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First Amendment Lawsuit Against Amy Dankel


 USD $75,000


 USD $16,850

Campaign created by Frontline Lawyers USA Inc

Campaign funds will be received by Frontline Lawyers USA

First Amendment Lawsuit Against Amy Dankel

McKinney ISD parents have identified 282 books in the McKinney ISD school libraries that contain obscene sexually explicit passages and images. Some graphic novels even have images depicting sexual acts with minors. 

At the April 2022 MISD school board meeting, board president, Amy Dankel, had McKinney police forcibly remove multiple individuals merely for expressing their support for removal of the books by clapping, cheering, and commenting in response to public comments. Ms. Dankel did not enforce these rules against anyone clapping or cheering in support of keeping the books.

We filed a lawsuit against Amy Dankel and her deputy administrator, Robert Montgomery, for their egregious violation of First Amendment rights. Dankel and Montgomery attempted to have the lawsuit dismissed on the grounds of qualified immunity. The federal judge recently ruled in our favor and is allowing the case against Dankel and Montgomery to proceed to discovery. Because our plaintiffs are unable to afford legal fees on their own, we need your help to take discovery to prove our case against these tyrants. Please consider donating to hold Dankel and Montgomery accountable.

This lawsuit, "Gonzales v. Dankel," had a noticeable effect during the May 31st special board meeting regarding the Board's witch hunt against Chad Green, who is the only conservative board member taking a stand to have these books removed. Public participants were once again allowed to clap, cheer, and make comments in response to the speeches made during the public comment segment of the meeting. You can view a copy of the lawsuit here:

We are planning to file another lawsuit targeted toward removal of the books themselves. These two lawsuits will take a lot of work and will be expensive to litigate. If you want to keep the tyrants on the MISD school board in check and protect our kids from continued exposure to sexually explicit material at school, we need your help to fight back.

Our initial goal is to raise $20,000 to get these civil rights lawsuits off the ground. Your donation goes to our foundation, Frontline Lawyers USA (non-profit 501(c)(3) status pending). We have retained an independent accountant, Jim Herblin, to provide accountability for how your donations are used. For transparency, we will post a detailed invoice so that you can see how your donations were used. Thank you for helping keep our kids safe from sexual grooming.

Recent Donations
Bonnie Wallace
$ 500.00 USD
23 days ago

God bless you! Keep reading the porn and opening eyes! Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified. Do not be discouraged. For the Lord, your God, goes with you wherever you go.

Jens J
$ 47.00 USD
1 month ago

$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Cherlyn Shands
$ 26.00 USD
10 months ago

Support the innocence of children from evil.

Joan of Ark
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

We must fight for our children and communities! Thank you

Diana G
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Diana G
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Diana G
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Tony Johnston
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 45.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Stand strong in the Lord

Diana G
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Tony Johnston
$ 20.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

I had no idea this was going on in my kids school district. Thank you for taking a stand.

$ 22.00 USD
1 year ago

Keep up the great job -- I'm a Guest Teacher who has witnessed firsthand some of the nonsense, both with and disgusting language, being taught in public schools as if it is "quality literature". #LordHaveMercy

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

Book “The Marxification of Education “ by James Lindsay

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

God bless all of you!

Diana G
$ 10.00 USD
1 year ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 year ago

ed needs to be the parents’ responsibility. They got it right at least once.


We just defeated Amy Dankel's summary judgment motion! This case is going to discovery and we need your help!

June 24th, 2024

After waiting over a year-and-a-half, the federal judge denied Amy Dankel and Robert Montgomery's motion for summary judgment. This case is moving into discovery, which means we will be requesting their documents and taking depositions to prove our case for trial. Discovery gets very expensive, and so we need your help. We estimate needing at least $75,000 to proceed to trial.

I just requested a status update from the court

August 18th, 2023

Since it has been 10 months since the parties completed their briefing on the motions to dismiss, I emailed the court coordinator today to find out if we can expect a ruling anytime soon. If not, we will likely file a writ of mandamus with the Fifth Circuit to try and get a ruling.

Still waiting on judge. Will move Fifth Circuit if he takes much longer.

July 31st, 2023


Sorry that I haven't posted an update in a while. We have been extremely busy in my law firm. We are almost coming up on a year since the briefing on the various motions has been completed and have not received any decision from the judge. Our remedies for this are limited as federal judges generally have wide discretion as to when they get to their rulings. I would say that a year is definitely excessive. If we do not get a decision by the end of August, I will email the court coordinator to let the judge know that we will need a file a writ of mandamus with the Fifth Circuit to compel a decision if we do not get one within a year. Thank you again for your generous donations.


