USD $43,396
Campaign funds will be received by DailyClout
Please support DailyClout’s independent, investigative journalism including podcasts by our truth telling contributors, the Pfizer and Moderna documents research, election integrity efforts, software which makes federal and state legislation easily accessible to everyone, and more.
Dear Naomi, We have followed you from the beginning, thanks to SKB, and are grateful for all the ways God has used your talents in this war. Best Blessings, EAP
Dear Naomi, Thank you for all you do! You are a great role model! God Bless.
Thanks for your hard work and bravery, Naomi!
Please keep on keeping on! We NEED your work!
God Bless the Daily Clout Team!!!!!
Really support all you’re doing! Many blessings!
Naomi, keep up the great researching and analyzing!
God bless this wonderful work. I love your Geneva Bible readings Naomi.
I appreciate what Dr. Naomi Wolf is doing. Supporting her with this monthly donation to help her continue forward.
Keep up the great work!!
Dear Naomi, We have followed you from the beginning, thanks to SKB, and are grateful for all the ways God has used your talents in this war. Best Blessings, EAP
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