, that WE ARE appealing. As of right now the sentencing date is not til May 24-25, 2023. 

Even though theres a sentencing date things are still going in the positive direction. 

Angel Harrelson



Update #120 today makes 652 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER

December 22nd, 2022

Today makes 652 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER!

I know I haven’t updated in a few days, sorry about that as I have very busy getting ready for son to be home for the holidays and among other things. 

Like reporting my harasser/stalker to the police with the evidence. Anyways, enough about those losers, yes its more than one. 

Well I did get great news yesterday in the mail and wanted to update everyone, Ken’s veterans affairs benefits have been reinstated and I WON’T lose my house now!! Things are starting to fall into place, we just have to keep fighting and keep the faith as we have been doing so far!! 

Now, I just have to find an attorney for the lawsuit against him- District of Columbia v Proud Boys   This includes Oath Keepers & multiple unnamed defendants as well. 

Thank you so much, all of y’all for helping me to keep up the strength and faith!! Merry Christmas :) 🎄🎁 

Angel Harrelson



Update Update #120 today makes 652 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER  Image
Update #119 Today is day #639 my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DCGitmo/Gulag

December 9th, 2022

Another Interview I've done yesterday and link is below with description.

Ken Harrelson's wife Angel Harrelson and lawyer Brad Geyer discuss the battles their family is facing as the Department of Justice attempts to use all of its power to come after them.

Update Update #119 Today is day #639 my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DCGitmo/Gulag Image
Update #118 Today is day 633

December 4th, 2022

Liberty Lighthouse - 20221203 With Special Guest Angel Harrelson 

Update #117 Today makes 630 days my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DC Jail

November 30th, 2022

Today makes 630 days my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DC Jail!

Here is the up date on the VERDICT on my husband:

Terminated Counts:

18 U.S.C. 2384; SEDITIOUSCONSPIRACY; Seditious Conspiracy : Jury Verdict of NOT GUILTY on 11/29/2022.

18 U.S.C. 1512(k); TAMPERING WITHWITNESS, VICTIM, OR ANINFORMANT; Conspiracy to Obstruct an Official Proceeding : Jury Verdict of NOT GUILTY on 11/29/2022.

18 U.S.C. 1361, 2; GOVERNMENTPROPERTY OR CONTRACTS >;Destruction of Government Property and Aiding and Abetting : Jury Verdict of NOT GUILTY on 11/29/2022.

18 U.S.C. 1512(c)(1);  Tampering with Documents or Proceedings : Jury Verdict of Guilty on 11/29/2022.

18 U.S.C. 372; CONSPIRE TO IMPEDEOR INJURE OFFICER; Conspiracy to Prevent an Officer from Discharging Any Duties : Jury Verdict of Guilty on 11/29/2022.

18 U.S.C. 1512(c)(2), 2; Obstruction of an Official Proceeding and Aiding and Abetting : Jury Verdict of Guilty on 11/29/2022.

My feelings on this:

Well I am half really happy and half ready to continue the fight for my King, the love of my life.

Next step is the appeal and of course I will NEVER GIVE UP on my loving husband!

God Bless America & God Bless American FREEDOM! TAKE A STAND - I AM!!



Angel Harrelson


Update Update #117 Today makes 630 days my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DC Jail Image
Update #116 Today is day #625 my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DC

November 25th, 2022

Today is day #625 my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DC!

Well, I was on my way home day before Thanksgiving and I didn't make it very far. My truck broke down and the parts are dealer parts only for the DEF. So, I was stuck for a couple days till I found a car to rent to get home with the kids for Turkey day or stay there with the truck for over a week till the parts came in and then it would get fixed. This is going to cost me a few thousand, not including I have spent thousands of dollars being in DC for 2 months. To add to that, I get home yesterday morning and I had to fix a clogged sink, and small but noticeable damages to the outside on my screened patio (something I can fix on my own) from hurricane Ian. 


We are also still in deliberations for the trial.


Angel Harrelson



Update Update #116 Today is day #625 my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DC Image
Update #115 Today is day #620

November 20th, 2022

Today makes 620 days my husband, Retired Army Sgt. Kenneth Harrelson has been held as a J6 Political Prisoner.

Trial tomorrow is closing arguments for the last 3 defendants, my husband's attorney is up first then the other 2. After that everything goes to the jury for deliberations.

Today I go to take a family member to the airport and my DEF fuel sensor stops registering the level and its telling me I have so many miles before it starts going 5mph. Boy, I do get a lot of problems and all at once but I am still smiling because I believe God is testing my patience and I refuse to let it get to me. 

Have a blessed evening and Love to all of you! 

God bless America and God bless American FREEDOM!!

Angel Harrelson


Update Update #115 Today is day #620 Image
Update #114 Today is day #618 my husband has been held in in DCGitmo as a PPOW J6

November 19th, 2022

Today is day #618 my husband has been held in in DCGitmo as a PPOW J6

Closing arguments have started today, Monday will be the rest of the defense team to finish closing arguments, then after that the jury will start their deliberations. Not sure how long they will take.

I have faith and hope for my Ken and the others to get through this trial! I got to meet Don & Donna from Cowboy Logic today in the courtroom. They are wonderful people and gave them a hug to thank them for speaking and not giving up on the J6ers.

I have been so exhausted lately from going to the trial everyday and I have not been anywhere but there and the place I stay, the cost of everything just turns me away from going anywhere. 

God Bless America & God Bless American FREEDOM!

Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of a J6er, RETIRED ARMY SGT Kenneth Harrelson!!!

Update Update #114 Today is day #618 my husband has been held in in DCGitmo as a PPOW J6 Image
Update #113 Today is day #616 my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DCGitmo/Gulag

November 16th, 2022

Today is day #616 my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DCGitmo/Gulag

Well, had to send the camper I as staying in back as my rental was up on it and now staying in a hotel/AirBnB till then, switching places every few days cause of the cost. 

Ken is holding up pretty good right now and staying positive, as am I.

Getting close to the end of trial. I have faith things will be ok.

The cost here is no joke , I have spent just to go to court and back to where I am staying, I don't go anywhere else due to the cost of being here. I haven't even went site seeing or anything, I would love to go site seeing.

Currently projected schedule:

 -Defense to rest by lunch tomorrow. (Wednesday)

 Items remaining:

 -Jury Instructions

Here is the update for the trial.

-Gov has one rebuttal witness

-Looks like Gov will also give closing argument tomorrow

 -Defense closing arguments on Thursday

-Friday was clear as mud . . . 


-But it looks like the Jury will get this on Monday

Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of J6er RETIRED ARMY SGT Kenneth Harrelson

Update #112 Today is day #609 my husband has been a POLITICAL PRISONER

November 10th, 2022

Today is day #609 my husband has been a POLITICAL PRISONER in DCGitmo/Gulag.

This is how I feel about what is going on inside the trial.

The past few days really has been great and things are going great inside the courtroom. We have to stay positive and keep the faith in God.

Just wanted to give an update, back to eating my dinner tonight and the nightly stuff before bed.

Thank you for the love and support all of you give us! to the one that send the letter to him, he said, "thank you so much and it means the world to him."

Angel Harrelson

Still a PROUD WIFE of Retired Army Sgt. Kenneth Harrelson!

Update Update #112 Today is day #609 my husband has been a POLITICAL PRISONER Image
Update #111 - Today is day #602 my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER

November 3rd, 2022

Today is day #602 my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in the DCGITMO/GULAG!

The trial has been going on for now 6 weeks, tomorrow the prosecutors are going to rest the case. The defense will be up to present their side once the prosecutors are done tomorrow. I don't know how they win any cases with the representation they put on in the court room but we all know how they are lately.

Anyways, 2-3 weeks left to go to see how this will go. I have lots of faith, WE GOT THIS!

Ken is holding up good and so am I, we are staying positive no matter what. 

God sees all truth! My faith is in him.

Thank you






Angel Harrelson


Copyright 2022 © Angel Harrelson ( updates or life story). All Rights Reserved. Any use of the above aforementioned in whole or in part may not be used for any reason without the express written consent of Angel Harrelson.

Update Update #111 - Today is day #602 my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER Image
Update #110 Today is day #600 my husband has been held in DC as a POLITICAL PRISONER

November 1st, 2022

 Today is day #600 my husband has been held in DC as a POLITICAL PRISONER!

Today is also day #17 of the trial.

Geyer - for Harrelson - takes over cross, and begins addressing Dunn with questions from his first FBI interview (which has been under seal) - and Mehta calls a sidebar, preventing Geyer from going forward with that line of questioning.  Clearly Mehta is not going to allow this evidence to be presented, (the source of early courtroom controversies with former J6 Atty Moseley). Dunn now asked about his previous encounter with OKs in the Crypt, where he told FBI that he ‘allowed’ OKs to stand between him and protestors. Geyer is attempting to show Dunn that he may have these two “incidents” mixed up. Tries to enter another video, and gov objects . . . <sidebar> . . . Geyer got video approved . . . it is Harrelson’s first interaction with Dunn, in which Dunn is explaining to Harrelson about injured officers downstair. Dunn acknowledges Harrelson’s reaction, “REALLY?” Geyer enters a video of Dunn in the Crypt, yelling and cursing at protestors. USCP officers were not wearing body cams, but this event was captured by a Metro PD body cam. Geyer asks if any OKs were there in the crypt at this time. Dunn can’t say whether they are or not. He then shows another USCP officer trying to calm Dunn down. Dunn recalls the Cpt. asking him: “Are you okay?” Geyer now shows screenshot showing Harrelson holding his arms up to protesters, as he stands between Dunn and protestors. Geyer begins another line of questioning that leads to asking Dunn if it was possible his recollection of events could have been affected by the confusion and chaos of the moment, and may have conflated the “two” alleged encounters with OKs (or other type militia). Dunn admits that this can happen to eye witness accounts of such events on occasion. Geyer now goes back to showing him the line of OKs in front of him, with an additional character of a guy wearing a coon skin hat. Mehta shuts this down .. . 

 No further questions . . . Crisp - for Watkins - takes over cross exam . . . 

 Crisp once again gets Dunn to acknowledge he remembers saying to FBI he remembers two separate incidents where OKs took up line between himself and OKs.

 No further questions . . . 

 Fischer - for Caldwell - takes cross Fischer goes back to same line of questioning from original FBI interview. Fischer continues to try and get Dunn to differentiate between location and circumstances between the TWO alleged occurrences previously referenced. Dunn does admit that in his first FBI interview, he DID tell FBI that OKs offered and he accepted their assistance.

 No further questions . . .  Gov begins redirect with another video from January 5th that Dunn took himself at the Supreme Court building, at a rally there, with a department-issued cellphone, in which he asks another officer “What the f-ck are the Oath Keepers.” Then, gov begins clarifying his original FBI testimony, to prove he had that experience with original OKs in The Crypt. He describes he ‘didn’t need their help,’ but allowed it. He says there was 3-4 of them, but doesn’t recall them identifying themselves as Oath Keepers or wearing OK patches. Gov takes him back to the Rotunda area video, in which he said he refused to allow anyone to go down those stairs. No further questions . . . 

One of Rhodes attorneys apparently challenges something in the redirect . . . <sidebar> . . . and Officer Dunn is dismissed. The Government calls USCP Special Agent David Lazarus . . . assigned to Speaker Pelosi’s protective detail.

To catch the rest go to this link: 

Thank you 

Love, faith, family & FREEDOM !!     Angel Harrelson

Update Update #110 Today is day #600 my husband has been held in DC as a POLITICAL PRISONER  Image
Update #109 Today is day #591 my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER IN DC

October 22nd, 2022

Today is day #591 my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER IN DC.

What I feel right now is, I got faith!

Here a little of what happened on Friday day 13 of trial. To read the whole thing, you can go to this link and it is free: 

Woodward now shows the government’s presentation of OKs coming up on USCP officer Harry Dunn, (including Stephen Horn’s video),  

Woodward: “Did you interview officer Dunn as part of your investigation?”

Woodward: “Do you understand that they tried to protect officer Dunn? 

Mehta the tells Woodward to move on past the Dunn sequence of events. (WTF?!)

