USD $20,000
USD $12,105
Campaign funds will be received by Eric Mark Townsend
In 2013, Fr Mark, an Orthodox priest in North Idaho, had a fairly major brain surgery to remove an optic nerve meningioma that was causing blindness. Due to prayers, God's grace, and a very skilled doctor, it was successfully removed, his vision was restored fully, and the tumor was non-cancerous, thank God.
Meningiomas are known to sometimes recur where they were previously removed and Fr Mark's has. In fact, he now has two very small tumors: one on the optic nerve affecting his left eye, and one on the pituitary. The doctors hope that they can both be removed with one surgery (please pray for this).
Surgery is scheduled for December 13th at Cedars-Sinai in Beverly Hills, CA. It is an anticipated 6 hour procedure with 4 days in the hospital and a further 10 days in the immediate area for follow-up and in case of any complications.
His out-of-pocket expenses will likely be around $11,000. He has already received some financial help, so I am creating this campaign with a goal of $10,000. If you can help financially, please do. And whether you can contribute or not, please do pray for Fr Mark and his family - the timing of this surgery means that he will not be home for Christmas.
Love you guys! Prayers.
Glory to God in all things
Sending prayers and love for your quick recovery
Praying for you, my friend.
Praying for you dear Father.
January 1st, 2025
Happy New Year Dear Ones!
I spoke with the Radiologist yesterday. He wants me to come back in 4 weeks for one day of "mapping" via CT and MRI. Then, return a week later for 5 days of True Beam radiation treatment. The good news is there is supposedly little side effects. God willing this will take care of the residual tumor for good.
As of today, my vision is much much better. I still am not driving, but soon. My weight limit is still a paltry 5 lbs, but that will increase quickly.
Overall I feel much better and I'm so thankful for all the tremendous support. God bless you all for all of your support!
Love in Christ, Fr. Mark & family
December 21st, 2024
We saw the doctor today and he is impressed with how well he's doing and his lack of pain. Vision is back and he can walk steadily again. The tumor was low grade and a benign meningioma. Phew! We will have to come back down here in late January for a few days to meet with the radiation oncologist and have mapping for treatment. Then we'll come back again for about a week for the radiation in mid-late February. The hope is to treat the remaining tumorous tissue to prevent recurrence. Fr. is in good spirits and sends his love.
December 20th, 2024
Father's surgery went well on 12/13/24. He was able to leave the hospital sooner than expected on 12/15/24. Thank God his vision is much improved and he has had minimal pain even though he looks like he went a round with Rocky ;-D
The two tumors were connected after all. The doctor tried to remove all of them, but was unable to safely do so because of their locations. Unfortunately, that means that we will need to return to CA in about 6 weeks for targeted radiation treatment using True Beam. The doctor is not comfortable having this completed by another MD or organization due to the high risk for blindness if the radiated area is even minutely off and since the residual amount of tumor is not really visible on imaging. The tentative plan is to do radiation over one week, but it may need to be spaced out. We see the doctor tomorrow for his post-op visit and will get a definitive plan once the pathology is reviewed. We hope to go home on 12/28. Thank you for the love and prayers! XO
December 15th, 2024
Father Mark is continuing to recover; there are no signs of complications but they continue to monitor him. Thank God, his vision is good, and his walking is fine.
Father and Pres Joanna are completely amazed and humbled by the generosity of all you wonderful people. They asked me to express their gratitude, and said that you all are in their prayers.
Of course, let’s all continue to pray for them! I will post another update when I have one.
~ Mka Marie
December 14th, 2024
Father Mark came out of surgery a little before noon today. The doctor got most of the tumor off the nerve but not all. Same with the pituitary. He’s experiencing moderate pain but they are attentive and trying to reduce it. Thank God, his vision seems to be preserved if not better. However, he’ll need True Beam radiation to get the rest of the tumors in about 6 weeks.
Thank you for your prayers! Please continue to pray.
December 13th, 2024
Father's surgery is planned to begin between 6:30 and 7:00 am on Friday, Dec 13. It will likely last six hours. The surgeon will go after the tumor in the optic canal first, and will remove the other tumor if he can safely reach it. Please pray that there won't be any complications, ie: blindness, hemorrhage, or infection.
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