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 USD $150,000


 USD $14,755

Campaign created by Brian Ward

Campaign funds will be received by Brian Ward


I am consulting on 17 major lawsuits against governors, hospitals, and state health agencies that issued a vaccine mandate relying exclusively on investigational COVID-19 drugs, violating federal law.  I have offered my services for free to win back the medical rights of the military, healthcare workers, and others harmed by these unlawful ultra vires acts.

I am preparing to sue the FDA (as a plaintiff) for enacting a rule allowing a for-profit company to conduct biomedical research on you, using your private identifiable information, without your consent or knowledge.  This is a violation of your fundamental right to privacy.  The FDA lacked the authority to issue the rule, and we must regain our privacy and bodily autonomy rights.

Lastly, I am preparing to sue the U.S. Government personally, challenging the constitutionality of the PREP Act, which bars you from seeking judicial relief from an injury sustained from the administration of a vaccine, drug, device, etc.  Did you know that right now, if you were to enter into a hospital for a car injury and the attending physician injures you but that injury occurred during a time of "increased burden" from influenza patients, the hospital can claim your injury was PREP Act related preventing you from seeking financial relief?

Follow me at - support the efforts that directly impact your personal life and help me to win the day for all.  We can't all get in the ring to fight, but we can all help those who are.

Recent Donations
Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 day ago

Thank you for your commitment and perseverance.

Anonymous Giver
$ 25.00 USD
9 days ago

Tatiana Cuevas
$ 100.00 USD
10 days ago

Thank you.

Jerry B
$ 500.00 USD
10 days ago

Dominus vobiscum. Hatch a chicken, I'll give more.

Nazario Delacruz
$ 20.00 USD
10 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
10 days ago

Thank you for your work and keeping us informed!

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
10 days ago

Thank God for people like you Brian. Your work and effort are greatly appreciated. I wish I can donate more.

$ 100.00 USD
10 days ago

God bless you and your work!

Anonymous Giver
$ 10.00 USD
10 days ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 30.00 USD
10 days ago


Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
28 days ago

You are bearing great fruit Brian! I am thankful for your wisdom and vigilance on behalf of so many people.

$ 10.00 USD
1 month ago

One of the best Twitter pages on Twitter.

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 400.00 USD
1 month ago

You're an American treasure. Thank you for helping restore Constitutional rights to Americans and our military.

Anonymous Giver
$ 50.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 500.00 USD
1 month ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

"mental" ~ that's MY mayor, hospital and governor you're talking about! Happy to share my prayers, resources and encouragement with you in this fight against the powers of this dark world. Thank you, and your family, for all you do.

Bottom Feeder
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Go Brother!!!

Anonymous Giver
$ 100.00 USD
2 months ago

Anonymous Giver
$ 20.00 USD
2 months ago


Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals

July 16th, 2024

I consulted on this case that is now before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.  The court must answer the question of whether the FDA-labeled drugs were FDA-classified investigational instead of what the court stated was not investigational without informing anyone what the drugs actually were.

The con game of interchangeability is about to be over with because NONE of the defendants claimed that argument.  However, they claimed that the drugs were not investigational despite the FDA, CDC, HHS, and Pfizer stating otherwise.  It's just nuts that we have to go to the 9th to answer this question.  However, we will win this before the day is over, so keep your faith up and prayers coming.

Briefs will also be filed in the 5th and 10th Circuit Court of Appeals to answer the same question, among others, within 30 days. You can view the brief to the 9th here: 

June Update

June 10th, 2024

First, I thank all of you from the bottom of my heart for your continued donations.  You truly do not know how every donated penny is valued.  Second, I can confirm that a lawsuit against President Biden over his current COVID-19 mandates is in the works.  Third, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals held that if the COVID-19 vaccine does not stop the spread of the virus, then it is not a vaccine and only medical treatment that employers could not mandate, as the right to refuse medical treatment is a fundamental liberty interest that governments cannot compel for any reason.

There is MUCH coming down the legal pipeline this month!

Be Encouraged

May 21st, 2024

The 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the University of Colorado violated the fundamental religious rights of all students seeking exemption from the COVID-19 mandates. (I did not consult on that case).

The Regents of the University of California are now the subject of a class action and are going to trial. (I did not consult on that case.)

Courts across the nation are giving the green light for persons to sue hospitals refusing to administer Ivermectin to patients, possibly leading to the patients' deaths.

I am consulting on 20 major actions in 8 states against governors, hospitals, and mayors.  Did you know that not single penny has been paid to me by a single Plaintiffs under any requried condition?  Such a fact is my honor to help the nation.

I am nearing filing a lawsuit against the FDA over its rule to allow researchers to include us in their biomedical research without informing us that we are actually involved in a research project.

Within the next two weeks, we will see nursing students filing declaratory judgment requests against MAJOR universities requiring the COVID shots.  The schools CANNOT require that student surrender their 14th amendment due process rights as a condition of access to public education. If the student is injured, they are restricted from seeking judicial relief (due process) over that injury, and the Supreme Court had long held such a requirement is unconstitutional.

I can't thank all of you enough who are supporting my dream to save this nation from medical tyranny, and we are quickly approaching the day when our rights will be restored.  FACT: no governor, hospital, mayor, or other defendant in a case that I'm consulting on claimed the right to require a person to participate in the EUA drug.  No JOKE.  They claim the drug was not under EUA, which claim is not only baseless but mental!


Happy Resurrection Day!