***(bad word) GOVERNMENT IS COVERING UP THIS EVENT!!!! This is THE issue behind Moseley’s threat to release the FBI 302, and for which Mehta called that “sealed session” last week. They know how damaging this sequence is to the government’s.***

 Woodward moves on to showing more video of Meggs’ non-violent, peaceful interactions and behavior while inside the Capitol. Long sequences, including gestures for people to leave (Agent: “He appears to make that gesture.”) Peaceful interactions with police officers. Then shows his exit thru east doors. Now showing photos after Meggs exited building.

 No further questions . . . Geyer - for Harrelson - takes over cross

Geyer: “You’re aware my client had no FB, Twitter, or other social media of any kind since 2014?”

Agent: “Yes”

 Geyer: “He’s not on DC OP chat til Jan 3?”

Agent: “Yes”

 Geyer: “Harrelson is not on any of the call lists you presented yesterday, correct?”

Agent: “Yes”

 Geyer: “My client only met Jason Dolan on Jan4, and they traveled together to do security on 5th and 6th?”

Agent: I’m aware they travelled together.

Geyer pulls up government presentation of Zello account assigned to Harrelson, and begins trying to show her that all the users and interactions on that account are Harrelson’s sons, family, and gamers his kids interact with. Not Ken’s interactions. And that the account is actually in Ken’s wife’s name. (‘Cajun Queen”). The Agent would not acknowledge that she had any knowledge of who the people were in the data SHE claims to have investigated. But, did acknowledge that Harrelson was not on Zello during 6th.

 Geyer then shows the screen shot from Harrelson’s iPhone which notifications shows backlog of unopened messages during the day of J6. Agent agrees it’s a significant number of unopened messages.

 Geyer shows government video of Dolan and Harrelson which began after they arrived on Capitol lawn. He asks if she will agree they are doing security detail prior? She would only acknowledge she’d seen video as they were walking toward Capitol with a group of people who were not OKs.

 Mehta asks Geyer how much longer his presentation today will go (11:59) . . . then he announces end of session for today.

Mehta then tells jury that evidence presentation for this trial could go into the week of Nov. 7th, then send them home for the weekend. Dismisses Agent Drew. 


Nestler asks to meet with Agent Drew through weekend to prepare her for next round of direct testimony, despite the fact she is currently under orders not to discuss her current testimony with anyone. Crisp objects. Mehta agrees to allow Nestler to “send her the presentations” for review.


Court dismissed at 12:05pm.

Thank you

God bless American FREEDOM and God Bless America!






Update Update #109 Today is day #591 my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER IN DC Image
Update #108 2nd update today

October 21st, 2022

***NOTE: This presentation is taken from a 20-minute video file, that cuts in fast, short segments, literally implying that Dolan and Harrelson participated in the breach of the barricades. (They did not.) The parts of the video edited out by government shows they were no where near the barricades breach, and even showed Harrelson’s stunned surprise - from a distance - when that happened. By the time the two reached the point of where those barricades once existed, a massive crowd had already preceded them. This is a highly deceptive edit of the many videos available. The defense will most certainly show all these sequences in actual context. The one thing I am certain Mehta will not allow to be presented . . . are the dozens of UNIDENTIFIED CONSPIRATORS and AGENTS PROVOCATEUR in that half-hour (and before) of video on those barricade lines and on the east steps. 

Now jumps to video from inside Senate chamber synched to same time as the previous video shown of OKs moving toward Senate. They jump forward approximately 20 minutes to show screenshots of those rioters who did eventually enter the Senate, (famous Qanon Shaman scene.)

Back to 2:41pm - back in Rotunda. <rapid fire presentation continues> Jumping between various cameras and angles, identifying progress of a different group of OKs.

Freezeframe of Harrelson and USCP Officer Harry Dunn. Then sequence of #StepheneHorn video showing: NO further questions

Mehta dismisses jury and witness . . . asks attorneys if any loose ends need to be tied up.

Juli Haller has objections to some brand new photos just reveled to defense to be used by government. They go back and forth. Mehta makes no ruling yet. Geyer comes to podium and complains about the editing of the video presented by government. Mehta gives Geyer the go ahead to counter the government’s case in his cross with any video he chooses.

All done at 5:11pm.

Update #107 Today is day # 589

October 20th, 2022

Today is day # 589 my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER!

The update for yesterday is quite a bit but I can say it went a lot better then what we expected and I happy on how it went as well.

Below is for today's proceedings. We still have a 3-4 weeks to go. Defense has been doing great.

Nestler gives court heads up yesterday evening that today is going to be a long and intense day of presentation from their next witness, FBI Agent who will focus entirely on events, videos, and messages from January 6th. He anticipates the government presentation will be about 3.5 hours, and that all defense attorneys will want long cross exams. Then, they are all done for the day.

Here is the link to follow what is going on inside the Oath Keepers trial up to date:

Thank you 







Angel Harrelson


Copyright 2022 © Angel Harrelson ( updates or life story). All Rights Reserved. Any use of the above aforementioned in whole or in part may not be used for any reason without the express written consent of Angel Harrelson.

Update Update #107 Today is day # 589 Image
Update #106 Today is day #587 my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DC

October 19th, 2022

Day #587 my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DC!

Today was also day # 10 of the Oath Keepers(including my husband) trial.

I will try to give updates every night of the trial now that I have internet.

Here is the link to follow what is going on inside the Oath Keepers trial up to date: 

The prosecutors have been showing videos that has NOTHING TO DO with ANY of the Oath Keepers standing trial. The witness they had on the stand today is the one that took a plea deal and said anything the government wanted him to say on the stand, basically- he lied 100% on the stand and has NO HONOR in all the 20 yrs he served in the military or the OATH he took. 

You know what, I will take a deep breath and stand tall because I KNOW MY HUSBAND and MY VETERAN  has HONOR in the OATH he took.

As for all you stalkers that stalk my give send go, you can stop trying to discourage me cause it isn't working sweetheart.

Thank you 







Angel Harrelson


Copyright 2022 © Angel Harrelson ( updates or life story). All Rights Reserved. Any use of the above aforementioned in whole or in part may not be used for any reason without the express written consent of Angel Harrelson.

Update Update #106 Today is day #587 my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER in DC  Image
Update #105 - Today makes day #584 since my husband has been held as a PPOW for J6

October 15th, 2022

Today makes day #584 since my husband has been held as a PPOW for J6 and is still being held in DCGitmo/Gulag.

We are now heading into the 3rd week and still have 3-4 weeks left to go of the Oath Keeper trial. There is only 1 conservative media and you can follow him on Twitter @TPC4USA  or his Locals platform (The Pragmatic Constitutionalist) covering the Oath Keepers trial, that’s reporting exactly what is happening! All the FAKE NEWS media is there and of course NOT even telling the truth as usual on what is going on inside the Oath Keepers trial!

This trial has been a complete joke and they, as in the GOVERNMENT HAS completely have shown my husband has been and is now still COMPLETELY INNOCENT!!

I have spent our anniversary in a cemetery across from the DC jail looking up at a very small window with a giant yellow poster board telling my husband happy 13th anniversary. Epoch Times article about it  here: 

Another article about me telling my husband I love you my King in a letter I gave his attorney to show him in court: 

Here is another article showing their innocence: 

Remember this is what all J6 families have to look forward to when they have their turn to go to trial and I am struggling with this myself.

I have found out it cost this to be in DC and near DC so far: (Too much for me, so I don't go anywhere else)

Parking - due to no parking near the court house except at parking garages near the court house: $208 for 8 days and on Friday's half days its, so for 2 days: $28

Food for lunch and sometimes I skip because its between $8-$11 a day to eat just a small salad or a tiny sandwich. 

The cost for a roof over your head (couldn't get an AirBnB cause I was bringing my dogs, they were too expensive anyway) and a cheap car rental all together for 2 months is over $10K and the only help I have received is from you the Patriots that show us their love and support for us, not anyone else or any organization.

As you know I have put myself out there and told my husband and I's story including tried to keep everyone updated with what is going on with our family as much as possible good or bad days.  No one can tell me that it isn't that bad, I call BS, because I saved EVERY receipt being here and even my grocery receipt. This doesn't include paying bills at home, also making sure my kids and animals are feed, too.

Thank you 







Angel Harrelson

I am a WIFE of an INNOCCENT J6ER in DCGITMO/Gulag, RETIRED ARMY SGT. Kenneth Harrelson

Copyright 2022 © Angel Harrelson ( updates or life story). All Rights Reserved. Any use of the above aforementioned in whole or in part may not be used for any reason without the express written consent of Angel Harrelson.

Update Update #105 - Today makes day #584 since my husband has been held as a PPOW for J6 Image
Update #104 today is day # 564 my husband has been in the DCGITMO/GULAG as a HOSTAGE

September 26th, 2022

 Today makes 564 days my husband has been in the DCGITMO/GULAG as a POLITICAL PRISONER HOSTAGE!

I have made it here for his trial and I AM going to be here for Ken because I know he IS INNOCENT!


This trip here has taken quite a toll on me emotionally to get here, because after getting here I find out there is a hurricane and my home is in the cone. Just something else to add to my plate to stress about. I also have another family member that is sick on his way any day now to be welcomed into the arms of God. My Uncle has stage 4 pancreatic cancer and he is on his last few days now doctor says. This is the third person in my family that will have passed away in less then a year this year 2022.

If you are able to go, please go to the vigil at 7pm every night at the DC jail with the others to show support for us and the others peacefully and meet other supporters. Be mindful please as there is small children there  as to why this is to be very peaceful. No one wants trouble for the guys please. There will be counter protesters, please ignore them if you go they are just looking for attention.

Thank you 







Angel Harrelson


Copyright 2022 © Angel Harrelson ( updates or life story). All Rights Reserved. Any use of the above aforementioned in whole or in part may not be used for any reason without the express written consent of Angel Harrelson.

Update Update #104 today is day # 564 my husband has been in the DCGITMO/GULAG as a HOSTAGE Image
Update #103 - I noticed my Campaign is currently disabled and can not receive new donations.

September 12th, 2022

Here is other ways to directly donate to us, in the picture.

Update Update #103 - I noticed my Campaign is currently disabled and can not receive new donations. Image
Update #102 - Today is #551 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER!

September 12th, 2022

551 days my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER!

Trial by jury date is September 27, 2022, (here is the correction on dates since I wasn’t specific) jury questions & selection starts on September 13-15, 2022 for the

First group of Oath Keepers”,  as to Defendants Rhodes, Meggs, Harrelson (MY HUSBAND), Watkins, and Caldwell (“September Trial Group”).

Second Oath Keepers group” is on November 29, 2022, as to Defendants Minuta, Hackett, Moerschel, and Vallejo (“November Trial Group”).

What we (my husband & I) wanted a while back is a bench trial but of course not all agreed, so we got stuck with a jury trial.

I was told the trail could last up to 2 months. Basically I had this look on my face that expressed, "Huh, say, WHAT?!, UGH, REALLY?!".

I don't think I will be able to stay for that long, as I, like most of the families can't afford to stay there for a couple months. I have been looking at so many places and the costs for each is so expensive there. It is unbelievable the prices on temporary rentals online by the day/week/month but they do have to make a living I guess.

I actually saw a place for as high as $34K for a month - I literally fell out my chair when I saw that, lol. It did give me a good laugh because I would never pay that for a rental, no offense to them.

Ok, looks like I need to get back to all the other million things I have to do around the house before this ridiculous trial starts, we already know it is not going to be a fair trial, and everyone knows it is tainted and they continue with this atrocity.

Thank you for the love and support, it is very encouraging and motivates me so much to stay strong because there are still Patriots like you out there!!


Angel Harrelson


Copyright 2022 © Angel Harrelson ( updates or life story). All Rights Reserved. Any use of the above aforementioned in whole or in part may not be used for any reason without the express written consent of Angel Harrelson.

Update #101 Today is day #548 that my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER

September 10th, 2022

Today is #548 that my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER!

Trial by jury date is September 27, 2022, jury selection starts on September 15, 2022 for my husband and for the first group of Oath Keepers,  include Ken, Kelly Meggs, Jessica Watkins and Rhodes. I am being told the trail might be 2 months long. I basically end up with a look of, "Huh, say, WHAT!". What we wanted a while back is a bench trial but of course not all agreed, so we got stuck with a jury trial.

I don't think I will be able to stay for that long, as I can't afford to stay there for one month. I have been looking at so many things and the costs for each is so expensive up north.

