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Felicia's Help


 USD $20,000

Campaign created by Felicia

Campaign funds will be received by Felicia Konold

Felicia's Help

Felicia is a single mother of two boys, loving, hardworking, and a dear friend. 

During the begining of her second pregnancy she was hunted down by the FBI for being present at Capitol Hill on January 6 rounded up at gunpoint by dozens of heavily armed agents, interrogated and thrown in solitary confinement in prison, and then after battling, was finally released on strict GPS ankle monitor home confinement (the entire duration of her pregnancy), unable to work, get groceries, or support her family. 

Through extensive battles, she was finally able to get the ankle monitor off so she could give birth, she then found a good long-term job as an ER vet tech traveling 2 hours each way every shift, and worked 12-15 hour shifts overnight so she was able to be at home during the day with her children, homeschool them, and take care of their small homestead that is used to fed her small family of 3, she does all of this completely alone. 

Fast forward to current time, Years later after tirelessly battling, multiple attornies, and large amounts of legal debt occurred, She has recently been sentenced, and was by a miracle ordered to spend 45 days in prison away from her children, and has now returned home and is serving additional time on home confinement on ankle monitoring.

She also lost both of her full time jobs and has been unable to find work. She went from having no criminal record to having a felony on her record. This now excludes her from getting any work in her field of experience and where she has her school degrees and has spent over a decade gaining expereance in. 

Please support this young mother financially while she rebuilds again.

She was also in a horrific near fatal motor vehicle accident in early 2020 where she ripped her face off, broke her back, and was not expected to survive, so the timing of these events so close together is quite unfathomable.

She is a fellow American with a heart of gold, dealing with an impossible situation.

Who despite her situations, against odds, stood up for the hope of helping all Americans on Jan 6.

Help her as much as you are able, as often as you are able, so that we can get this sweet momma back on her feet now that she has freshly returned home and finishes out her sentence, and rebuilds a life and speaks out sharing the truth.

Due to having no family available and needing to send her children to a different state with a family to caregive while she sat in prison for the second time, She has maxed out all possible credit cards to stay afloat with bills over these last 3 years of seemingly endlessly battling. 

If you know of work she can do from home, please email her friend Andrea with information. Realfreedomtalk (at) gmail (dot) com, subject line: Work for Felicia.

God Bless ❤️

Recent Donations
11 hours ago

I'm going to do this $100 a month for 12 months so if you need anything in the meantime don't hesitate to give me a call 804-898-1809 I live in Virginia and I have a phone family and I know what it's like to be persecuted by the Injustice department oh yeah Joe's going to address the

Anonymous Giver
16 hours ago

Good luck. Here for you.

Anonymous Giver
17 hours ago

praying for you and your children.

Anonymous Giver
17 hours ago

God bless

Anonymous Giver
1 day ago

Don’t give up!

Fight Fight Fight
1 day ago

I believe that everything happens for a reason. Having said that, I don’t know why you were chosen to point out the flaws of our very own government system, and those that are employed to protect and serve the people. You and your two boys will get through this. One day at a time! I believe the worst is behind you, and it’s now time for you to be blessed

Allmighty Jesus Christ
1 day ago

Felicia, I just saw your interview on Dan Ball's show and I am moved to help you as I so disagree with our governments political persecution and the weaponization of the In-justice department. I am a native Zoner, grew up in the mountains of central AZ and lived for many years in Ahwatukee so I love to help fellow Zoners. My family will keep you in prayer. God bless you and your family.

Anonymous Giver
1 day ago

You will get on top of all this . Blessings to you and your family.

Alex G
1 day ago

God bless you!

Anonymous Giver
1 day ago

Hope my small donation helps. Best of success to you to find work. I know it's hard enough to find good childcare as a single mom without this J6 baloney. Hopefully, Pres Trump as #47 will make this legal mess go away. I'll be praying for you and your children.

Anonymous Giver
1 day ago

Felicia, you and your boys are loved by many. You are in my prayers and take care of yourself and your boys. I know you will!

1 day ago

u are loved.

Matt Trump
1 day ago

Remember, every storm runs out of rain. I hope you push through this, keep your head up, and stay strong. They did wrong by you and everything comes full circle, hopefully soon. Thank you Dan Ball for highlighting Felicia's issue! Trump 2024!!

Anonymous Giver
1 day ago

I have gone thru same. There is an end to it. Trump will turn this around.

Anonymous Giver
2 days ago

Blessing you and your precious boys. Asking the Lord for justice and that the enemy pays back 7 fold for all the pain you all have suffered. Shalom blessings of peace, health, harmony, wholeness and prosperity.

Anonymous Giver
2 days ago

Anonymous Giver
2 days ago

Stay strong! Fight, fight, fight!!

Yukon Patriot
2 days ago

Praying for real justice in the months to come - hope this small amount helps.

2 days ago

Anonymous Giver
2 days ago


Update #3

July 23rd, 2024

Felicia and her 2 sweet young boys are now a little more than halfway done with her second imposed ankle monitor home confinement sentence, after being released from a nightmare of a unique experience in multiple prisons.

Ideally the first almost year long time she was on GPS ankle monitor strict home confinement during her entire pregnancy in 2021 after her initial round up by FBI would have counted towards the additional months of home confinement given to her by her judge at sentencing.

But the first year was "for the safety of the public pretrial" for a single mom with no criminal history and who's charges weren't even for any violent acts.

Felicia is still searching for a long-term job, and has finally been able to submit for approval small times slots where she will be approved for strict travel to and from work, finding work where she can, which as of now is adding up to around 12 hours a week, She also sells homemade bread and meat chickens out of her home to try to receive additional income to pay fine and fees imposed, legal debts racked up, and provide for her family and small homestead.

Her journey is far from over, with an additional 2 years left of monitoring, probation, restrictions, and a lifelong Felony effect to her life now.

But she remains in good spirits, is constantly vocal on how grateful she is to be back at home with her 2 sweet children homeschooling and caring for them, and even after downsizing substantially been able to keep a few animals to help feed her family and neighbors, she is blessed to have to courage to be able to share her story, So the truth about a monumental day in history can open the eyes of so many others, others who by the grace of god weren't entrapped in a political warfare tactic on our country on that day, and years after.

"The gratitude i have for the support big and small is beyond what any words would be able to express, throughout the darkest times reading all your prayers, words of support, and financial help when drowning, has helped drown out the threats, and hate that has followed and impacted mine and my childrens lives relentlessly for years now.

Love always wins. Thank you always.

Felicia, Alex, and baby Henry <3"

Update #2

June 15th, 2024

Update Update #2 Image

June 15th, 2024

Felicia has been released from her second time in prison solitary confinement, reunited with both of her sweet children, and now is at her trailer home with an ankle monitor yet again for a second time.

Unlike the extensive horrific time frame of the first round of GPS monitoring, lasting near a year, we are hoping this time her ankle monitor will be removed sometime in mid-august of this year. 

The prison they ordered Felicia to surrender to was FCI Dublin located in CA.

This prison was under current federal investigation for severe rape, abuse, and neglect at the time she was there and before. 

Many horrible situations occurred while she was there, and around the third week of her being in BOP custody she was rounded up by BOP special forces forcefully removed, strip searched dozens of times, chained and shackled, and in the night loaded onto a buss and unknowingly transported 16 hours straight to Seattle, Washington at a maximum security Detention center where she served the remainder of her time until home confinement. 

You can read more about the prison by a google search.

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