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Stop the ExpressVote XL


 USD $35,000


 USD $5

Campaign created by SMART Elections

Campaign funds will be received by SMART Elections Inc

Stop the ExpressVote XL

What's Happening with NY Voting?

New York elections are at a dangerous crossroads. New types of voting machines, called “all-in-one” and “universal-use”, are attempting to flood the state. After a four-year battle against it, a new All-in-One voting machine called the ExpressVote XL was approved on 8/2/23 by the NY State Board of Elections.

These systems do not allow you to vote with a pen and paper. They will radically change the way we vote. Experts say they will increase costs, and wait times. Experts say: elections conducted on these systems cannot be confirmed by audits.

The ExpressVote XL also wraps your vote in a barcode. The barcode is what's counted, not the text you see. There is no way for you to verify who you are voting for. In 2023 in Northampton County, PA the ExpressVote XL printed different candidates on the summary card than the ones that voters selected. But the machine did not count the vote it showed on paper. It scanned a barcode and actually counted the vote for the opposite candidate of what was on the paper. 

What does this demonstrate?

  • The ExpressVote XL can flip votes.
  • The ExpressVote XL can count the vote for a different candidate than what is on the paper summary card.

New Yorkers have been voting with either a pen and paper or a ballot-marking device for over 10 years. That system works. Voters can vote in the way that they prefer.

Yet despite all the warnings about these voting machines Erie, Monroe & Orange Counties are purchasing them.

Please make a tax-deductible donation of any amount to help fund a lawsuit to stop the ExpressVote XL in any counties that have purchased it.

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We are immensely grateful for your support!

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