I looked at places in DC and Virginia. All those cities and counties places closest to DC is outrageous in price for 2 months and pet friendly. I have also looked into other options as well and those options are my best but still very expensive. I don't want to stay in DC at all. I am still exhausted not sleeping much as I have been taking care of my puppy cause he was hurting due to a urethral prolapse with bleeding. If course he enjoyed the pampering, lol. Poor thing no longer likes the vet cause lately all they been doing is poking him. I have been sleeping on my sofa with him for 3 weeks now just to make sure is able to get up to go outside. Today he is doing a little better but they want to castrate him, I asked them how much and still waiting on cost on that.

Ok, looks like I need to get back to looking for something to stay in while I am up there, When I do find something, I won't be posting about it and I am not sure how often I will be posting on here. I will try to post as much as I can for everyone. 

Thank you for the love you send me privately and my supporters, it is very encouraging and motivates me so much there are still Patriots like you out there!!


Angel Harrelson


Update Update #101  Today is day #548 that my husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER   Image
Update #100 update #2 Today is #544 days my husband has been held in DCGitmo/Gulag

September 5th, 2022

Share this if you can, please. I will be making most of of things that I can't upload on here for you to keep up with what is going on or what I am trying to share with you and on there as it is better ,so I have more control over my content. OR FIGHT FOR VETERANS Will make first post on it by tonight. HAVE A BLESS DAY!
Update #99 Today is #544 days my husband has been held in DCGitmo/Gulag (2 updates today)

September 5th, 2022

Today is #544 days my husband has been held in DCGitmo/Gulag! Trial date has been changed to September 27, 2022 for the Oath Keepers. This is the courts last update: AMENDED PRETRIAL ORDER. The court's previous 133 Pretrial Order will govern all dates in this matter except the following with respect to the September Trial Group: (1) the Pretrial Statement is now due on September 9, 2022; (2) a second day of Pretrial Conference will follow on September 15, 2022, at 9:30 a.m.; (3) trial is now set to commence on September 27, 2022, at 9:30 a.m.; and (4) the court will not sit on October 5 or 10, 2022. See the attached Order for additional details. Signed by Judge Amit P. Mehta on 8/30/2022. (lcapm1) (Entered: 08/30/2022) If you would like to read the motions or just get a quick somewhat update on case you go to the public website (copy, paste in search bar and hit go): To all the ones leaving the wonderful comments, I want you ALL to know, this includes the ones that didn't leave a comment, and the beautiful prayers I receive in private messages: I can feel the love, the support and the kindness of coming from all of you. It's because of you and my husband being innocent that I have the courage and strength to continue to fight for my husbands innocence. Patriot Freedom Project has helped me as best as they could but there are other families with smaller children I wanted them to help before mine. I put in my application for help and was helped for the things I requested as I provided a bill for those things I needed help with, it just took a while as there are so many applications the board has said (which is understanding). Anyways, they are really great people, it just depends who you talk to, you can't make everyone happy. The PFP putting the support group together for us has helped me more on the emotional side then anything. I have gained more family through these past almost 2 years. Thank you love all of you! I sign this "WITHOUT PREJUDICE" Angel Harrelson STILL a VERY VERY PROUD WIFE of a PPOW J6 in DCGITMO, Retired Army Sgt. Kenneth Harrelson
Update #98 today is day #530 my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER and is INNOCENT!

August 22nd, 2022

Today is day #530 my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER and is INNOCENT!

Not long left till trial and will be a long few weeks.

This guy named John pretending to be Pastor Kevin has done nothing but stalk, harass, and threaten my family, including others. I am not going to be quiet anymore after given his full information to police other families given to the feds. I have come to believe he is the fed or he works for the government to TRY to scare us, pfft. They are losing the trust of ALL the people and it is not just on one side of the political spectrum. They are also making the good ones look bad and that is very awful of them to do something like that to good cops or FBI. 

They are even ruining our children's lives. They have nothing to do with this especially if they aren't into politics, but they call them names, then they make a threat that might cause harm or worse death. 

Is this what they want? Is this ok with them? Do they like hurting innocent children? Do they like hurting innocent people? Do they like or enjoy the pain they cause the children? Are they ok with the military treating these innocent kids this way? Are they giving the orders, if not, who are they to make these threats? Are they ever going to tell the people?

Yes, they have been reported.

I am a very upset momma bear this morning!! When it comes to my kids COME ON AT ME!! I'M READY and I FULLY KNOW MY RIGHTS!!

I sign this


Angel Harrelson

STILL a VERY VERY PROUD WIFE of a PPOW J6 in DCGITMO, Retired Army Sgt. Kenneth Harrelson

Update Update #98 today is day #530 my husband is being held as a POLITICAL PRISONER and is INNOCENT! Image
Update #97 Today is day #523 my love of my life has been held as a PPOW J6 in DCGitmo!

August 15th, 2022

Today is day #523 my love of my life has been held as a PPOW J6 in DCGitmo!

Still getting those threats in the mail and on private message on here as well. Hubby is getting them inside the Washington, DC CTF jail, too. ( most of the guys are )

I have started getting things together and I still have to make arrangements to go for his trial. I am worried about the safety of my family and myself when we go. Of course the gov. don't care about our safety because if they did, they would try to make arrangements with the attorneys for the families.

As far as everything else well no change there still have to worry about it but I am trying to take it one minute at a time, thank you God for patience and strength.

I want all of my fellow patriots and supporters how much we appreciate you and y'all will always have a place in our hearts and are our extended family! 

When I am down or crying upset all I have to do is read y'all messages to us and I always feel uplifted and encouraged to keep going.

Thank you so so much, God Bless you and God Bless America!

Angel Harrelson

STILL a VERY PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6er & the love of my life in DCGitmo, VERY PROUD to have served in the Army, Retired Army Sgt. Kenneth Harrelson

Update Update #97 Today is day #523 my love of my life has been held as a PPOW J6 in DCGitmo! Image
Update #96 Today is day #510 my husband is being held in DCGitmo

August 2nd, 2022

Today is day #510 my husband is being held in DCGitmo!

Watch these links below.

Holding The Line For J6 Justice with Angel Harrelson and Chris Paul | MSOM Ep. 551 |

Watch Brad Geyer (my husbands attorney) at the 24 minute mark in below link.

Exclusive: J6 Suspicious Actors Exposed; Rep. Greene Says Committee a ‘Witch Hunt’

Angel Harrelson

STILL a VERY PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6er & the love of my life in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.

Update Update #96 Today is day #510 my husband is being held in DCGitmo Image
Update #95 Today is day #506 my husband is held as a POLITICAL PRISONER IN DC

July 29th, 2022

Today is day #506 my husband is held as a POLITICAL PRISONER IN DC!

I miss my husband/my love of my life!

I am still getting threats sent to my home but this time they are making threats to my whole family. Well good luck with that cause you don't know me or my family. This still won't get me to give up on my husband.

You would think they would have given up the threats by now. (rolling my eyes)

I have been sick with Covid for over a week and that sucked but I am better now, still a little on the foggy side but better.

My husband and the others are getting judged before they even have trial by the public, judge and even by our gov.. These are the people we suppose to have faith in but I lost faith in them when they stopped believing in the true evidence and truth! 


Mrs. Angel Harrelson

STILL a VERY PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6 in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T

I love you and miss you so much my love of my life!

Update Update #95 Today is day #506 my husband is held as a POLITICAL PRISONER IN DC Image
Update #94 Today is day #496 my love of my life is still sitting in DCGITMO

July 20th, 2022

Today is day #496 my love of my life is still sitting in DCGITMO!

Today has been a rough day for me.

I had to shutdown my store website due to unforeseen circumstances with the vendor. I am sure you can figure out what that circumstance is they are talking about. I didn't make hardly anything but it was enough to get something from the store if I didn't have it in the house like milk and eggs or fuel up the car.

That has concluded of ALL the income coming into my home, now my income is non-existing.

I have felt like I can't get a break from the complainers because of who my husband is.

Even with all of that going on I will STILL STAND BY MY HUSBAND WHO IS THE LOVE OF MY LIFE! 



Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6er in DCGITMO, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth (THE LOVE OF MY LIFE/MY SOULMATE)

Update Update #94 Today is day #496 my love of my life is still sitting in DCGITMO Image
Update #93 today is day #492 - I miss my husband and the love of my life!

July 16th, 2022

Today makes 492 days my husband has been in DCGITMO held as a hostage, knowing he is fully innocent!

Well looks like I might be able stay for a little few months longer before I have to make a choice to move but that’s ok it still will not stop me from getting my love of my life home. 

I am still getting more harassing postcards, these people need to get their life.

You know I realize that no one in our government looks at the actual real evidence to get to the actual real the truth, but instead they want to speculate just to win. 

I forgive them for what they not know.


Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6er in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth

Update #92 today is #489

July 12th, 2022

Today makes 489 days my husband has been held as a political prisoner!

I received another threat in the mail today.

I have been getting threats in the mail to my home quite often. I have already filed a police report  for the threats and harassments from these individuals. 

They seem to think I will be so scared that my husband might take a deal. 

Well, got news for them NOT GONNA HAPPEN! No matter what is said or sent to me, I refuse to let him give in to the evil. I already know they are reading this and use something out of this to threaten me again. 


Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6er in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth

Update #91 today is day #481 - I am going to be speaking today on Wendy Bell Radio link below

July 4th, 2022

Wendy Bell Radio

HAPPY 4th of July!


Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6er in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth

Update #90 Today is day #480

July 3rd, 2022

Today is day #480 my husband has been held against his will as a PPOW J6er in the DCGitmo.

I really miss my husband and need him home! He is my soulmate!

I want to say we are so blessed to have supporters and patriots the care! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I have a long ways to go on keeping my house and to be able to the medical bills that will be coming after we are completely cut off from his VA benefits but I have FAITH it will workout for us as God intends for it to.

Here is the link to the Epoch Times article

Thank you again, we need whatever help we can get, even if its a wonderful prayer.


Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6er in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth

Update #89

June 30th, 2022

The link is a video of myself on Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson discussing about what I have posted on last update. 

Update #88 Today is day #475 that my husband has been held as a PPOW J6er in DCGitmo

June 28th, 2022

Today is day #475 that my husband has been held as a PPOW J6er in DCGitmo!

I have done an interview with Epoch Times to go public with what our so called government is doing to us. I will not be pushed into a corner to be quiet, I WILL just get LOUDER instead and I will NOT give in to them.

I have been so stressed out with all these things to figure out what to do about my home and all the other stuff to not lose what we have worked so hard for. Still debating on what to do.


Angel Harrelson

STILL and ALWAYS a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6er in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth

Update Update #88 Today is day #475 that my husband has been held as a PPOW J6er in DCGitmo Image
Update #87 Today is day #470 my husband has been held as a PPOW J6 HOSTAGE in DCGITMO

June 23rd, 2022

 Today is day #470 my husband has been held as a PPOW J6 HOSTAGE in DCGITMO!

Over the weekend I have received 1 letter and 1 threatening postcard.

The letter was from the Department of Veterans Affair, it was notice that my husbands benefits are getting suspended and due to that I will lose everything (DOJ sent them a letter) and well as you guess we will be homeless if I can't figure something out within 3 months. Now this letter and what I was told before I received this letter will be going public to raise awareness to all other veterans in the U.S.. 

Now just because the government wants to do this to my family and they think this will stop me speaking up for my husband, well not gonna stop me. I will still do all what I am doing even if I am broke and homeless!

Also, I have received a threatening postcard to my home over the weekend as well, threatening my family harm from some that lives not far from my home. This still will NOT scare me into stopping and NONE  of this will stop me from what I have been doing!



Angel Harrelson


Update Update #87 Today is day #470 my husband has been held as a PPOW J6 HOSTAGE in DCGITMO Image
Update #86 today is day #463, below is a link to the show I was on.

June 16th, 2022

I was on “The Absolute Truth with Emerald Robinson”, link is below. Done on June 15, 2022. 

I will continue to speak out and to as many people as I can to get the truth out to the public! Picture attached is of my friend and I behind a booth at Rock the Red event talking and meeting new people to share our story from the beginning of my husband’s arrest. I will not stop even if I am broke! 

Angel Harrelson 

STILL a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6er in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth

Update Update #86 today is day #463, below is a link to the show I was on. Image
Update #85 Today is day #461 my husband has been held as a PPOW J6 IN DCGITMO

June 15th, 2022

 Today is day #461 my husband has been held as a PPOW J6 IN DCGITMO!

We are still waiting for Judge Mehta to give his ruling on the change of venue, so no update on that. 