March 31st, 2024

Today, I celebrate the resurrection of Christ, who has truly redeemed my life.  I was born into a world of darkness, violence, and turmoil.  My dad went to maximum security prison when I was but a young child; my mother was a violent schizophrenic who beat me and traumatized me for years.  I was put in an orphanage at age 11 and was sleeping in ditches at 14.  However, at the age of 16, I was adopted by a full-blooded Cherokee Indian (no joke) who was a helicopter pilot, and three months later, we were all introduced to Christ in a most powerful manner.  I will never forget that night in October 1986 when I went home after that church service and knelt by my bed to pray, and instead of saying "God," my heart, mouth, and spirit said, "Father." 

I wept for hours over the joy of finally having a daddy who also happened to be my creator. The next day in school, dozens of friends said, "What has happened to you? You look different, happy!" I have never looked back because in that instant, in the blink of an eye, I was not only saved from the future judgment now coming upon the world, but I was saved from the emotional trauma of my past "AS IF" it never occurred. 

Today, you can have that same experience by asking Him to come into your heart, forgiving you of your sins, and accepting His grace and power to change you from the inside out.  Once His love changes your inside, your outside circumstances will also change.

Happy Easter, all.

FDA Rule Challenge Update

March 29th, 2024

I will start next week on the complaint challenging the FDA of its rule allowing governments and corporations to include us in biomedical research projects outside of our knowledge and voluntary consent.  I'm 100% confident the rule cannot withstand judicial scrutiny because this rule is new in that never before has the federal government allowed nonconsensual participation in biomedical research w/o our informed consent when our private identifiable information is known.

The FDA's allowing our private identifiable information to be collected and known by the researcher allows the sponsor of the biomedical research to "physically" touch us with research for the first time since Senator Kennedy passed the 1974 National Research Act. Moreover, the new rule directly conflicts with existing federal laws passed by the US Congress and our federal constitution.

For example, if you are injured by the research, how do you know the injury is a byproduct of that research, and then how do you know who to sue for that injury? The rule nullifies your fundamental right to due process under the 5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution. The federal courts will strike down this rule.

Thank you all for your donations, and though I'm only halfway through reaching my $25k goal for this project, I'm moving forward as if the financial needs will be met because the need to rescind this rule is an emergency for all of our benefit.'


Brian Ward

FDA Rule Challenge Update

March 29th, 2024

I will start on the complaint challenging the FDA of its rule allowing governments and corporations to include us in biomedical research projects outside of our knowledge and voluntary consent.  I'm 100% confident the rule cannot withstand judicial scrutiny because this rule is new in that never before has the federal government allowed nonconsensual participation in biomedical research w/o our informed consent when our private identifiable information is known.

The FDA's allowing our private identifiable information to be collected and known by the researcher allows the sponsor of the biomedical research to "physically" touch us with research for the first time since Senator Kennedy passed the 1974 National Research Act. Moreover, the new rule directly conflicts with existing federal laws passed by the US Congress and our federal constitution.

For example, if you are injured by the research, how do you know the injury is a byproduct of that research, and then how do you know who to sue for that injury? The rule nullifies your fundamental right to due process under the 5th and 14th Amendments to the Constitution. The federal courts will strike down this rule.

Thank you all for your donations, and though I'm only halfway through reaching my $25k goal for this project, I'm moving forward as if the financial needs will be met because the need to rescind this rule is an emergency for all of our benefit.'


Brian Ward

Congress Update

March 24th, 2024

I wrote and then hand-delivered the following report to more than 21 members of Congress with the help of our nation's finest warriors (retired military). 

More to come in the next two weeks. Thank you all for believing in the cause.


February Update

February 10th, 2024


I just helped on the 17th lawsuit, with at least 5 more in the works.  We now have lawsuits in CA, CO, WA, OR, TX, and PA, with SC, MA, and MO inbound.

Next, I'm preparing to sue the FDA over its new rule allowing for-profit companies, governments, and others to conduct biomedical research on you and or use your biomedical data without your consent or knowledge and using your private identifiable information in that process.

The FDA did not have the authority to surrender your fundamental right to privacy without your consent.  This is a direct assault on our constitutional rights that must be challenged immediately.

Merry Christmas Everyone

December 21st, 2023

First, Merry Christmas to all!  Second, I am grateful for your faith in me to win the day for our nation.

We just filed a serious action in the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, which will impact private-based employees nationally.  We argued that the PREP Act preempts private employers from inserting themselves into the decision-making process of the employee considering using a PREP Act product since it requires that individuals surrender their due process rights to seek judicial relief should they incur injury.

Consider that our lawsuit is the first in the nation to make this argument!  How far from the Tree of Liberty have we truly fallen when not even our state AGs will fight for our fundamental rights to due process?

With your help, we are moving forward daily and are now involved in 13 significant legal actions in 7 states, with three more coming in January.

Lastly, lawyers are using components of the template we released to the public last month in their complaints.  It's a good day, and you can be excited knowing you are involved in action, not just talk!

Template finalized

November 22nd, 2023

We released the template to the world this week and will soon start filing them ourselves. View at the link below! Thank you all for your financial support.  We have more to come because of you! 

Happy November Everyone

November 1st, 2023

We are close to filing our first declaratory judgment request and injunctive relief.  The template is nearly finished, and we hope to file next week, with many more filing across the nation in the coming weeks.  You can visit to see the other lawsuits I'm involved in, including the latest against Governor Newsom.

Thank you all for your support, and I think I haven't even started my "official" funding effort yet!

Update #2

October 10th, 2023

I've held several meetings with lawyers over the last few days.  They are ready to start on the project in what appears to be at least 12 states.  These types of legal actions take about 15 days to finalize because one must demonstrate that there is irreparable harm if the courts do not act swiftly.  Therefore, we hope to end the madness within 30 days.  I am cutting a video to publish towards the end of the week to start pushing the fundraising.  Thank you for being so supportive, and know that action is coming swiftly.

Update #1

October 1st, 2023

Thank you all for the donations as we ramp up the funding efforts so that we can ramp up the legal efforts.

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