We're still waiting for the judge to rule on the pending motions.

March 16th, 2023

Thank you to everyone for the recent donations. I just wanted to give an update that we are still waiting on the judge to rule on the pending motions for summary judgment (MSJs). We can't proceed to discovery until the judge denies the MSJs. I talked to another lawyer who has practiced in Judge Mazzant's court. He said that its normal for Judge Mazzant to take a while to rule on motions. All we can do is wait. On a negative note, the judge denied my motion to show cause as to why Amy Dankel's attorneys should be disciplined for filing false and frivolous ethics complaints against me with the Texas Bar. I do not agree with the reasoning of the opinion, which basically said I didn't go into enough detail in the motion as to why they should be disciplined despite the fact that I attached my response to their bar complaint, which comprehensively described how they violated the Texas ethics rules. Oh well. Judges generally don't like to get involved with those types of issues. I guess it's ok for attorneys to lie about other attorneys to the bar. My guess is that some liberal law clerk who doesn't like me wrote the opinion, but I'm just speculating.
We expect to defeat Defendants' summary judgment motions and proceed to discovery

December 21st, 2022

We are still waiting for the judge to rule on two pending motions for summary judgment on the issue of qualified immunity so that we can take discovery on MISD Board President Dankel, the McKinney police officers, and others involved. We need to raise another $10k ASAP to be ready to serve written discovery and start scheduling depositions. Please consider supporting us to establish precedent that these tyrants can't throw conservatives out of school board meetings for expressing their viewpoint!

I just finished 25 pages worth of summary judgment briefing in 2 days!

October 14th, 2022

Just ripped Dankel and the Cops' summary judgment arguments to shreds in these two briefs: (1) Response to the McKinney Police Officers' Motion for Summary Judgment: (2) Sur-Reply response to Dankel MSJ Reply Brief:

Thanks again for your support!

We raised the $5k! Here is the response we filed to Dankel's Motion for Summary Judgment for your reading pleasure.

October 12th, 2022

Thanks to everyone who donated to keep this lawsuit alive! I meant to post this earlier but here is the response we filed to Dankel's Motion for Summary Judgment: I firmly believe we will survive summary judgment and move into the discovery phase. Our response to the McKinney police motion is due this Thursday. We will need to have funds on hand to start conducting discovery once we get through the qualified-immunity-summary-judgment stage. Any assistance you can provide is much needed and appreciated!

We are over halfway toward our need of $5,000 by the end of today to respond to MISD Board President Amy Dankel's Motion for Summary Judgment!

September 27th, 2022

Thank you all so much for your support. MISD Board President, Amy Dankel, filed a Motion for Summary Judgment on Qualified Immunity trying to claim that she is immune from liability in this lawsuit. We know that she is NOT! But it is a LOT of work to respond to this complex motion and her motion to stay discovery. She is trying to avoid having to produce documents and participate in depositions. Don't let her! Here is a copy of her Summary Judgment motion which seeks to dismiss the case against her: I am working hard on the response. Here also is a copy of her Motion to Stay and/or Limit Discovery:

We filed this Second Amended Complaint to focus on the viewpoint discrimination claims

August 17th, 2022

My research in response to the three motions to dismiss indicated that the Plaintiffs' claims in this case against Dankel, Montgomery, and the police should be based in viewpoint discrimination under the First Amendment and nothing else. This Second Amended Complaint mooted most of the issues raised in the motions to dismiss and will ensure that this case moves past the initial pleadings stage and into discovery. But, we need your help to take discovery and depose the defendants because we have no money left in the account after all the work last month. Please consider donating to keep this lawsuit alive! Here is a link to view the Second Amended Complaint:

We filed our responses to the motions to dismiss and expect the lawsuit to go to discovery!

August 17th, 2022

I spent about 80 hours researching and analyzing case law and drafting these briefs to defeat the motions to dismiss from Dankel and the police officers. Thank you all for your donations that helped us get through that. My law firm still took a loss last month because we had to put off paying clients to keep this lawsuit alive. So, to keep going, we will need to raise more funds to get through discovery with depositions and document requests. We really appreciate your help. Here is a link to view our responses to the three motions to dismiss:

We filed our responses to the motions to dismiss and expect the lawsuit to go to discovery!