This Jan 6 committee hearing (what a show boat it is) has been showing only bits and pieces of the videos, instead of the full video for the public to see the whole truth!

I wish the ones that know the truth would come forward and do the right thing! Tell the truth, at least to an attorney that can guide them in the right direction.

I know my husband I innocent and they can NOT change my mind after what I know. He should NOT be sitting in any cell anywhere’s! His own attorney has stated he should have NEVER been charged or arrested. 

This one of my shirts I have put together on my website, please go check it out, link is :

I will NEVER give up on my husband because I know he is INNOCENT! I love and miss my husband!

Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6er in DCGITMO (Washington DC jail the Gulag), Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth 

Update Update #85 Today is day #461 my husband has been held as a PPOW J6 IN DCGITMO  Image
Update #84 today is 446 days since my Veteran has been held as a PPOW J6 in DCGITMO

May 31st, 2022

Today is 446 days since my Veteran has been held as a PPOW J6 in DCGITMO!

As memorial day today, I stayed home doing nothing but missing my husband! 

I do want to say, "Thank you to past, present and future service members, including my grandfather who served in the Korean War, police, firefighters,wives, mother's, father's and children of those service members!" 🎗🎗🎗🎗🎗🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💛💛💛💛💛


Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6 Hostage in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth

Update Update #84 today is 446 days since my Veteran has been held as a PPOW J6 in DCGITMO Image
Update #83 just a quick update

May 21st, 2022

I am so so very proud of our son, I found out at his graduation ceremony, when he got on stage it was announced he is graduating with HONORS! 

Ken is excited-sad at the same time. 

Good night everyone it has been a long day for me. 

Angel Harrelson


Update #82 Today is 435 days my husband has been a PPOW J6 Hostage

May 20th, 2022

435 days since my husband has been a PPOW J6 Hostage in DCGitmo.

For the hearing on Tues judge still hasn't made a decision to dismiss count 1 or 4.

As soon as he does I will try to update asap. 

Today our son is graduating and we are so proud of him and excited for him, but also sad cause I am the only one here to support him graduating. Ken is of course sad cause he isn't here for his son on one of the most important day of his life.

I did try to update earlier but I see it wasn't save and I forgotten all I have put on here.

I am thankful for people like you who love and support us.

Thank you!

Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6 Hostage in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth

Update #81 Pre-trial motion hearing time and date

May 17th, 2022

Oath Keepers (My husband and the others) Pre-Trial Motion Hearing May 17, 2022 at 1pm

Judge Amit Mehta 

Members of the public may access the hearings by dailing the courts toll-free public access line: (877)848-7030

Access code: 321-8747

Update #80 Today is day #430 my husband has been a PPOW J6 in DCGitmo as a Hostage

May 15th, 2022

I want to start off by saying I do apologize for the delay in the updates. I have been in a deep depression due to getting overwhelmed at home with all the things that needs to be done and there is only me doing it. It has been a bit extra struggle for me lately but I WILL NEVER GIVE UP. Including the lawsuit against my husband District of Columbia v Proud Boys/Oath Keepers, They really are trying drain us of everything we have and the AG has even made that statement publicly.

There is also someone using my name and address as return address to mail J6ers threats and I will not stand for it. I have filed a mail fraud report on these individuals. You know when you are doing something right when they feel the need to do these kinds of things. These individuals are also make threats to me as well. They shouldn't read my updates if it bothers them so bad. They use my updates in their mail to the J6ers. I would NEVER do that to anyone as that is very cruel. They really think they can scare me off, hahaha jokes on them.

Well just want y'all to know I did get my car fixed and a couple other things, I want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. I have receipts for everything I have spent money on no matter what it is, Ken always says I am a document hoarder, lol, that's a great thing in my situation right. 

Ken is still holding strong and still has faith, like myself. He finally got a haircut and a shave, not a great one but its better then it was. 

The trial date has been changed to 1st trial is September 26th for first group (Ken included) and 2nd trial is November 29th (2nd group).

I am so proud of our son he has received multiple awards and a beautiful homemade quilt from the women's auxiliary this week at the high school JROTC and he leaves for the military next month. I have so much to do and plan for him next week as it is high school graduation, I'm excited and so proud. I am sure you guessed it so is his dad.


New design attached and also a design I have on some shirts in my online store link below.

Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6 HOSTAGE in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth

PROUD MOM of a graduate!

Update Update #80 Today is day #430 my husband has been a PPOW J6 in DCGitmo as a Hostage Image
Update #79 Today is day #414 my husband has been held in in DCGitmo as a PPOW J6.

April 29th, 2022

Today is day #414 my husband has been held in in DCGitmo as a PPOW J6.

Well I tried to do an update a few minutes ago but it didn't save.

These past couple days has been a struggle for me as I have so much going on and then doing it all by myself here at home.

My car got fixed then on the way home from the mechanic shop BAM a flat tire, ugh. Another thing added to my "Neverending Story".

I miss my husband so so very very much.

He is still trying to hold strong.

Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6 in DC, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth

Update #78 Today is day #391 that my husband has been a PPOW J6 Hostage in DCGitmo

April 5th, 2022

Today my husband has been in DCGitmo ( Washington, DC Jail) for 391 days.

Since his arrest I have had to deal with all these things without him by my side:

Death of my grandmother

Death of my grandfather

My eldest son in an accident a few months ago (he is ok)

My youngest son will be graduating this year and will be leaving for bootcamp this year as well.

My home flooded due to water pipe busted under my cement slab floor

Still in progress of doing my fence (harder then I thought on my own)

A broke down car and a truck that needs to go in the shop but still driving the truck

Can't go many places due to the truck takes diesel and is very expensive

Need the tire fixed on my riding lawnmower (cutting grass with a flat tire)

Receive threats or horrible messages almost daily 

There is more to list but 

On the plus side 

I have the love of God, my husband, kids, family and new friends from a distance. 

I know I am BLESSED no matter what the haters say or think of us.



Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6 Hostage in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.

Don't forget to check out my new online store at

A picture of one of the shirts is attached to this update.

Update Update #78 Today is day #391 that my husband has been a PPOW J6 Hostage in DCGitmo Image
Update #77 Thank you to all for the support you have shown us,

March 22nd, 2022

Today makes 1 year and 10 days since my husband has been a PPOW J6 HOSTAGE in DCGitmo!

Things will get better I have faith and I will continue to believe our lives will!

Please, continue sending prayers our way. As you know the has continued to try to bring us down but it has a long and tough fight! I refuse to bow down to the Devil and I will KEEP my head held high! 

My grandfather\'s funeral service was beautiful and I want to thank the truckers that did a ride by tribute for his service, my grandpa was a retired truck driver. Thank you to our fellow truckers!

As this is my only job and only income coming into our house hold, not including the wonder donations I do receive. 

If you would like my design on something other then what is on my site, my contact email and address is on the bottom of my website.

Checkout my online store to see the new shirt I have designed, picture is attached. This is the direct link to the new shirt on my website:

Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6 in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.

Update Update #77 Thank you to all for the support you have shown us,  Image
Update #76 It has been 1 year and 3 days my husband has been a PPOW J6 Hostage

March 13th, 2022

Today makes 1 year and 3 days since my husband was taken as a PPOW J6!

I lost my grandmother the beginning of January, now as of last night I have lost my grandfather. How much more will get thrown at my family and me? 

I just want to say thank you to all the Patriots that has shown SO much love and support to my husband, kids and me. I can\'t express in words how much I so really appreciate this!  

These are the most recent articles I have been interviewed below: 

Here is the magazine on At Ease Magazine, J6er article starts on page 60, all veterans in it.

This is the link to the website the magazine is in and it has very helpful information in it:

God bless everyone and God bless America!

I am loved and blessed!

Angel Harrelson

Still a PROUD Wife of PPOW J6 in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.

Update #75 Today is #360 days my husband is held in DCGitmo as a J6 Hostage 03/05/2022

March 5th, 2022


Today my husband has been held in DCGitmo as a J6 hostage and his DUE PROCESS is STILL being DENIED!

I have refused to watch any kind of news media due to they all have lied to the people about the truth on January 6, 2021. So, I have decided to do my own research into this and even further to find the truth ( actual documents not hearsay by the media). I suggest everyone do this but that is just and only my opinion. 

I have been getting hate emails from fake accounts and all that is doing is pushing to find the truth harder. Sending me hate emails or making statements like "insurrectionist or whatever" does NOT scare me off from searching, it just gets my attention to look deeper into you and getting me closer to the truth. Anything I find in legal documents are being shared publicly as I refuse to do anything illegally.

I want people to know I don\'t have any pull or access to Patriot Freedom Project. They have helped me just like others . I have volunteered to redesign their website and once I was done with that, that was the end of it. They are wonderful people and I had to put in an application to request help from them, then wait for approval for that help, I do recommend them and others that have a foundation up and running the legal way.

I have documents and receipts of everything I have spent money on, yes I know I don\'t have to explain myself to anyone. I document everything I do no matter what and I send copies to the attorney and my husband trust me completely cause he knows me too well. I have not asked for anything but PRAYERS and I love reading them to my husband cause it lifts his spirit and no I don\'t read the hate messages and emails to him. My husband does NOT deserve the treatment he is getting nor do the others in there. 

I have started my own online store to get back on my feet and to not depend on donations. If anyone wants to help please go to my store and buy one of my products, I have designed all of it and I have used my own personal drawings in some as well.

Thank you for the love and support from TRUE Patriots!

Angel Harrelson

Still a PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T. (PPOW J6 Hostage in DCGitmo)

Update #74 It has been 348 days since my husband has been held as a J6 hostage

February 21st, 2022

It has been 348 days since my husband has been held as a J6 hostage and he hasn’t seen or talked to his children and I.

Now he has new fabricated charges against him. I know he is innocent and he is one out of many that should NOT be held as political prisoners in DCGitmo under the regime in DC. 

I have a lot if vocal fight left in me to keep doing this, it doesn’t stop me from doing this when dummies try to threaten me, I have a voice for a reason and I will use my voice to speak!

My husband said, Thank you for all the support and letters he has received. He is sending all of them home for me save for him , whenever he is able to come home, he will write to all that has sent him a letter. He is very thankful and appreciative to each and every one of you!

I love God, my family, my country and my freedom!!

Angel Harrelson

STILL a PROUD WIFE of PPOW J6 in DCGitmo, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth

Update #73 today makes 334 days

February 7th, 2022

Today makes 334 days my husband has been a hostage in DCGITMO and DENIED HIS DUE PROCESS!

I am unable to have a conversation with my husband on the phone due to the phone calls have a very bad connection and interruptions for going on 3 weeks. 

He has been unable to see or speak to his own attorney due to these issues including there so called “Covid quarantine or staff shortages” in which causes them to stay on lockdown for 22hours and 2 hours for calls or recreational time(out of cell NOT outside to see the sun). 

Check these links as these are from an interview I have done very recent. Also follow cause there will be more to come on our story.



Update #72 Today I have sent ANOTHER report to the U.S. Marshal's & below is what I have said!

January 17th, 2022

"My husband, Kenneth T Harrelson has been denied all communications to his attorney and to myself(HIS WIFE) and he does NOT have any blanket or pillow to keep him warm, this is a VIOLATION of HIS RIGHTS! The Corrections Off icer stated that he was going to "Medical Unit 82 for quarantine" because he has "shingles", SHINGLES IS NOT CONTAGIOUS! I demand ANSWERS NOW! I have been ignored long enough and I refuse to be ignored any longer. I have not heard from my husband in a few days and if something happens to him, I am holding you the marshals fully responsible for his well being! Everything that I have sent needs to be addressed including the grievances that he and others have put in. NOT one has been addressed."


I have just gotten home from my grandmother\'s funeral in Louisiana & visited with my family while I was there, as well.  My grandfather is not far behind my grandmother and the devastation that is down there from the last bad hurricane that hit that area is not being shown, it is heartbreaking to see what not only my family is going through there but others there as well. 


Just because my husband has a new charge and the torture they are putting him through WILL NOT STOP ME from what I am doing!


Angel Harrelson


Update #71 Today is day #307 my husband has been a PPOW J6 Hostage

January 12th, 2022

Today makes 307 days Ken has been taken and held AS HIS DUE PROCESS IS BEING DENIED.

I have had to drive all the way to Louisiana to attend my grandmother\'s funeral services without my husband by my side to give me the emotional support as I need. We are going to put her to rest this weekend and then I will have to go home to grieve with our kids.

The documentary that I am in with others, you can find here:

Day of Outrage - tonight 8pm on Newsmax

Air Times:

12:00am ET Thursday, January 13th, 2022

3:00am ET Friday, January 14th, 2022

2:00pm ET Saturday, January 15th, 2022

11:00pm ET Sunday, January 16th, 2022

Update #70 Today is day # 303 My husband has been a PPOW J6 Hostage & 3 days since I have lost someone in my family

January 8th, 2022

303 days Ken has been in DCGitmo as a PPOW J6 Hostage.

3 days since I have lost my grandmother to the jab. Ken is beside himself right now cause he can\'t be here to help me through this tragedy. 

This week has been rougher then what I have been dealing with but I still refuse to stand down or as I say "I will NOT bow down to the Devil!" 

The good and bad news is I got my water pipes fixed but it took just about all of my savings. It felt so good to use my own bathroom and wash my hair in my own shower.

I won\'t be able to update for a while as I have family things to attend to.

Thank you all for so much love and support you have been showing my husband and our family.

Angel Harrelson

PROUD Wife of a PPOW J6 Hostage in DCGitmo (DUE PROCESS DENIED),

Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.

Update #69 today is day 297 he is in DCGitmo

January 2nd, 2022

You can donate with #FJB Coins too. I have just set this up after midnight. QR Code and link to my account is below

My Public Address to Receive $FJB: 0x2473dec3D164d9411815bf88a8323653693a9c70

Pay me via Trust Wallet:

Update #68 This is day #293 My husband is in DCGitmo

December 29th, 2021

Good evening, Today makes #293 Ken has been in DCGitmo as a PPOW for J6. He is still holding strong, As am I.
I got my full estimate for getting my plumbing done and I just about cried when I got the cost because of having copper pipes through out my house in my cement slab floor. I am getting a second opinion tomorrow to see if it will cost less to reroute my pipes to fix all the leaks for good. As my home is over 30 yrs old. It is going to cost me over 10K to do this but I have to think positive about this as in I won't have to worry about another section busting to flood my house again.
I am so glad I have mmy faith.
God Bless
Angel Harrelson
PROUD Wife of PPOW J6 Hostage, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth
Update #67 Today is 289 days He is a PPOW J6 Hostage on Christmas day

December 25th, 2021

Merry Christmas from my family to yours! Have a happy and blessed day today!!

God Bless America!
Let's Go Brandon!
Angel Harrelson & Family
Update #66 tomorrow will make 289 days he has been in DCGitmo

December 24th, 2021

X-Mas day will make 289 days my husband has been sitting in DCGitmo as a PPOW J6 Hostage. It has been a rough year but I can endure this cause God has my hands to hold me up and I have everyone keeping my strength in high gear! 

Thank you so so very much
Angel Harrelson
PEOUD Wife of a PPOW J6 Hostage, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth
Update #65 Well the Devil thinks it can get to me adding more to my plate.

December 20th, 2021

Yesterday had to get a tow truck to tow my car back to my house cause the clutch burnt up. The devil thinks it can win but I bet he realize this still won't stop me from fighting for my husband and the others in DCGitmo being held as DC J6 Hostages. I will always stay above the fire and God is holding my hand keeping me from getting burned by the devil. He is just making me a stronger person for our future! God is the ALMIGHTY and he ALWAYS wins! I got this I am strong, I am loved and I am ALWAYS guided by my faith in God!

Thank you all for the prayers (very encouraging) and for the support you have for us and the guys and gals of the real Americans of OUR country in the USA!

Angel Harrelson
PROUD Wife of a PPOWJ6, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth
Update #64 Today makes 283 days my husband has been a DC J6 Hostage

December 19th, 2021

This is just so ridiculous how the government is treating our J6er's in DCGitmo. The government is an embarrassment to the United States of America! 
My husband has now been their hostage for 283 days as of today. We have demanded and will continue to demand the release of ALL footage including the body cams of the Capital Police Officers, security footage! We want it all to be public to the people! This will show the truth and exonerate so many of all charges and this will show the Oath Keepers were telling the truth from the start. 
Then on top of that at home my pipes busted under my cement slab floor and flooded inside my house. So, now I have to with my kids live in a hotel because we can't go without water and we have to bath. I have to wait for the plumber to come back after the holidays to tear up my floors and fix the pipes then I have to call a contractor to come fix the hole the plumber made in my dining room, kitchen and bathroom. Thank God I can handle all of this mentally! I always pray for patience, strength and to keep everyone safe including the guys and gal inside DCGitmo. 
Thank you to all of y'all that have faith and believe in us! I will NEVER SURRENDER TO THE EVIL AT PLAY!!

Angel Harrelson
A PROUD Wife of a Political Prisoner, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth
Update #63 Today is thanksgiving #259 days he has been incarcerated

November 25th, 2021

Today my husband and the love of my life on Thanksgiving Day has been incarcerated as a DC Hostage and as a Political Prisoner for 259 days and counting! 
This is the first actual holiday I don't have him here at home helping me cook for this Thanksgiving and this is the first I don't have any family with me but my kids. None of us are in the spirit to celebrate today. We miss Ken terribly in our home! He always helped me in the kitchen on the holidays since my mom passed away less then 4 years ago. Holidays are already hard for us but this will not stop me from fighting legally to get my husband home and the others as well. This just fuels me to keep pushing forward. The more people try to stop me are so call scare me just makes me push even harder to get the truth out and to go public for the people to know the truth about the lies and whatever the government is hiding from the people! I have a whole lot of fight left in me and I NEVER SURRENDER to the Devil!!

Angel Harrelson
PROUD Wife of a POLITICAL PRISONER(DC HOSTAGE), Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T
Update #62- 252 Days held as a political hostage

November 18th, 2021

My husband has been held as a POLITICAL PRISONER IN DCGitmo as their political hostage as of today 252 days. Also what you have been reading and hearing from MTG and conservative news is what is happening in the DCGitmo. The guards are abusing and torturing them on a daily basis now. It has gotten worse so much worse in all the jails in the US and not just for the 1/6ers but also for the other inmates as well. This needs to come to an end of the mistreatment these jails are doing to our US citizens immediately! The prisons are in such horrendous conditions they all should be shut down NOW!! With this trillion dollar infrastructure can rebuild the prisons in the US and hire US citizens that can do their job without causing harm to others just because they don't like them. Ok going to stop my rant now before I keep going. #FIGHTFORJ6ERS #DCGITMO #POLITICALPRISONERS #HUMANRIGHTSVOILATION
Thank you for the love and support! USA USA USA USA Let's Go Brandon! FJB!
Angel Harrelson
PROUD Wife of a POLITICAL PRISONER, Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth 
Update #61 Good morning everyone! 10/16/2021 0700 (7:00am)

October 16th, 2021

Good morning everyone!! Ken is still holding strong and continues to pray he will be released because the truth will come out that he is INNOCENT!! I would go into his health but if I do that is a rant I don't want to start. As everyone knows I was working 3 sometimes 4 jobs, well 2 of those jobs I was taken advantage of because of needing a job, to make myself clear I was never paid or put on payroll for those hours I have worked. The boss I had I just like many people look up to those individuals but for them to do this to someone that is in need of money to pay bills is out right wrong! So, basically I am chalking it up as my time being donated to help them since I will never see that money that is owed to me due to I was never put on payroll so no proof I worked for them. I will be going to my other job today. I have news as of this week my son has joined the Army and even though the timing is not right I am still PROUD of him for doing it. He will be going to boot camp when he graduates high school in a few months.Please check out my online store:

Angel Harrelson
STILL A PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.
Update #60 Today I am bring gumbo and potato salad to the church 10/10/2021 @ 10:48am

October 10th, 2021

I volunteered to cook for the community and our church. I cooked gumbo and potato salad from scratch. Cooking rice to go along with it as well. The Pastor and I are doing a fundraiser for the church by cooking and having a community get together (meet and greet). I have been cooking since last night and almost done cooking, it is now 10:51am.
Have a blessed day! God Bless everyone!!

Angel Harrelson
STILL A PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T
Update #59 Sorry I haven't updated in a while 10/06/2021 20:15 (8:15pm)

October 7th, 2021

Hi everyone! I am sorry I haven't updated in a while. I have been working 4 jobs  and I have been to exhausted to sit at my desk when I get home. As soon as I sit on my sofa I am done for the day. I just wanted everyone to know why I haven't been on here to do updates like I normally do. I still know Ken is INNOCENT and by GOD's will my husband will be set FREE to come home safe and sound (healthy and alive) and GOD is going to show the truth when the time is right! I have faith all charges will be dropped because the truth will be shown and they will let him go FREE! In Jesus name, AMEN!!

Good night my fellow Patriots and my family!
Angel Harrelson
STILL A PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T
Update #58 Ok I have made a new petition, SHARE, SHARE, SHARE AND SHARE PLEASE!!!

September 16th, 2021

New petition due to no one wanted to e-sign on and for our POLITICAL PRISONERS copy and paste link below in your search bar and sign the petition to FREE POLITICAL PRISONERS!

I will be starting a new job in a couple weeks as a carpenter/painter!?! I have to get something to make ends meet and my new online store will not take off right away so I have to do something, I am a hard worker and not afraid to work in the heat.

Angel Harrelson
PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T. (is a POLITICAL PRISONER)
Update #57 Ok I have decided to start something new / HAVE WONDERFUL WEEKEND :)

September 10th, 2021

Hi everyone! I have decided to start an online store, please go check out my designs and if you like it please purchase the one you desire to get. I have still been unable to get a job so I wanted to do this. I have been a very busy body between designing those shirts and stuff also remodeling my kitchen myself (YES MYSELF).

Ok I am sure everyone knows how the hearing went on the 8th this week. We were able to get a new attorney and we have a great feeling about the outcome of all this. If you copy this link it is a video of Ken PROTECTING Capital Police Officer.  The TRUTH is starting to come to light with the people!

Angel Harrelson
PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.
Update #56 Sorry everyone had to fix the title

September 8th, 2021

Sorry everyone I had to fix the title and make available the funds to show. We have our hearing today! I need our prayer warriors to pray for a positive outcome for today....

Angel Harrelson
PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.
Update #55 other ways you can donate

September 8th, 2021

Different ways you can donate if you don't want to use this platform to do so. Thank you so very much to all REAL AMERICAN'S!!!

Venmo: @Angel-Harrelson
Cash app: $AHarrelson43
Update #54 My family update in southeast Louisiana

September 1st, 2021

I have finally received a few calls from my family members and they are physically okay but mentally they are dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Ida. I am just happy they are okay, things can be replaced or rebuilt. Thank you Jesus for keeping my family and others safe in this difficult time. 
Thank you all for your continued support and love, it has helped me stay strong and y'all gave me a courage boost to continue to fight this injustice on our POLITICAL PRISONERS'!

Angel Harrelson
Update #53 Trolls, posers and complainers of what I am NON-violently fighting for with my voice LOUDLY!

August 31st, 2021

Trolls, posers and complainers of what we believe in!!
I find that a lot of people that are on here complaining. They should just move on or get OUT OF THE KITCHEN! I will continue this and the fight for our rights, freedom and release of POLITICAL PRISONERS'. I will continue to make my voice heard one way or another without violence! I will NOT GIVE UP! We are being harassed by the big media whichever way I turn. You can keep coming at me but I will NOT FALL! I am STRONG, LOVED and have a whole lot of SUPPORT!! Those of you that don't see the TRUTH are just as bad as the media telling lies and not the truth even about our FALLEN SOLDIERS!! TO THOSE THAT HAVE FALLEN THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONTINUED SERVICE FOR THE PEOPLE!!  I might be a wife of a military veteran and I WOULD SALUTE YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!