August 17th, 2022

I spent about 80 hours researching and analyzing case law and drafting these briefs to defeat the motions to dismiss from Dankel and the police officers. Thank you all for your donations that helped us get through that. My law firm still took a loss last month because we had to put off paying clients to keep this lawsuit alive. So, to keep going, we will need to raise more funds to get through discovery with depositions and document requests. We really appreciate your help. Here is a link to view our responses to the three motions to dismiss:

View the Motions to Dismiss filed by the Police and Board President Dankel

July 15th, 2022

Thank you so much for your continued support of our efforts to hold the McKinney ISD Board of Trustee accountable. I am working around the clock to keep this lawsuit alive and could not do that without your support. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. - Paul 

As an update, the police officers have filed a motion to dismiss based on qualified immunity basically saying they acted within the scope of their authority without clearly violating constitutional rights in dragging the plaintiffs out of the school board meeting at Board President Amy Dankel's direction. Dankel has also filed a motion to dismiss that I am currently analyzing. You can find the police motion to dismiss here:  and Dankel's motion to dismiss here: You can also view the plaintiffs' complain with all the facts of what happened here:

We have retained an independent accountant to provide accountability for your donations!

June 8th, 2022

We are excited to announce that we have retained Jim Herblin to provide accountability into how your donations will be used. We want you to have confidence that every penny you donate to our lawsuits is being used efficiently and for the purpose you donated.

Every month, we will post an invoice detailing the work performed and expenses incurred. Jim will review the invoice prior to the funds being disbursed. Note that we apply a 25% discount on the market rate for attorneys' fees for this public interest work. Here is a link to the invoice for the month of May so you can see how your donations were used:

Free speech returns to McKinney ISD board meetings because of our First Amendment lawsuit

June 1st, 2022

Yesterday, the McKinney ISD school board took their legally baseless witch hunt allegations against Chad Green to the next level by formally censuring him. The board's actions were illegal under the Texas Open Meetings Act because the board deliberated in closed session about Mr. Green over his lawful request to move deliberations to open session under section 551.074 of the Texas Open Meetings Act. The board knows their allegations against Mr. Green are baseless. This was apparent when Mr. Green made a motion to have the allegations referred to the Collin County District Attorney, and no one seconded the motion.

Despite this disturbing developments, it was encouraging to see the effect of our First Amendment lawsuit. Previously, supporters of Chad Green were removed from the meetings if they clapped or commented. Yesterday, however, the reluctance of Amy Dankel to order the removal of Green's supporters for clapping and cheering in response to speeches was obvious. The only person removed was a man opposing Chad Green because he belligerently stood up and interrupted the meeting. Many people, including yours truly, believe this event was staged to make Amy Dankel look less partisan in the wake of the lawsuit, but it's a little late for that.

Here is a Texas Scorecard article detailing yesterday's meeting:

We only have a little over $3,000 raised which is not nearly enough to keep our lawsuit going, and we need to file additional lawsuits against MISD. Please consider donating to our cause. Also, we have just hired an outside accountant to manage the fund and provide accountability.

Come Support Chad Green tomorrow (May 31) at 9am

May 30th, 2022

The McKinney ISD school board will be meeting at 9am May 31st to hear public comments and deliberate regarding their witch hunt against the only conservative member of the board who is fighting to remove pornographic books from McKinney schools, Chad Green. Come out to support Chad. They are trying to have him removed from office for opposing the books.
Update Come Support Chad Green tomorrow (May 31) at 9am Image
Read the first lawsuit we have filed to fight back against McKinney ISD

May 30th, 2022

Here is the link to read the lawsuit:

This is the first of several lawsuits we plan to file to fight back against MISD. This lawsuit, Gonzales et al v. Dankel et al, Case No. 4:22-cv-00416, in the US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas, is filed against MISD school board president, Amy Dankel and the McKinney Police officers who assisted her, for violating the First Amendment rights of parents and community members. Dankel had the McKinney Police forcibly remove attendees at the April board meeting for violating rules she set to restrict free speech. Dankel revealed that her rules only existed to silence those who came to the meeting to speak out against pornographic books in MISD schools when she had only those opposing the books (wearing green) removed while those supporting her (wearing blue) were not removed for similar violations. Thank you for your donations. We can't file the other lawsuits we plan to file to get the books out of the schools and to defend conservative board member Chad Green until we get more donations in. Every little bit helps.

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