Angel Harrelson
Update #52 PLEASE pray for everyone in Louisiana and my whole family! 08/29/2021 12:26pm

August 29th, 2021

Please pray for everyone in Louisiana! My whole family lives in south Lafourche Parish, south Terrebonne Parish, Orleans Parish and Tangipahoa Parish Louisiana which is direct path of hurricane Ida, I live in central Florida and I am of course worried and kind of freaking because this is the time I have Ken home but he is sitting in DC jail for FAKE charges now and this is the things we prepare to go if we are needed. He does help with rescue for things like this and he trained for this in the military as well. I might be going by myself this time because he is not here to help with clean up or rescue this time.  He should be let out to help for this cause he has experience in rescue and cleanup! If those of you have nothing nice to say to me or my family in comments or is not a positive prayer, Keep steppin on-Move on!!
Angel Harrelson
PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T. (Who IS a POLITICAL PRISONER in DC)
Update #51 New but the hits keep coming but I will keep having faith!! 08/25/2021 16:09 (4:09pm)

August 25th, 2021

Well here is more for me to deal with. Well for starters, AUSA already tried to use me against my husband by lying to him and they just did not realize how close we are and they can't put a wedge between us. I will continue to fight for my husband to come home. They literally have NOTHING on my husband. The evidence they have is association ONLY. He tried to tell them the truth in the beginning but they don't listen. We are going to trial but it's not until Jan. 2022. We filed for a bond hearing but now he has no lawyer to fight in court. If anyone can send me an email to an aggressive attorney please send me their contact info. I need help!! AUSA if you are reading this good luck because I will not stop fighting for my husband to come home HE IS INNOCENT!!!
Angel Harrelson
PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.
Update #50 Question or need help find an attorney for myself and my husband

August 24th, 2021

Need to find a civil lawsuit attorney for myself. If anyone knows one or is one and can help me, please message me. I can't stand by and do nothing.
Update #49 Well had a bad day yesterday 08/24/2021 08:23am

August 24th, 2021

Good morning everyone! Yesterday another person was released but the sad part was the prosecutor decided to put my husband and myself in the hearing for the decision to have that man not released. They stated my husband had a to-go bag but that's a lie they were talking about my husbands work bag he uses to tote his daily log book for time and all his work stuff in it. They also used books that we have in the house which are not all his, the outdoor ones were for our son who is in JROTC Orienteering at school and a couple were mine I bought for me to learn how to live in homesteading. They decided to come to their own conclusion on that. As for them saying things about me in that mans hearing they stated I gave misinformation about the gun in the house (which is not even my husbands, we only stored it here for a friend in our safe) because I thought it was a air-soft rifle, well excuse me they look the same to me so no I couldn't tell the difference and I don't know the difference between them. On that note I also had to shut down the Podcast because the prosecutor was trying to use that against that guy yesterday and will use it against my husband, so I shut it down to keep us safe. They are now trying to take away the family members rights and control us now, that is how I feel. The worse part was the judge put in his own opinion, instead of looking at the actual evidence that the government is hiding and then he will see Ken has been telling the truth the whole time. My Question is. How are we suppose to trust the government and law enforcement when they treat us this way. My best friend is an officer and he is great at his job and looks out for the people, I feel bad for him because of people making him look bad. He believes in the oath and your rights. I trust him with my life and there is some that are officers in my county and I trust them but I'm afraid they will turn the wrong way due to the government acting this way. They are already torturing and abusing our love ones in DC jail. My husbands health is not getting better they are trying to kill them in there it seems to me.Please, pray for them in there and for strength for all of us. I had to put the truck back in the shop again because it is still acting up and the A/C is getting replaced finally this week, thank goodness cause it is hot in FL. This is the link to understand what I am ranting about;  Ok, sorry end of rant. Thank you for you love, prayers and support for us.
Angel Harrelson
PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.
Update #48 Adding new links so you are able to watch our videos on updates. 08/22/2021 13:12(1:12pm)

August 22nd, 2021

Hi everyone! I am putting the links to our channels below. That way you can also get real updates on us. Remember this podcast thing and channel stuff is all new to us and we are learning as we go.
Thank you for all of your love, prayers and support you are giving us. I want everyone to know I am not getting paid to do these videos, these are being done because we want our voices to be hear and this is our next step to get our voices heard LOUD & CLEAR.

Angel Harrelson 
PROUD Wife of POLITICAL PRISONER Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.
Update #47 08/20/2021 I have taken it upon myself and another wife to Do a podcast

August 20th, 2021

Check it out it is new for us but we don't care if we are amateurs on this. It is about getting our voice heard and out there. Hope you like what we have started doing. I am still learning how to set that up and work the video stuff myself.

Angel Harrelson 
PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T. (POLITICAL PRISONER)
Update #46 Praying for Ken to be release this week!! 08/16/2021 8:22am

August 16th, 2021

Good morning everyone! Well still having issues with truck paid to have it fixed but seems they didn't fix it completely but they did fix the issue I was having a week ago. It did cost me almost $3k. Still waiting for the A/C to get replaced unit isn't in yet. 
On a good note we put in for a bond hearing to be heard this week and I have faith he will be home this weekend. 
I was sent this article this morning and I wanted to share it with everyone here, please read it.

Angel Harrelson
PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.
Update #45 I don't think I will ever get a break! UGHHH

August 10th, 2021

I have been run through the ringer these past few days. I had to rent a car to get home from where I was stranded then mechanic calls me about my truck telling me it will cost me almost $3k to fix it ugh hubby had to own a diesel 2500, bearings are gon calipers and rotors locked up on both front tires and to top it off add radiator issues too, plus my home a/c is costing me $6500k so right now I am beside myself I am almost completely broke. I need extra prayers please for peace of mind at least.

Angel Harrelson
PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.
Update #44. Very bad or you can call it rough day!

August 8th, 2021

Hi everyone. Today I broke down and cried! Not only do I have to spend a few thousand dollars to replace my A/C now I ended up broke down on side of the interstate going home (3hrs from home) tow truck took 2 hrs to get to me then once it got there I had to figure out how to get either home or to get a friend to get me. Well she came get me but can't get home until Tuesday so I had to call another friend to watch my kids till I get home of course she said yes. Next I have to wait for the mechanic to let me know what is wrong with my truck and tell me how much it will cost me! I have prayed for strength and help with my heart, this is just too much for me. What am I supposed to do with this.
God please tell me what am I supposed to do! AMEN!
Angel R Harrelson 
Update #43 spoke at the Rally in Fort Myers,Florida

August 7th, 2021

Today another POLITICAL PRISONERS' wife (Joseph Hackett) and I were at a rally. We both was able to speak and read letters from our Political Prisoners to everyone. It was a very emotional day for both of us. I met some more wonderful patriots today and they showed so much love for us!
Well I scheduled for my A/C to be replaced, ugh.
Angel Harrelson 
PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt Harrelson, Kenneth T. 
Update #42 Today is a UGH kind of day 08/03/2021 9:32am

August 3rd, 2021

Well I have been a very busy woman lately. I have just gotten back from speaking at The Patriot Summit in VA. It went great and I did say I will do what I need to do to get people to understand what is happening to our family members and also it could happen to anyone of you as well. I will not stop fighting for everyone. I AM STRONG, I AM LOVED, I AM BLESSED and GOD HAS MY BACK!! 
I came home and now here is my UGH kind of day, I have to buy a new a/c and fix my walls because of my a/c unit decided to all of a sudden to give me issues. That's costing me a few thousand dollars. I was feeling better until I had to deal with the heat and a broken a/c unit!! Thank you all for all the support and prayers you are sending our way!!  I will try to give another update later this week if I can.
Angel Harrelson
PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.
Update #41 a quick one and small update. 07/22/2021 24:07 (12:07am)

July 22nd, 2021

Hi everyone just a quick update! Another family member and I have been working a website to put all the families fundraising accounts on so people can go to one site to donate one of them as they chose. It should be live tomorrow evening I and another will be advocates for them as well. This is the link to it please go check it out. Should be able to see it tomorrow. We are still adding their funding accounts to it just please be patient with us because we are doing a lot to keep us and everyone together and praying together as well. Thank you Love y'all!

Angel Harrelson
Update #40 Today been a mixed feeling day today but I'M STRONG 07/21/2021 20:34 (8:34pm)

July 22nd, 2021

We are all thankful and he likes hearing that he isn't  forgotten like the others feel as well. Please check our new website we put together for us and the other families with their donation webpages on there. I and another family member did this so the others can get help as well.
Well I started my day out wasn't so bad. Made a few calls then SQUISH I step in water on the floor in my closet, ugh. Well figured out where it was coming from, ahhhh my drain pipe to the inside unit of my A/C. Not only I have to do that but I have to learn how to fix a soaked bottom part of my and baseboards. Well God only gives me what I can handle. Right ?!

Thank you so very much love,
Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T)
Update #39 Update 07/18/2021 21:53 (9:53)

July 19th, 2021

Hi everyone!! Just a short update. There is someone in here trying to scare everyone off by putting a document from back in April. I don't care if everyone see it because they tried to make my husband look bad. So I thanked him for showing their true colors basically. I do have his name and address just so you know!!
Thanks everyone much love from me!!

July 18th, 2021

I am going to send it to every senate in every state! Please read it, sign it and then share it as much as possible!!
Update #37

July 15th, 2021

Political prisoner, a person who is imprisoned because that person’s actions or beliefs are contrary to those of his or her government. What all conceptualizations and working definitions of the term political prisoner have in common is their acknowledgment of the importance of power relations, specifically between dissidents and agents of governmental authority or ruling elites. Political prisoners stand as symbolic representations of attempted challenges to the status quo.
Update #36 UPDATE 07/15/2021 11:48am

July 15th, 2021

Hi everyone! Update since last one. I have don't the rally and it turned out great and peaceful. I am planning another and as soon as I have a date I will post it in here as well. It has been a rough week for us. I haven't seen my husband's face in over a month since he has been in DC jail. I am working hard to get him home and to help others as much as I can. I lost my last job again due to this, ugh. I am beside myself right now because I am dealing with so much some just don't understand what I have been going through. My husband is fighting to keep his head held up. It's hard to keep him in a positive mind set when their rights are being violated everyday! Today is just another emotional day for me, I am having a rough day and my feelings was hurt this morning. No one knows I didn't keep all these donations, it went to the attorney and to catch up the bills. I have fired my attorney for him because I couldn't afford to keep them. I do have a new one now and he is actually great and is doing this for nearly nothing. The new attorney has a website to give donations to help all the 1/6 Political Prisoners and they are taking donations to be able to get more attorney's to help others in the same situation as us. He has quite a few clients now and need more attorney's to help. check out his website . I love my husband and all my kids so much!!!
Angel Harrelson
(PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kennth T.)
Update #36 UPDATE 06/28/2021 23:50 (11:50pm)

June 29th, 2021

Hi everyone!! I just wanted to give you an update on what I have been doing lately. Well, here goes. I have been getting together, with some friends and we are putting together FREE OUR PATRIOTS RALLY IN TALLY ON JULY 10, 2021 1PM-3PM RAIN OR SHINE 400 S. MONROE STREET TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399. January 6, 2021 led to  peaceful protestors being taken as political prisoners by the U.S. Government. Come stand with us as we speak out for them and demand they be released and all charges dropped. It is Hosted by Luis Miguel, Candidate for U.S. Senate. We will have speakers there and I will be speaking (Hopefully I don't cry) there might be some call and speak as well. Please join the cause and please we ARE going to use our voice and make sure we are heard!!!
Angel Harrelson
(PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T)
Update #34 Update 06/24/2021 20:42 (8:42pm)

June 25th, 2021

I just spoke to Ken and he is with the other guys in DC jail now and he sounds better. He is ok right now. 
I am taking my donations and using it to send them in there funds for commissary, messaging and other things if they need it. I am limited to so many and how much I send each day as I just found out today but that's ok that will not stop me from helping them. If there is any women that are locked up for the same thing please send me a message I would love to help. I did lose my job assignment as of last night but that's ok I have faith that better things will come. I will continue on what I have been doing and NEVER give up on our Patriots being FREE!!!
Angel Harrelson
(PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T)
Update #33 06/17/2021 23:48 (11:48pm) Sorry emotional one

June 18th, 2021

Hi Patriots! I am utterly exhausted and just thought I would give everyone an update. I have not heard from my husband since Sunday still and when I ask it is vague answers. That just makes me worry more about him and the other in DC-CDF Jail. They know he and other are innocent and was waved in there the proof is there. The Prosecutor refuses to show the footage from the inside to show the truth! I say we start DEMANDING IT  to be shown to the public or all the footage to be shown to the defendants their families and attorney's at once or DISMISS ALL CHARGES!! YES I am upset, sorry everyone as you know I am tired and emotional tonight. I went to the ReOpen America and it was like they were forgotten and I refuse to let that happen because that is what they want. These patriots were setup and FBI stated it.
Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.)
Update #32 UPDATE ON KEN 06/15/2021 22:47 (10:47pm)

June 16th, 2021

I finally received and email from his attorney and found out why I haven't heard from him. They put DC-CDF on lockdown again along with being quarantined to do a shakedown since Sunday night was the last time I talked to him. He is already in P.C. with that, too. Please say a prayer for those guys in there!
I know this is short but I wanted everyone to have an update. I will be talking to them tomorrow morning with questions and wanting answers. Thank you all for your love and support!!
Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.)
Update #31 Update 06/14/2021 23:09 (11:09pm)

June 15th, 2021

I know I am doing this late but I wanted to give an update. I just got off work and can't go to sleep because I still haven't heard from my husband today, which always has me concerned. I can't wait to be at the Health & Freedom Conference. So much to pray for! As you know he is now being held in District of Columbia, D.C-CDF Jail. I know sometimes I may seem like I will give up but the truth is I just need to vent. Sometimes it works with a prayer sometimes just a prayer is all I need to do. I have been trying to figure out how to take this further to be heard and to make sure their truth is heard. I just figured out I will have to raise more money for the lawyers and this is disappointing because he still isn't home yet. So what is wrong with that picture? I feel BROKEN most of the time but I continue to push through for him and our kids. A lot of people don't realize what I am going through but the ones that do decide to stay quiet and I wish they would use their voice to be heard. You will sooner are later hear me ROAR!!! Thank you for your support and love!!
Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.)
Update #30 06/10/2021 7am UPDATE ON KENNETH

June 10th, 2021

Update on Kenneth, I finally talk to him last night. He is ok for the time being but he was put in quarantine(he has been tested multiple times negative tests) then put in PC (protective custody) immediately 1 day after getting to the DC jail. He was told because he was marked. Now how am I suppose to take that kind of news without worrying about him. Not everyone knows the truth just what they are being told by the media. I PROMISE  I won't give up I will STAY THE COURSE!! I hope to see y'all in Tampa and shake or give a hug to thank you! Thank you for that, I heard you and I will. Just want everyone to know I do read all of your comments and prayers to him every chance I get. He is so very thankful and blessed he keeps saying he just feels defeated sometimes but I have no new ones to read him.  Email me if you want to just send me a prayer I would love that.
Thank you all!!
Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T)
Update #29 NEW UPDATE 06/07/21 10:58pm

June 8th, 2021

He has been transferred to D.C. now and this is just so ridiculous and I am so tired of the governments games they are playing with their lives! I am fed up with this something need to be done about this he need to be FREED he has done NOTHING WRONG !! I haven't slept in 24 hours between taking care of our kids , stressing about him and working from early morning to midnight, I am doing this during my break. When will this end? I am don't know what to do right now..

Angel Harrelson 
I love and miss him so much!!
Update #28 06/07/2021 10:00am

June 7th, 2021

Hi everyone! Just a quick update this morning my husband has been transferred AGAIN and I don't know where to or when I will hear from him, hopefully soon so I know where he is transferred to. PLEASE DON'T FORGET ABOUT THEM!  PLEASE PRAY FOR THEM THAT'S ALL I ASK!! Just send a prayer to me privately I'm not asking for donations just to keep the support of prayer going for our family and others. Sorry if Iam a little emotional this morning. God bless you all!! Thank you for everything!! 
Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T)
Update #27 06/05/2021 1:48pm

June 5th, 2021

I had a visit with Ken today and he is having a rough day today. His blood pressure is 170/110 at 11am this morning. They didn't do anything about it, go figure! I just received this emotional message from Ken, well emotional to me, "I just want to come home, i miss you and the kids so much it just slowly breaking me down, I'll call when I can, I just feel well I don't really know how to feel, its like a battle is raging inside me, on one hand everyone is so supportive but on the other im being persecuted, its like a battle between good and evil inside of me and I don't know how to handle it, almost like I'm having an eternal battle for my soul idk sounds crazy but that's how I feel, I love you and miss you so much!"
All I have been doing since reading that message an hour ago is cry because I can't do anything! 
Please pray for him today!
Heads up I will be going to the Health & Freedom Conference in Tampa on June 19th!
Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T)
Update #26 06/05/2021 5:30pm Emotional and Rough Day

June 4th, 2021

Ok, I wanted to do a second update last night but I was just to exhausted to to do it. So I am going to do an update today. I have been extremely busy with 2 jobs  plus taking care of the kids the past few days. Yes, I now have 2 jobs, one is through a company and my other job I decided to renew my notary and signing agent commission as well. I have to do what is needed. I know my update last night and today is a little shorter then normal but its only because I am so tired. I still need to go do my yard, kids will clean the yard and boys will weed eat, while I mow the lawn and edge.  It's always a long process everyday but I have to do it and I will. Can't for get got to cook dinner for the kids too, lol. I really wish here was here to help me. I am taking on so much. 
I pray onto you Lord please give me the strength and energy to get through everyday and to endure all these obstacles. Thank you Lord in Jesus name, AMEN!!
Thank you everyone
Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.)
Update #25 06/03/2021 10:42AM

June 3rd, 2021

Hi everyone!! Today is just another day rough. Ken had another hearing. So, this is extended for another 30 days, ugh..There is a new indictment out now and 4 new people were arrested and they added a new charge to Ken as well. Please pray for those guys too!! I am praying for them and their families as well. I just wish they would listen to them because they are telling the truth. The hearing this morning was very short. Next one is on July 2nd is all I know for now. Thank you for all y'all prayers, support and love for your Patriot's!!! Please continue to pray!!
Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.)
Update #24 05/26/2021 12:05pm UPDATE 1 & 2 FOR TODAY

May 26th, 2021

Hey everyone!
UPDATE 2 : This is second update today to add to the one below. I had the meeting with senate staff member and right now I feel like I have wasted my breathe cause there is not much they can do which I know is not true. So I had to fill out a form for them to look into why he has been put on fed hold for so long, I explained that part too. We all know why he is on fed hold but I want to know why he can't get bond when they release actual people that need to stay in. Ok, so 2 offices down and many more to go. So let's see which is next to give me a meeting that's not staff.
UPDATE 1:  So, today I have a virtual meeting with Rubio's office staff. I really wanted to talk to him but I will start there if I have to. I had a breakdown this morning after the kids left for school. It is hard without him home. I need him home with us and I miss him so very much. I had no choice but to get our yard cleaned and the trees done because of hurricane season. I am just getting overwhelmed right now and I don't know how not to do less. I am a mother, wife, house keeper, yard lady, cook, and so many more things. 
All this pressure is just pushing me to fight harder to get him home and get the truth out. By the way it is starting to come out but I can't say much until I get the ok to do so, which sucks. Prayers are working so please keep praying!!
Thank you so so very !!!
Angel Harrelson ( PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth T.)
Update #23 05/23/2021 9:50pm Sorry if this one is long!!

May 24th, 2021

Hi everyone! I was going to do a voice recording on here to give an update but it cut me really short and I decided to just go back to typing it in instead. I will do a video soon instead , hopefully it will let me upload it on here then. Tomorrow is our daughters' 15th birthday and she is so excited to be turning 15 yrs old already. UGH time flies by. 
I have been able to talk to Ken and they finally moved him to a better POD but still not getting his medical needs met. His blood pressure is still not stable as I have been tracking it. Yesterday at 7pm it was 144/104, now tell me if you see something wrong with that! That upsets me, diastolic not too high but systolic is too high. The other day it was 169/98 this is just a couple blood pressure readings. I won't even go into detail of the unsanitary situation they are in over there, I will get going on a rant. I have called a few congressmen and a couple senators the past couple days, I haven't spoke to any yet but left messages for them and emailed some. I was able to talk to one local person that works in the office of our local congress office but they can't help him. 
Now, as for my job it was great and I enjoy helping others and talking to new people. That assignment is done till next tax season. New assignment don't start up until June 7th. I can't wait for my new assignment, I like doing customer service but also enjoy data entry as well. Kids will be out of school June 4th and they are happy because one is going to high school and the other will graduate next year. SO EXCITED FOR THEM and PROUD!! Our daughter will talk to her daddy tomorrow night so he can tell her happy birthday to his "Punky"! She told me she will try not to cry cause she wants to show him she is staying strong for him.  Thank you to everyone that has given wonderful and helpful advice, support, prayers and the Love of our fellow Americans'!!! 
Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth)
Update #22 05/14/2021 9:45pm

May 15th, 2021

Ok, I have finally talk to him and seen him on virtual visitation. He has lost so much weight (he didn't need to lose). He still looks and sounds the same as last time I updated about him. Nothing new to update on that but he was finally moved out of solitary back to where he was with 80 something men. I have started working and I am so glad I did because it is keeping my mind busy and income coming in the house. My hours are long and taking as many as I can to make sure kids don't go without. Our son got an award for the high school JROTC award ceremony and we are so proud of him for the awesome job he is doing in school. Plus it helps him keep himself straight ahead and not in trouble. We have wonderful kids. I know I am bias! Our daughter will be in it next year she already signed up for JROTC, so proud of her for wanting to do that in high school.
Angel Harrelson
(PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth)
Update #21 05/11/2021 8:37am

May 11th, 2021

Hi everyone! 
I have started my new job yesterday and so far it's good. I am excited to finally get back to work. I might not be making much but it is better then nothing. I haven't been able to talk to Ken for almost 2 days now. They keep moving him within that facility, like from the pod to medical (hole) to booking back to medical(hole). So I don't know what they doing in there to be moving him around that much in one facility and it makes me worried about his wellbeing. Those nurses are sick , how can you be a nurse and make fun and treat these people with no respect and violate his rights. them the way they do! Please continue to pray for him and the others! They are all being treated horribly in those places. I will continue to pray to have my voice heard and will NOT give up!
Thank you all so much for everything y'all are doing for us!
Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth)
Update #20 please watch my video

May 5th, 2021
Update #19 Asking for HELP

May 3rd, 2021

New update. I am trying to give everyone updates as much as I can. I have just finished my virtual visitation with him. He is getting worse by the day over in VA. His rights are being violated and everyone in that facility. I don't understand people, I really don't get how you can let people stay in this environment and not follow the law when you are suppose to uphold it. He is now coughing up black chunks and not getting any better. How am I suppose to deal with this? I won't let this go and no one can stop me from being compassionate it's in my nature to help others no matter what they have are have not done. I can't do any of this on my own anymore I need more help then ever to get through! I need to get in contact with our Governor, Senator and our Congressman of Florida state to hear me out and to get help. Please if someone can help me please I am asking for help!?
Angel Harrelson
(PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth)
Update #18

April 28th, 2021

Ok, today I had a virtual visit with Ken and he is not doing well health wise. He's not looking to good this morning. This was the second virtual visit since he has been in Virginia. He is trying to hold it together for us. Our daughter is doing better today, I told her to let it out and I listened to her then explained to her it's ok to cry. She has been reading the bible and I let her bring it to school with her because it makes her feel better she said.
I have a job interview today! I am praying I get it because I need it desperately. 
I am also trying to organize another show to do. As soon as I get that information I will put it on here as an update.
Thank you so much for everyone's support and prayers. Please continue to pray for us.

Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth)
Update #17

April 23rd, 2021

Hi everyone! 
I just got off the phone with Kenneth. He was picked up 2 nights ago to be transported to Virginia  for now but in a week or 2 he will be transferred to D.C.. I have been dealing with things at home. I had to tell our kids that he is being transferred to D.C. and I had to watch our daughter have a breakdown and that is the worst thing to ever see your child go through those emotions. I had to hold it together because I couldn't let her see me breakdown. I finally broke down after they went to bed in my room with closed door privately. I found out I might not receive unemployment because my job loss was not related to the covid pandemic. So that's another thing I have on my plate. I have to find a job in customer service or data entry ASAP so I can make sure we have enough for the kids and I. I have already paid his attorney. That's one thing off my plate for now until whatever is next. I have been praying 3-4 times a day from our bible. Every time I do pray I feel things will get better and I am hopeful. Sorry if this gets log every time I give an update. I know God will come through for us. 
Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth)
Update #16

April 16th, 2021

Well here is the news.
I have been in my own little cocoon the past couple days since his bond hearing. They denied his bond. So, now he has to stay in until the trial. That was the hardest thing I had to do was to listen to it and they were telling all these untruthful things and making up their own stories about that day. His attorney's were great and had very good arguments, but then the other side popped up with some new material they had which of course they had to interpret the no sound to what they think is going on and not the truth. 
They tried to even say I lied about the air-soft but as far as I knew thats all we had in our safe. I had no idea of nothing else. The other one they are referring to is for a friend of ours we were keeping in our safe for him and the only reason I know this is because he came get recently. As for the books they are not of what they say it is for. We actually were going to start homesteading and I wanted to know how to protect myself and learn to live off the land. There is no harm in reading and learning new things or just reading in general. I am disappointed in some for actually thinking he is like what they say. He is for the American people no matter who they are. Now I have no choice but to continue fighting for his freedom and to get the truth out. I love my husband, he and our children are my world !!!! I am going to use these donations to continue to pay the fees that is to come and NEVER GIVE UP!!! I will start going to places to have my voice heard. 

Thank you all American People!!!!
Angel Harrelson (PROUD Wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth)
Update #15

April 12th, 2021

    It was brought to my attention that I forgot to put the links to my interviews I have done so far. The links are below. As for looking up the public court documents, you have to get an account with PACER  link below as well. As for Gateway Pundit I have written a letter to them asking them to please post my story and that's exactly what he did word for word of what I wrote in my letter. 


 Interview with Patriot Transition Voice:       

 Interview with Just Another Channel:       

Please research the truth before making judgments on what the social media or news media tells people just to get more views. I have actually watched so many videos and also watched it live the day of the 6th and it is not what I saw from home. I am going to continue with my verbal fight for my husband and the others that has not done anything bad. I support and trust my husband just like I do with our Lord and savior! God has my back and theirs! GOD BLESS AMERICA! I love my husband with all my heart!!

Angel Harrelson 
(PROUD wife of Retired Army Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth)
Update #14

April 7th, 2021

I do apologize for taking so long to do an update.
I have just listened to their hearing and it was basically what do you plea and of course everyone said NOT GUILTY. It was hard to listen to everything. Kenneth has another hearing next week for motion to be released and I am praying that it gets granted. Sorry I can't say to much on here about the case. I am sad he wasn't going to have one this week but I guess I have no choice but to be patient. Then as soon as Kenneth is released I am ordered to bring him to the hospital to get him check thoroughly for any damage that was caused during the highly dangerous blood pressure.
I want to say thank you all for your support and prayers. 
Thank you!
Angel Harrelson (Proud Wife of Retired Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth)
Update #13

April 1st, 2021

Sorry for a delay on the updates. 
I have been swamped with making sure everything is in order and done here at home. We are praying and hoping he will get released soon on bond. I on the other hand is praying this whole thing gets dropped. I have spoken to his doctor and if he gets released I will have to bring him straight to the hospital to get admitted. The doctor is worried he could have damage from his severely high blood pressure. I have noticed some changes in his conversation, like he pauses and has to think about what he is wanting to say also he is suffering with these pains that is not being treated where is detained. The lawyers and I are pushing for him to get treated and to be released as soon as possible. The place he is being detained has had 2 outbreaks and if he gets it it can harm him in a very bad way if you know what I mean by that. No matter what I am proud of him for all he has done for his country and continue to do. I will stay by his side through thick and thin no matter the situation. Thank you for all of your love and support! We are blessed to have all of you in our lives!
Please continue to pray for him!
Thank you again,
Angel Harrelson ( A PROUD wife of Retired Sgt. Harrelson, Kenneth)
Update #12

March 27th, 2021

I'm sorry for being late updating had to gather myself a bit after talking to him. We miss him so much here at home. I was actually able to see him through the camera. He was looking a little pail to me but it could have been the lighting in the cells. I have been able to keep my eyes dry when talking to him and that is very hard to do. I do let go when we are off the phone. I am still worried about him. I have been so busy trying to get them to listen because I know my own husband. I am working hard to get that resolved and correctly get him treated the right way.
I just don't understand none of this. He was and still is a proud that he was able to serve his country  also proud to be an American. Then he became a veteran and now he is being treated like this. It's hard to fathom all this. I struggle everyday to do what needs to be done and to fight hard. I know I am strong and probably to hard on myself as my sweet husbands says. If I don't push myself I am afraid I will fall and I don't want to do that. I love my husband so much and I miss him so very much. The kids are keeping themselves occupied so they don't have to think about it. I have talked to them and they are proud he is there dad and proud to know he made a stand. They also know he would never do harm to others in any way shape or form. They also know their dad is a History geek as they called They adore their Dad..(Obvious)
Update #11

March 23rd, 2021

I wanted to give another update. I talked to Kenneth yesterday and he said to tell his fellow brothers and sisters n arms and fellow Patriots thank you for your love, prayers and support. He didn't realize how many were behind us and there for us until I told him how many have given their prayers, advice, love and support. I read as many messages as I called in the time frame we have to him. He is proud to be an American and a Patriot. He said he is proud of the kids and I for fighting for him plus others as well. He is proud to have served his country and he enjoys helping others.

I did a show last night and I let out how I feel and how much this is wrong what the government is doing to our veterans that has proudly served our country. They are making assumptions instead of getting the truth. I am NOT giving up on him he is our life and my wonderful husband no matter what people say because I know the truth and I know him well. He is still having trouble with his medical issues, ugh. Like I told them on the show there is no amount of money that could replace him.
Thank you everyone for your love, prayers and support for us! 
Angel Harrelson
Update #10

March 22nd, 2021

I want to say thank you all for the encouraging words and support you have sent me. All of you are helping me fight this and helping with keeping my head above water. I am so grateful for every one of you. I want to say thank you for your service for the ones who served and is still serving including the significant other as well. Thank you so very very much Patriots. I will be having a virtual visit with Kenneth tomorrow morning and I am going to read some more of your prayers and support to him. I will try to update after. If I don't it will be Tuesday. I have a live virtual interview with Patriot Transition Voice tomorrow night at 9pm EST.  I will be telling my story and I will be fighting for our Patriots as well. 

Thank you again!
Angel Harrelson
Update #9

March 20th, 2021

Sorry everyone I don't know what to tell anyone. I am telling all truth on here. I am sorry if some feel I am not. I got a call today stating that is how they felt. It is is to find out if I am telling the truth. This person made me feel like the worst person for raising money to free my husband from being in this political prison. So as I am here typing this (yes I am crying cause this hurt my feeling) I am already emotional from what's been going on. I don't expect to get that much of a donation that I updated to. I am more then happy to have prayers and words of support from everyone. It states it on this site donations are non-refundable and if no one saw that I'm sorry I really am sorry. I don't know what else to say. I don't even know how that person got my phone number. Thank you all that do support my husband and family.
Angel Harrelson 
Update #8

March 20th, 2021

I had a vurtial visit with Kenneth this morning. He is hanging in there. I went directly to his doctor get the letter stating his diagnosis and brought it directly to the jail yesterday to the nurse in charge also told them they are held responsible for his well being, if anything happens to him while in there custody they will pay the consequences of their actions. I have retained an attorney for him as of yesterday. I have also found out today the truth is starting to come out. We still have a long road ahead for this fight but I got faith. His blood pressure is down to 154/109 because a new nurse actually cares about his health but she is only there for a little while so she can't check him through out the day. The others don't bother (unbelievable) .. I have been working hard doing research and gathering everything I can to send his attorney. Got most of it sent to her. I will continue to work hard and fight the evil that has come upon us. Thank you all for the help, support and prayers. It has helped him get through this as I read all the messages and prayers to him when I talk to him on the phone. He said he is going to reply to everyone when he gets to come home which is unknown. Thank you so very much. 
Angel Harrelson
Update #7

March 18th, 2021

I have designed a t-shirt those funds will be split between the veteran's only. This is for things they might need during the time in their POLITICAL PRISON or for after they are home. The funds I am raising is for his lawyer fees and for our financial needs plus things our family needs. PLEASE check out the link I posted for the shirts. I designed to show our support and we want them home and not treated as POLITICAL PRISONERS. This is not going to me this going to their personal needs.

Thank you for your prayers and support all are appreciated!!!!
Angel Harrelson 
Update #6

March 18th, 2021

 I just spoke to a few attorney's in D.C. and they telling me that the $100,000 is just the retaining fee it will cost us $150/hr after that and could total up to $500,000 in the end just depends how long they drag this out the lawyers say. I just sat down and cried because that's a lot of money. I will keep fighting but I don't know if we can make that. I am going to get the paperwork for the power of attorney and one for his health and medication as well so I can have say so on what is given to him. I don't know what good it will do since he is in US Marshals custody. I will try hard to get his health back on track I refuse to lose my love of my life and father of my kids. I know my spelling and punctuation is off but I don't have time to correct it, I have a wonderful man and veteran to get home and the other veterans as well!
Thank you all so very much we are so loved and feel the support behind every one of you!
Angel Harrelson 
Update #5

March 17th, 2021

Good morning everyone God bless you all!
I just got off the phone with Kenneth and I am really worried they are NOT giving him his medication and his blood pressure is severely high 170/120 I am so worried about him. All the agents and county jail are aware and denying him of his human rights. I know some are not sure what he is in there for but he is in there for being an Oath Keeper and knowing others. The indictment is public. I will be doing a few interviews this week to get this all out and known. I want my voice to be heard and I want my husband to stay alive and healthy. he is being transported Monday or Tuesday next week and I still haven't finished making all the arrangements for him as well as myself. I will be going there I am not staying behind I am going to DC to give him support no matter how long it takes. My in laws will have the kids while I try to get their father home and alive! PLEASE HEAR ME AND HELP MAKE MY VOICE KNOWN TO THE WORLD! WE LOVE OUR VETERAN AND WE NEED HIIM HOME! 
Thank you for your prayers and support we are so appreciative of all of you!
Angel Harrelson 
Update #4

March 15th, 2021

Hey he has been charged the same as the others and he is looking at lots of years if I don't get an aggressive attorney. I have  faith this will all come out right. I have to believe this is just a very bad hiccup we need to fight . I have told him we have so much support behind us and he will come home I will not give up until he is back home with us and safe. He is severely missed by us and I will do what I can to get him out plus try to help the others as well. He is in good spirits right now because I told him I can pay for a lawyer now. He sai to tell y'all he will pay it forward when he is able to come home. Thank to all his fellow brothers and Patriots!!!
Kenneth and Angel Harrelson 
Update #3

March 15th, 2021

I just got home from court and they did charge him and bond was denied. He is being extradited to Washington DC for trial. I will be making arrangements for him to get an attorney there. I will be also making arrangements for myself to go there as well. I am beside myself sick with this. I will get back on and finish my update later I can't finish it right now. Thank you Patriots 
Angel Harrelson
Update #2

March 15th, 2021

I just wanted to say I talked to Kenneth and read some of your prayers and support. We both got very emotional and we feel the love and support from our Patriots. He said he is so very thankful for everyone being there for us and he said that this encourages him to stay strong and keep up the good right. I am fixing to get ready to go to court for his preliminary hearing. I am overwhelmed with emotions and I have been trying not to breakdown but it is hard. We can do without the material things but not without our lives. I hope everyone understands what I did when I posted the truth of what I know in the article. I want the public to know the truth.  We are going to fight and I will never give up on an innocent man or the others they don't deserve this. Neither do the significant others. Sorry I don't stop when I'm upset and emotional. Thank you so very much for all your love, prayers and support for our family!
Angel Harrelson
Update #1

March 13th, 2021

I just talk to him and he wants me to tell all that he is truly grateful for the support but all he can think about is us(wife and kids). He is worried about us and not himself at the moment. I have told him We will be ok we will get through this. I also told him we will fight this through till he gets home to us. He is having trouble with his blood pressure at the moment with back pain. All he has received was otc pain medication. I am emotionally trying to keep it together when speaking to him cause I want to stay strong for him. He doesn't deserve to be in there. None of them do! He is my rock now I have to be his rock and that is what I will make sure I am for him.. I will follow him wherever they send him to make sure he knows I am there for him and to give the fight he deserves to get released.  
Thank you from the bottom of my heart this gives him hope!!
I do apologize if I have any misspellings or punctuation I am under enough emotional stress to thinks about that right now but I just fixed some of it. Again I am sorry.
Angel Harrelson 

Prayer Requests

Click the Pray button to let the campaign owner know you are praying for them.

  • Please pray for strength to get us through this.
  • Please pray for Retired Sgt. Harrelson to have good health.
  • Please pray for Ret. Army Sgt. Harrelson to be exonerated of ALL charges.

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